A Chama da Ascensão


Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

Pensamento do Dia 7 de fevereiro de 2019 ~ Sathya Sai Baba

 Manifestações do Amor Divino!

Pensamento do dia.

Por Sathya Sai Baba

7 de fevereiro de 2019


Image result for sathya sai baba

Na era de Treta, vanaras (macacos) podiam agir e falar como naras (seres humanos). 

Na era de Dwapara, o ser humano (nara) se transformou em Narayana (Deus), pela graça de Narayana. 

Na era de Kali (a era que estamos agora), foi declarado que o ser humano (nara) é o próprio Narayana! 

O espaço em uma panela e em um monastério são idênticos ao espaço no céu. 

Apenas os disfarces de panela e monastério alimentam a ilusão da separação. 

Os sentidos são os vilões. 

Eles estimulam a ilusão de que você é o corpo. Controle-os, como o touro é controlado pela argola no nariz, o cavalo pelo freio em sua boca e o elefante pelo aguilhão. 

Primeiro vem você, depois ajude. 

Melhore, ensine e reconstrua a você mesmo. 

Então, prossiga para resolver os problemas dos outros. 

Essa reconstrução é muito fácil, desde que, calmamente, você pergunte a sua própria personalidade: ‘Eu sou o corpo ou os sentidos ou a mente ou o intelecto?’, e assim por diante.

(Discurso Divino, 26 de outubro de 1963)    

Sathya Sai Baba.


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publicado por achama às 20:10
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

The Many Medicinal Benefits of Cannabis and Cannabidiol (CBD) ~ Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Many Medicinal Benefits of Cannabis and Cannabidiol (CBD).

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, Wake Up World.

February 6, 2019.




The existence of cannabinoid receptors in humans and other mammals, called the endocannabinoid system, reveals much about why cannabis and CBD (cannabidiol) have such a positive effect on so many bodily systems — and why the scientific community is increasingly working to discover its many medical benefits.
Production of cannabis is booming as the medical benefits of CBD (cannabidiol) are increasingly recognized.
According to Project CBD, at least 50 conditions1 are believed to be improved by CBD, including pain, seizures, muscle spasms, nausea associated with chemotherapy, digestive disorders such as colitis and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), degenerative neurological disorders such as dystonia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, mood disorders, anxiety, PTSD and high blood pressure.
Yet, despite the legalization of cannabis for adult use in 10 states in the past few years and the inclusion in the 2018 Farm Bill of industrial hemp as a crop,2 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), up until recently, listed CBD as a Schedule I drug, the most dangerous drug category reserved for drugs like heroin and LSD.
The classification made no sense because CBD is nonpsychoactive — it is not addictive, does not produce a “high” and there are few to no dangerous side effects. In fact, there seems no reason for the FDA and Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) long-term vilification of CBD except possible collusion with Big Pharma, whose dangerous and lucrative pain treatments, primarily opioids, would suffer from wider CBD use.
Opioids cause approximately 115 Americans’ deaths every day. In states where CBD is becoming widely used, there are few reports of negative social or medical consequences. Conversely, there are early reports in those same states of fewer opioid emergencies, overdoses and deaths.
The restrictive, Schedule I classification of CBD has also produced medical “refugees” — people whose health conditions are only improved by CBD, not pharmaceutical products, forcing them to relocate to states with looser CBD laws.

A Surprising But Suspicious Change in CBD Classification

At the end of 2018, FDA surprised many with this modification of the Schedule I classification for some CBD products:3
“With the issuance of this final order, the Acting Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration places certain drug products that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and which contain cannabidiol (CBD) in schedule V of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). Specifically, this order places FDA-approved drugs that contain CBD derived from cannabis and no more than 0.1 percent tetrahydrocannabinols in schedule V.
This action is required to satisfy the responsibility of the Acting Administrator under the CSA to place a drug in the schedule he deems most appropriate to carry out United States obligations under the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961.”
Schedule V drugs are considered to have a lower potential for abuse than other controlled drugs.4The category includes drugs whose benefits may outweigh risks such as those for antidiarrheal, antitussive and analgesic conditions such as cough preparations with less than 200 milligrams of codeine like Robitussin AC, Lomotil, Motofen, Lyrica and Parepectolin.
Yet, does the recent modification of schedule status really reflect new realism on the part of the FDA, or is it simply a nod to drug makers’ desire to “get in on the action” and market share? After all, we have seen a similar phenomenon when Big Pharma attacks the reliability, effectiveness and quality control of popular supplements and vitamins while hypocritically seeking to market the same products themselves.

