A Chama da Ascensão


Domingo, 28 / 04 / 19

Pensamento do Dia 27 de abril de 2019 ~ Sathya Sai Baba.

  Manifestações do Amor Divino!

Pensamento do dia.

Por Sathya Sai Baba

27 de abril de 2019 

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Alimento é o remédio para a doença da fome; água, para a sede. 

Para a doença do ciclo de nascimentos e mortes (bhava-roga), Deus (Bhagavan) é o remédio. 

Para a enfermidade do desejo, a receita é sabedoria (jñana). 

Para as doenças da dúvida, do desespero e da hesitação, que são enfermidades ocupacionais dos aspirantes espirituais, o medicamento mais eficaz é fazer o bem aos outros (paropakara). 

Para a séria infecção da ansiedade e da inquietude (ashanti), o tratamento indicado é o canto devocional (bhajan). 

Prover esses remédios aos que sofrem é a meta à qual a organização deve se dedicar. 

As organizações devem ser tais que seus membros encontrem nelas ambientes adequados para aprofundar sua disciplina espiritual (sadhana), para cultivar suas virtudes e para superar seu ego, por meio do contato com servidores que estejam livres do mais remoto traço desse veneno mortal. 

Se isso for alcançado, seu sucesso estará assegurado.

(Discurso Divino, 21 de abril de 1967)
Sathya Sai Baba.


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publicado por achama às 06:22
Domingo, 28 / 04 / 19

Most of the changes mentioned cannot take place until after Ascension ~ Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Most of the changes mentioned cannot take place until after Ascension.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

April 26th, 20199



I am back feeling all the better for a nice break and renewing links with my family. Generally matters seem to be getting out of hand again, but they should be viewed as the last efforts of the dark Ones to prevent us from achieving our goal. Much is progressing in spite of outer appearances, and it is notable that the young people are well organised and able to demonstrate peacefully to achieve their aims. It was anticipated as those souls incarnating upon Earth are far more informed, sensible and organised, to help Humanity advance on the path to Ascension. Bear in mind that most of the changes mentioned cannot take place until after Ascension.
On the 1st November 2013 Elizabeth Trutwin sent out a message that suggested Ascension was very near to occurring. Obviously that was not the case but in the light of events that have since taken place, and given the changes that now loom large it seems that we are nearer than ever to Ascension. The merge to Oneness “As above – So below” is Zero Point, and as we approach it we help bring the Golden Age into physicality on Ascended Earth. I feel that in the circumstances it is appropriate to give a full version of that section of Lord Ashtar’s message that covers the most welcome changes that await us in the very near future. The complete message was in fact six pages long.
All of the Arcturian Light Technologies including surgeries will be available free to all. Nutritional deficiencies, blood diseases, those who are paraplegics, chronic illness and cancer will be wiped away in a very short time. Also advanced technologies and the ET’s who run them, like the Sirian Temple Workers and their advanced forms of Acupuncture will be available. Simple things like eyesight problems and obesity will be corrected very quickly.
All forms of reverse aging, DNA telomere repair, skin and beauty treatments will be had by all. The elderly and children will be helped with ailments they are subject to. There will be counsellors to help with psychological conditions of the mind. There will be new solutions for children in foster homes, and the current care system will end and evolve into a solution that is right for children, their natural parents and their mentors helping them. Those living in group homes, orphanages and Old Folks homes will be cared for in new ways not possible before.
Everyone will be free, free to experience life in a way that is meaningful to them, on their terms. Each one will have help making a plan for their next step in life. These Healing Centres will be in the Light Cities that will be visible, and revealed at Disclosure. Many “believers” have yet to integrate the information about the Light Cities. It should be understood that these Light Cities are an extension of the Mother ships. One will go to these appointments or work in the Light Cities, either by flying car or beaming up. At the end of the day people will go back home.
Within a couple of years Earth will be a planet without disease of any kind. Injuries will be handled with advanced care, and the need for Healing Centres will diminish greatly. After the healers who will have been working in the Light Centres have finished healing the population, they will evolve into new work that is not “work” but creativity helping, in new ways not available before, but for example creating self-governance and implementing the new laws and new ways of World Peace.
Consider your personal dream and upgrade it based on new information coming through. Allow your imagination to take you beyond what was assumed to be true. After the Event all survival requirements will be wiped away with Free Energy, Abundant Healthy Food, Clean Water, Pollution Clean-Up, Mentors and the Light Cities will provide free healing to all. Animals and Magical Creatures will have the abundance they need and will be free to come and go as they like.
Marginalized people will be cared for and all non-violent prisoners will be released, because the majority were incarcerated on false charges. The politicians will all resign, and criminals will be dealt with in speedy trials. New elections will be held months later. Packages with NESARA funds will begin to be delivered and expected to take 18 months to make it to everyone. When it happens it has to do with meeting the requirements prior to the window of opportunity.
The parting of the ways is taking place as the dark Ones fall deeper into the mire they have created for themselves. Whilst they continue to drop into the lower vibrations, those who are of the Light are going higher and higher as their vibrations rise up. They have never looked back since they passed the marker in 2012 in grand style. By focussing on all that is positive a protection is created around you that is safe and secure from any attempts made to upset it.
A short extract from the “Open Hand Website” follows that probably sums up the opinion of many people’s feelings right now. “With Brexit in mind it seems that the EU is clearly a key fulcrum within the New World Order. It neatly packages and sanitises exploitation of the Earth, its people and resources based on the engine of ever escalating consumption. Whilst people may feel more financially abundant in the short term, the effect on the natural ecosystems going forward is catastrophic”
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. We are going through a testing period that calls for calmness and full focus on the future. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 06:20
Domingo, 28 / 04 / 19

