A Chama da Ascensão


Segunda-feira, 13 / 05 / 19

Take A Moment… ~ The Creator, Jennifer Farley.


Take A Moment…

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

May 13th, 2019



Take a moment today and think, really think about how you choose to move through and present yourself to the world.  This may seem like a pointless exercise that you want to skip over but, really think about it!  Do you spend it kvetching and blaming others for your difficulties, do you have the feeling that everything bad happens to you or that you cannot ‘catch a break’ no matter how hard you try?  If you spend your time thinking about all the times it has happened in the past, anticipate the worst coming at you and believe it will happen again and again no matter what you do to change it, then you are missing the point!
Even though you may have heard this before, it bears repeating; you are responsible for you!  There may be outside force directing negative things toward you but, ultimately, you are responsible for you. You choose to continue there simply because it is where you have always been.  The Universe would love to say that changing your thoughts does not require any effort.  It may require a lot of effort!  However, armed with a conscious awareness and the will to change, all things are possible.  Give The Universe a chance to show you…and allow yourself to be amazed! 

Jennifer Farley




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publicado por achama às 18:04
Segunda-feira, 13 / 05 / 19

His Fabled Legions. ~ Orion, George Barnard.

 Further Notes to that Tipping Point Claim.

Teacher: Life Carrier, Orion.

Received by George Barnard.

Illawarra District, Australia, April 17, 2019.

Posted may 13, 2019.

Orion: “ . . . let me put it to you this way: We, all of us listening in, are well and truly ahead of you all. And that is why I want to take you up on the offer of working with you and with your friend. You see, very much in the vein of which you worked with Midwayers, Cherubim and others during all these years, ‘this friend of yours’ may have the opportunity to work with me or one of my extended family. Just as your Teacher, Samuel, collaborated with the chief of Panoptia’s Live Carriers in the re-design of fruit, so your friend can work with one of my brothers or with me. 

“Let me tell you now that you all and as a population are on the cusp of monumental changes and one of those changes, improvements, and most wonderful developments will be a work ethic that will soon as a matter of cause include a Celestial among your work teams as well as with individual workers. And, no, they won’t simply tell you what you want to know or what to do. In almost all instances you will come up with the potentials, but your ‘spirit helpers’ will be able to affirm your theories or say if you are on the right track. As you personally did on many occasions before the turn of this century, your friends and students will come to belong to one of ‘His Fabled Legions’ of operators. 

“It is well understood by both sides, my son, by both human and spirit, that you are a purely evolutionary breed and that you are responsible for your own progress, entirely, but for a scant little bit of important guidance. As well, it is clear that your spiritual deftness lingers far behind your wordly and mechanical progress. However, should your inroads into the secrets of eveyday life come to blossom extraordinairily, your spiritual outlook will hardly wilt in such circumstances. Remember this for all time; there is a limit to the degree a civilization will progress whilst this civilization’s spirituality lags behind. 

“Truly, my student, it is so that the Father wins every time. It may be sooner, it may be later, but inevitably the Father wins. And so His Fabled Legions of men, women and Celestials of diverse kinds will all win with Him. 

“I greet you for now and advise you to encourage the student to seek cooperation with us in her taking on such a challeging task.” 

George: “We thank you, Orion, and all of your friends listening in.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972

Tanks to

11:11 Progress Group <list@1111spiritguardians.com>


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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 17:57
Segunda-feira, 13 / 05 / 19

The Science of Intention: Recognizing the Power behind Our Intentions ~ Miranda Weindling

The Science of Intention: Recognizing the Power behind Our Intentions.

By Miranda Weindling.

Posted May 13, 2019 by Edward Morgan. 