Cannabis Farms Are Becoming Large and Efficient

The Los Sueños Farms,5 outside of Pueblo, Colorado, with 36,000 plants, depicted in a recent video called “Largest Outdoor Cannabis Farm in World, Canna Cribs Episode 4,” from Growers Network, reveals how technologically far the industry has come.
The 36-acre farm, which consists of four separate farms, processes 40,000 pounds of “biomass” each harvest. Depending on the genetic expression of the plants, some are grown outside, some in greenhouses and some in greenhouses with no walls to allow solar maximization while permitting fresh air to circulate and prevent too much heat from accumulating.
For the outdoor plants, an advanced drip watering system with an emitter every 12 inches provides pressure compensated irrigation and the ability to provide specific nutrients. Drones with several lenses hover above the plants and report back their respiration rate, any insects or disease risks and plants that might be struggling for one reason or another. Humidity and lighting are computer controlled for indoor plants.
When the crop is ready, cannabis flowers are dry trimmed in an advanced piece of machinery called a twister. While the machinery does not require human labor, a quality control person does inspect the product as it comes out of the twister to make sure all stems have been removed at their base.

Cannabis Post Production Processing Is Crucial for Quality

Fertility and nutrients are important, say Los Sueños Farm employees, but the quality of the product itself comes down to curing. In massive curing rooms, racks of product dry at a temperature of 64 degrees Fahrenheit and are made ready for packaging in seven to 10 days.
They are then vacuum packed and nitrogen sealed in 10-pound bags. The bags have a window so customers can view the cannabis and assess its quality without exposing it to the harmful effects of light or environmental humidity.
After the cannabis leaves Los Sueños Farms, preparation continues for the end user. At processing facilities and retail dispensaries like the Colorado-based Mesa Organics, a partner of Los Sueños, sophisticated extraction methods are then used to cull the raw crude extract from the plant material.
At Mesa Organics, supercritical CO2 is used for the extraction process, not hydrocarbons, says owner Jim Parco, because “any hydrocarbons that are burned over 900 degrees convert to benzene” which can be lethal.
In fact, hydrocarbon extraction is banned in some parts of California, says Parco, because of the “occupational risks to the communities.” The use of supercritical CO2 also creates a purer product. After lipids, waxes and terpenes are removed through extraction, CBD, THC and other cannabinoids from the plant remain and the product is ready to be marketed.

A Cannabinoid with Many Benefits

CBD is one of some 104 compounds classified as cannabinoids in cannabis plants, with as many as seven or eight more recently discovered compounds that may be considered cannabinoids.6 CBD is contained in both Cannabis Sativa (hemp) and Cannabis Indica (marijuana), but hemp has such a low CBD content, it is primarily grown for fiber and seed — uses we will discuss later.
It is not a surprise CBD has so many benefits since there is actually an endocannabinoid system in the human body and other mammals. It is part of our physiology. Cannabinoid receptors, which recognize and interact with CBD, are found in the human brain, lungs, liver, kidneys and immune system.
There are myriad medical uses attributed to CBD, and the list keeps growing. Here are some uses that have recently been scientifically documented.

