A Chama da Ascensão


Quarta-feira, 12 / 06 / 19

What Can Apple Cider Vinegar Do for You? ~ Dr. Joseph Mercola

What Can Apple Cider Vinegar Do for You?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola,

Contributing writer for Wake Up World.

June 12, 2019. 


Originally published at mercola.com and reproduced here with permission.
If you have a bottle of apple cider vinegar in your pantry, you very likely know how valuable this particular staple is to your health. If you are not yet familiar with the many beneficial uses of this versatile and economical home remedy, you may be interested to know it has been used successfully to treat conditions ranging from blood sugar and weight loss to acid reflux and upset stomach. Check out these nine reasons why you should keep a bottle of apple cider vinegar on hand.

How Is Apple Cider Vinegar Made?

Apple cider vinegar is an enzyme- and probiotic-rich fermented food. As the name suggests, it is made from apples, which are allowed to ferment. Making unpasteurized apple cider vinegar follows a process similar to the one used for making other homemade fermented brews, such as kombucha. Below is a high-level overview of a more detailed “how to” process for making homemade apple cider vinegar.1
In the first step of the process, sugar is dissolved in filtered water that is then poured over a variety of coarsely chopped apples. This mixture is allowed to set at room temperature for one to two weeks until bubbles begin to appear as the sugar ferments into alcohol. (Because the sugars are digested through the fermentation process, apple cider vinegar contains very little sugar and carbohydrates, making it a very attractive food from a dietary standpoint.)
During the second step of the process, the apples are strained out and the liquid is maintained, again at room temperature, for an additional three to four weeks. At this time, the alcohol is transforming into vinegar through the action of the acetic acid bacteria — this particular acid gives vinegar its distinctive sour tang. As the bacteria do their job, a small amount of sediment will appear on the bottom of the container and the “mother” culture will form on top, which is a colony of beneficial bacteria.
In fact, you can quickly recognize organic, raw, unfiltered, unprocessed apple cider vinegar by the distinctive presence of the mother. It appears as dark, strand-like chains of cloudy bacterial foam that are actually protein enzyme molecules and probiotic bacteria. Mother can only exist in vinegar that is not pasteurized or filtered, which means you will not find it in most types of vinegar sold at the grocery store.

Nutritional Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

While at least one source2 suggests apple cider vinegar may contain the same nutrient levels as apples, such as vitamin C, B vitamins, magnesium and potassium, there is little evidence to support this assertion, particularly for pasteurized varieties. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Nutrient Database3 entry for apple cider vinegar is virtually blank and features data for calories per serving and sodium only.
Some assert unpasteurized, unfiltered varieties of apple cider vinegar, such as you’d make at home, do retain some of the beneficial nutrients present in apples. Even so, it’s the acetic acid4 — a powerful antimicrobial — and to a lesser extent, the malic acid in apple cider vinegar that act on your body in powerful, health-benefiting ways.
Apple cider vinegar also contains citric, formic, lactic and succinic acids, as well as antioxidantssuch as caffeic acid, catechin, chlorogenic acid, epicatechin and gallic acid, which fight free radicals that cause oxidative stress and promote inflammation. Following are nine suggested benefits of apple cider vinegar.5,6

 Aids in Weight Loss

Research published in the journal Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry in 2009 indicates apple cider vinegar can help you lose weight and shed body fat.7 In this study, 144 obese Japanese adults consumed either 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of vinegar or a placebo drink every day for 12 weeks. Other than restricted alcohol consumption, the participants were free to maintain their usual diet and activity levels.
As shown in the table below, consumption of 1 to 2 tablespoons of vinegar added to a beverage yielded a positive effect on weight loss and the three other measures of health that were tracked. Consuming 2 tablespoons of vinegar produced the most benefits.
 Vinegar (1 tablespoon)Vinegar (2 tablespoons)Placebo
WEIGHT CHANGE-2.6 pounds-3.7 pounds+0.9 pounds
DECREASE IN BODY FAT PERCENTAGE0.7 percent0.9 percent 
DECREASE IN TRIGLYCERIDES26 percent26 percent 
The study authors concluded, “[D]aily intake of vinegar might be useful in the prevention of metabolic syndrome by reducing obesity.”8 The weight loss is thought to be influenced by the acetic acid in vinegar, which is believed to suppress your appetite and increase your metabolism, as well as reduce water retention.9 Scientists also theorize apple cider vinegar interferes with your body’s digestion of starch, resulting in fewer calories entering your bloodstream.