The ideas of intention setting, daily affirmations, law of attraction and manifestation, or in the lexicon of the Yoga tradition, ‘Sankalpa’, drive towards the same idea, that if we are clear about what we really want in our lives and take some time on a regular basis to articulate it…we can ‘magic’ it in.
For many people, these ideas are far too rooted in the realms of esoteric traditions. Consequently, they dismiss them before they can even contemplate trying them. However, it’s not really magic at all. Contemporary findings in the burgeoning field of neuroplasticity outline our neurological capacity to change our beliefs, behaviours, and habits.
By drawing together this body of scientific research with how to effectively set an intention, I am endeavouring to start to scratch the surface of why a Sankalpa practice is such an effective transformational tool – and where those changes can be visibly traced in the brain, as well as the body.

The Science behind Sankalpa

Serendipitously, I first started a Sankalpa practice around the same time I encountered the concept of neuroplasticity:
Neuroplasticity simply refers to the fact that the brain is the organ that is built to change in response to experience.
There's science behind intention settingMany of us dismiss intention setting as esoteric, but there is a science behind it.
This explanation comes from psychology and psychiatry Professor, Richard Davidson, the pioneering figurehead in this field. Understanding neuroplasticity was actually what gave me the push to start – and stick with – a Sankalpa practice, as both told me that lasting change was indeed possible.This is particularly true in Davidson’s latest work and research, as the founder of the Centre for Healthy Minds. Here the research team look at ways to utilise the potentiality of neuroplasticity to induce positive change.
As the Centre’s website states:
We’re learning we can shape our brains in more adaptive and beneficial ways by cultivating healthy habits of mind…When given a challenging situation your brain hasn’t encountered before, it can reorganise and restructure to respond to that situation. The more often your brain is exposed to that new challenge – like learning a musical instrument, for instance – the more it reorganises and makes that path more established…Our brains are constantly being shaped wittingly or unwittingly – most of the time unwittingly….We’re raising the possibility to intentionally training our brains to improve well-being.
Challenge yourself!New challenges, like learning an instrument, build new neural pathways.


It was during my final year of undergrad, armed with newly acquired knowledge on neuroplasticity and a Yoga Nidra recording, that I decided to take on the overwhelming anxiety that was threatening to make me fail my degree. Having always been a shy child, I assumed that the increasing anxiety I suffered in any potentially stressful situation was just how I was wired. However, the wisdom of neuroplasticity told me that I had the brainpower to re-wire myself – this would involve taking on my thought process, so I turned my attention to my mind and the stories of fear and failure I was telling myself.Whereas neuroplasticity is neurological – and therefore begins with the brain as an organ, a Sankalpa practice is psychological – pertaining to our complex and intangible mind.

What is Sankalpa?

The Sanskrit term is traditionally translated as our existing, motivating, subconscious ‘desires.’ It is, in Freudian psychoanalytic terms, our drive. The desire that is motivating us, residing deep within the unconscious realms of our mind.
The nature of this drive, enhancing or destructive, is born out of our past experiences but is striving for constant satisfaction in the present, thus determining our future action.
In modern-day yoga, the notion of the Sankalpa has been developed into a practice, whereby we consciously set an intention. It takes the form of a simple, positive, present tense statement. By creating a practice centering on this intention or ‘resolve’ – to use the contemporary translation of Sankalpa – the aim is to choose and then change what our driving desire is.
Choose and change your driving desireThe aim of a Sankalpa practice is to choose and then change what our driving desire is.
In its very simplest expression, my anxiety came from fear, so I needed to find the antidote. I settled upon the phrase ‘I am confident.’ To the point and positive. However, just muttering ‘I am confident. I am confident. I am confident…’ to myself in a mirror wasn’t quite going to cut it. An effective intention needs to be truly felt in order to really believe it.
This is why a Sankalpa statement is often practised during meditation, as part of a visualization, or in my case a Yoga Nidra practice – the yogic sleep where the statement can be dropped into the subconscious. Effectively, an opportunity that creates a space where we can allow ourselves to really feel that the change already exists within us.

