A Chama da Ascensão


Domingo, 09 / 06 / 19

Pensamento do dia para 2019/06/08 ~ Sathya Sai Baba

  Manifestações do Amor Divino!

Pensamento do dia.

Por Sathya Sai Baba

8 de junho de 2019 

Image result for sathya sai baba

Em primeiro lugar, você deve demonstrar gratidão aos seus pais, amá-los e respeitá-los. 

Seu sangue, comida, cabeça e dinheiro: todos esses são os presentes de seus pais. 

Você não recebe essas dádivas diretamente de Deus. 

Tudo o que está relacionado a Deus é apenas uma experiência indireta. 

São apenas os pais que você pode ver diretamente e cujo amor pode sentir. 

As crianças só podem entender o significado das palavras ‘raposa’ ou ‘cão’ depois de ver suas fotos. 

Da mesma forma, é somente depois de ver os pais que se pode entender a existência de Deus. 

Somente quando você ama e respeita seus pais, você pode entender o amor dos Pais Divinos (Jagatmata e Jagatpita). 

Isto é o que Eu digo com frequência: 
se você entender o princípio do ‘eu’ em você, entenderá o ‘eu’ em todos. 

A individualidade (vyashti) emergiu da sociedade (samashti), a sociedade surgiu da criação (srushti) e a criação, do Criador (Parameshti). 

Somente quando você entender o princípio da criação, você conseguirá entender o Criador.

(Discurso Divino, 6 de maio de 1999)
Sathya Sai Baba.


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publicado por achama às 00:40
Domingo, 09 / 06 / 19

4 Signs of Overconfidence Bias and How It Affects You Judgement ~ Francesca F.

4 Signs of Overconfidence Bias and How It Affects You Judgement.

By Francesca F.

June 8th, 2019



Overconfidence bias is something we are all guilty of and we may not even realize how much it affects our judgment.

What is overconfidence bias?

Overconfidence bias, or the overconfidence effect, is a bias established in a person’s subjective confidence of their judgments. As a result, that person will consider their judgments as much more reliable than the objective accuracy of those judgments.

How does it affect your judgment?

Generally, overconfidence bias will give you the tendency to be more confident in your own abilities, skills, and personal character. You may see yourself as more capable than your colleagues, more knowledgeable, or even more ethical, perhaps.
There are a number of ways overconfidence can affect your judgment. It may not be as simple to assume someone who is overconfident to be full of themselves, because it can affect people differently.

1. Skills and Ranking

Overconfidence bias can affect a person’s judgmentbecause they might assume that their personal performance is greater than it truly is. This is one of the most common forms of overconfidence bias.
Generally, most people will believe that they are slightly better at something than they really are and we are unlikely to admit when we are not as good as we would like to be.
This can lead people into two main pitfalls. First, overconfidence in skills leads people to believe they are more highly skilled than colleagues. Although not necessarily a problem in itself, this can then cause people to deem themselves more important within a company or group.
Even more dangerous, however, they may take on too much risk. This is obviously a danger when that person’s skills do not match up to their beliefs.

2. Illusion of Control

The illusion of control happens when people believe they have more control over a situation than they actually do. We don’t like to admit when we do not have control over a situation but understanding when we don’t have control is an important skill.
Without the ability to recognize the level of control we have, we cannot properly manage a situation. Again, this leads to people taking too much risk, or not accurately assessing the risk in front of them.
Moreover, it can also be the case that someone with this type of overconfidence bias believes that they have more sway or persuasion with the management of a company.

3. Timing Optimism

Timing optimism is an interesting overconfidence bias and links with overconfidence in skills and in the ranking. Timing optimism occurs when people are too optimistic about how quickly they can perform a task.
This can lead to critical mistakes in the work itself and the missing of deadlines when it takes longer than people estimate for themselves to complete.

4. The Desirability Effect

The desirability effect happens when the outcome of a situation is so desirable that people overestimate the odds of that thing actually happening.
More commonly known as wishful thinking, the desirability effect leads to a number of different mistakes and behaviors simply because we believe our desired outcome will come true.

How can we restrain overconfidence bias?

The truth is, almost everyone suffers from some kind of overconfidence bias in varying degrees. The most difficult part is that it is easier to recognize in others than it is in ourselves. This makes it hard to manage our overconfidence biases so that we work more objectively and responsibly.
There are, however, a few simple things you can do to mitigate your own biases and make sure you stay as unbiased as possible.

Take time to focus on what can go wrong.

