A Chama da Ascensão


Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

A Vision for Three Million Alignments - and More! ~ Alignment Project

A Vision for Three Million Alignments - and More!

The Vision Alignment Project

Our Vision for today was contributed by Joni Red Wing Stone and it reflects the intentions that we had in the beginning, when we first created The VAP. As you know, we surpassed the 1 Million Alignment Mark in November of 2012 and now we are doing just what Joni suggests - Going for 3 Million! Joni says:
I envision that all the Intenders of the Highest Good spread the word about this Project to other like-minded, Spirit-led and intentionally focused manifesters of a positive, Global Community living in Harmony with all creatures and resources of Mother Earth, so that by 12/12/12 Intenders of the Highest Good will reach the 1,000,000 mark - and beyond!
As a global community focused on bringing more Light and Love to this world, let us show our commitment to manifesting this Planet of Peace and Harmony by coming together to make 1,000,000 happen! (It did and we are very honored to have been a part of this wondrous project!)
Then let's really get the ball rolling by reaching 3,000,000!
We all know Intentional Living works... let's change the world one email at a time.
Very intentionally & lovingly,

Joni Red Wing Stone


If this vision was sent to you from a friend, you can go to www.visionalignmentproject.com to sign up free for The Vision Alignment Project.

The Vision Alignment Project is sponsored by The Intenders of the Highest Good. If you have a Vision you would like to share with the world, please email it to [office@intenders.com]. Your Vision may be published here!


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publicado por achama às 23:43
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

Change Your World! ~ The Creator, Jennifer Farley.


Change Your World!

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

May 5th, 2019



The Universe is sure you have noticed the energy arriving on your Earth plane by now.  

If you have not experienced this before, this is your ‘primer’ to the next few weeks and months.  

Your physical Earth is on a truncated time table to maintain your environment, therefore, your spiritual awareness has been put into overdrive so you may understand the infinite picture of what is really happening.  

With each new leveling up, your mind, body and spirit are being fine-tuned to pick up on exactly what needs to be done in the highest and best to maintain your planet.  

Please pay attention to this!  

Each and every one of you has an important part in this new awareness…embrace it and know that, yes, you can change your world!  


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No religious or political belief is defended here. 
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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 23:36
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

27 Foreign Words You Didn’t Know You Were Using Every Day ~ Janey Davies.

18 Famous People with INFJ Personality Traits.

By Janey Davies.

May 5th, 2019.




Some words are so intrinsically embedded into our unconscious that we don’t even realise they are foreign words.

Take the internationally-known distress call of ‘May Day!’ for example. It derives from the French verb for help – ‘aider’.
In the 1920s, people were getting used to new international radio communications. A senior air traffic control officer was asked to come up with a word that was easy to pronounce and remember to signify an emergency. He thought of ‘Mayday’ which comes from the French meaning ‘help me’ or ‘m’aidez’.
Mayday is just one of many foreign words we use without realising their origins.

Here are 27 other foreign words you didn’t know you were using every day:


Curfew comes from the French word ‘couvrefeu’ which means to cover fire. It originates from a 13th-century European law. At a certain time, a bell would ring and all fires had to be extinguished or covered.
I’ve always associated denim with America but the origins of the word denim originate in France. A hard-wearing blue twill cloth was originally made in a small French town called Nîmes in the 17th-century. The word denim is a contraction of ‘serge de Nîmes’ (a sturdy cloth from Nîmes).
Have you ever signed a mortgage? Then I hate to tell you that you’ve signed a death pledge. ‘Mort’ means death in French and the whole word describes the promise (or pledge) you have agreed to pay back borrowed money in the future.
You wouldn’t think this word could make it onto a list of foreign words as it sounds like it is from America’s Midwest. However, it is a French word for meadow.
This foreign word comes from the French word ‘portraire’, or to portray, particularly the face.


Surely an alligator is just an alligator? No one invented a word for it? In actual fact, they did. The word comes from the Spanish ‘el lagarto’, or lizard.
This is another word we associate with the US but has its origins in Spain. It comes from the Spanish word ‘cañón’ which means tube. It was used by 19th-century Americans who were exploring Spanish territory in the west.
The Spanish call the dried tobacco leaves rolled in a tobacco leaf a ‘cigarro’ which actually originates from a Mayan word ‘sicar’.
The name of this annoying biting parasite means ‘little fly’ in Spanish.
The word guerrilla is full of connotations around the world. However, it is a Spanish word that means ‘little war’.


Corridor derives from the Italian word ‘corridoio’ which means hallway or passageway.
This foreign word comes from Italy and the custom of throwing candy (confetto) on festive occasions.
This word comes from the plural of ‘graffito’ which means ‘scratched’.
You’ll never wear mascara in the same way again after you realise its origins. The word mascara comes from the Italian verb ‘maschera’ which is ‘to disguise’.


The moped is a contraction of ‘motor’ and ‘pedaler’ and comes from Sweden.


Cookies are practically synonymous with the US but did you know their origins are firmly in Europe? The word cookie is derived from the Dutch word ‘koekie’ which means ‘little cake’ or ‘like a little cake’.
Sketch is another Dutch word that comes from ‘schets’ or ‘to make a rough drawing’.


Anonymous is from the Greek word ‘anōnumos’ and means someone or something without a name.


Most of us think of noodles and Eastern countries such as China or Japan, but the word originated a lot closer to home. As a matter of fact, the word comes from the German ‘nudel’which translated means a long, thin strip of dough.
This is another one of those words you wouldn’t think has foreign origins, but it comes from Germany. In German, ‘rücken’ means ‘back’ and sack means bag. Hence a sack worn on the back.


Unfortunately, we have all heard of tsunamis and we can even pronounce them properly now. We understand them to be those huge destructive waves you get in extreme weather conditions. But in Japanese, they simply mean ‘harbour wave’.


How can this be one of our foreign words? But it’s true, this common western condiment originated in China. It was first called ‘Ke-stiap’ and was a blend of pickled fish and spices. Then tomatoes were added and it became ketchup.
Have you ever had to kowtow to someone? We know it means to act in a subservient way, but the actual meaning comes from ‘Kòu tóu’ which is a respectful bow that involves touching your head to the floor.
The English and Chinese have very different meanings attached to this word. English translate gung-ho as an ‘overzealous attitude’, but in China, it means ‘to work together’.


Chocolate arrived in the English language after travelling through Spanish but it originated in Mexico as ‘xocolatl’.


The humble lemon is a word derived from the Arabic for yellow citrus fruit which is ‘laimun’. It caught on and now lemon is synonymous with the colour as much as it is with the fruit.
My final foreign word is sofa. Sofa is surely an English word? But no. Described as a ‘long seat full of cushions’, it comes from the Arabic word ‘uffa’.
What foreign words do you know that are now part of our English language? Let us know in the comments box!
  1. http://mentalfloss.com
  2. http://www.ruf.rice.edu
  3. https://www.academia.edu


About the Author: Janey Davies.

Janey Davies has been published online for over 8 years. She is the head writer for Shoppersbase.com, she also writes for AvecAgnes.co.uk, Ewawigs.com and has contributed to inside3DP.com. She has an Honours Degree in Psychology and her passions include learning about the mind, popular science and politics. When she is relaxing she likes to walk her dog, read science fiction and listen to Muse.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 23:20
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

Feeling Inadequate? 7 Strategies to Silence Your Inner Critic ~ Sherrie.

Feeling Inadequate? 

7 Strategies to Silence Your Inner Critic.

By Sherrie.

May 4th, 2019


It’s easy to criticize yourself, especially when others criticize you too. Feeling inadequate is hard when rebuilding your self-esteem.
At least one point in our lives. We’ve felt inadequate. You know that voice, the one that says, “You’re not good enough”, “You’ll never find true love”, yeah, that voice.
Well, the truth is, its been around since your childhood. I bet you didn’t know that. Feeling inadequate came from some instance, most likely in childhood, where someone made you feel unloved or unwanted. Now, you feel the same way when dealing with your insecurities.
“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
-William Shakespeare

Dealing with the critic within

There’s a person within you that tells you the lies about your person. They aren’t nice, and they pull no punch when it comes to reminding you about your short-comings. Do you wish to silence this voice?

Well, there are some ways to deal with this critic within and stop feeling horribly inadequate. Then you can really live your life.

1. Roots, roots, roots…

So, as I mentioned earlier, your inner critic comes from some long-ago insult or abuse. It’s true.
Say, your parents told you, “You’ll never be worth anything unless you act like your cousin, Martha”. Yeah, that was an actual statement my mother said to me. I started feeling the sting of being inadequate almost instantly.
Maybe she watched my cousin get awards in school or maybe heard stories of her achievements, But it made me feel like a failure. Now, I do struggle with inadequacies, and it takes strength to fight.
Hey, look at your roots, then you will know it wasn’t you, but the one who insulted you. Maybe they felt inadequate by the way they raised you. Ever think about that?

2. Awareness is key

When you start feeling emotions of being inadequate, stop and realize one important thing. These are only thoughts. They do not rule your life, and you know that you’re better than what you give yourself credit for.
Question these thoughts and then attempt to turn them around as they come. Be aware of what passes through your mind, and filter it accordingly.

3. See the inner critic as a challenge

Understand, these feelings that you are inadequate will never truly go away forever. I know, that’s not such a positive idea, huh. But, all is not lost. You can think about it this way: You can use your inner critic to build yourself up.
When you think you’re lazy or someone has made this comment, use this to start moving, get in shape, and even improve your health. While insults about your laziness or weight gain are not nice, you can use them as a tool to better yourself.
Just try it and see how great it actually works.

4. Contradict the inner critic

Here’s an interesting way to combat the inner negative voice. For example, your inner voice says, “You’re ugly”. Now, that’s a statement many of us have heard in our lives at some point. Well, you can take this statement and word it in a way that says positive things about you.
Instead of saying, “Yes, I am ugly”, you can say, “ I may not be the most beautiful person in the world, but I am still beautiful”. This statement helps build you up and stand strong against those who make you feel bad about yourself.

5. Ask for help

Feeling that you’re inadequate can get overwhelming and sometimes make you want to give up. Don’t ever give up. In fact, start practicing self-care which will, in time, start to build better self-esteem.
If you have to, take pictures of your accomplishments or write in a journal about what you’ve done lately. Don’t ask others for help, ask yourself for help in order to feel good about yourself again.
You might be surprised by all the good qualities that remind you of your self-worth.

6. The inner critic lies

Did you know that the critic within will tell you lies? You cannot always count on the words that come from inside. If you’ve made a to-do list, but yet you aren’t able to get all those things done, your inner critic will jump right in with insults about your inadequacy.
Do not fall for these lies. Instead, tell yourself, “No, I did not finish today, but I am further than I was yesterday”. The truth is, this is just fine, and your inner critic can go get a life, so to speak.

7. Don’t be a slave to your inner critic

When feeling those inadequacies, do not become a slave to them. Just because your inner critic says you should do something better, this doesn’t mean you should act upon these words.
If your inner negativities tell you to get something done faster, take pause. Maybe it would be better to take your time and get the job done right. You can learn to do what YOU want and not listen to the monster that pushes you from inside.