Sankalpa Practice as Neuroplastic Training

There is a distinct correlation between the basis of neuroplasticity as a means to train our brain and a Sankalpa practice that rests on the idea that we can actively choose and change our motivating drive and desires.
But there is another significant element on which they both agree: the mind-body connection. Neuroplastic research gives evidence of this psycho-physical relationship. In one of Davidson’s aptly titled talk ‘Transform your mind, change your brain: Neuroplasticity and personal transformation’ he uses the phrase ‘the embodied mind’ to encapsulate the idea that our minds and brains are not simply supported by a disembodied architecture, but rather there is bidirectional communication between the brain and the body which provides a mechanism for our minds to influence our bodies in ways that may be consequential for health.
Richard Davidson’s talk on Neuroplasticity and personal transformation.
This is why a successful Sankalpa practice asks that we actually believe our present-tense ‘I am…’ statement, so much so that it is felt in the body. You physically know what it is like in that moment to have that asset in your life. This phenomenon is perhaps the most integral, if not the most challenging part of a Sankalpa practice. However, as Davidson states, it is bidirectional – therefore if the mind is having trouble believing, start with the body.

‘Fake it ’til You Become it’

These words are synonymous with social psychologist Amy Cuddy’s viral 2012 TED Talk ‘Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are’. This is perhaps one of the most known explanations of how to tap into the embodied mind. Cuddy’s research was motivated by the proposition that when you pretend to be powerful, you are more likely to actually feel powerful we know that our minds change our bodies, but is it also true that our bodies change our minds?
Effectively, if you play the part, particularly through body language, of a ‘powerful’ or successful person it is possible to actually influence the body’s physiological processes to line up with this. It appears that another natural consequence of this will be the creation of a new thought pattern or neuroplastic change.
A beautiful thing about Cuddy’s research is its emphasis on the body first, so even if you cannot find that state of belief in your mind you can give it a helping hand by playing the part in your body and behaviour.
Fake it 'til you make it!‘Power Poses’ makes us feel more confident, despite what our minds may tell us.


I certainly used this trick as I rolled my shoulders back and walked purposefully into the exam hall, even though I had an overwhelming urge to bolt. However, over time, with dedicated practice to feeling confident, the desire to run became quieter as the purposeful walk towards the situation became more natural. It wasn’t until I got really familiar with imagining what my life would feel like if I was free from anxiety during my Sankalpa practice, that I began to get an actual taste of confidence in my day-to-day life. I discovered for myself that it is as much a state of the body, as it is a state of mind.A Sankalpa practice is far less mysterious than it initially sounds, as placed into a scientific context it is effectively a form of neuroplastic training. The aim is to integrate the wishes of the mind into the neurological processes of the brain, which translates to the functioning and feelings in our body and ultimately is seen in the actions and appearances of us as individuals! The transformation can happen from the top (brain/mind) down, or from the bottom (body/behaviour) up. So if stating your desire is not working, try flipping it on its head and let the body guide the mind.


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publicado por achama às 17:48
Segunda-feira, 13 / 05 / 19

LETTING GO ~ Kate Spreckley


Kate Spreckley's Inspiration.


daily inspiration 13 may 2019.


With the rise of a new Earth reality a new awareness is awakening realigning humanity with the universal principles and values that take into consideration the Earth and all of nature. The incoming flow of cosmic energy is moving very quickly enabling us to transform and shift the negative, destructive or limiting parts of ourselves and our lives. The old patriarchal and matriarchal systems are falling away which is enabling a new perspective to emerge. A perspective that embraces the divine elements need to secure our future upon this planet.
As this week unfolds any remaining blockages that impact connection with your soul will begin to unravel. Attachments and distractions, which have seduced you away from your soul purpose are now being exposed. Work with what arises without the need to control and manipulate. There is no benefit found in hanging onto the old. It is time to honour what has been so that you can move forward unhindered by your past.
Much love 


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publicado por achama às 17:38
Segunda-feira, 13 / 05 / 19

The energy of the Divine Mother ~ The Angels, Ann Albers

The energy of the Divine Mother. 

Message from the Angels via Ann Albers. 