Without fully understanding the risks, you cannot mitigate them. By spending time on the worst-case scenario, you can create a proper plan to avoid them, but also to manage them should they happen. This will minimize risk and allow you to focus on the outcome you want.

Try not to focus on the outcome.

Once you have settled on the outcome you want, try not to think about it. Although this seems counterintuitive, keeping your thinking present focuses you on what is needed right now, not what you want. This will keep your thinking much more realistic and more likely to achieve.

Always try to overestimate your timings when planning a project.

Work is always better done when more time is spent on it rather than less. Give yourself a little bit more time than your first estimate. Double it if you can. The more time you give yourself, the less chance you take of missing a deadline.

Try to be humble.

Roger Lowenstein wrote that “there is nothing like success to blind one to the possibility of failure.” Don’t let your past success, or even wish for success, blind you to the realities of a situation. You may not be the best in the room at something and it’s okay to ask for help. Give yourself the best chance.
Keeping yourself responsible and objective can be difficult, but these steps can help you eradicate your overconfidence bias and ensure success. It can be difficult to put in place at first and will take practice. Yet, the more you practice, these steps, the less biased you will become.








About the Author: Francesca F.

Francesca is a freelance writer currently studying a degree in Law and Philosophy. She has written for several blogs in a range of subjects across Lifestyle, Relationships and Health and Fitness. Her main pursuits are learning new innovative ways of keeping fit and healthy, as well as broadening her knowledge in as many areas as possible in order to achieve success.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 00:22
Domingo, 09 / 06 / 19

Do Not Give Up ~ The Creator, Jennifer Farley

Do Not Give Up.

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

June 8th, 2019



The Universe knows that some of you may be experiencing a bit of a rough ride.  

The changes you are going through now are challenging…it may be frustrating and stress-inducing.  

The Universe also wants you to know that you are going to be okay!  

Again, this is not being done to ‘teach you a lesson’ or ‘punish you’.  

Every part of you is being shown a much different way of looking at things and the human brain will, on occasion, have a hard time adapting.  

You are being asked to release judgement of yourself (and others), remember to breathe and know that, once this wave is over, some great strides toward the existence you have been longing for will be attained.  

Do not give up, you are doing an amazing job! 


Jennifer Farley





Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 00:11
Sábado, 08 / 06 / 19

Here’s the current state of play, change IS finally happening! ~ Benjamin Fulford Interview, Prepare for Change.

Here’s the current state of play, change IS finally happening!

Benjamin Fulford Interview

By Prepare for Change.


Posted June 7, 2019 by Richard Small


In this episode recorded on the 6th June 2019, we discuss what’s happening currently, what can we see changing especially at the top! FISA is due, but this will only implicate the lower level lackeys. Therefore it’s the changes like Cardinal Pell being arrested, he was in charge of the Vatican bank, the worlds corrupt purse strings of world leaders. Banks are being shut down for extended periods of time against BIS rules in Asia. Clearly, there is a sea change going on at the tippy top, which is positive indications that we’ll see change for us!
Also, Benjamin is hearing from the intelligence communities that something big is likely to happen either this month or possibly later in September.
The old system IS collapsing and we’re seeing the death throes of the old guard. Until we’re finally fully liberated, we must keep applying pressure to the old system.
For previous releases in this long-running series of interviews:
Let’s take our cue from Benjamin Fulford and turn our world into a wonderful place!
As Benjamin says, don’t just sit on the sidelines, pick up the phone and call your elected officials and respectfully demand answers to these gross atrocities that have plagued our way of life for far too long. The stronger our collective voice, the quicker we affect change.
Please consider a donation
We are an all-volunteer organization. We do set aside a little money to support our website, but nearly all of your donations to PrepareForChange.net support about 460 children in an orphanage we funded in Malawi, Africa.
Think about donating to these children, who have lost their parents. You can donate here.
Prepare For Change would also like to thank Miss Merrilee for providing our interview announcements, such a gracious and wonderful lady! To see her own shows please check out themerrileeshow.com
As always try to raise your vibration and remain loving to one another, we’re all one, and we’re all going to bring about a new world!

Benjamin's site:

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 13:59
Sábado, 08 / 06 / 19

The influx of the Upper Light is ending with the old cycles. ~ The Collective, Oceana Ryan.

The influx of the Upper Light is ending with the old cycles.

A Message to Lightworkers.

From the Collective of Guides,

via Caroline Oceana Ryan.

June 7th, 2019. 