The inner critic and your feeling of being inadequate

Never start feeling like you are inadequate just because that voice within tells you so.
Trust the true you, the one who makes you feel good about yourself. Yes, listen to this voice instead. This voice will make your stronger and quiet those negative thoughts that have tricked you into thinking you must be better than you are.
Remember, you are good enough just the way you are. Your improvements come by hard work and determination, but they also come by taking a break once in a while and recharging your energies. Just do your best and that will be enough.
  1. https://www.psychologytoday.com
  2. https://psychcentral.com









About the Author: Sherrie

Sherrie is a freelance writer and artist with over 10 years of experience. She spends most of her time giving life to the renegade thoughts. As the words erupt and form new life, she knows that she is yet again free from the nagging persistence of her muse. She is a mother of three and a lifetime fan of the thought-provoking and questionable aspects of the universe.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Thanks to: Learning Mind <noreply+feedproxy@google.com>




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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 22:56
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

Loving Others in Their Own Chosen Path ~ Archangel Gabriel, Shanta Gabriel.

Loving Others in Their Own Chosen Path.

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel.

April 28th, 2019. 

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week's issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel assures us that how we treat others can bless our own lives in beautiful ways.


The Gabriel Message Card for this week

Loving others in their own chosen path is setting the energy that you want in your world.

This is one of only two Gabriel Messages that relate to other people. In essence, it is a Golden Rule teaching.

We know that it is important that we treat others as we would like to be treated. Archangel Gabriel is saying that when we do this, it sets powerful energy frequencies into motion that circulate through our lives so we also receive what we give.

When I think of how I want to be treated and how I would truly love to treat others, I am attracted to the Buddhist concept of Loving Kindness. It simplifies everything when I use the attribute of loving kindness as my focal point and basis for all relationships, including with myself.

One of my heroes is H.H. The Dalai Lama. Being born on his 10th birthday is one of my only claims to fame. I love his humility, his humor and especially his wisdom. In A Policy of Kindness, he says:

An affectionate disposition not only makes the mind more peaceful and calm, but it affects our body in a positive way too. On the other hand, hatred, jealousy and fear upset our peace of mind, make us agitated and affect our body adversely. Even our body needs peace of mind and is not suited to agitation. This shows that an appreciation for peace of mind is in our blood.

Another relevant quote from this amazing man is on my refrigerator:

If you see yourself in others, who can you harm?

These are powerful motives to love others as they are and allow them to choose their own path in life. Most of us have a number of stories about those we have tried to change to our way of thinking. Even though it rarely works in any relationship, most of us will still try our best to be...well...very convincing.

I want to remember that the most kind and loving way I can relate to others is by allowing them to be who they are while respecting their choices in life. This may mean that we cannot stay together, but for our soul's evolution that is the most appropriate thing that can happen for the highest good of all concerned.

We are also being reminded that what we do for ourselves and for others affects the world. So for the sake of the planet and for our own happiness, may we remember that Loving Kindness improves our own Health and Wellbeing as well as sending into the world the frequencies of Respect, Compassion and Peace.

Divine Presence,

May the Light of Divine Love shine through me into the world and into all my relationships. May I offer other people respect and kindness no matter what their choices in life. As I allow others to live as they choose, I also ask for a special blessing that all beings learn to live from their heart so all may be blessed.

And may I remember how important it is to give myself the same Loving Kindness that I offer to others so that Peace can prevail upon the Earth and within me. Thank you God and so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
May 5, 2019


The Gabriel Messages #10


Loving others in their own chosen path is setting the energy you want in your world.


Dear One,
When you love others and allow them to follow their own chosen path, it awakens the energy of compassion and acceptance within you. This energy fills your heart and permeates your world. It allows you to receive this same energy from others, which can give you a sense of freedom to be all you can be.

At times the chosen path of others may seem destructive to you, and it is not the energy that you would choose to be around. In these situations, often the most loving thing you can do is allow them to follow their chosen path, and you must give yourself permission to follow the path which is in your highest good. This may even mean never seeing them again.

Set the energy you want in your world by awakening your consciousness to all the good available to you. It's a matter of choice. Attune yourself to only that which you would have in your life. Release the need to be right. Close your mind to the negative thoughts that threaten your happiness.

Moment to moment, make the choice to live in the Light of True Love. As you do, you are being a true bridge from Heaven to Earth.

Making the choice for Love allows you to be in the world but not of the world. When you make the choice to love others as they are, you pave the way for a mass awakening of Love on the planet so all may be free.  

Receive Love, give Love and be Love. With this loving energy as your intention, remember your Message from Archangel Gabriel for today:  
Loving others in their own chosen path
is setting the energy you want in your world.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
May 5, 2019


About Shanta


Shanta Gabriel is an author, teacher and healer,whose life is devoted to Bridging Heaven and Earth. She began her studies with an Indian Shaktipat master of the ancient Science of Sound in 1977.  It is the inspired ancient practices she received at the ashram and has used in 40 years of training, that she offers to others in her programs.

Her work with the Archangels began in 1988. She shares this work through alignment, immersion, and transmissions from the Archangels through her classes, membership groups and private sessions. Her mission is to facilitate and invite people into a direct experience of Infinite Intelligence and Divine Love.

For more information about her classes as well as private sessions and products, visit ShantaGabriel.com.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • Shanta Gabriel <shanta@shantagabriel.com>



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publicado por achama às 22:44
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

Bombshell science study shows that electric cars are DIRTIER for the planet than diesel vehicles ~ Isabelle Z.

Bombshell science study shows that electric cars are DIRTIER for the planet than diesel vehicles.

By Isabelle Z.

Posted May 4, 2019 by Edward Morgan. 





If you’re considering an electric vehicle because you care about the planet, you might want to take a look at the results of a new German study. Researchers there say that electric vehicles there account for more carbon dioxide emissions than diesel cars do.
According to the study, which was presented at Munich’s Institute for Economic Research, once you take carbon dioxide emissions related to producing batteries into account as well as the prominent role of coal in German energy, electric vehicles actually emit anywhere from 11 to 28 percent more emissions than diesel ones.
This is because mining and processing the cobalt, manganese and lithium used in the batteries tends to consume a high amount of energy. Take the example of a Tesla Model 3 battery. They say that just one represents anywhere from 11 to 15 tons of carbon dioxide. When calculated across a lifetime of ten years traveling 15,000 kilometers per year, it sees 73 to 98 grams of carbon dioxide for each kilometer driven.
That’s before taking into account the carbon dioxide that is given off to generate the electricity used to power the cars. All told, each of these Model 3s emits between 156 and 180 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometer, according to their calculations, which exceeds that of a Mercedes diesel car.
This study’s authors say that the EU’s classification of electric cars as having zero emissions is deceptive because they actually produce significant emissions. They also expressed their belief that the EU’s target of 59 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometer by the year 2030 is unrealistic from a technical standpoint.
They believe that hydrogen-methane vehicles are a better choice for the environment. They concluded: “Methane technology is ideal for the transition from natural gas vehicles with conventional engines to engines that will one day run on methane from CO2-free energy sources. This being the case, the German federal government should treat all technologies equally and promote hydrogen and methane solutions as well.”

Electric vehicles gaining acceptance in Germany

It’s a timely finding as Germans are finally growing more accepting of electric cars. Experts there predict the country will have one million battery-electric or hybrid cars on its roads by the year 2022. This is two years later than their original goal of 2020 as uptake was originally slow; recent financial incentives have encouraged more buyers to adopt the technology. As of last August, there were 460,000 hybrid or electric cars on its roads, and the country had around 13,500 public charging stations.
The diesel emissions scandal is weighing heavily on consumers there, and the industry believes that the 33 different hybrid and electric models being offered there now will triple in the years to come.
German cities can now ban diesel cars on account of the air pollution they create, and cities like Dusseldorf and Stuttgart have been instructed by a federal administrative court to consider a year-round ban on older models as those two cities are the only ones in the country with nitrogen oxide levels that exceed EU limits.
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publicado por achama às 19:39
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

The Emergence of Lightworkers ~ Owen K Waters

The Emergence of Lightworkers.

by Owen K Waters

May 5, 2019

Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter
Spiritual Growth, Vitality and Wellness


Long ago, you made a noble decision at a soul level when you volunteered to help as a lightworker on this earth. Since then, you and millions of other lightworkers have lived among the mass of humanity making a critical difference to the overall consciousness of life on earth.

Most lightworkers are not aware of the enormous difference they have made simply by being on the planet and affecting its mind belt with their higher thoughts and actions. With the efforts of you and the ascended masters, the balance of consciousness on this earth has been maintained above the level necessary for the survival of humanity.

Without lightworkers, the average frequency of consciousness on this planet would be below that level. Despite the overall negative karma produced by the mass of self-seeking people, humanity is being helped though a transition which is being made as smooth as possible.

The Cosmic Plan for the enlightenment of humanity seeks to keep humanity free to focus on higher transformation and not be distracted by any sudden need for basic survival. Even though the mindset of the majority of humanity demands the appearance of some severely negative circumstances, it is vital that major disasters be avoided so that humanity can be free to focus on higher transformation and not a basic struggle for survival. When people are struggling to find food and shelter, they are not in any position to focus upon higher needs and the actualization of their ultimate potential.

Humanity is here at this time in order to experience The Shift in consciousness to a new and higher level of existence. This is a time of the harvest of souls - a time when people have the chance to graduate from this classroom of earth experience and move up to the next level of evolution.

It is a time of the awakening of lightworkers to the true purpose and potential in their soul-based life plans. The Shift is leading to the peace and harmony envisioned by all people of good heart. The New Reality is unfolding. The new world is being built, piece by piece, by people of positive vision.

Lightworkers like you are finding ways to make the world a better place, both by spiritual attunement and by creating physical projects that help others to rise in consciousness in many different ways.

This is why you came here as a lightworker - to take action that will build a better world. All you need is a clear vision of what you can do to succeed in your mission.

My latest e-book, The Lightworker Mission: Reconnect With Your Primary Purpose, addresses that exact subject. For more information, visit this page:

Owen Waters

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 19:24
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

Federation of Light, Blossom Goodchild ~ 2019/05/04

Message from Federation of Light.

Via Blossom Goodchild.

May 4, 2019. 