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publicado por achama às 21:16
Quarta-feira, 12 / 06 / 19

Pensamento do dia para 2019/06/11 ~ Sathya Sai Baba

  Manifestações do Amor Divino!

Pensamento do dia.

Por Sathya Sai Baba

11 de junho de 2019 

Image result for sathya sai baba

O apego ao complexo sistema do corpo implica acumulação e aquisição de coisas que atendem às suas necessidades e ganância. 

A acumulação promove a exploração e não pode obter a Graça. 

Ela não tem limite! Um lago pode ser preenchido com uma garoa? 

Brasas ardentes podem ser produzidas pela queima de grama? 

A sede aumenta a cada gole. Sempre se pede mais. 

A acumulação de coisas, conhecimento ou fama não pode gerar nenhum bem, a menos que aquilo que for obtido seja colocado em prática para si e para os outros. 

A sabedoria para reconhecer que o corpo, no qual você acredita, é de fato apenas um instrumento controlado por você, tem que nascer em você. 

Esse é o primeiro passo para a consciência espiritual mais elevada. 

Uma pessoa pode perguntar como a renúncia e o desapego resultam em alegria. 

Descarte a noção de egoísmo enquanto estiver engajado em ações. Enquanto estiver experimentando qualquer emoção ou reação, descarte a percepção de ser um participante. 

Então, poderá estar sempre feliz. 

Assim, o desfrutador (bhogi) se transforma em uma pessoa espiritualmente avançada (yogi).

(Discurso Divino, 21 de abril de 1983)
Sathya Sai Baba.


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publicado por achama às 03:39
Quarta-feira, 12 / 06 / 19

Mainstream Media Panicked About Independent Media? ~ Joe Martino

Mainstream Media Panicked About Independent Media?

By Joe Martino

June 11, 2019.



Have you heard of the Vox ad-apocalypse? 
Essentially, after one right-wing, comedic news analyst on YouTube, Steven Crowder, was critical of some of Vox's content, Vox took it upon themselves to work towards getting Steven banned and demonetized on YouTube.. and it partly worked! 
Thus far, Crowder's YouTube channel is now demonetized, along with many other accounts (ours back in 2018), but he has not been banned entirely from YouTube. It appears that mainstream media has the power to create enough of a stink to affect the success of independent media.
Now there is a lot to discuss with this specific topic, including that Crowder is often not the most harmonious voice, but it has begged us to ask the question: is mainstream media in a state of mega panic over the success of independent media? Are they working together with social media platforms to knock out the legs of independent media? Are they simply caving to the desires of the mob?
It appears that way, and we're going to explore all the evidence in this week's episode of The Collective Evolution Show on CETV.. the attacks on independent media continue, but we'll prevail in the end!
Along with that segment we'll be doing segments on Importance of Nuance In Activism, and discussing why UFOs Are Now Mainstream and What's Next.
Help us celebrate our 10 year anniversary this June by becoming a member of CETV today!
The Controversial Science of Cloning
If I asked you whether or not cloning is already happening you might say yes, and you'd probably be right!

Arjun and I discussed the controversial science of cloning and did some research on a particular claim coming from a group called The Raelians who claim to have cloned multiple human babies and who can clone based on request!

Of course, the ethics of this, the consciousness transference element, the potential uses of cloning and what evidence there is for it is discussed as well.

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7 Proven Reasons To Eat More Blueberries

One of my favorite fruits to eat. Research confirms that eating even less than a cup of blueberries a day helps fend off heart disease, cancer, brain aging, and much more.

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Top Cancer Research Advisor Compares Wireless Radiation To Cigarettes

They told us to stop talking about GMOs, we did and things changed. They told us to stop talking about vaccines, and things are changing. They don't want us talking about 5G... but we will.. and things will change. We don't need to repeat our collective unconsciousness.

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Close Ties & Financial Entanglements: The CDC-Guaranteed Vaccine Market

Believe it or not, the vaccine marketplace has a number of guaranteed monopolies tied to it that provide a few corporations a huge amount of control over the market. That amount fo consolidated power can cause a great deal of corruption in our current state of consciousness.