This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.
And we see that among the many daily pressures and expectations you hold yourself accountable for, you are also dealing with powerful Light data flowing in from various parts of your Universe, including your own souls.
Understand that in these days of solar flares and solar winds, and astrological shifts that impact humankind in numerous ways–upending the old cycles and patterns that have been in place for millennia, and drawing in new and higher forms of experience—that your own souls are also answering to this influx of higher Light.
Their messages reach you on a cellular level, which you then download and decode as you sleep, as well as during your waking hours.
These inform you of the various aspects of your soul mission that have been ongoing, though unseen by you until this time in your Earth life.
Though mainly unseen, you and your fellow Light Bearers came in with rare and powerful Earth missions.
These energies are not trying to hide from you their deeper meanings and unknown languages.

They are beyond language as you know it, and are flowing into your every cell, to not only upgrade your Earth self into the New Human forms, but to enlighten your Earth consciousness.
We are aware that this can feel to be causing a bit of a cataclysm some days.
You are not only bearing up under the strain of this drastic shift, but dealing with the outer results of these energy shifts in your own life.
You will not now draw to you the same kinds of circumstances that you have created for so long in this and other Earth lives.
Your co-Creations will now take on a whole other shape—one that serves the Light on a higher level than previously.
And so at first, it may seem that you are in a sort of earthquake, where nothing is so stable as you once thought.
You may have recently faced or are facing a health or financial crisis, or lost your home, your job or your business.
You may be seeing either new or old relationships falling by the wayside, as if they never quite belonged to you.
Even your clothing may not feel right to you anymore—not the right styles or colors.
You may be having intuitive moments where you feel, almost for no known reason, that your entire economic system will have shifted by a particular time in the future.
Or that housing and energy sources will transform by a particular time in your life, even if you don’t see that happening yet as a mass movement.
You may also be wondering why, if your cells are holding more Light, you don’t seem to be getting younger or healthier.
Wondering why you seem to be more tired, sadder and more fatigued some days rather than less.
You may even be asking, “Why did I even come here at this time?” as one shift after another affects your entire being.
We would say, that this is entirely normal and understandable. Yet we would like you to move beyond that moment by offering yourself and your entire transformative process as much patience and support as possible.
You have been asking why Life seems so strange now, why things don’t fit or flow the way they used to, and why so much seems to be asked of you that it feels to be far too much some days.
And that is because you are correct—all has changed, and is continuing to change. 
Life is not at all as it was, and will never be again.
These are the shifts you have required, demanded, requested of your own souls and the Universe, not quite realizing that in shifting the Earth and your own resonance out of the lower frequencies, much would be required of you beyond what you were offering at the time.
As you view great corruption in religious, financial, governmental, and other institutions, and require that the Universal forces shift humanity out of that experience, understand that humanity itself must shift first, in order for that to happen.
Photo by Jennifer Scalia
For as you know, all that is experienced is called in by the overriding vibration of the one doing the creating.
So that in asking for no more corruption in “high” places, you were requiring a shift in Earth’s timeline that in turn, required a shift in your owntimelines—an upward swing in vibration.
Otherwise, the criminality, the violence, the ongoing humiliations, lies and degradations would only continue.
You may understandably be feeling that it was the vibrations of the old “power crowd” that needed to shift, not your own!
It may have left you wondering, what in the world is happening, that youare the one undergoing a series of shocks—rather than theybeing the ones to experience the shakeup?
We assure you, those perpetrating crimes upon the Earth and throughout the Universe are most assuredly feeling the results of the very shifts you yourselves came in to participate in.
You didn’t come in to simply observe these shifts—that would not be in keeping with your Light Bearer/Earth Changer roles.
You came in to raise the vibration you had sustained for so long on the Earth, to move it to higher levels, to higher octaves than what you had experienced in other lives while in a human body.
And in doing so, you have shifted all around you, including those areas of life that you send Light to daily—the darker, denser aspects of life that you have never understood, never wanted to even look at, let alone realize you may have supported in one Earth life or another.
You came for your own soul growth, undoubtedly.
Yet in a larger sense, you came to assist the soul growth of the planet.
Though you may think of Archangels, benevolent and highly evolved ETs, and Ascended Masters as being well ahead of you, you would not be here on the Earth now if you did not resonate with their reality, their outlook, their amazing gifts and wisdom.
There is an aspect of your spirit and soul that not only understand these beautifully Light-constructed ways, but sees through every Earth circumstance as an opportunity to Love more—to Love yourself, Love others, Love the Earth and all who aid Her now, more powerfully and in ways that heal and transmute.
That is a very different response than feeling let down by life—hampered or oppressed or denied what you need.
The Universe does not wish to take good things from you, and is not doing so.
You and your higher self are in the process of prying your grip off of what you have previously thought you needed yet which no longer suits your increasing vibration, till there is little left but what you really require—even if, for a while, that is only the breath in your body.
At that level, all is clear. You live in the Present moment, and see your true self, minus ego attachments and outer labels.
You view life as a moment-to-moment existence that can only bring you more Joy, more fulfillment, more beauty, more Love.
Not only because good things are headed for your doorstep, but because it is you yourself who are creating all of that, minus the veil set in place so long ago by a false self, created to be a minion in someone else’s empire.
Does the slave resent the losses experienced when the master disappears, or is imprisoned?
In that moment of realization of freedom, there is a fear that life is not as it was, that familiar sights and persons might not be there anymore, that regular meals might disappear, scant though they were.
Your ego-mind will most assuredly be alarmed at the release of old forms, energies, thoughts and manufactured belief systems that, though not terribly inspiring or fulfilling, have nevertheless been what you have expected and known for millennia.
And so as you travel this new territory—this newly created corner of the Universe—we ask that you release the need for things to be as they were.
That you flow with the stream of higher Light happening all around you.
Resistance to inner and outer Change—resistance to the shift of frequencies on the planet and within yourself—will only make this transformation all the more demanding, bringing on a feeling of energy drain and loss.
We would say, if you can image each day, particularly while in the shower or bath, or while swimming, that you are flowing down a river of Light, and that that river is flowing out to a beautiful, brilliant blue sea, full of higher Light and the energies that create new worlds—this will assist you in knowing that despite outer appearances and inner resistance at times, All Is Well.
Likewise, sitting, walking or lying up on the Earth each day and experiencing Her Love for you, and giving to Her all you can no longer carry, will also relieve you of the feelings of overwhelm or strangeness at this new life you are building.
Is this the simplest road to travel—the most cheerful and lightest you could have chosen?
No, dear ones. Yet it is the most astounding, most new-birth-oriented, and most miraculous one you knew of.
You have chosen this path, and it thanks you, as the Earth and all Her beings thank you.
You have come here with great purpose, and you shall not be held back from its completion.
Namaste, friends! We are with you, always.
Copyright Caroline Oceana Ryan 2019.