May 11th, 2019.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Happy Mother’s Day to those of you who nurture life in any form. Be you male or female, is the energy of the Divine Mother within you that gives birth. It is the energy of the Divine Mother that nurtures, not only yourselves and one another, but your ideas, your projects, and plans! It is the energy of the Divine Mother that helps you sit in silent reception to God’s love. For within God, dear ones, all energies exist, and all energies are present within you to some degree.
Take a moment and breathe. Feel the gentle presence and energy of the Divine Mother within. For some of you this may take a form – Mary, Quan Yin, a saint or guru. For others you may feel a gentle but powerful presence. God is God, dear ones. The Divine contains all. The Divine makes itself known in all. Today however, we ask you to use your intention and relax into the arms and the energy of the Mothering presence of God.
No matter whether your physical mother was nurturing or not, you can bring this nurturing presence of Divine Mother up within you. If your physical mother embodied these qualities, count yourself fortunate. If not, ask to find them within yourself. Love yourself. Nurture yourself. Care for yourself. Celebrate your good ideas, and soothe yourself when you feel challenged.
Dear ones, no matter what form the energy takes, you all wish to feel nurtured, cherished, and loved. You can find this in a man, woman, Mother Nature, or always within yourself.
The energy of the Divine Mother is soft and strong, for “she” wants you to feel loved and supported. The energy of the Divine Mother steers you in the gentlest of ways. The energy of the Divine Mother helps you honor your heart, receive your guidance, and sit in quiet bliss.
Perhaps this Mother’s Day, whether you are a mother or not, you can do something kind and nurturing for yourself and perhaps your physical mother. If your physical mother was not nurturing then send light to her soul. If she is with us, then tell her all the things you cherished about her, or with great honesty, the things you wish she had been.
Opening your hearts to love dear ones, in any way you do it, is opening your heart to the love and Presence of the Divine within, and tomorrow we celebrate this in the form and energy of the feminine presence that lives within you all.
Happy Mothers day to each and every one of you – male, female, human mothers or not, for each one of you has given birth to greater light in this world and nurtured its flame in your own hearts.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
The Angels.

Ann Albers.

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No religious or political belief is defended here. 
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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 17:31
Segunda-feira, 13 / 05 / 19

Benjamin Fulford 2019/05/13 sample + letters: Chinese threat to dump U.S. treasuries is elephant in room of U.S./China trade war

Chinese threat to dump U.S. treasuries is elephant in room of U.S./China trade war.