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Join IONS In Creating Humanity’s Future NOW At The Possibility Accelerator Conference

Our friends over at IONS are having a consciousness expanding conference July 18-21, 2019 that will feature some incredible speakers including Rupert Sheldrake, Ervin Laszlo, Deepak Chopra and more!

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Peace & Enjoy The Day!

Joe Martino
Founder, Collective Evolution
Host, The Collective Evolution Show
Connect with me on Instagram


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publicado por achama às 03:14
Quarta-feira, 12 / 06 / 19

Self Care, Safety and Comfort ~ The Creator, Jennifer Farley

Self Care, Safety and Comfort.

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

June 11th, 2019



As you move into your new world, there will be things from the old that will beg you to stay.  

Thoughts, recurring programs from the past and yes, even people.  

One of things you need to ask yourself is, “Will keeping this help or hinder my growth and learning?”  

If the answer is no, then release it.  

It may be painful and there may be some grief involved but, settling into your new world is about self-care, safety and comfort.  You have been working so hard and for so long, you owe yourself these things!  

The Universe is behind you 100% of the way! 


Jennifer Farley





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publicado por achama às 02:58
Quarta-feira, 12 / 06 / 19

5 Signs the Illusion of Control Is Ruining Your Life and How to Stop It ~ Sherrie.

5 Signs the Illusion of Control Is Ruining Your Life and How to Stop It.

By Sherrie.

June 11th, 2019


If you think you’re in control of life, think again. The illusion of control, although sometimes positive, can have negative consequences.
Sometimes, to be honest, I believe that people who do wrong toward others are punished. Hey, maybe they are. As for me, if I fall into the illusion of control in this aspect, I spend much of my time thinking that I will be avenged at every insult or attack. That’s a waste of time.
The illusion of being in control can definitely be positive, as it gives us the confidence to handle a situation. It can also be negative because we cannot possibly handle every situation. The truth is, some things are out of our control completely. Our acceptance of this fact is important.

How the illusion of control ruins our lives

If you go even deeper than that, you find those who live every day thinking they’re in control of the entirety of their existence, which isn’t true.
There are signs that the illusion and trickery of control have taken over, pushing them toward a chaotic and stressful existence. Here are a few examples.

1. Paranoia

Paranoia is a sign that you are under the illusion that you control things. You might think you’re in control, but maybe you are just watching your life unfold naturally, good or bad. If your spells and incantations don’t work, then the illusion of control will tell you that someone has transpired to bring you bad luck.
Or they could be following you, trying to do harm, or even ruin your future. If you depend on charms or other luck bringing aspects to stay in control, you could be fooling yourself.
Your paranoia could get ridiculous if not checked. If someone you love is always paranoid, you could be dealing with someone who feels like they are losing this control they once had.

2. Dwelling in the past

Someone who dwells too long on past events may be living under the illusion that they could have controlled certain situations.
When you live your life, you make mistakes. Over time, these mistakes become part of the past. Some of them affect us and our loved ones deeply. The illusion of control makes us think that if only we could go back in time and change things, that life would be different.
And maybe life would be different, but dwelling on this fact creates a fantasy world that is unhealthy to live in. If you’re constantly reliving the past and rehearsing different ways you could have approached situations, you really are ruining your life right now.
You may even look back at “now” and wish you could have changed that too.

3. Abuse

You see this is relationships when one person tries to control the actions of another. But when it all boils down to it, you cannot really control anyone. Eventually, they will do what they want anyway.
If you notice one person in the relationship trying to control the other, this is abuse. They are also under the illusion that they are in control. They’re not really in control and they never will be.

4. Cosmetic surgery obsession

You know the ones, the women and men who keep getting facelifts, tummy tucks, and breast augmentation. Yes, those individuals can be obsessed. These people think they are in total control of how they appear and how long they will remain beautiful.
The truth is, cosmetic surgery does work, to some extent, but it cannot keep us alive forever.
We have yet to discover the fountain of youth and until we do, we will age, and we will die. That’s the simple and concise truth of the matter. Plastic surgery can ruin our lives by keeping us locked into getting more and more changes and leaving us always unsatisfied.