What within me must be released so I can resurrect greater love ~ The Angels, Ann Albers

What within me must be released so I can resurrect greater love. 

Message from the Angels via Ann Albers. 

April 27, 2019.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Before you go to bed tonight, take a few moments to think about who you wish to be. Ask yourself, “What parts of me would I like to leave behind as I ease my spirit back into the realms of Oneness tonight? What within me must be released so I can resurrect greater love, greater health, greater abundance, greater expression, and greater joy tomorrow?”
Focus on the “you” that you wish to be as you awaken in the morning. Do you want to be healthy, happy, filled with enthusiasm? Do you want to wake up feeling loved – with (or without!) a partner in the future? Do you want to wake up in an abundant reality giving thanks for all your blessings?
Imagine waking up that way. Imagine what it would feel like to wake up happy, healthy enthusiastic in a life where you feel grateful for your first breath each day! Imagine waking up feeling loved and loving! Imagine feeling wealthy in spirit and abundant in your material world. What would it feel like to wake up in that reality? Let your imagination run wild as you drift off to sleep. Take these feelings with you into your dreams.
The moment you wake up, see if you can resurrect the feelings you had before bed. Imagine you are waking up to a glorious day, feeling better than yesterday, happier, more abundant, grateful, and enthusiastic.
Even if you have to face tasks you’d rather not face, say to yourself, “This is the day that the Divine has made! I will make it the best and most loving day possible… no matter what!” Bring your light and good feelings into the day! Bring your feelings of abundant gratitude.
Tell yourself that your life is getting better and better every day, in every way.
Don’t look for evidence. Make a decision to embrace your resurrected reality. Declare it. Feel it. It lives within you. Even if externally you are still unhealthy imagine the healthy self inside, coming to the surface more and more each day! Feel it. Even if externally you still go to a job you don’t like, imagine waking up feeling joyous about your work. Make a decision to trust the guided journey until you get there. Even if you are surrounded by unloving souls tell yourself, I am loved! Imagine it until you feel it.
Decide to embrace your new reality even before it shows up in your life. Allow the parts of yourself that seek evidence for the negative, that expect disappointment, that doubt in your eventual victories to die, as a deeper, truer, more joyous version of yourself is resurrected from the inside out.
Now breathe in fully and deeply as you mentally root yourself in this reality. As you go about your day, see how long you can stay “resurrected” in these new feelings of love and light.
When you seed the unconscious mind in sleep and strengthen the muscles of you conscious mind by day, your life will become progressively easier and more beautiful.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
The Angels.

Ann Albers.

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here. 
(Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 06:18
Domingo, 28 / 04 / 19

Much is underway, and you are feeling it. ~ Arcturian Collective, Galaxygirl.

Much is underway, and you are feeling it.

Message from Arcturian Collective.

Channeled by Galaxygirl.

April 26, 2019. 