In black=Federation of Light
In grey=Blossom Goodchild

Here we are once again! Your last communication regarding ‘Stop the waiting’ and BE ALL THAT YOU ARE WAITING FOR NOW … proved to be very uplifting to so many. Thank you. I wonder if you could talk some more about how to ‘rise above’ all that no longer serves?
Welcome, Dearest Blossom and Each Soul who is drawn to uplifting their Being via our sharing’s of Knowledge, that naturally are within you … yet, our gentle reminders are offered in order for remembrance to be awakened, which in turn allows the Lightening of the Spirit to bring about changes to The Whole.
More and more are you aware NOW of recognizing the falsities that are presented. You are accepting that THE TRUTH is not that which you are given outwardly upon screen and your social media.
You are allowing yourselves to understand once again, that all around you, your world portrays a certain ‘performance’ that if one knew no better, they would surmise that the darkness of your Planet had overtaken all Light that once was. For it seems, it would ‘appear’, that very little brings Joy to the heart IF one was to ‘look at what is’ … from that perspective.
YOU GET that the world that is ‘thrown in your face’, is not HOW IT TRULY IS.
THE WORLD IN ALL ITS GLORY IS THAT WHICH LIVES INSIDE OF YOU. The world that has been buried and disguised in order for you to believe that what you see is what you get.
You have broken through the glass menagerie … if we may express it that way. You have come through the barriers of pretense. You have awoken from your slumber now that you find yourselves in a new place … a new understanding.
For so long have we been saying ‘When you Get It’ … is this not correct?
Indeed it is my friends … and for so long, I wanted to.
And have you now?
Well, maybe not fully. Yet, I certainly have had a major breakthrough. More in the Knowing of Knowing what I KNOW. Before, I was ‘trying to know it’ … now I know it because I FEEL IT?
And we lead you on with ‘Feel what?’.
How can you feel a Knowing, Blossom?
I don’t know … I just know.
Exactly. Top marks!
It is within that ‘just Knowing’ … within that FEELING of ‘just Knowing’ that you Know … that makes everything Known!
We are not purposefully talking in riddles, Dearest Souls. On the contrary.
It takes but one thought of this KNOWING to ‘Bring yourselves back into alignment with the Source.’
You very rarely speak of THE SOURCE.
Oh! But we do! We speak of it all the time.
The Divine flow of LOVE-LIFE comes from The Source of itself.
White Cloud recently spoke to a group of us explaining that for those who have had the amazing experience of a NDE (Near death experience) that although it was the most Divine place to Be and Feel and that they met GOD/SOURCE ENERGY/LOVE … and were given the choice to return etc … that what they experienced was indeed OF THE DIVINE and yet, the actual ‘pinnacle’ (for want of a better word) is of a far Greater Light than that. I found that most intriguing. Because surely, if you meet God … you meet God. Not a ‘lesser version of’?
We understand. Yet, White Cloud, of course, is quite right. The souls who have experienced such a wonder … knew they had met GOD/THE LIGHT … whichever word is appropriate for Each One … and yet, WR (with respect) it would have been on a Vibration that ‘Their soul’ was capable of ‘reaching’. So much Higher than that which they have known before yet …  How would we express this? … The ULTIMATE GOD-LIGHT … is of/comes from … a Vibration that a soul ‘still attached’ to the silver chord could not ‘BE OF’. And we express again, this is of the/with the greatest respect.
We are in no way ‘downgrading’ the experience one may have had. Simply explaining … or trying to … the magnitude of the HIGHEST PUREST POWER in Existence.
Yet, they did come face to face with THE SOURCE?
Indeed. Yet, as also explained in your group session … that of White Cloud and ourselves for instance … have to  … would we say … ‘condense’ our Energetic Vibration in order to converse with you. Otherwise, we would simply ‘blow you up!’
Yes. I get that. Thank you.
So continuing on with Knowing what you Know … you received a query about your climate change, did you not?’
Let us express to you … remind you … that this is ALL A GAME.
HOW DO YOU PLAY THE GAME? You Know this answer NOW. You play The Game by your thoughts. You are the controller. You have The Power of The Game in your BEING.
If you want to move on up the ladder, then surround your Being … surround everything within and without you, with incredible uplifting Joyous thoughts … ALL THE TIME.
If you want to fall down the snake … then allow yourselves to think negatively.
It’s funny. In my naivety … in past conversations … I would have gone on to you about … ‘It’s all very well for you, you’re not living in this hell hole’ etc. I have indeed recognized that over time … I HAVE GROWN UP! As you so kindly asked us to do, last week. No longer do I want to wallow in the ‘Try it down here and see how you fare’ industry!  I GET IT.
Yet, for so long you have been an advocate of positive thinking, have you not, Blossom? What has changed?
MY KNOWING. More of FEELING THE STRENGTH INSIDE ME. More of, as you say, ONE THOUGHT and BOOM … I’m back in business! NOTHING, but NOTHING can control that!
Exactly! And the more the more of you wake up to this … as so many are doing … the more the Vibration of your Planet rises at such exponential speed that THE CHANGES that one ‘thinks’ they are waiting for … are already there … within you.
This is why we have said … YOU ARE THE CHANGE.
Yes. Yet, until we FULLY GET THAT … on a KNOWING IT level … WR … they are just words to us. Once we FEEL THE FEELING OF THIS KNOWING … it brings with it a deeper understanding of WHAT THIS WHOLE THING IS ALL ABOUT. It helps us ‘SEE HOW’ we WIN THIS GAME. Just by that ONE THOUGHT OF FEELING THE POWER WITHIN OF OUR LOVE LIGHT! OH, Tickety Boo Boo Boo! It’s very exciting.
So, we would go back to the subject of climate change …
On point … good work!
It is not necessarily the subject matter we are interested in, yet, the matter of addressing the subject … of thought!
How do you choose to think? About Climate change? About finances? About politics? About a movie? About a circumstance? About a person? About a situation? About … ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING?
How are you choosing NOW to think about all these things?
Choose … positively or negatively?
That which is easily thought upon with Good Vibrational Frequencies … is simply a matter of multiplying … consciously multiplying those Positive Energies. That which has an ‘automatic reaction’ in thought to bring one down … needs perhaps a little more effort … to begin with.
If one’s Being reacts in a detrimental way to something/anything/ anyone … then take the deep breath … stop the thought pattern … and then take in another … and yet, another … then remember the smile to add to that. You have automatically changed your Vibration around that situation/person. If you choose to delve into the thoughts within that circumstance … then do so with awareness of how you are choosing to FEEL.  Sometimes, Dearest soul’s, it is a wise move to simply ‘dig no deeper’ and just send Love. Rise above it. See yourself ‘above’ the circumstance’ … be it global or personal … and from that place … shine Light from your Being down upon it/them.
In this way … you are taking out the Energies of lesser Light surrounding it/them … and adding that which is of stronger more luminous Energy to the situation.
For instance …
Back to climate change?
You read our minds.
A two-way street here, I feel.
Take your Beings up above your Planet. Look down upon it and send your LIGHT-LOVE upon the Earth Globe.
How much more ‘Positive’ is such an action taken? As opposed to ‘Sitting huddled up in fear and  WR … searching your internet to find out more depressing fear-based news?
I was replying to an email yesterday and I found myself saying ‘not to buy into the ‘fearytales’ … I was rather proud of that one! LOL.
Yet, so TRUE, Blossom. When we say ‘LET GO OF THE FEAR’ … do we say … ‘LET GO OF A LITTLE BIT OF THE FEAR’?  No. Of course not. What would be the point of that? LET GO OF FEAR. IT only exists because you feed it. Starve it out of your BEINGS, Dearest Souls.
Whoa! I’m positively BEAMING! In Gratitude. In Loving Service … I AM.
I have also posted a new YouTube channeling White Cloud AND The Federation Of Light. https://youtu.be/X1QtAbNcHk4 
The audio of this channeling will be added shortly. Many thanks.

Blossom Goodchild


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 19:15
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

The Power of NOW ~ Arcturians, Suzanne Lie.

The Power of NOW.

A Morning Message from the Arcturians

Through Suzanne Lie.

May 4th, 2019. 




Dear Ones,
We say “ones” as we speak to all who have chosen to listen to the messages that we, the Arcturians, Pleiadians and other members of your Galactic Family, are sending to you. We send these messages as you are our brave warriors who volunteered to take an earth vessel during this NOW of Gaia’s great need. 
Yes, dear Mother Gaia has been having a very difficult time due to the lost humans who care only for what is called “money,” and “power over others.” In the fifth dimension and beyond there is NO money and “power over others” NEVER occurs.
You see, in our realm of the fifth dimension and beyond, power is only found within and would NEVER be considered as something that one would use to control others. This "power over others" is especially prevalent in an era before Planetary Ascension. The reason for this is because the “darkest night is just before dawn.”
Fortunately, this “darkest night” which has been gripping Earth, will eventually meet with the “brightest dawn.” This meeting will occur when humanity has evolved beyond their childish ways of “power over others,” and “conditional love,” and has expanded their consciousness to the frequency of reality in which they can most easily move into their own “power within,” and “Unconditional Love.”
It is the power over others, and loving only via one's selfish desires, that is at the core of the fear and selfishness that can move through a third-dimensional reality like a firestorm. And, why does this fear seem to have more power than love?
For one thing, if love is “conditional love” then it is not loving at all. Instead, conditional love is a means for control of others. And why do humans wish to control others?  It is because these lost ones can NOT control themselves. 
If you look at everyone who needs to have power over others, you will see a small, lost child who cannot find the means to control their own third-dimensional self. There are many reasons for this loss of power within one's SELF, but the main reason is the loss of unconditional love from others.
These lost ones may appear to have power over others, but if you look closely, you will see many of them do NOT have much power over themselves. Therefore, they need to be bullies or gather vast amounts of the third-dimensional substance known as money. Third-dimensional money is useless in the higher worlds, but can be very addictive to those who resonate to the third dimension.
The Galactics view Earth money as pieces of paper and or circular configurations on different sizes of coins or paper. Money has no power at all in the higher dimensions of reality, but it has great power in Earth's third-dimensional reality. Why does this substance have such power in the physical worlds?

What we perceive from our higher worlds is that money is a primary manner in which the lost ones can have “power over others.” Money is how humans get food to eat, a place to live, and a job that gives them their money. 
But something quite sad has happened on Gaia around money. There are some who have a great deal of money and use that money to serve humanity and planet Gaia. However, many ones who have a lot of money use it to control others and to set themselves apart from the others that have less money then they do.
In fact, money has been used far too often to gain “power over others.” These lost ones only use their money for their own selfish gains and do not realize that money, which can buy them fancy homes and even more power over others, cannot buy them inner peace, unconditional love, joy and or deep inner peace.
Of course, money can buy a huge fancy home, a big expensive car, and even the ability to manipulate others. They may enjoy their fancy home, but without love, it will not give them love, peace, and contentment.
Within the reality of third dimensional Gaia, on which you currently reside, your consciousness appears to reside within your physical body. However, your consciousness can expand far, far beyond your physical form. In fact, with practice and loving intentions, you can expand your consciousness beyond the limitations of your Earth Life.

In fact,  your consciousness can expand far beyond your physical form and can even include your own fifth dimensional, and beyond, Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, where they choose to place the focus of your consciousness will greatly determine the reality which you have chosen to create for within your current incarnation.
Yes, humans do have the ability to choose their reality, but some of these choices are made before their incarnation. From the higher worlds, it is difficult to imagine the degree of fear, selfishness, and power over others that can occur on dearly beloved, third dimensional Gaia. However, we come to you within your NOW to remind you, that those who live via power over others would seldom be interested in what the Arcturians have to say.

It is those who are learning, remembering, and constantly looking towards living in a higher dimensional form of reality who are beginning to remember from deep, deep within their heart and soul that there is something HIGHER and something that is MUCH MORE EVOLVED than their third-dimensional world
Of course, only those who choose to look within, listen to and follow the guidance of their heart and soul, have the ability to live within the timeless NOW of the fifth-dimensional realities. The NOW is not a place or even a time. The NOW is a state of consciousness. 
The NOW is the ability to remember the YOU that you are within your higher frequencies of reality. In these higher frequencies of reality, there is NO time, as you know it on the third dimension. In the NOW there is ONLY the constant flow of the NOW.