5. Reckless behavior

You will recognize those who suffer from the illusion of total control by their reckless behavior. These individuals actually think that they are invincible.
I thought like this when I was around 18 years old. They walk down dark alleyways, drive super fast on the freeway, and even indulge in drugs and alcohol.
They really think they are in control at all times, and they will even get furious if you try to stop them. You know these people well. You can tell by their restlessness and boredom.

How can we stop thinking this way?

It’s not easy to break out of a mindset that’s been imprinted upon us from an early age. But, if you can manage to see things from a different perspective, you can learn to actually gain self-control over your illusion of control, if you get my drift.
Utilizing self-control helps you see logic instead of fantasy. It helps you realize that you are no more powerful, invincible, immortal or lucky than the rest of us.
Once you’ve realized this fact, you can focus on really enjoying a good life. Life is full of so many wonderful things, some far out of our control. So, for what we cannot control, I hope we can reach a place of acceptance. I think there we can find the peace we so deserve.
  1. https://greatergood.berkeley.edu
  2. https://www.sciencedaily.com













About the Author: Sherrie

Sherrie is a freelance writer and artist with over 10 years of experience. She spends most of her time giving life to the renegade thoughts. As the words erupt and form new life, she knows that she is yet again free from the nagging persistence of her muse. She is a mother of three and a lifetime fan of the thought-provoking and questionable aspects of the universe.



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publicado por achama às 02:48
Quarta-feira, 12 / 06 / 19

Questioning About God. ~ Prolotheos, Valdir Soares.

Questioning About God.

Teacher: Prolotheos

Message received by Valdir Soares.

São Carlos – SP, Brazil, May 11, 2019. 

Posted June 11, 2019

Prolotheos: “I see that you have paid much attention to certain ancient existential questions about God and His relationship with human beings, especially the ones that really know Him and call themselves children, friends and even servants of God. I do encourage you to enlist these questions in our conversation, no matter how startling they may appear at first sight. So begin. Question away! 

1. Why does it Occasionally Seem that God is Indifferent?
“The impression that God is indifferent to your situation comes from your inability to see the answers God has given to your prayers and claims. If God is in fact, silent (and He might choose to be silent) it is because the right time for Him to respond has not arrived, either because the circumstances are not appropriate or because you wouldn’t, at that moment, understand His answer. You should consider that in fact, even God’s silence is an answer to you. God is never indifferent to you or your life. 

2. Why does it Occasionally Seem that God is Inconsistent?
“Again, the appearance that God is inconsistent is only a limited human impression, due to a misleading conclusion. God, in His absolute perfection, cannot ever be ultimately inconsistent with Himself. Sure, facts, and even acts of God and credit to God may sometimes appear contradicting, but ultimately, they are not. God’s logic is infinite, impenetrable, and beyond the creature’s total understanding. God’s plans unveil into His Universe Ages and you may be assured that while they now may look inconsistent, at the end of this age, they will look logical to man, even infinite, because God Himself is infinite. However, God is never, in any way, inconsistent. 

3. Why does it Ocasionally Seem that God is Inconsequential?
“Nothing God does is inconsequential. The actions of God concerning human beings are of two orders: justice and providence. Justice reveals the universal goodness, truth and beauty (perfection) of God to his children. Providence is God supplying everything that man really needs, once he has chosen to follow God’s path. Again, it is your human incapacity to see God’s actions that lead to the misconception that God could be inconsequential. All that pertains to you matters to God and He always acts in regard to your ultimate well-being. Rest assured, God is never inconsequential. 

“Thanks, my pupil, for these important questions about commonplace misconceptions about God that have troubled human beings from Job to nowadays. Simply put, God could never be indifferent, inconsistent or inconsequential, because He is, after all, perfect! However, God understands that those are questions that human beings, His children, sometimes harbor in their thoughts and, if they are sincere and honest, God is never tired of again and again answering them and showing them that He is never any of these! 

I am Prolotheos, your celestial tutor and teacher, glad that you summoned me again. Peace!”




© The 11:11 Progress Group.

Keep Before You the Goal of the Ages — Teacher Prolotheos.




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publicado por achama às 02:36
Quarta-feira, 12 / 06 / 19

How Can You Become a True Friend to the Earth? ~ Burton Smith

How Can You Become a True Friend to the Earth?

By Burton Smith.