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 13:38
Sábado, 08 / 06 / 19

Sweeping waves of change are coming to the earth. ~ Mira, Valerie Donner.

Sweeping waves of change are coming to the earth.

Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council

Through Valerie Donner.

June 4th, 2019




Greetings, I am Mira. I am pleased to update you today.
There is much on the horizon. The energies coming to the earth are broad and swift, sweeping waves of change. They require receptivity and we know that some are not really ready for what is being given.
The sensitive ones like the ground crew are challenged more than others. Your bodies are transducing miraculous amounts of crystalline light. Your light bodies are upwelling into increasingly powerful energies. You are the points of light that are uplifting the planet. You are the preparers of change and the wayshowers of a new way of living on the earth.
We are working closely with you and also communicate with the influencing energies that are being released through the sun, the photonic energies, etc. that are affecting the magnetic fields of the planet and all of life. We don’t want these energies to overwhelm you and we thank you for your patience.
Remember that you have been prepared for these times and it has also been a bit of an experiment to see how the bodies can stay on a planet during an ascension process. As most of you know, usually when a planet ascends there is no life left on a planet–the planet goes nova. You are an exception.
Little by little the planet and you are ascending. The pace has been increased in the last couple of months. You are being given lots of assistance and healing but this requires an unusual amount of rest. Please give this rest to yourselves because you are being upgraded. You need this rest to assimilate these energies so that you can take on more of your powerful work that you came to the planet to do.
Please understand that the work you are doing on yourselves is significant. Follow the pain in the body. Trace its origins from past lives or to current ones. See how much more sensitive you have become. Tune into the emotions and release as much of the past as you can. Let nothing stop you from clearing what needs to be released. It is a part of the ascension process.
Free your heart and soul from the separation and pain that has encumbered you in this or past incarnations. Stop pushing yourself like a work horse and forcing yourself like you did when you were in the third dimension. Let the softer, more feminine energies, assist you in receiving. There is no one to blame for how you have lived. It is part of the third dimensional experience. Bring in balance between your divine feminine and your divine masculine. It is all a part of who you are and will facilitate you becoming all that you can be.
We stand in line assisting you along with many other Galactics, and beings from the Light Realms. We see you becoming free and polishing up your sparkly new selves. This is an amazing process of which we are a part.
I am Mira and am a part of your Galactic Family of Light. We send you our blessings and marvel at your progress. We are with you.

Valerie Donner


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 13:20
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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