Benjamin Fulford Sample Report 




The U.S./Chinese trade war that took most pundits by surprise is actually the result of an agreement between Eastern and Western secret societies to permanently rid the world of the Zionist menace, multiple sources agree.  The other thing to note is that Western, especially American, media are ignoring the trade war elephant in the room—the threat by China and the rest of the world to dump U.S. Treasury holdings and thus formally bankrupt the U.S. Corporation.
Let’s step back a minute and look at why the world wants to bankrupt the corporate U.S. government and force a regime change there.
Ever since George Bush Jr.’s handlers stole the election in the year 2000 and staged 9/11, the Zionist (Khazarian) mafia-controlled U.S. regime has spent trillions of dollars on never-ending war.  This same regime, and its evil twin Israel, have created terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda and Daesh to perpetuate this war.  This same regime has been actively trying to kill 90% of the world’s population with bioweapons, starvation, nuclear war, and now 5G microwave technology.  The latest sign of how antisocial this regime is came last week when 187 countries, with the sole exception of the U.S., agreed to stop dumping toxic plastic into the oceans.
The Chinese used to support this endless warmongering and murder by buying U.S. Treasury bonds, until they realized they were paying the Americans to kill them.  They thus decided to take their dollars elsewhere and spend them on helping the planet, and the multi-trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative is an example.  Now suddenly the Zionist controllers of the Washington, D.C. regime are realizing their US$800 billion dollar per year trade deficit and US$ trillion dollar per year budget deficit are endangering the survival of their regime.
The budget deficit is being covered up by accounting tricks (such as the Feds using proxies to buy their own bonds), but the trade deficit is another matter.  It is based on real stuff in the real world and cannot be covered up with accounting tricks forever.  As the saying goes, “You can avoid reality for a certain amount of time, but eventually it has a way of catching up with you.”
In an attempt to fix the problem, U.S. President Donald Trump asked the Chinese to buy a “trillion dollars” worth of American stuff.  The Chinese rationally responded that the U.S. does not have that amount of “stuff” to sell even if they wanted to.  Now, the Trump plan to use tariffs to fix the trade deficit is going to be a tax on U.S. consumers and will not help the U.S. economy become competitive.  That’s because the so-called U.S. dollar is too expensive, but the Americans cannot devalue it in order to make their exports competitive because the “U.S. dollar” is not an American currency.  It is owned by European and Asian royals, together with international oligarchs, who do not want it to lose value.
On the other hand, if the U.S. government started issuing its own currency, say worth half what a U.S. dollar is now worth, U.S. consumers would still pay more for Chinese imports just as they would with tariffs, but this time U.S. exports would be competitive.  The U.S. government could then spend as many trillion of, let’s say, greenbacks, as it wanted to in order to fix its domestic infrastructure, etc.
The main drawback is that the U.S. military could no longer afford to be guarding corporate interests at its 800 or so locations around the world.  That’s why the White Dragon Society (WDS), Asian secret societies, the British Commonwealth, and others are proposing an alternative.  This would involve replacing the entire political structure in Washington, D.C. with competent new people.  The current system is so corrupt with its fake elections and bribed and blackmailed politicians that it is beyond reform.
However, the U.S. is full of competent and honest people who ran into a glass ceiling in the current system because they were immune to Zionist bribery and blackmail.  These are the people who would rebuild a debt-free Republic of the United States of America.  In such a scenario, the multi-polar world would pool its resources to transform the U.S. military-industrial complex into a benevolent force for planetary protection and space exploration.


Okay, now let’s finally get to the breaking news of the past week.  The biggest news from last week is that newly installed Japanese Emperor Naruhito issued coded calls for help, according to British royal family sources.  The cry for help was conveyed through “neuro-linguistic programming” in a brief speech the Emperor made, the sources say.  He used “a certain combination of words written in a certain style and embedded with wordings and other devices” to let the world know the Imperial Family was being attacked, the sources say.  The attacks were carried out by …
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full report will be post here this Thursday

Note:  Last Friday, May 3, 2019, I had an interesting discussion with Sean Stone.
It can be seen here:


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If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 17:17
Segunda-feira, 13 / 05 / 19

Changes: PREPARE FOR DNA BATTLE ~ Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Time is not constant.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