Posted June 10, 2019 by Derek Knauss



“The Earth is in trouble.” “The Earth is dying”  “The Earth has only 30 years left”
Have you ever encountered such statements? Something is going on that will have a large effect on all of us.. But the Earth?
The Earth will be just fine. It’s been around for billions of year and will be around for billions more. The Earth knows how to survive. The Earth knows how to prosper. The Earth knows how to thrive.
But do we? Will we be around to thrive with the Earth? Will the Earth be happy with us being here?
Any way you look at it, the Earth keeps humming along, keeps growing and evolving and does just fine. But the inhabitants probably won’t find their lives as happy and comfortable as they’re used to.
Thus, the question arises: how can I live on the Earth in a way that co-operates with the Earth?  How can I know what needs to be done to assist the Earth as what is coming starts to happen? How can I live in balance on the Earth and know what to do (and how and when to do it) as these changes start to happen? How can I be a true friend to the Earth?
That last question is important. If you don’t understand that the Earth is totally aware of everything happening on the surface (and underground, and in the atmosphere) then you really need to give up old beliefs and undertake to realize that the Earth is our wise host and humans are the (not-so-wise) guests.
Just like you are conscious and aware of your environment and your circle of friends and family, so too is the Earth conscious and aware of her environment and her circle of friends and family. A very long time ago, humans were able to communicate with the Earth and understand the Earth just like you communicate with and understand your circle of friends and family. Talking with the Earth meant talking with the Earth, just like I can talk to you. Now, once again, some humans are gaining the old wisdom. And becoming truly friends of the Earth and able to assist the Earth in ways that have been lost for a long, long time.
Anyone can become a true friend of the Earth. All it takes is desire. Once that intense desire is there, the next logical step is to find what humans are capable of – what YOU are capable of – that has been lost for many centuries.
The Earth is all about balance. Whatever is done to the Earth, all of the Earth’s processes work to restore the natural balance. (And not just some things –everything!) When humans speculate and guess about ways to make the Earth produce more and more, all Earth processes are put to work balancing out whatever is done.
A simple example is insects “destroying” a crop. What kind of balance is it when insects descend on a field and eat everything? Why would the Earth do that, if the Earth is all about balance?
The “problem” is that humans see from the human point of view. They rarely make an effort to understand the point of view of the Earth, which is a much bigger picture than people let themselves see.
Farmers want to make a profit. The vast majority of farmers have the mentality of “mining the Earth” so that they can make a profit. (No judgement here – that’s just the way farms have evolved.) Healthy soil, healthy plants and healthy plant consumers are the least of their concerns. Vast acreages of a single plant type are the desired goal. When traveling in the midwestern USA, you see such acreages all around – mostly corn or soybeans.
But monocultures are not balanced. Nature works best when there is a community of different plants supporting each other. What happens to vast fields of one single plant type can be thought of as similar to what happens to royalty who marry within their own family. They don’t allow outsiders. This causes plants to struggle and grow weak because of the lack of a supporting community of multiple plant types. When plants become weak, they attract insects.
Insects can be considered predators and the plants are prey. It is well-known that predators don’t go after the strong members of a prey group. They attack the weakest, which culls out the weaker members and leaves only the strong to continue propogating.
Insects provide balance by removing the weak plants leaving only strong plants to propogate. But in a monoculture, they are ALL weak plants. And weak plants also cannot contribute to the health of the soil. Thus, the soil gets worse, the plants get weaker and the cycle continues. Eventually, we will end up with food shortages.
That is just one example of how human ignorance can create crises.
Note that this is NOT a crisis from the point of view of the Earth, although it may be seen as a crisis by humans. And whose fault are such crises?
Not the Earth.
So how do we work with the Earth to become a true friend of the Earth? How do we become aware of what is happening on the Earth? How do we actually communicate with the Earth? And get our own answers of how to live in such balance that we don’t attract crises? Is it even possible?
The answer is unequivocally YES. Anyone can do it. YOU can do it.
…Burton Smith

Twitter @earth_know

Want to learn how you can connect (I mean, really connect) with Nature to create a deep partnership? If so, then click here for a free 4-day email course: 


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
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publicado por achama às 02:27
Quarta-feira, 12 / 06 / 19

BE IN THE FLOW ~ Kate Spreckley


Kate Spreckley's Inspiration.


daily inspiration 11 june 2019.