What does “the constant flow of NOW” mean to humans who are wearing a third-dimensional body?
This NOW is unknown to many third dimensional humans. In fact, in order to experience the NOW, the earth-bound humans will need to go deep within themselves to find this NOW, and hopefully meditate on the NOW as they welcome it to come into their daily life.

Yes, we Arcturians see that we may have lost you with our latest statement, so allow us to go into the concept of NOW more deeply. The NOW is every second of your reality that you may, or may not, be aware that you have experienced, are experiencing, and/or will soon experience.

The truth is that life on third dimensional Gaia can so very difficult to so many people that they are just “getting through.” And what are they just “getting through?”
They are just getting through their life. Why does this occur? It occurs because third-dimensional reality can be very challenging. The frequency of the third dimension does not have the deep sense of grounding into the planet that the second-dimensional reality has, nor does it have the wonderful creativity of the fourth dimension. 
In fact, the third dimension is much like the “first grade” in school. Some of our brave ones who have decided to have an incarnation on the third dimension have been able to create a wonderful experience for themselves. However, because the third dimension is a polarized reality, the experiences of good and bad are often a component of daily life.

However, many higher dimensional beings who have visited third dimensional Gaia, return back to the third and/or fourth dimension to assist the beautiful, loving Gaia and all Her many life forms to transmute into their innate fifth-dimensional forms.

On the other hand, even the most uncomfortable or even extremely difficult experiences on Gaia can be overcome. In fact, if one is able to overcome, and learn from the difficult aspects of third-dimensional life, they will be creating their own “stairway into the higher dimension” when they return from their journey into higher dimensional Gaia.
However, as they move further away from their third-dimensional reality, which can occur during the returning to SELF, they may choose not to use the 3D term of death, as death is an illusion of the third dimension. More and more frequencies of humanity are realizing that when one “dies” to their third-dimensional earth vessel, their essence/soul returns to the higher dimensions from which they first came. 
Those who can only believe in, and thus can only experience, the third dimensional, physical reality is often unable to perceive their Higher Self in any manner. Therefore, they may believe that they do not have a Higher SELF.  However, the sky is still there even if one cannot see it.
In the same manner, the higher dimensions of reality are indeed “real” even if you cannot perceive them. However, if one who is wearing an earth vessel wishes to perceive their own higher expressions of SELF and/or the higher expressions of Gaia, they can use the great power of their “imagination.”
Yes, many humans may scoff at the awakened ones who communicate with and/or follow the instructions of their Higher SELF via their "imagination" because these particular humans can only believe what they can perceive with via their third-dimensional perspective.
What these lost ones do not realize is that  “what you can allow your self to believe is what you will be able to perceive.” Of course, there are many forms of “perception.” For example, our scribe cannot perceive us with her physical, eyes or hear us with her physical ears.
The reason for that is because we Galactic Beings resonate to a much higher frequency of reality than most humans do. Of course, many humans have learned the manner in which they can believe that which they cannot perceive because they can FEEL, they can KNOW, and/or they can REMEMBER that which came before they took their current earth vessel.
They also remember that, when it is their NOW, they shed their earthen vessels and return to their/your higher dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. Yes, ALL of you have higher dimensional expressions of SELF.

Unfortunately, some humans have become so lost in the illusions, especially the illusion of “power over others,” that they totally forget the “power within themselves.” It is the loss of one’s “power within” that drives them to live the illusion of “power over.”

We say “illusion” as the ones who live via  “power over” have chosen within themselves to participate in the illusion of having another human have power over them. This is especially damaging if one would choose to have “power over” children, old ones, ill ones or other humans who are able to understand what is happening and/or how to change that situation.

These ones who chose to hold “power over others” may not be too pleased by the lower level of the Astral Plane to which they will travel when they leave their third-dimensional body. When one leaves their earth vessel, through death, or even through very deep meditation (which is not recommended) they take their life force with them.

It is for this reason that we do not recommend deep meditations in which you “leave your earth vessel.” In fact, if one stays grounded in dear Gaia during their meditations, they will be much more able to remember what happened during their meditation. They will also be more able to commune, and/or communicate with their own Higher Dimensional SELF.
We do recommend that you instantly write down any higher dimensional experience you may have during deep meditation. The third-dimensional brain is not able to remember a higher dimensional experience for a very long “time,” as these higher dimensional experiences take them beyond third-dimensional time and into the higher frequencies of the “no time” of the NOW.
Exactly what is “no time” and what is “the NOW.” Third-dimensional time is based on planet Earth revolving around the Sun. On the other hand, the NOW is based on a state of inner consciousness that is not dependent on the planet, the Sun, or your third-dimensional vessel.
This higher, inner consciousness is not based on what is occurring around you, or outside of you. Your higher dimensional, inner consciousness is based on your ability to be the Master of your own thoughts and emotions. Being the master of your thoughts and emotions means that you can choose to accept certain thoughts and emotions into your daily consciousness and choose to NOT participate in other thoughts and emotions.
Yes, you all do have the ability to be the creators of your reality, and in fact, you are. However, some creations that arise from one’s lower states of consciousness may not be a conscious choice, but they may be a challenge from your Higher Self to expand your consciousness even further.
If one can look at third-dimensional reality as the frequency of reality that they chose to experience, they can perceive themselves as choosing to assist Gaia, and all Her beings, to expand their consciousness, and thus their perceptions, into the higher frequencies of their personal reality.

Also, and most importantly,  they can realize that they chose this reality in order to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Rebirth into Her fifth-dimensional expression of reality. As humans assist Gaia and Gaia assists humans, a deep bond can occur in which persons and planet can merge into the Oneness of the fifth-dimensional frequency of reality.

We, the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Venusians, and other higher dimensional beings can assist Gaia and all Her planetary reality to begin their return to their true fifth-dimensional SELF.

In fact, we, the members of your Galactic Family, invite all of you, our incarnated family, as well as all our family wearing fifth-dimensional vessels, to join into the ONE of the NOW of fifth dimensional Gaia!
We, the Arcturians are HERE within this NOW of the ONE, which ALL of YOU
We look forward to seeing all of you in the higher dimensions
The Arcturians, Pleiadians and other Galactic Beings

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 07:23
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

Time is not constant ~ Mike Quinsey's Higher Self

Time is not constant.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

May 4th, 2019



Who said time flies because they were correct and it seems to be going faster than ever. It certainly proves that time is not constant and I do not think anyone would dispute that. Then move forward to a coming period when the vibrations will have become so high that everything will be spoken of as being in the now. You may ponder whether everything remains forever and there is every reason to believe it does. You can travel back in time, so somewhere out there you can view history as things really happened. Much of it goes unrecorded in your history books and in any event is often incorrectly recorded. The Akashic records are your main source of information and are such that you can actually be a spectator at an event as though you were really there.

What you will find is that history repeats itself. Civilisations tend to go through the same challenges time and time again, until they have experienced sufficient to have learnt their lessons and move on. You never stop learning, moving from being a single soul onto group souls that grow larger and larger. Your Human experience has been more of a test of your resolve to face whatever has confronted you, and many of you have overcome the difficulties and risen up to now have two feet upon the path to Ascension. You have had help but it is open to anyone who takes up the challenge and shows the determination to succeed. Be assured that every soul has the potential to rise up, but many have not recognised the opportunity being given.

There is no urgency expressed where your evolution is concerned, in fact each life you have is planned to suit your ability to learn from your experiences. So no one is pushing you hard except yourself and that means you are never given more than you can handle. When the “Human” experience commenced eons of time ago, progress was deliberately held back to give souls ample time to benefit from them and slowly evolve. After many, many lives there came a period where your evolution was speeded up, and so it has continued until Homo Sapiens were introduced as another step towards growth and completion. Your history clearly shows such progress in recent times that coincided with your ability to become more of a Being of Light. As with every phase of your evolution, many other souls of great experience have been on hand to assist you.

Your history is being re-evaluated and it is becoming very apparent that not only have you had help from evolved beings, often they have been other species such as the Avians that presently surround and guard you against any possible interference. Cave drawings also clearly show that there has been visitations by the Ant Beings and even the Mantis Beings. You may find some of them scary but understand they are loving beings who have reached a high point of evolution, and they give their services to help younger souls to evolve. In their presence you would find their energies to be of a loving nature and in no way threatening or unpleasant. There are of course other kinds of beings that are well evolved but in service to self, and these are mainly the reptilians but we hasten to add that not all are negative. In general they are kept away from you but occasionally in the past, a single being has been able to make contact with you. Do not let this worry you as you are protected by the higher beings of Light.

We are aware that there are large numbers of people that just do not want to know about other forms of life, and clearly they are not ready for such revelations, and you can be assured that no one will be forcing the issue. However, disclosure must go ahead for the benefit of those souls who are ready to expand their level of consciousness. Evolution is a very personal matter and you are being encouraged to make your own pathway, to your liking. What could be better than gently easing you along at a pace that suits you and does not put you under any pressure.

In between lives you make plans for your next incarnation with the help of your Guides, whose advice is respected because of their vast experience and knowledge. With few exceptions all of you chose your own times to incarnate on Earth based upon what you have learnt about your needs. You do not necessarily incarnate into the same country or religion and that depends on the lessons you need to evolve. Each life is arranged to give you the maximum amount of opportunities to have a successful experience. Chances missed will come around again, as your progress must proceed in an orderly manner.

Naturally there are times when the outworking of experiences includes other people, and the working out of situations becomes quite intricate. Often it includes other souls who have played a part in your previous lives, and you may for example “owe” them a favour in return for help you have been given by them, or vice versa. Life may seem full of random happenings and many are, but in the main important events are set up to allow certain experiences that may help all souls involved. The most difficult scenario you are likely to face, is when of necessity you are born into a family where there is a need to get on with each other, and where previous opportunities have failed.

When each life is completed there is always a review of it with Beings who understood your life plan and can help you overcome the problems you may have encountered. In that event you may not necessarily have to go through the same ones again. What you may view as chance happenings are still likely to have been planned as unlikely as it may seem. Take note of any event in your life that seems intentional, and try to determine the meaning behind it as nothing really happens by chance. Sometimes the most difficult experiences to understand are those that call for some form of generosity from you, yet you cannot always respond in that way. Clearly if you are being urged intuitively to help, it is possibly likely that you are being “urged” by your Guides to do so. Certainly follow your intuition and you will not go far wrong. It is worth reminding yourself that every soul that incarnates on Earth has a purpose and a plan, and are equipped with whatever they need to ensure that their experience is rewarding.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.

This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 07:13
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

Evolution of the Earth * First through Fourth Dimensions ~ A Michael, Ronna Vezane

Evolution of the Earth * First through Fourth Dimensions

Evolution of the Solar System * Fifth and Mid-Sixth Dimensions

Evolution of the Galaxy * Sixth and Mid-Seventh Dimensions.