May 10th, 2019


There is no doubt that as time passes we are able to see many changes taking place, they go from the weather to the function of big business that is finding that what served them in the past is no longer fit for the purpose. Fortunately progress is being made through new ideas and methods, that will pull people into a new era where advantage can be taken of advanced techniques and methods that will quickly leave the old ways behind. For too long you have been denied much that would have made life so much easier for all of you. That time is now past and new ideas and inventions are gradually coming to light, and they cannot be stopped.
Everything that is inside you that makes you – you, is operating at less than half that it could. It is something you developed over years of free choice of duality, you selected how much dark and Light to put in and where to put it. You have selected how well you think, and how much your societies are going to absorb the idea that compassionate thought will heal the planet. The primary test and basic one has now shifted – you have graduated so profoundly. We have told you in the past that you will see the growth in human intelligence and compassion, and you are going to see it the corporeal level as well because as a human being starts to work at a better efficiency it is going to be obvious, and we have given you those channels and you can look for them. The last one was titled “Conceptual DNA” and we talked about the corporeal human being who stopped having what we would call “linear immune reaction” it is when the white cells of the body see a problem and race to it and fight it. That is as smart as it gets, and the problem may be beyond their ability to fight because the white cells corporeally do not have the intelligence to see the concept of the invaders.
Viruses notoriously seem intelligent for they have what you call a plan, whereas the white blood cells only know defence. It does not see the bigger picture, it does not know anything about cancers or how they operate, how they defend, or how they are immune to white blood cells. Basically Conceptual DNA becomes corporeal systems that know concepts, and that creates a human being who can fight any virus and any disease, because that part of the immune system is as smart as anything that can invade it is conceptual. This is an advancement of human DNA past 30% moving more toward 35% and 40%. How many masters on the planet do you know that died of a virus – most of them died at the hands of human beings. Masters of the planet had DNA that operated far better than yours, even some recently having the ability to create and manifest things in their hands – mind consciousness over matter. Human beings mind can control things and that was the design, consciousness over physics is the plan, always has been.
What do you think about spontaneous remission, what is it how does it work, does it require outside influence or was it created internally. This is DNA working at 100% for a moment and it is unexplainable but you can see it and you can recognise it, and document it, but the human can clean themselves from almost any disease almost overnight.
Through personal experience I can vouch for spontaneous remission. About 12 years ago I was suffering from bad knees, so much so that it was painful to bend my legs as it felt as though there was gravel behind the knee caps, and I had to stand up rather than sit down. One evening I went to bed as normal and when I woke up the following morning I noticed to my surprise that my knees no longer troubled me at all, and that I had been healed – overnight. I am pleased to say that I have not experienced any further problems with them since that time. Some people will no doubt say that they have prayed for a miracle, and they have had no relief from their painful condition and I must put that down to karma, and for whatever reason they have had to bear their pain. However, as some souls do, never become negative and stay positive because that is the only path to release you from your condition. Obviously try self-healing and imagine yourself healed, and your body will respond.
The power of thought will come up very frequently in the future, as every soul that has evolved to a higher level will acquire such powers and cause “miracles” through it.Think of the biblical miracles and whereas those writing about them did not understand how they were brought about, today we are more aware. It is important to have belief in yourself, but be ready to remain steadfast whilst you are trying and never give up. Sometimes results are not always immediate so be prepared for results occurring well into the future. The ultimate “miracle” is the raising of the dead and it suggests a body is restored to what it was when it was healthy. The bottom line is of course that as time passes, because of the rising vibrations there will come a point when the body will maintain its healthy condition, never to require healing again. The future is full of pleasant surprises and the problems of the past will gradually disappear.
The more you are told of your true potential will surely lift you up, to have the confidence to express yourself more fully and without any doubt. How do you imagine for example how solid objects are produced seemingly out of fresh air, and the answer is through the power of thought. The Masters can do it at will but do not do it simply for showmanship. The ego has long gone and there is no desire to “show off” or aggrandisement simply to get acclaim. Being highly evolved will be a new way of life for you, and you will gradually slot into it with ease, because it is quite a natural development.
Once again we have touched upon what your future holds for you, as it is important that you know where life is leading to and you are prepared. To have some of these changes thrust upon you without prior warning could overwhelm you, and harm your chances of calmly taking hold of new experiences. As usual we will add that as with any other period of learning there is always help on hand. But please remember that they will not do things for you, but give you every encouragement to ensure your success. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. It is certainly still needed as the lashing out of the dark is causing so many problems in these closing days of their reign.
This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.


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If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 04:42
Segunda-feira, 13 / 05 / 19

The Councils wish to begin an open communication line with humanity ~ Councils, Pleiadians ~ Galaxygirl.

The Councils wish to begin an open communication line with humanity.

Message from The Councils and Pleiadians.

Channeled by Galaxygirl.

May 11th, 2019. 