The Earth’s atmosphere is being flooded with divine light shifting and expanding us into a more spiritually evolved field of consciousness. This field is amplifying the energy moving within our energy field. As the new reality grids embed themselves within the body of the Earth so do they embed themselves within us. As we integrate these grids a higher frequency energy pattern will emerge reflecting the new reality we are embodying.
Now is the time to be of the world but not in it. To move through it but not be defined by it. To be in the flow of life but unattached to it. To honour what has been and to make peace with the past. To actively re-assess your life and find a new form for the future. As you do so you will open to an abundance of new energy and power that will inspire you to act on the divine impulses, which are pushing you to dream and create a new life into being. Allow the ancient wisdom and truth of your soul to show you the way.
Much love,

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publicado por achama às 02:09
Quarta-feira, 12 / 06 / 19

Ultimate Enjoyment ~ Steve Beckow

Ultimate Enjoyment.

By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia.

June 10, 2019. 

Bliss at Burning Man

I awoke at 2:45 this morning in the second of my two days off.
And I asked myself, “What now?”
It usually takes me two hours to fall back to sleep. What do I do with the time? Meditate? Write? Organize?
And I realized that what I sought at that moment – if I was to put it in a single word – was enjoyment. And then I flashed on the thought that enjoyment is what all people seek.
What then gives ultimate enjoyment all the time? Why, both higher dimensional love and bliss.
Why then am I thinking of getting enjoyment from eating things or seeing things or doing things?
I go direct to the Source. I seek ultimate enjoyment in the form of bliss.
All I have to do to experience that bliss (granted that my heart has been opened) is draw it up a long, slow breath from my heart.  It comes. Where I drop out is I don’t do the exercise (or any exercise) often enough. I should be focusing on it.

One and a half hours to go before I fall back to sleep. What will I do? Draw up bliss from my heart.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 02:00
Quarta-feira, 12 / 06 / 19

5D Shift: Exposing the Myth of the “Critical Mass” Ascension ~ Open

5D Shift: Exposing the Myth of the “Critical Mass” Ascension.

By Open

Contributing writer for Wake Up World.

June 10th, 2019. 




Originally published at www.openhandweb.org and reproduced here with permission.
It’s fine that we have distortion in our philosophy. Everything is a perspective, there are no absolutes in relativistic reality. However, what can be severely limiting and derailing, is where a myth becomes an accepted norm within the group consciousness. Particularly one that might prevent people from empowering themselves by following their own path, their own trajectory, and in their own time. Such, I maintain, is the illusion of the idea that, ‘humanity will ascend when there is a critical mass of people to cause a collective shift into the New Paradigm’. The history of previous shifts through the aeons does NOT bear witness to this. So how do Shifts really work?
I should begin by saying, just like anyone else, I am only able to share a perspective on truth, not the ABSOLUTE truth, because that can only be experienced. However, I do call on a good deal of experience from similar shifts in other constellations. I invite you to keep an open mind and heart and find your own truth in relation to what I am about to share.

The Absolute Miracle of Relativity, of Life!

Ever since I’ve been exploring and sharing the current Shift phenomenon here on Earth, I’ve frequently come across, what seems to be, a widely held view that Humanity’s Ascension will happen all together, and when there is a ‘critical mass’ of consciousness to ‘swing the balance’ and ‘raise collective vibration’ into the New Paradigm. And that this will happen due to some major “Event”, such as plasma irradiation from the sun or the Pole Shift or the like. There are plenty of solid reasons why this is a myth, and I’ve personally witnessed in spiritual work how it derails and limits people. Not to say that these events won’t have essential roles to play in The Shift, I believe they will. Just not in the way they’re often spoken of in the spiritual mainstream.
For me, it all boils down to a basic phenomenon of the Universe, which is Realisation and Actualisation of The Self. Life appeared the moment that the singularity exploded into relativity of consciousness – ‘this’ and ‘that’, as waves of awareness that simply arose. This inevitable emergence (given the nature of infinite time, because there is no time) then cascaded outwards as the big bang and progressively condensed into the vast myriad of form we now witness in the known Universe. An absolute miracle!
Time is an illusion, because all is happening in one moment of now. The whole space-time-continuummoves together, which is why you can still have trajectory.  It’s why there is still a previous configuration of the entirety, which we call ‘the past’, and a future configuration that we are moving into – which we can call ‘future landing now’. It means you can get on the bus at point A, travel to work, and at a given amount of ‘time’ later, reasonably expect to be sitting at your desk. So the whole Universe is moving together and yet reconfiguring and morphing in the moment.