Through Ronna Vezane (Herman)


April 30, 2019 


Ronna Vezane

Beloved masters, the God Rays of Creation for the Piscean Age, which contained the specific aspects, qualities, virtues, designs and formulas for the creative process of that ERA, were beamed down upon the Earth and humanity for over 2,000 years. Those Creator Rays are now in the process of being withdrawn and shut down.
That is why the masses, those who are still stuck in the illusion and the vibrational frequencies of the imbalanced Third- and lower-Fourth Dimensions, are feeling as if they have lost their way. Nothing is working the way it did in the past, and there seems to be no hope for the future. Old regulations, guidelines, as well as many well-established institutions and religious organizations are no longer dependable, and many are falling by the wayside.
Fragmentation of almost all racial, cultural, social and political boundaries within the Third- / Fourth-Dimensional paradigm are crumbling or are being challenged. The consciousness of humanity is on the rise, and nothing can stop the forward momentum. HUMANITY IS COMING OF AGE, and all must follow the flow of expanded awareness or fall into the trap of inertia and chaos.
Fortunately, more and more people are awakening to the process of turning inward in order to gain a heightened sense of Self-awareness, which ultimately leads to a desire for higher Soul-consciousness via the energies of Divine discontent. Every cultural group, every race and every country on Earth are seeking direction or a higher philosophical path to follow.
This phenomenon is due to the fact that the Seven Rays of God Consciousness for your Earth, which contained the Divine Blueprint for the Piscean Age, have been almost completely withdrawn, and are being replaced with the higher frequency, more-refined twelve Rays of galactic consciousness for the Aquarian Age.
In the beginning stages of awakening, before a major Soul mergetakes place within a person, there can be no interference from the higher realms due to the Divine gift of free will, which ultimately became a gift with great and burdensome consequences.
However, when a person attains an energetic signature which resonates with the higher frequencies of the mid-Fourth Dimension and above, he/she is ready to affirm: “Thy will be done. I ask for my greatest good and the highest outcome for all,” thereby aligning the personal will with the Will of the Higher Self and the new Divine Blueprint for the Earth.
As a result, a magical path of Light is extended to that Soul via his/her personal column of Love/Light/Life. This Pathway of Light, often called the River of Life, leads to an authentic Essence Consciousness, whereby each person who reaches the required level of consciousness will begin to receive his/her special portion of encoded crystalline Seed Atoms for their new galactic or Sub-Universal Divine Blueprint / Mission.
These new Seed Atoms will also contain the advanced wisdom, talents, attributes and qualities necessary to qualify as a participant in the early-stage, creative process for the new Golden Galaxy of the future.
The process of evolution is changing − the bodily structure of all humanity will gradually be refined and upgraded. There will be guidance and directions supplied to those who have attuned to their Sacred Heart / Sacred Mind and who have placed their personal will under the command of Divine Will.
Heretofore, the masses have lived in a world of veiled, illusional awareness, and it seems they are now facing a future that feels much like a ship that has been cast into a stormy sea without a rudder. That is because the Primal Life Force energy that has been available to all humanity over the past age is no longer filled with God Seeds of great potential from within the old Divine Blueprint for this Sub-Universe.
The masses will still receive the vibrational patterns they need to maintain the status quo. And, we assure you that the loving energy of our Father/Mother God and the Beings of Light will always be available to humanity; however, in order to tap into the new Divine Blueprint that is awaiting each Soul, there must be an attunement to at least the mid-Fourth-Dimensional frequencies of Light.
Our Father/Mother God’s greatest desire is to see all Facets of their “Beingness” return to Self-mastery so they may enjoy the love, peace, joy and abundance that is every Soul’s Divine Birthright. There will always be help available from the great Beings of Light, and the angelic realm will always answer calls or pleas for assistance. However, there are immutable Universal Laws that must be adhered to, and it must be each person’s choice as to which path they will follow: the Path of Light or the path of shadows.
You, the StarSeed, who have balanced and harmonized the vibrational patterns of your four lower bodily systems so that your Soul Song is resonating to the Fourth sub-plane of the Fourth Dimension and higher, are now beginning to access the HIGHER FREQUENCY RAYS OF THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE FUTURE.
There is a new Divine Blueprint for this Sub-Universe and for each person who is ready to don a shining cloak of many colors – a refined auric field of Light – signifying a readiness to receive the virtues, qualities, talents, abilities and aspects of the New Age. These wondrous gifts are programmed within the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light, and they are now available to those of you who have attained the required level of Self-mastery.
Adamantine Particles of Creator Light are complete Facets of Creator Consciousness ready to be activated, programmed and manifested into new, unlimited creative endeavors. At the initiation of each subsequent plan for a new creative project, the Adamantine Particles are encoded with the Divine Blueprint for that plan.
These Blueprint Adamantine Particles are then sent forth in great Rays of unlimited potential by the Father/Mother God who received the command from the Supreme Creator for the new project that is to be manifested in the material realms. The Seed thoughts of the Divine Father, which are then radiated forth from the Cosmic Womb of the Divine Mother, are known as ESSENCE GENES.
You have genes within your DNA structure from all the different dimensions you have ever experienced. You, the StarSeed, are now in a state of preparation which will condition your current four bodily systems to receive these Essence Genes, along with your new Divine Mission.
These powerful, higher-frequency Rays contain the Creator Essence Cells for the Divine Blueprint of the New Golden Age, and they are being RAY-diated throughout this Sub-Universe via the great shining vessels of the Elohim and the Archangelic realm. These vibrational frequencies are stepped down at every sub-level of every dimension. If this were not so, all material manifestations, including humanity, would burn up from the Electromagnetic power/intensity of the Sacred Fire Energy.
The SACRED WHITE COSMIC FIRE, Adamantine Particles, that you magnetize to you as an awakened Self-master must continually circulate. Only a certain amount – that which is appropriate for each Soul to integrate at their current level of en-Lighten-ment – can be stored within the physical vessel; the balance must be RAY-diated out into the world of form.
The Supreme Creator is composed of infinite, indefinable Essence Power, which is so overwhelming that you cannot even imagine ITS magnitude. That wondrous Essence Power has been reduced within every dimensional level of Creation so that you, the Star Seed cocreators, may claim your portion of this magnificent, potential power.
Each human Being contains hundreds of potential personality traits, which have been stored within the genetic structure of his/her four bodily systems (physical, mental, emotional and etheric). It is up to each person to determine which personality traits he/she will develop and present to the outside world.
The faster you neutralize or harmonize your negative personality traits, the more quickly your godly potential or master Self will emerge. Only then will you gain access to your full potential as a cocreative master within the physical planes of existence.
Your planet is now plugged directly into the heart-core of the Great Central Sun within the Milky Way Galaxy. The new cosmic waves of Creator Light are a great gift to the awakened Souls on planet Earth. Even though these refined, higher-frequency Rays are not being beamed down directly into the lower Fourth- and Third Sub-Dimensional levels, the transforming frequencies of Light will gradually filter into and affect everyone and everything on and within the Earth.
Scientists have announced that a hydrogen wall barrier has been discovered at the edge of this solar system. These are the membranes of Light that we have spoken of in the past. Science and spirituality are validating and merging many conceptual teachings and theories of the past as more human Beings tap into the resources of the Sacred Mind.
As a result of its alignment with the Galactic Center and attunement with the Great Central Sun of the Galaxy, the Earth is in the process of raising its frequency patterns – its Soul Song – so it may return to its status as a Sacred Planet. This Sub-Universe is also being upgraded in vibrational frequencies as a result of being bombarded with the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light via our universal Father/Mother God.
The Milky Way Galaxy is also divided into twelve sectors, just as the universe is divided into Sub-Universal sectors, and each sector within the Galaxy has a governing Council of Twelve. Hopefully, you are gaining a better understanding as to the importance of the numbers 12 and 144, for these numbers apply to many Facets of Creation throughout this Sub-Universe.
Your encodings of awareness are constantly being modified by your positive or negative thoughts, intentions and actions. You are being presented with tests of tolerance, benevolence, humility and patience, and your cultural views are being challenged as well. Each and every day the Seed thoughts, which contain the negative frequency patterns of these aspects, will shrivel and disappear when you stop feeding them energy.
We have taught you to become “a living meditation” whereby you are able to function efficiently in your earthly environment while maintaining a balanced Alpha State of consciousness. The next step is to endeavor to live in a constant state of joy and gratitude, thereby becoming a “living prayer.”
As you become more proficient as cocreators on the earthly plane, you must constantly monitor your energy patterns and seek to upgrade them. You must strive for sustained harmony and refined godly expression. You must liberate the power of the Sacred Fire within, which, for most, has lain dormant for many thousands of years. You should strive to direct and focus your energy into the areas of your life you wish to change.
By establishing and constantly upgrading your Creator Wheel of Life, you are planting the Seeds of focused change, and you will be supplied with the Sacred Fire of Creation needed to manifest what you have envisioned. Your major goal must be to gain Self-mastery while in the physical vessel. When your endeavors are directed toward the highest good for all humankind, a special dispensation is given, and a greater measure of Creator Light will be made available to you.
Imagine, dear ones, how it would feel to have access to an unlimited supply of Divine Creator Essence. Envision yourself as a great energy vortex, pulsating with power, sending out great Rays of luminous color, radiating waves of energy and creating any and everything your Soul Self can envision.
Sense how you would feel as the energies you project swirl and solidify, as structure and form become discernible, beautiful and unique beyond measure — your creations — through the power of your thoughts, love/emotions and inspired imagination. We are endeavoring to help you understand why you and the Earth are so important during these chaotic times on your planet. In this galactic experience, the Earth is the place to be during this extraordinary period of evolution of the species and expansion of this Sub-Universe.
Build your vision, my brave and faithful Ones. Start within your own Sacred Heart center and reclaim that power and magnificence that is your Divine heritage. Then, begin to radiate that power and perfection into your physical vessel and outwardly into your world: your relationships, your work place, community, country and world.
Allow all that no longer serves you to continue on its path of limitation or to join you in the realm of higher frequencies of unlimited potential via the process of transmutation. The path toward the Light and the path spiraling further into darkness, have now come to a distinct point of separation. You are being forced to face, once and for all, the residual shadows of Self — all the imbalances and restrictions that are holding you back from fully empowered Self-realization.
Being a Self-master is not for the timid or weak of heart, dear ones. Accept my Sword of Light, which is encoded with the DIVINE WILL POWER of our Father God, and accept a shining CHALICE OF LOVE/LIGHT from our beloved Mother God, as we go bravely forward into the dawning of the new AGE. I am ever near to guide, direct, inspire and protect you.

Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from: RonnaStar@earthlink.net​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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publicado por achama às 07:07
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19



Marlene Swetlishoff.

May 2019. 


Hilarion update -- May 2019
I AM Hilarion

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

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If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 06:54
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

How to Align Your Life With the Power of Focused Attention ~ Tamara Rant

How to Align Your Life With the Power of Focused Attention.

By Tamara Rant, Conscious Life News.

May 4th, 2019. 