We are the Councils of Nine, Twelve, Seven. We wish to begin an open communication line with humanity. We intend for great love to be felt within these words. For too long humanity has been isolated, felt alone and the truth has been so twisted up in your realm that there is truly much to unlearn and much to re-listen to. We wish to begin by saying you are tremendously loved, valued and supported. You, ground team, are a remarkable crew. Your fortitude, strength and resilience is astonishing, astounding, and we want you to know you are tremendously appreciated, and thoroughly loved.
Times are in flux in this now. It is true many timelines had to be abandoned that were no longer working out for the highest and best good. It is true that plans have changed numerous times and that we all are eagerly awaiting Source’s signs. We are all working as one cohesive unit of military might but we want you to not be in fear, and to understand with the eyes of the heart that we are here for your benefit, for your protection, for we stand with you, beside you as comrades in arms on a grand adventure. We are with you, truly. You have needed our support from your own who have become dark and twisted, lost in the dark corridors of the matrix. We send them light and we send you protection, love and light. Much change is proceeding quite rapidly now and we want you to know how tremendously you are loved, valued and supported and also how much of a tremendous difference each and every one of you have made. You are strategically placed all over Gaia, forming a grid. Your locations are important. You will be guided as needed to change position. Your light affects the whole, your love, light and works of love affects the whole, creating a pulsing light grid of love around Gaia and her own. Every point on the pulsing matrix of life is a critical point.
You are all critical to this love mission of renewal, of grace poured over Gaia like a Christed mantle. And so we wish for you to be able to see this imagery with your third eye and to the connection of the pulsing with the All. The Schumann resonance graphs are quite an accurate depiction of the proceeding changes energetically for your realm and it delights us that you have access to this one simple truth. For many other simple truths have been boxed up in crates in government warehouses. These are to be revealed in time. The truth can no longer be hidden. The light is shining too brightly now. The brightness of the light will astound and delight you. The blessed changes of joy and bliss coming your way will also delight us to witness, for to bear witness to these glorious changes is a pure privilege. It is an honor to serve the humans in their transition from fog to light and clarity of truth. We recommend peace preserved around you like a mantle of light, insulating you from the coming chaos. Chaos is an excellent indicator of change. You are well protected, loved, valued. Be insulated in the mantle of peace and love. Ground this peace and love-light deep into the heart of Gaia. The concept of money will fade. The light will continue to grow, burning brightly in the hearts of humankind such that all will be light, all will be love, and all will be made new.
We are the Councils of Nine, Twelve and Seven. We represent many star kingdoms, races, creeds. Yet we are all one, united in our desire for Gaia’s success and our great love for humanity. Be at peace, humans. Wear it around you. This is all we will say for now. The light grows stronger within you, for you are remembering you are of it. This is good. We see much goodness blanketing Gaia at this time. Be at peace.
Greetings friends we are the Pleiadian Collective sending you our light, our love in this time of tumultuous change, for the birth pangs are intense, are real at this precious time of Gaia’s rebirth. We see just as the old is crumbling away the inner strength of those determined to hold the light, brimming over with new possibilities. For you are being upgraded, this you know, but understand too that this increases your ability of self perception, of inward contemplation. Now is an excellent time to meditate more, with joy. Schedule hard-fast appointments with yourselves to assist this process. Allow more time for self nurturing so that you can expand with grace and ease. Give yourself the gift of time, of love, of self care. For no one else will. You must do it. Self care, self respect are the same vibration. Bring more of the light into your vessels when you breathe deeply. Intend it and it shall be so. We see the weariness of many in our light worker community and we understand, for we have been in similar services of action and understand the sacrifice of it. We have been at this a very long time and do feel the brevity and intensity of your service to the collective. We are the Pleiadian Collective delighted to connect with you, sending you our healing rays in this moment.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 04:30
Segunda-feira, 13 / 05 / 19

7 Signs You Could Be Living a Lie without Even Knowing It ~ Sherrie.

7 Signs You Could Be Living a Lie without Even Knowing It.

By Sherrie.

May 12th, 2019


Could you actually be living a lie? It’s possible that society’s expectations have forced you to be something you’re not and living a fake life.
I’ve been living a lie. Yes, me. In fact, on many separate occasions, I have lived different lies. Eventually, I’ve pulled myself free and thoroughly cleansed all the crusty fakeness away for a while.
But, for some reason, it slowly grows back, gradually accumulating around my personality and changing me into something I no longer recognize. It can really be this serious, you guys. I think it’s a daily struggle, really.

So, what is living in a lie?