The Dynamic of Light and Dark

Within this dynamic ‘the light’, which we may call ‘Unity Consciousness‘ (the memory of the original condition of Oneness) is interweaving through the ‘dark’, what we might call ‘Separation Consciousness’ (‘light and dark are contained within parentheses so as to invite non judgment or polarity causing the limitation of identification with either). Collectively, this dynamic has taken the form of the Universal Torus of interweaving Unity and Separation consciousness. By carefully witnessing the dynamic in consciousness, within, you can clearly see there are places where the light gets stuck within the separation, which thereby causes a dimming – a ‘tightness’ – resulting in the sense of disconnect from The One, from the Source, what we might call ‘the original condition of oneness’.
These distortions or ‘blind spots’ create polarity by bending space time around them. Reality is created this way around the exploration of such ‘karma’. And souls as waves of light are drawn into the density by the Universal Law of Attraction in order to bring deeper awareness into the distortion. Thus, ‘shining the light’ unravels the distortion. But actually, what this really means, is that souls are drawn by their own unconsciousness, their own karma, which mirrors a blind spot contained within the collective karmic construct. By working their way through, and unravelling aligned truth within the distortion, light is now infused through that previously dim spot in consciousness.

All At Different Places of Realisation

Importantly all souls are all at different points in their journey – in their journey of remembering and realisation. Some will have been born very early (an earlier form) in the cascading universal dynamic. Others much later (a later form of the space time continuum). Some will have already worked through deep complexity of the relativistic dynamic, others will be reaching the point where they have become basically ‘awake‘. So throughout history you get souls that clearly stand out from the collective in terms of their awakeness, such as the Buddha, or Jesus for example (not to mention plenty of others). It is not that they are any more special than anyone else, simply that they have travelled through enough experience through the space-time-continuum to be able to shed light on what’s taking place around them, and others resonate with what they feel emanting from them.
And whichever ‘master’ you care to consider, they are all at unique points on their journey and all expressing uniquely, based on their own experience. Because each is at a different stage in their evolution. And this leads to the main point of my article:
The soul is on a progressive journey of realisation and actualisation of The One. Each is at a different stage of that emergence. Whilst we might come together into a collective construct, each one of us is in unique circumstances of their making with unique karma to unravel through. If one soul could realise your journey for you, if your journey was identical to the journey of another, then by the Law of Attraction, both souls would merge into one another and become one, with no separation. Life can only be sustained by the difference, by relativity, no matter how subtle. What this means is that a soul can only shift vibration into another vibrational frequency when it is ready to, when it has journied and realised enough to sustain the higher vibration.
Another soul may be able to reflect a resonant light, or particular collective circumstances may cause plenty to start activating, but each soul is embarked on a unique journey. Each soul is learning and evolving at its own speed. If another soul could realise for you, then that negates your own journey, your own reason for being. You simply wouldn’t exist!

Forging the Soul

For anyone whose been involved in intensive spiritual work, they will surely tell you that the journey is challenging and mysterious. That each step is crafted through the deep exploration and inquiry of consciousness. That true progress can often be a nitty gritty, painstaking phenomenon, of uncovering the veils of distortion through challenging circumstances and thereby progressively forging the soul. This is the majesty of self realisation. You determine your unique sovereignty by forging the soul in the crucible of life. To suggest that the shift by those around you can suddenly negate all of this painstaking work, all of this crafting and honing, all of this personal karma, all of this dedication, is not only naive, but also dishonouring of the journey of realisation that each soul is weaving.
How would the salmon ever become the miracle that it is, without its own majestic forging up the river of life, back to the source of its own essence?
What we can say however, is that one ‘salmon’ will inspire another. When Roger Bannister did the unthinkable in the 1950s and broke the 4 minute mile, it precipitated a plethora of others to do the same in the years that followed. BUT, each still had to do the work, still put in the miles, still forge muscles, expand heart and lung capacity in order to achieve the same. So it precipitated a wave of people who inspired each other. Collective events that inspire and resonate soul can do that, yes. But each person still has to do the necessary work.