Most of us have heard the phrase, “Energy flows where attention goes”, but have you ever stopped to ponder what this truly means and how to actually apply this Truth to your own life? It is such a powerful principle that can so easily be harnessed, yet so few of us catch onto it right away; if ever.
Most of us tend to put our energy into the things we think we are supposed to and for the most part that’s a good thing, right? We study hard so we get into a good college so we have a better chance at landing a good job. We take care of our families by going to those jobs each day. We pay the bills from our wages to keep a roof over our heads, etc.
However, if most of us are doing what we are “supposed” to be doing, then why are so many of us so unhappy and so unsatisfied with our lives? The very lives we work so very hard for every single day to ensure stay in place just as they are? Why do we struggle then, only to keep the struggle going? Do you see where I’m going with this?
Well, for starters let’s take a look at where our major priorities in life may come from. If you never question your own beliefs, wants, and feelings then how can you ever know if they are truly your own or have simply been inherited or passed down from your parents and possibly even the generations before them? This would mean that what you are choosing to focus on is a subconscious, not conscious choice that is there because of someone else’s perceptions of the world; not your own.
If you are happy, then keep on keeping on! However, if you are unhappy and want to align your life so that it works better for you, then the first thing I would suggest that you do is take a look at your core beliefs; these strongest, most influential beliefs you have over the greatest, most relevant parts of your life including your love life, finances, health and career.
You may get a feeling at some point during your career that the particular path they’ve chosen is not for you and that you’re simply not doing what you love. It may run as deep as feeling like you’re wasting your talents, gifts and abilities and were put here to do more than “the daily grind”. If it runs deep enough, this is often the first time we question what we are doing with our lives, why and for whom?
Unfortunately, many of us never stop to question our beliefs and may never know the Self with a capital “S” that lies beneath the masks of our perceptual personality. However, if we do get to asking the question, then this usually is the first sign that our current beliefs and motivations leave great room for growth, molding, shaping and expansion of our creation and hopefully we like the taste of power that questioning our beliefs actually gives us.
Focusing our attention on all we’ve been told and un-learning anything that no longer serves us is the first step to aligning our lives. With the first question, with directed attention on new potential we begin to see that we are creators in our own rite. And hopefully, we roll with it! 🙂 Because the more we are willing to face the unknown about ourselves and get to know to real us, the more life will reward us with balanced experiences. And by that I mean, because you are living as a true expression of yourself, you stop projecting and reflecting in your relationships and you just ARE. And with just being is where we find…yep, you guessed it…balance. And in balance, there is none other than peace.
When we can live peaceful lives, we thrive and align in all sectors. We are not haunted by our fears, but rather see them as catalysts for action. We are not exhausted by change, we are respectful of it’s infinite presence. We are not attached to experiences, we are aware of conscious love in all time. We’re not living on auto-pilot reacting to things that “happen” to us, but rather choosing how we direct our focus and energy or rather living “pro-actively”. We gain confidence needed to focus our attention on self-love and things that serve us, so that we may better serve the world.
When we make a conscious choice regarding what we think about rather than just letting our brain run rampant, a funny thing happens…you realize that you are not your thoughts! You are, rather, the observer behind them; the conscious listener per se. And you realize as well that this consciousness you are, is ever-present, and infinite and if you’re anything like me when this hit my heart, an unimaginable wave of peace will overcome you.
I think we’d all agree that living in peace where you feel aligned and balanced would sound great to anyone, right? And I’m confident that anyone can live that way, regardless of what circumstances we many find ourselves in. This doesn’t mean repressing emotions or pushing down feelings. This is a simple shift in how we handle things and process our feelings. We are peaceful because we are confident, strong and can trust our own decisions. We are aligned because of the choices we are now making in our lives that serve our needs and allow us to do what we love. We are so much stronger than we’ve ever been taught to believe and perhaps that is the first belief we must truly take into our hearts as our own to overcome all others that are not.
*This article is dedicated to all the kick-ass souls out there who had the guts to leave jobs they hated to make a living doing what they love! Have a safe and awesome Labor Day weekend (if you’re here in the States with me, of course.) 
Tamara Rant.
Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to RantDesignMedia.com
Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.
Follow Tamara on FacebookTwitter and Google+
This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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publicado por achama às 06:47
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

Your Power ~ The Creator, Jennifer Farley.


Your Power

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

May 4th, 2019



Making peace with all parts of your life is imperative during this shifting/growing/learning/expanding time.  
You are being given the opportunity to change things (and change them very rapidly) in ways never presented before.  
Allowing this to happen in a way that works in your highest and best is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.  
If you want to slow it down a bit, ask.  
If you choose to integrate faster, wonderful.  
You, standing in your power, have the choices and control.  
What a wonderful gift, indeed.


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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here. 
(Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 06:44
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

“The Event… The Rapture… The Golden Age of Mankind” ~ Eric Raines

“The Event… The Rapture… The Golden Age of Mankind” 

By Eric Raines

Posted May 3, 2019 by Edward Morgan


“The Event… the Rapture… the Golden Age of mankind… whatever you want to call the massive energetic transformation that is physically shifting our solar system right now… it is not something happening to us. We are actively creating it by giving the light many more places to anchor into.”

Many religious and economic heads are feeling the pull to desperately shore up the energetic walls with physical energy in the only way they know how.
Many players in this high stakes monetary game of planetary control understand exactly how these systems work, if not their own part in it. They felt an extreme pull into action, causing well over a billion dollars worth of donations as they magnetized the collective with massive donations that pulled many to donate as well.
With the creative energy of humanity hijacked by the Babylonian slave money magic systems, this influx was just as much physical as it was energetic as all those feeling the vacuum of energy filled it with their sorrow, confusion, anger and determination to “make it right”.
What ended up being created was a shoring effect that began to interrupt the natural flow that the toppling of the “acupuncture needle” (spire) released, a desperate ploy to “reverse the volcano’s explosion”
It has already shifted much to far for them to regain control. Gaia has already began to wakeup in a massive way, and the flows were already strong enough to break free. With the toppling, the flow became uncontrollable from the negative perception and they are trying to wall it off.
This has caused severe instability as we experience a major push upwards in vibration at the same time. Many are noticing the intensity of their emotional and energetic states from these surges.
Not only do we have the waves of energy becoming stronger and fuller frequency as there is more light to anchor into, we also have been purging the collective sludge being created as this Loosh harvest swings into full gear.
As soon as the churches being burned and bombed (caused by the globalists to push this agenda as far as it will go) begin to disappear from mainstream media, the next level of harvesting will begin as the latest hot button issue becomes the collective focus as a new frequency of emotion is harvested.
This will not be successful. Already many have opened their awareness to how the majority is being manipulated and as more and more desperate ploys are exposed, the house of cards will begin to physically crumble, matching the energetic foundation.
Over the coming weeks, expect more exposures of the mainstream perpectuve as they get more desperate.
We are watching the dissolution of the cornerstone the entire foundation of Babylon is built upon, physically and energetically.
What we can do: Focus on your mission. Why are you here? Why do you exist? What is your purpose for being? Where do you belong in creation?
These are the burning questions that need answering. These are the burning sensations that drive into action, learning, exploring and training.
We came from incredibly powerful levels of light, having gone through intensely pure levels of soul transformation. This allowed us to remember what the light is when we came into this world of amnesia and ignorance.
We came here to feel this system from the inside out by becoming part of it… by feeding it… by recognizing how unnatural it is.
As we are a part of this system, when we choose to shift, it has no choice but to shift with us and we are going back into our pristine origins. I go into much greater detail here in “The Starseed’s Mission”.
When we shift our focus, we anchor in what we focus on. When we stand inside of this instability and anchor into our Divine mission, the instability dissolves. Solidity becomes the foundation. Light is birthed.
The Event… the Rapture… the Golden Age of mankind… whatever you want to call the massive energetic transformation that is physically shifting our solar system right now… it is not something happening to us.
We are actively creating it by giving the light many more places to anchor into.
Honor your part in this. It is just as important as everyone else’s.
From my heart to yours,


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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 

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publicado por achama às 06:42
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

THE QUANTUM AWAKENING #244 ~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


A Website, a Global Electronic Newsletter,

A Thought, A Way of Life, and a ‘Sanctuary of Truth‘ May 2019

Issue #244.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

This NEWSLETTER is Electronically sent out ‘FREE’ but you must Subscribe to receive it. Please go to www.thequantumawakening.com and sign up for newsletter or click on link at bottom of this newsletter. 
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Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted with Love and dedication to the Light 
This newsletter has been in circulation, hard copy and online, since 1986 and reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary Light-Workers.  One to one, light to Light,  Feel free to share this information with credit given 
Quantum Newsletters have been lovingly translated into ‘Spanish’ by Suzy Peralta from Argentina for many years.  Thank you dear Lady of Light for all your hard work