To live a fake life, or lie is to act or do things you really wouldn’t do. These are things that often make you feel uncomfortable or portray yourself in a disguise. Those who “wear masks” are examples of people who live lies. Let me give you an example.
So, I hate going on “girls’ night out” things. You know what I mean. Well, when I was living a lie, I forced myself to do this a time or two. Unfortunately, the situation was so uncomfortable that I secretly hated being there, so bad, that I grew nauseated.
I was living a lie, but no one knew how sick I felt by trying so hard. Uggh. Thank goodness, I hated living this particular lie.

Are you living a false life?

So, maybe this is about as clear as mud to some of you, so I will provide a few signs. These are signs that you might be living a life that’s not your own.
Maybe it’s so subtle that you never realized it before. Well, now’s the time to crack the code and do some spring cleaning within your character. There’s no need to live a lie. Read on.

1. You do what society wants

If you’re living a false life, you will always be concerned about what society wants. What you want out of life will take the backseat to what’s popular, what’s trendy, and the all the rest of the peer pressure.
You must fit in, or even rise above, and society must know this. You give society what it wants and then some.

2. You have a fan club

There are good friends, then there are associates. Then, there are what I like to call, “the fan club”. The fan club is the group of people who praise you for your deeds and looks on a regular basis.
This group of people usually keep an eye on you and expect a certain amount of good deeds, new possessions, or new plans to always be rotating. The fan club needs something to adore and you give it to them on a regular basis, sometimes ignoring your own real needs and the needs of your loved ones.

3. Following through, no matter what

Yes, it’s great to follow through on plans and choices. I get it. But, when it comes to realizing you’ve made the wrong choice if you’re living a lie, you will follow through anyway, despite the consequences.
The healthy choice would be to follow through as long as the focus is the same. If not, then it’s okay to change your mind. Those living in a lie believe others see changing your mind as a weakness. Know the difference and you will understand this sign.

4. Practicing facial expressions and laughs

One of the most noticeable signs that you could be living life in a lie is your habit of rehearsing facial expressions, laughs and even speeches.
Instead of just being your authentic self and winging it, you must be prepared and offer the world your best rendition of you. Did you get that? A rendition, not the real you, this is what you will present to the world, thus fake.

5. You will be sad

One sign that you’re not living the true life is your predisposition to sadness. You will be sad quite a bit, but you will try to hide this sadness because it’s not part of the façade you’ve created.
But, since you’re not really happy about the life you’ve created, you will remain sad anyway. Most people who fit into your plan will not notice the sadness, but the ones closest to you, in reality, will notice.
Keep this in mind. If you know someone who is sad or depressed quite a bit, try to figure out if they are indeed lying to themselves about their life.

6. You’re bored…always

When you’re not living your best life, you will always be bored. Nothing will be fulfilling because you’re usually doing things others like to do instead of what you really love.
Things like hanging out with friends constantly, vying for attention or talking on the phone/texting/emailing constantly – all are signs of terrible boredom. They are also signs that you’re living a lie.

7. Loss of identity

Who are you? If you cannot answer this question without mentioning others, then you have no idea of your own identity or worth. This means you have been living a life that’s not really your own.
This will only be noticeable when having deep discussions with some of the few genuine people that remain in your life. If you’re being questioned about your identity, just pay attention and learn what you can about your true predicament.

Living a lie is never a good thing

No matter how easy it may seem, or how pre-made this life may feel, it’s not the life for you – not the fake one. I believe if there were more genuine people in the world, the world, in general, would be a much better place.
If you are living a lie or you know someone who is playing it fake like this, don’t be afraid to improve. Being the real you is the only you that’s supposed to be.
Think about it!
  1. https://www.theguardian.com
  2. https://www.psychologytoday.com











About the Author: Sherrie

Sherrie is a freelance writer and artist with over 10 years of experience. She spends most of her time giving life to the renegade thoughts. As the words erupt and form new life, she knows that she is yet again free from the nagging persistence of her muse. She is a mother of three and a lifetime fan of the thought-provoking and questionable aspects of the universe.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Thanks to: Learning Mind <noreply+feedproxy@google.com>




Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 04:13
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Maio 2019


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