Greetings friends, we are the Arcturian Collective, sending you tremendous love and light in this precious Now moment. Much is underway friends, and you are feeling it. Many of you have had interesting aches and pains that migrate and don’t make sense to the logical mind, for there is no injury involved that you can see. But you have had many lifetimes and many woundings. You are clearing them for yourself or for the collective. You are doing the work with vim and vigor. You are either extremely fatigued or highly energized. It seems odd to you that there is little in-between. You are riding the new energy waves that have been extremely high that are bombarding your Sol who is in turn lovingly filtering and passing along to you and your fields.
This is a marvelous example of how all is interconnected. But we think you are beginning to see this big picture and to feel it. Feeling is such a very important aspect of this current experience. You are here to feel, to experience. You are not here to know because deep down hidden behind layers of forgetting you already do know. All will be revealed in its proper time. You are here to feel because it will expand you. Humanity has a unique depth and breadth of feeling capacity, which is why you were hijacked by those seeking power over others for your creative power and will. That which was twisted will be untwisted. The truth will come to light. You are here to hold the light, to be the light and to anchor the light. We see you as doing a marvelous job of this.
When you feel overwhelmed within the physical call upon us for some healing touches and we will most gladly send healing energies to you, likely in the form of blue and green bright and beautiful butterflies, for that is a graceful and loving imagery and energy packet that is easily accepted and beautiful to witness. The Arcturian butterflies of healing are our friends and family in form, a different form. Call upon us to surround you with them at any moment. When you are stressed, breathe of course, and visualize a neon bright blue butterfly alighting upon you where you hurt or beside you or on your arm to cheer you up. Talk to us. We are near. We are the Arcturian Collective sending our embraces of love and healing vibes to you.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 06:15
Domingo, 28 / 04 / 19

Awakening Your Inner LIGHT ~ Gaia, Suzanne Lie.

Awakening Your Inner LIGHT.

Message from Consciousness of Earth, 

through Suzanne Lie. 

April 27, 2019.





I Gaia, the Consciousness of Earth, am ALWAYS available to assist you. Know that you, my beloveds, are manifestations of my consciousness. Your individual Souls are a portion of The Source, but the physical form that houses your consciousness is my manifestation. 
Your physical body is made of the same elements as those of all my other creatures.  We are all ONE, you see, and as ONE Being we shall transform ourselves into our higher expression. 
The boundaries between dimensions are beginning to blur NOW. For a brief moment, you may begin to perceive the third, fourth and fifth dimensions all at once. Often, your physical senses cannot compute all these stimuli, and your physical eyes will see the world through a dim haze. When this happens, you may also have difficulty in orienting yourself in space, and you may experience dizziness and/or nausea.  
If this happens to you, take a moment to focus solely on your third-dimensional world until you feel grounded and balanced. Take long, slow, deep breaths and keep your eyes open.  Eventually, you will regain your equilibrium. The illusions that separate the third dimension from the higher worlds are thinning now, and your inner clock is chiming that it is “time” to BE your SELF in your daily life and see reality through your Eyes of Soul.  
It is this perception that allows you to see the new world that is being unveiled, even as I speak.  If your process becomes overwhelming, please take a moment to limit your awareness to one dimension at a time. The dimensions have a hierarchy structure, and you can easily perceive lower dimensions but not the higher ones. However, with the grounding of your multidimensional consciousness in your earth vessel, you are learning to perceive many dimensions at once. 
This multidimensional perception can be very confusing until your brain is re-programmed to organize all this information in an understandable manner.  Please try to breathe into your experience. Then, simply release the dissonance of the lower worlds and embrace the joy and unconditional love of the higher realities. 
You are grounding your SELF in your daily life and learning to functions with a new type of perception, which will take some practice to master. When your earth vessel is calibrated to the frequency of the third dimension and below, it is difficult to tolerate the frequencies of the higher dimensions. 
However, as you allow your Multidimensional SELF to Captain your earth vessel, your SELF re-calibrates your vessel to be fully multidimensional. It is this change in operating systems (third dimensional to multidimensional) that is causing your perceptual confusion. 
Just as you are able to perceive the second and first dimensions via your third-dimensional self, when your primary essence or point of focus is in your fifth-dimensional self, you will easily perceive the fifth, fourth, third, second and first dimensions. 
When your multidimensional perceptions are fully activated, you will easily see the “big picture” and know how you are to proceed in your new life. Up until recently, it has been difficult to perceive the higher dimensions, as you had to “shut down” over 90% of your brain capabilities and turn off 97% of your DNA to limit your reality to the third dimension.
 This process of shutting down is similar to a space ship closing down all of its operations in order to provide life support that the power to stay within the parameters of the third-dimensional frequency net. 
Now that you are awakening to your SELF, I, Gaia, ask that you ground your higher dimensional experiences into my planetary body. In this manner, you can more easily integrate your experiences into your daily life, as well as share those wondrous experiences with your planet. 
Most of my animals and other creatures have automatically grounded their awakening in my body, but they do not “think” like humanity does. Too much thinking can create much confusion, as well as fear. Please do not judge yourselves for your difficulties with this transition.  You can see that I, too, have had problems. 
My weather patterns have been very erratic and extreme. Just as you might vomit due to stomach problems and pass-out due to damage to your brain, I might have a hurricane in one area of my body and an earthquake in another.  We, persons and planet, must all learn together how to gradually allow our bodies to adapt to more light and a higher frequency of manifest reality then is our familiar keynote.  
This lesson is one that has not been learned before in our time/space quadrant, and we must all cooperate in order to learn it, remember it, again. Allow me to share with you what I, Gaia, have learned through the experience and observation of my inhabitants. 
Our planet is held in a third-dimensional frequency net. Whenever we, myself and/or my inhabitants, have direct communication with each other, or with this frequency net, we stretch the limits of that net to resonate to an expanded spectrum of frequencies. The blurring sensation that many of you have experienced is the gradual expansion of the frequency net to encompass higher and lower dimensional frequencies.
As the keynote frequency of the net escalates, your re-calibrated earth vessels will be able to perceive wider and wider spectrums of light and sound. These expanded perceptions will activate the whole brain thinking and bring many latent abilities online. 
Whole brain thinking is the ability to process simultaneously with both your right and left hemispheres.  This thinking will allow your higher consciousness to access your entire brain, as well “turn on” your 97% of unused DNA. This DNA has been called “Junk DNA,” as your scientists had not yet determined its function.
As each human activates the powers of his or her Multidimensional SELF in their daily life, they will contribute their experiences to the Collective Consciousness. Then, once one has expanded their consciousness enough to connect to the Collective and Planetary Consciousness, they will be able to access that information as easily as logging on to a website.  In fact, this database is already stored on your Internet. 
As each of you shares your experiences of awakening, it makes it easier for all of you to edit out your old, third-dimensional beliefs in limitation and separation. It is those old beliefs that give power to the third-dimensional frequency net.  When the release of those patterns reaches critical mass, the transition will greatly accelerate and your perceptions will begin to easily encompass higher dimensional experiences.  
As each of you Awaken to your SELF, you make it easier for others to Awaken, as well. We, your Galactic Family, will assist you in co-operating with this recalibration.  Then, be sure to “save” your work to the program for this galaxy.  Just as you must save your work before you exit a file on your computer, save the experience of recalibration in your mind/computer before you return to your mundane world.  
If you do not save it, you can forget that it ever happened. Grounding your efforts with a third-dimensional creative action and sharing that creativity with others, can assist you to best accomplish this “saving” process.
The process that your planet is undertaking is beyond language.  As each one of Gaia's inhabitants grounds their experiences through their creative force, it becomes a “normal” component of the third dimension.  Then that encourages other inhabitants to also share their experiences. When they, in turn,  respond by running it through their creative force, the process becomes more familiar and more a part of the ongoing experience of the Planetary Consciousness.  