***From Your Hostess of Light: the Magic of Cocoa Beach
***Wesak May 19, 2019
***I am the Light of Quan Yin
***Fluid creativity 
***Moldavite Star*gate Window Lockets
***transmission sessions
The Magic of Cocoa Beach and the Florida Space Coast
Hey ya’ll this is Gillian Macbeth the Florida Goddess that lives in the healing mountains of East Tennessee.  I wanted to share with you the Power and significance of the place that was picked for the Ancient Healing Conference in Cocoa Beach Florida July 19-21, 2019.  Dr. Duncan Bowen, the creator of this conference was very tuned in indeed. Florida herself is part of the Atlantean continent structure like the arm of an octopus she extended herself outward and away from the Atlantean confusion. She holds timeless secrets upon her sandy shores and beautiful beaches, waiting to connect with those that will listen to her secrets. I was summoned to Florida in 1979 due to a dream I had.
  In that dream ‘I Dream of Jeannie’ from the old TV show told me to move to Cocoa Beach Florida and I would find what I was looking for, ironically the actual show I Dream of Jeannie was filmed in Cocoa Beach, Florida. The dream was so simple yet so powerful, I packed up and moved to Florida for the spiritual ride of my life.
The magic of Florida is self-evident as it has always had a great magnetic pull upon the masses that come to her sandy shores to heal.  The true magic of Florida lives in her Atlantean connection that still pulses within the waters and sands. Once Florida has entered your heart she has linked to your Atlantean lifetime and she never lets go. The Space Coast is just that, it’s all about space, inner, outer, theirs, ours and whoever else's. This is a special place, a spatial place and a place that holds an captivating vibration that has nothing to do with the Kennedy Space Center. 
Florida has beckoned a multitude of great light workers to her since the late 70’s. They all followed what spoke in their heart, and just like me followed the light to Florida. Like a scene out of ‘close encounters of the third kind’ minus the mashed potatoes we literally followed the Light instructions. Each time a great hurricane even looked towards the State of Florida, all that held that great light and hope for the future of mankind in their heart, stepped forward, in energy, action and  deed, intentionally placing a mantle of light and protection completely around the state of Florida. All we knew was that she was important, sacred and held a great position in the gird of planetary light. Each longitude and latitude of Florida, each town, each port, the west coast and the east coast and the keys, all project a different frequency, each is a different healing doorway. 
The space coast and all of her secrets have held a broadband vibration for many years. This special place in Florida talks to you in pulses, some are manmade, some are stellar, some are from what lives beneath the earth and seas.  The body reacts to the callings of this land, like an earthly drum. Long before Ron Jon's became Disneyfied, when the juice bars still allowed sandy toes, and the bonfires burned bright against the ocean, the sound of love could be heard speaking thru the hearts of all that lived on the Space Coast of Florida.  Back then we all had the sands of time running between our toes, always digging in we paid attention to what happened in the sky, the heavens, the ocean and the horizons of this specific watery latitude and longitude. Everything spoke to us, magic was all around us and we all believed.
Those of us that lived in Florida during those times knew in our heart of hearts that we were the champions of light.  That we were going to make a difference on earth and shift the old paradigm into a place of healing.  During that time many had dreams of Aliens, space visitors, disasters and evacuations, we all still remember those dreams to this very day. The stars talked to us and showed themselves in living color. The lights in the sky, on the shore, under the water, were animated and not human driven.  Cities of timeless light showed themselves in the waters between Cape Canaveral and Vero Beach creating powerful doorways of time.  The sky and sea danced together, showing newly risen watery truths.  Like an action movie in dimensional flux, pixelated to the max, that which was hidden showed itself above and thru time and the Florida waters.  The entire state of Florida was having Visions, of Mary on buildings, food, anything and everything that was seeking to be holy. UFO’s were front page news, psychic awakenings, kundalini activations and spontaneous channeling, was a daily event
From 1979 to 2019 is 40 years, a powerful cycle that is now creating another opportunity to move upward in light while still in human form. 40 is a powerful number. 40 holds the ‘knight’s code’ it is loyalty personified. It asks one to share all of their truths and wisdoms holding back naught.  This energy and conference is about making ideas concrete and workable, it is constructing the future thought by thought. 40 is the number of years that Moses wandered the desert. This is the end and the beginning of a new cycle of light.  It Is by no accident that people from all around the world will gather at this conference becoming part of something bigger than themselves.  This Light will be multiplied exponentially via this portal of the space coast allowing ancient truths to become Timeless in their approach and Landing. 
From the first minute Dr. Duncan told me about this conference I got so excited, like a kid waiting for Christmas and the special magic of that day. I have always seen a ‘conclave of powerful light teachers’ coming together and this Conference seems to be the perfect intersection in time, space and wisdom. I am honored and humbled and very excited to be part of this powerful ‘portal of ancient healings’. 
For more info about the Ancient Healings Conference go to www.ancienthealingsconference.com  
Wesak May 19, 2019
Wesak is one of my favorite times of year, I just love the blending of the Buddha and the Christ with Quan Yin being a chickie buffer in-between them, these are 3 of my favorite spiritual energies. When they come together is it very soft and powerful and every cell of the body can feel the holy dispensations. 
Wesak is the celebration of Buddha's birth/ enlightenment /& death. According to ancient beliefs, the Buddha was born, attained enlightenment, and left Earthly incarnation under the Full Moon of Taurus. The Buddha returns at this time each year to bring a new Light to the world. Spiritual leaders from all dimensions and times gather in Wesak Valley, high in the Himalayas. 
Wesak is the time in which the Christ gathers the entire Spiritual Hierarchy together in meditation to invoke the healing forces of Shamballa, and The Buddha.  The Buddha is the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment of Light and the indicator of Divine purpose. The Christ represents Gods promise and unending Love for humanity. The Wesak is like a holy pitcher pouring out a blessed healing elixir. 
Humanity is in a place of learning to truly see, to create, to make real by looking through the quantum portal, deep into the proverbial rabbit hole. It is time to change the description of what once defined thought.  A call to duty is announced to all that are willing to expand. Without playing favoritism with any particular side of creation, exchange the cross for the crown. Encircling what you want with clear intention, dotting your "I AM's" and uncrossing your "t's". Any and all limitations are the source of your power.  Any darkness you battle can be a source of power if transformed from lead into gold.  What stretches you comes from all sources. You have changed forever never to return to who you once were.  You sit perched on a new branch of heart and light awaiting a signal of when it is safe to fly, neither sign, nor signal comes, You must rely only upon your own intuition to move forward.  
As a singularity you sit in a place of great power and sacredness; all that you do or do not do is created by you and you alone. By seeing the existing blessings in your transformative lives you will create a connection for this wave of blessedness to adhere to. The more thoughts you have of blessing what is in your life right now the more energy is generated, and the easier the new connection will be made.  Thoughts of thankfulness and gratitude beckon this wave of blessedness; thoughts of negativity repel it.  The fruits of all past labors of life and love can be now tasted and supped upon.  What was once thought to be lost is found within ones very life.  Energy spent in helping others was placed into a universal account that has accrued to mighty proportions. Nothing was ever lost or wasted or tossed away in thoughts intentions, actions of goodness and kindness. 
All actions of inherent good have been counted and accounted for by the universal abacus. All time spent in prayer and kind thoughts for others has been exponentially expanded and multiplied beyond earth's ability to count. A great amount of heavenly rewards finds itself on the road to the masses. Fractals restructure themselves into different patterns of thought as the light within the unexpected and unexplained is turned up so high that even the 3 blind mice can see.  You are leaving the energy of what has so distracted you and moving into a place of sharp focus. Chose to see all or nothing, do not turn a blind 3rd eye to any possibility

I am the Light of Quan Yin

Quan Yin is such a beautiful expression of the Divine Mother.  She is known as the Great goddess and Mother of Compassion and Mercy, and is loved and revered throughout the world no matter religious beliefs . Mercy means there is more assistance given through love than through earned Merit. Kwan Yin is associated with the earth, fertility, birth, and healing. She has brought forth the energies of Magnified Healing.  Quan Yin the Goddess of Compassion is often depicted riding on a dragon. She is the eastern counterpart of Mother Mary,  she works to balance the feminine energies. She is one of the Lords of Karma representing the sixth ray. Isis carried the same 'mother energy' in Egypt. 
One of the several stories surrounding Quan Yin is that she was a Buddhist who through great love and sacrifice during her life on earth, earned the right to enter Nirvana after death. While standing before the gates of Paradise she heard a cry of anguish from the earth below. Turning back to earth, she renounced her reward of eternal bliss, and dedicated herself to the hearts of the suffering. Following her ascension Kwan Yin made this pledge, "Never will I seek, nor receive, private individual salvation, never will I enter into final peace alone, but forever and everywhere will I live and strive for the redemption of every creature throughout the world from the bonds of conditioned existence
Quan Yin means ‘One Who Sees and Hears the Cry from the Human World’. Her Chinese title signifies, "She who always observes or pays attention to sounds. she who hears prayers. Worshipped especially by women, this goddess comforts the troubled, the sick, the lost, the senile and the unfortunate. she is now also regarded as the protector of seafarers, farmers and travelers. Quan Yin is depicted as a barefoot, gracious woman dressed in beautiful, white flowing robes, with a white hood gracefully draped over the top of the head and carrying a small upturned vase of holy dew. She stands tall and slender, a figure of infinite grace, her gently composed features conveying selflessness and compassion that have made her the favorite of all deities.  
I am the light of Quan Yin. I come on this day to escort you into mercy and blessings for you are truly a blessing to me. You stretch and dedicate yourself to walk upon the path of enlightenment, which is so often strewn with earthly dangers and physical pains. You are such blessings to me because you try so hard to fly above the earthly pain and suffering into a place you can see with the eyes of your soul. 
You are blessings to me because you continue to pray against all odds.  You are my blessings and I come to help you remember the sacred contract that you have made with your body, with your mind, and with your spirit. For the trinity of you is so very Holy. You house the very universe in your physical body. In the time of Wesak when the Buddha and the Christ came together they will not separate their dispensations and heavenly gifts but will  become as One,  merging transfiguring and shifting, together. 
The Buddha will hold the vibrations of the Christ and the Christ will hold the vibrations of the Buddha. As you merge with them vibrationally you will become like sea water that has been in a jar too long and seeks the ocean.  You are becoming, in  the fluidness of your future. Allow yourself to be poured into new light assemblies stretching yourself beyond any prior limitations. This is a time for all of humanity to dispense with the contractions, to dispense with the fear, to dispense with anger. Both the Buddha and the Christ come and ask you to disband all that is toxic or negative, release it, and let it go. These Wesak dispensations come to you as cleansing bubbles that clear what has been hardened. Delete what keeps you less than. Dissolve with what keeps you from loving each another. Diffuse what keeps another from loving you. Stop using the excuses of your past to keep yourself powerless in the present. I am Quan Yin and you are my blessings.
Fluid Creativity 
This power-filled summer will allow all of us the opportunity to align with all that was before known creation. This energy unveils itself in the form of pure undiluted universal possibility. The alpha and the omega and every atom in-between invite you to partake of their distinct truths. You are finally able to enter the ‘free flowing’ experience of all possibility. Learning to truly see, to create, to make real by looking through the quantum portal deep into space and time, takes its toll on your imagination, pushing you past any possible thoughts into the land of ‘fluid creativity.’  It is time to change the description of what once was thought to be possible and redefine that word.  Like Dolly Parton said ”honey get off that cross someone needs the wood”, exchange the cross for the crown! Encircle what you want with clear intention, dotting your "I AM's" and uncrossing your karma.  
You have finally come to the realization that your thoughts are the ‘source of your power.’  Any and all limitations are the ‘source of your power’.  Any darkness you battle within can be the source of power, if transformed from lead into gold.  This year issues a decree that you must become the Heroes. One who rises from battle over and over again and continues to move forward thru sheer will to do good. You have changed forever never to return to who you once were.  You sit perched on a new branch of heart and light awaiting a signal of when it is safe to fly, neither sign, nor signal comes, you must rely only upon your own instinct to move forward.  As this singularity you sit in a place of great power and sacredness; all that you do or do not do is created by you and you alone.
Moldavite Star*Gate Window Lockets
These beautiful and powerful pieces of precious pristine moldavite are contained in a beautiful clear glass see thru vessel in the form of a locket.  Moldavite is a green translucent gemstone that comes from a single meteorite which fell to earth nearly 15 million years ago and landed in the Czech Republic. It is considered the only gemstone of extra-terrestrial origin.  Moldavites existence predates known history. The Neolithic peoples of Eastern Europe regarded the glassy crystal as a spiritual talisman more than 25,000 years ago.  Moldavite was believed to bring good luck and harmony to marital relationships and for centuries was given as a wedding gift. In the 1960's the Swiss government gave a gift of Moldavite to Queen Elizabeth II on the tenth anniversary of her coronation. It was a beautiful naturally sculpted raw stone set in platinum and surrounded by diamonds and black pearls. There was also a rosary of faceted Moldavite beads with a carved Madonna made for Pope John Paul II as a gift from the Czechoslovakian people.
Moldavite indeed fell from the heavens and scientists associate it with the meteoric collision which formed the Bohemian plateau and surrounding mountains. While scientists differ in theories regarding Moldavite's origin, nearly all agree its formation coincides with the crash of a large meteorite approximately 14.8 million years ago.  Legend has it moldavite was the green, emerald-like stone found inside the Holy Grail and said to be a talisman for the healing of the planet. Moldavite carries an intense frequency, a fusion of earthly and extraterrestrial energies that are instantly felt. Holding Moldavite for the first time usually produces a sensation of heat, then the heart chakra is activated, and emotional release from laughter to tears may occur. Moldavite's frequency may take some getting used to, but its profound ability to accelerate one's personal and spiritual evolution is worth it.  A star-born catalyst of healing and wholeness, this is a sacred talisman of awakening opening the doors to our destiny. Moldavite is a catalyst for quickened inner evolution towards one’s highest good. The changes it brings can be intense and rapid. The healing can occur in the physical body, the chakra systems, one’s dream life and other aspects of the spiritual dimensions. 
Moldavite is a valuable stone for star children and sensitive souls who find it difficult being on earth.  Wearing Moldavite opens the heart and helps return that beautiful pink glow to your aura that is associated with unconditional love. Placed on the heart, Moldavite uncovers the reasons and purpose for why one is here, and eases the "homesickness" for the stars. Wearing, or simply holding, a piece of Moldavite can produce many interesting and instantaneous reactions. Its vibration are so high, too much exposure can be overwhelming. The fluttering most people feel in their chest while holding moldavite happens because moldavite opens the heart & thymus (spiritual heart) chakras. When kept close to the body, moldavite will remove energy blockages in all chakras. If you have had trouble opening your heart chakra and releasing bottled-up emotions, moldavite is the stone for you! 
There are many benefits of this stone, and exposure to it including, activating the dream state when worn while sleeping, helping one to acclimate to the Earth plane. It aids in expansion of consciousness and rapid transformation, releasing of those things that do not serve one's highest path. Moldavite is considered the only known gemstone of "extraterrestrial" origin. Moldavite is one of the most beneficial gemstones for accelerating psychic awakening and spiritual growth.  While wearing or holding moldavite, solutions to problems will become clear. It’s not uncommon to have an epiphany or two while working with moldavite! 
If you struggle with finding your purpose in this life, I recommend carrying or wearing a moldavite as it helps you to “remember” why you are here. Moldavite will often bring repressed emotions bubbling to the surface This helps to facilitate emotional healing and spiritual growth. Moldavite is a talisman, a cosmic sigil, sent to Earth.  It has its own cosmic Over-soul.  Moldavite has an ability to connect with the Ascended Masters and Angels of Light.  It has the ability to ground Light for the healing of the Earth. Moldavite creates an energy of spiritual protection, preventing negative energies and entities from connecting or clinging to one's energy field. 