A Clear Point of Divergence Has Begun

To me, what clearly defines our Ascension right now, is that a wave of people who have a sense of what is unfolding, can feel the inner calling driving them forwards into the light, who are prepared to put in the daily commitment of work to forge sovereignty of soul. In my observation, they are doing so because they realise the urgency of the current situation and the majesty of what is possible. At these times of great challenge and change, I ask you, what else is there truly worthwhile to do?
So what of some great ‘event’, such as the Pole Shift or Powerful Solar Transformation?
When the collective (those who are truly exploring) gets wind of the potential for dramatic change to our reality, then they pick up the impetus, they pick up the calling and motivation. As other ‘salmon’ begin the journey back to the source, so it inspires them to do the same. Hence you get a wave of souls moving forwards approximately ‘together’. And since there will be similar karmic lessons common to all, then people will be able to resonate amongst each other. And this is wonderful, it fosters tremendous sense of community and belonging – of the great adventure. BUT, nevertheless, each must work to run the ‘4 minute mile’ in their own unique way, by forging the ‘muscles’ in their own ‘legs’.
Do not be fooled, no one else, nor any particular ‘event’, can do that for you. Although yes, I agree, a strong wave of resonance can animate the soul and inspire other people around you.
Right now what I witness happening out their in society is the beginnings of a divergence. As I shared in my recent article about the Revelations of the Hopi Prophecy, there is clearly a vast body of people either unconsciously, or with a degree of awareness, heading into a high tech, ‘SMART’, synthetic reality. You can witness this progressively enfolding plenty around you, whether at the bus stop, the restaurant, at work, home, and even in the deepest countryside. Then there are others who see past the illusion of this mental captivation; that the smoke and mirrors point not to greater freedom of choice, but greater channeling and confinement – a swallowing of sovereignty.

Progressive Levels of Awakening

However, let’s also be clear about ‘awakening’. Awakening to the illusion of the matrix is NOT the same as awakening to the soul. And awakening to the soul, is NOT the same as following the soul. In other words, as Openhand shared in the 5GATEWAYS film, there are progressive levels of awakening. It is my clear contention that there are plenty out there ‘pointing at the moon’, but not digging deep enough within, to discover true ‘heaven’. I call the phenomenon because there’s a tremendous amount of distraction pointing to solutions ‘out there’ or fixing the external, when the causality is on the internal. Waiting for the ‘cabal’ to fall for example ‘so that freedom may truly happen’. Or waiting for ET disclosure ‘out there’, when the real influences are happening inside within the unconscious shadows.
So we’ve reached a determination point, a divergence is beginning to happen. As spiritually incorrect as this may seem for me to call it, nevertheless, it’s the truth that I clearly witness. A wave of souls is clearly beginning to move – I can feel it all around me in the ether. And I witness it in the small groups of quietly dedicated and committed people around the world. It’s happening beyond the hype, the surface fizz, the glitz and the glamour. What do you honestly witness?

Let’s Inspire and Motivate Each Other

My calling is for us to inspire each other, yes. Let us reflect the circumstances of our own journey so others may gain resonance for theirs. Let us engage in community and inspire each other in the great adventure. But at the same time, remember, this is a journey of realisation of your own unique soul. Only you can decide to take the steps necessary. Only you can shine the light through your particular circumstances in your own unique way. Only you can find the grace and the grit to push through the necessary layers that are yours alone.
That is your blessing. Your particular miracle that only you can realise. It’s what gives each meaning and purpose. Let us celebrate in the phenomenal diversity of life, this majesty created by the relativity, by our uniqueness, and inspire those to the left and right of you. Onwards and upwards!
“You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour.  And there are things to be considered . . .
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.”
Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, “This could be a good time!”
  “There is a river flowing now very fast.  It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.  They will try to hold on to the shore.   They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly.
    “Know the river has its destination.  The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water.   And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.  At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, Least of all ourselves.  For the moment that we do,  our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
   “The time for the lone wolf is over.  Gather yourselves!  Banish the word struggle from you attitude and your vocabulary.  All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. 
   “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”
— attributed to an unnamed Hopi elder
Hopi Nation
Oraibi, Arizona
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About the author:

Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.
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Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 01:41
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Junho 2019


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