What is familiar is safe and less likely to initiate fear.  Fear is a virus in your "brain's computer" and can corrupt all your files.  Then, all that would be left would be your original programs of limitation and separation. However, hold no fear of that possibility for Gaia perceives ALL of her inhabitants contributing to this frequency shift.  
The first dimensional rocks and minerals are raising their vibration as well as the second-dimensional plant kingdom and the third-dimensional animal kingdom. Also, many of the “extinct” plants and animals have moved into the fourth and fifth dimensions because they could no longer tolerate the lower frequency of the third dimension 
Nevertheless, they send their essence into the third and fourth dimensions to assist humans in their process. Many “dead” humans and other higher mammals are also contributing their higher dimensional essence to the vibratory rate of my third andfourth-dimensional Earth forms. I say third and fourth-dimensional forms, as much of my planet and inhabitants now resonate to the fourth dimension.
Then, together, person and planet can cooperate in creating a slow and safe return to the fifth dimension by grounding your Multidimensional SELF into your daily life. With this grounding, it will be easier to see reality through your fifth-dimensional “Eyes of Soul” who can perceive your ever/expanding multidimensional perceptions. 
In this manner, each of my inhabitants will serve to stretch the frequency net beyond its “limitations.” Then, with every step, the next step becomes easier. The secret is to share your experiences with each other. In fact:
I Gaia, ask you to please Come out from hiding NOW.
You are my Spiritual Warriors, and I thank each and every one of you for battling your own inner darkness and transmuting it into LIGHT.  I invite you now to communicate with my fifth-dimensional form, which has always existed in the NOW of the ONE!

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 06:13
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Abril 2019


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