Allergic asthma — “CBD treatment decreased the inflammatory and remodeling processes in the model of allergic asthma,” according to the European Journal of Pharmacology7
Anxiety and sleep — “Cannabidiol may hold benefit for anxiety-related disorders,” The Permanente Journal8
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) — “Cannabis in ASD patients appears to be [a] well tolerated, safe and effective option to relieve symptoms associated with ASD,” Scientific Reports9
Blood pressure — “This data shows that acute administration of CBD reduces resting BP and the BP increase to stress in humans,” JCI Insight10
Cancer pain, nausea and lack of appetite — “The National Cancer Institute (NCI) currently recognizes medicinal C. sativa as an effective treatment for providing relief in a number of symptoms associated with cancer, including pain, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, and anxiety,” BioMed Research International11
Cancer/tumors — “Cannabidiol (CBD), one of the compounds present in the marijuana plant, has antitumor properties,” Cancer Letters12
Diabetes — “These results suggest that the neuroprotective effects of CBD in middle-aged diabetic rats … are related to a reduction in neuroinflammation,” Neurotoxicity Research13
Epilepsy — “CBD is a well-tolerated and effective antiseizure agent and illustrates a potential disease-modifying effect of CBD on reducing both seizure burden and associated comorbidities well after the onset of symptomatic seizures,” Epilepsia14
Inflammation — “CBD that exerts prolonged immunosuppression … might be used in chronic inflammation, the terpenoids … might thus be used to relieve acute inflammation,” Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research15
Irritable bowel diseases — “Clinical trials suggest that there may be a therapeutic role for cannabinoid therapy in the treatment of IBD,” Current Gastroenterology Reports16
Multiple Sclerosis — “As cannabis legalization has impacted the variety of cannabis products available, there appears to be growing numbers … using cannabis … reporting use of highly efficacious products with minimal side-effects,” Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders17

Neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases — “CBD has been found to possess antioxidant activity in many studies, thus suggesting a possible role in the prevention of both neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases,” BioMed Research International18
Ovarian function/female reproductive system — Impacts “the female reproductive system where it affects folliculogenesis, oocyte maturation and ovarian endocrine secretion,” Journal of Ovarian Research19

PTSD and nightmares — “Administration of oral CBD in addition to routine psychiatric care was associated with PTSD symptom reduction … CBD also appeared to offer relief in a subset of patients who reported frequent nightmares as a symptom of their PTSD,” Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine20
Pain, migraine, detoxification from opioids — “There is accumulating evidence for various therapeutic benefits of cannabis/cannabinoids, especially in the treatment of pain, which may also apply to the treatment of migraine and headache. There is also supporting evidence that cannabis may assist in opioid detoxification and weaning, thus making it a potential weapon in battling the opioid epidemic,” Headache21
Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases — “CBD may be effective in the “treatment of five syndromes, currently labeled recalcitrant to therapeutic success, and wherein improved pharmacological intervention is required: intractable epilepsy, brain tumors, Parkinson’s disease (PD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and traumatic brain injury,” Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience22

Pediatric seizures — “The efficacy and safety profile of CBDV suggest it may have therapeutic value for early life seizures,” Neuropharmacology23

Why Is There Such Resistance to Cannabis and CBD?

Despite CBD’s many benefits, it remains in a legal no man’s land, says the Brookings Institution:24
“Over the past 22 years, 33 states have legalized cannabis for medical purposes, and over the past six years, 10 states have legalized cannabis for adult use. Every one of those programs is illegal under federal law, with no exceptions [if federal authorities choose to prosecute] …
Even CBD products produced by state-legal, medical or adult-use cannabis programs are illegal products under federal law, both within states and across state lines … Under the 2018 Farm Bill, there will be more broadly available, legal, CBD products; however, this does not mean that all CBD products are legal moving forward.”
Many trace the original vilification of cannabis which gained it Schedule I status to its association with hippies and opposition to the Vietnam War 50 years ago. Not only were “pot” arrests a way of muzzling protestors, the “out of the box” thinking that marijuana fostered fed young people’s strong questioning of authority, fueling the counter culture and war opposition.
But, as I noted earlier, the medical use of CBD oil, especially as a treatment for pain, also represents a significant threat to the sale of opioids which have so enriched Big Pharma in the last decade.
The cannabis plant also poses economic threats to the lumber, energy, food and other industries; its fiber products can be used to make paper, biofuel, building materials, food products and oil, clothing, shoes and even jewelry.
In fact, according to the Hemp Business Journal, industrial hemp “can be used in an estimated 50,000 different products across a wide spectrum of industries: from textiles to food products, building materials to bioplastics, nutraceuticals to nanomaterials, ethanol to animal bedding.25 Still, if the use of CBD were more widely adopted by Americans for medical treatments, we would probably all be healthier.
Recommended articles by Dr. Joseph Mercola:
About the author:
Born and raised in the inner city of Chicago, IL, Dr. Joseph Mercola is an osteopathic physician trained in both traditional and natural medicine. Board-certified in family medicine, Dr. Mercola served as the chairman of the family medicine department at St. Alexius Medical Center for five years, and in 2012 was granted fellowship status by the American College of Nutrition (ACN).
While in practice in the late 80s, Dr. Mercola realized the drugs he was prescribing to chronically ill patients were not working. By the early 90s, he began exploring the world of natural medicine, and soon changed the way he practiced medicine.
In 1997 Dr. Mercola founded Mercola.com, which is now routinely among the top 10 health sites on the internet. His passion is to transform the traditional medical paradigm in the United States. “The existing medical establishment is responsible for killing and permanently injuring millions of Americans… You want practical health solutions without the hype, and that’s what I offer.”
Visit Mercola.com for more information, or read Dr. Mercola’s full bio and resumé here.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