Go to www.theQuantumAwakening.com to see pix and prices 

Transmission Sessions
with Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
The word transmission means “across, beyond, through” and that is exactly how these sessions can be defined. They are not just your vanilla box reading or session of truth, they are an experience for the soul filling you with pure light and healing  Each session is uniquely tailored for your light and life.  Each healing sound and each channeled word, is for your light, your body, your heart and soul.
Your ‘Transmission session’ will be a ‘remote session’ aligned with your soul light and soul purpose. It will be recorded and I will send you the file link so you can download to your computer, USB or CD. 
Sessions are recorded in separate voice files approx. 2+ hrs. Total 
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO box 217 
Dandridge, TN 37725
email me at thequantumwakening@gmail.com
Cosmic Classified 
The Crystalline Light Expo
Saturday, March 23, 2019,   9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Rothchild Catering and Convention Center
8807 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37923
Visit Intuitive Readers, Alternative Healing Practitioners, 
Vendors of Beautiful Crystalline Products and Gifts.
Join us for a day of healing, learning and fun!
For more info email us at crystallinelightexpo@gmail.com
This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit 
any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness. 
Support Where You Receive Your Spiritual Truths
Gillian MacBeth-Loutha
PO Box 217 
Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217
  • www.thequantumawakening.com
  • thequantumawakening@gmail.com

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • The Quantum Awakening <TheQuantumAwakening@Gmail.com>



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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 06:40
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

7 Things a Covert Narcissist Mother Does to Her Children ~ Sherrie.

7 Things a Covert Narcissist Mother Does to Her Children.

By Sherrie.

May 3rd, 2019


While most narcissists are men, women can be just as malignant. In fact, the covert narcissist mothers are becoming more common.

Narcissistic females are thought to be rarer than their male counterparts. In fact, 75% of narcissists are male. Recently, however, studies have shown more and more covert narcissists are women. The covert narcissist mother, being one of the most malignant of the group, can cause some of the worst damage as well.

How children are really affected

You would be surprised just how much damage is done to children with covert and dangerous mothers. Yes, I said dangerous because later in life, this upbringing can cause mental health problems and even suicide.
So, what does this type of mother do to her children that’s so heinous? Maybe you will understand the serious nature by delving into the effects of the narcissist.

1. She devalues her children

One thing the covert narcissist type of mother does to her child is devaluation or triangulation. This means she uses one child as a scapegoat and the other as the perfect child.
This creates competition within the mind of the flawed child. This sibling tries desperately to please their mother which is almost impossible. In the meantime, their mother is doting on the golden child and offering praises day after day.
This sort of covert and venomous narcissist mother can leave her imprint way into her child’s adulthood. The effects surface by not being good enough and always comparing themselves to other people.

2. She has two faces

One way the covert style of the narcissistic mother affects the children is by the utilization of two faces. What I mean by two faces is that the mother is loving to her children when presenting them to the outside world, but behind closed doors, she is quite the opposite.
She shows off her children, then punishes them for small things later on. Sometimes she passes her duties as a mother to other people when no one from outside the home is around to see her true actions.

3. Invalidation and gaslighting

One of the most horrible things a mother can do is invalidate the feelings of her childrenand make them feel like they are the crazy ones. This type of mother does negative things and blames the actions of her children as the cause of her negative actions.
She doesn’t validate the feelings of her children as real concerns. This is because the covert narcissistic moods of the mother show no empathy. If something occurs that’s obviously the fault of this mother, she resorts to gaslighting to defend the truths of actions.

4. Her children are parts of her personality

A narcissist’s children are not individuals in her eyes. They are simply a part of her being, created by her, and under her control. She dresses her children in certain ways to represent herself, otherwise, she will have a reputation she does not want.
In public, she brags about her children, but in private she pushes them to be better – she tells them to lose weight or to dress better.. Her children are possessions, or better yet, extensions of herself which must represent her and not an individual person.

5. She competes and crosses boundaries

The covert version of the narcissistic mother will cross strange boundaries with her children. These are boundaries that are extremely disturbing sometimes.
If she has a female child that is developing and maturing physical, the mother will compete with her daughter’s youthful looks. She may try to dress more provocatively than her daughter and even try to steal her boyfriends or seduce them.
She crosses these boundaries because she is aware of her aging and no child of hers will be better than her in any way.

6. Outside possessions are more important than her children

covert narcissist will always find greater pleasure in providing for herself over the need of her children. For instance, she rather purchase new clothing for herself than for her children, even if they need new school clothing.
She is a selfish person and doesn’t care how her children see her. She will buy them the bare minimum and then again, show her children off to the world in their few new outfits. If you pay attention, you will notice the covert mother has more new clothing than her children.

7. She invades their privacy

covert and intrusive narcissistic mother will always break boundaries when it comes to her child’s privacy. Yes, you should, as a mother, be able to check up on some of your children’s actions, but not constantly. Sometimes it is best to let them have some privacy and figure out things for themselves.
An unhealthy relationship with your child will turn into unhealthy relationships when they grow older, destroying future relationships and causing others to resent them for their intrusive behavior.

Let’s be honest: Are you a covert narcissistic mother?

Look within and ask yourself, do you fit any of these indicators of being a parent like this? If you relate to any of these things, please try to change as much as possible for the sake of your child’s future. The treatment they receive now will be the foundation of their adult lives.
If you know someone who is a covert narcissistic type of mother, please provide help for their children if you can. Remember, you cannot break boundaries either or the mother will only punish the children for that as well. If anything, get anonymous support or help.
I hope these indicators and words of hope have helped you as well.
  1. https://thoughtcatalog.com
  2. https://blogs.psychcentral.com









About the Author: Sherrie

Sherrie is a freelance writer and artist with over 10 years of experience. She spends most of her time giving life to the renegade thoughts. As the words erupt and form new life, she knows that she is yet again free from the nagging persistence of her muse. She is a mother of three and a lifetime fan of the thought-provoking and questionable aspects of the universe.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Thanks to: Learning Mind <noreply+feedproxy@google.com>




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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 06:38
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

Your Now… ~ The Creator, Jennifer Farley.


Your Now…

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

May 3rd, 2019


What are you holding onto?  

What past thoughts, actions or emotions do you re-live again and again?  

Your brain has stored every single experience within its gentle, unassuming folds and you have access to that information 24/7.  

Now, dearest one, this is where free-will comes into play. (Smiling) 

You can choose to focus on the positive or negative…consciously aware that, when bringing up any particular ‘file’, you are also creating your reality now.  

Today, you are being invited to create a new story, a different script, a lighter and brighter future for yourself.  

You have done the work; you are worthy and deserving of it. 


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Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here. 
(Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 06:36
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

About Nativity Scenes. ~ Thought Adjuster, Anyas.

About Nativity Scenes. 

By Thought Adjuster.

Message received by Anyas. 

Oregon, USA, March 29, 2019.

Posted 2019/05/03

“You cannot perceive spiritual truth until you feelingly experience it, and many truths are not really felt except in adversity.” [UB 557:02] 
Thought Adjuster: “A few things caught your attention as you read the above quote: To be ‘perceived,’ spiritual truth has to be ‘feelingly’ ‘experienced,’ and adversity acts as a catalyst for such ‘feelings.’ 
“Let us expand on that topic. First of all, your feelings are the ‘this-feels-right, but this-doesn’t’ sounding boards for your thoughts. Just as high- or low-pressure systems dictate the weather, thoughts yield kindred emotions. 
“To be integrated, spiritual truth has to be felt at the very core of your being through personal experience. Living through a situation is a far better teacher than just envisioning it, as actions are needed to manifest new realities. Moreover, a telltale sign of spiritual Truth is that it is ‘actionable’ and ‘sustainable.’ 
“Think back on your life to pinpoint those experiential moments when you acquired spiritual insights. You will find out that these epiphanies entered your mind on the testing grounds of adversity, as they were crucial for your forward spiritual evolution. There is no better place to detect light than from the bottom of a pit. 
“Whenever darkness closes in on you, you squint to detect any beam of light. As it enters your field of vision, you perceive it as a ‘saving light,’ as it liberates you from your darkness-induced claustrophobia and sense of utter helplessness. 
“Amidst adversity, search for the spiritual guiding light that will undoubtedly show up. Handle it as the spiritual torchlight it represents to dispel anything that is not of Spirit. Retrospectively, your hardest challenges will turn out to be the ‘nativity scenes’ of the spiritual realizations you needed to transcend your imperfections and ascend toward your Higher and Wiser Self.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above – Vol.2”
Is now available on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle Versions
Read more about it at:

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Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here. 
(Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 06:33
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

SACRED REALITY ~ Kate Spreckley


Kate Spreckley's Inspiration.


daily inspiration 3 mary 2019.

The energies of tomorrow's New Moon are asking us to reassess how we create balance in our lives. This is a time when everything is being revealed making us more aware of the need to heal and transform our lives. The incoming energies are igniting every aspect of our lives, all our karma, our unresolved pain and the deep soul wounds we have carried for eons. At the same time it is imperative that we lift our spirits and ignite a sense of wonder, curiosity and magic into our lives.

This is a breakthrough moment where you are releasing the patterns of your past and finding a different way of being. You can no longer ignore nor deny the healing that is required and the changes that you need to make.The New Moon offers you the opportunity to see your life through new eyes. To see the infinite potential for miracles and magic. Make time this weekend to step into conscious connection with the Divine by spending time in nature. Awakening to the beauty of the Earth and the miracle of life on this planet will rekindle the energy and inspiration you need to move forward.
Much love 


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 






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Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 



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publicado por achama às 06:30
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

mais sobre mim

Maio 2019


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