The Many Medicinal Benefits of Cannabis and Cannabidiol (CBD)
We Are the Holy Grail: What Does Compassion Do?
Tom Brady’s Secret to Being the Best – No GMO’s, No Fluoride, No Electronics or Cell Phones in the Bedroom
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Four Signs Your Endocannabinoid System Is Out Of Whack
We Are the Holy Grail: What is ‘Sin’?
Most U.S. Mayors Support Legalizing Cannabis but Feds Still Say it’s as Dangerous as Bath Salts
5 Tools to Stop You Worrying



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publicado por achama às 20:07
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

Benjamin Fulford Complete Report, 2019/02/04 ~ Year Of The Pig to start with big bounty for people of the world

Year Of The Pig to start with big bounty for people of the world.

Benjamin Fulford.

White Dragon Society

February 4th, 2019. 




The Chinese New Year—the Year Of The Pig—starts tomorrow, February 5th and sets up this year to be a year of bounty, where people can feed at the trough to their heart’s content, Asian secret society sources say.  The Year Of The Pig or Boar is associated with the hours 9-11 at night, which means the world is also set to get truth and closure on the mass murder and attempted gold heist of September 11, 2001, the sources say.
However, this year is also set to be a year of slaughter for certain elite criminals who have been trying their hardest to murder 90% of the world’s population, according to Western secret society sources.  It is the return of the bounty stolen by these criminals that will be feeding the downtrodden 90%, they say.
In concrete terms, the British branch and most of the French branch of the Rothschild family are trying to negotiate an orderly transfer of power, according to CIA sources based in Asia.  The Rothschilds and other families that own the private G7 central banks are hoping to trade their control of here-and-now money (ATMs, cash printing), financial computers, and international financial transfer systems in exchange for some real-life assets, such as rights to some of the historical Asian gold, the sources say.
These negotiations are ongoing, but one thing that has now already been decided is that the United Nations will be moving its headquarters from New York to Laos.  “Only those of high energy who are ready to help humanity move forward, clean up the pollution on this planet, and create a new world of peace and harmony for all living beings will be allowed to reside in the new headquarters—in other words, all new members who actually represent the inhabitants of this world,” a source said.
The U.S. government has been funded until Friday, February 15th so that certain major announcements related to these and other matters can be made over the following long weekend which celebrates George Washington’s birthday, according to Pentagon and CIA sources.
However, there are still some tough issues that need to be negotiated between now and then, say Asian and Western secret society sources.  One issue concerns the arrest of Meng Wanzhou, Chief Financial Officer of China’s Huawei Technologies.  It turns out that the real the reason Western intelligence community ordered her arrest was not for fraud, but rather because …
… Huawei was moving ahead at a blistering speed with the rollout of 5G wireless technology, even though it has been found by scientists to damage human brains and disrupt natural living systems.

The idiots in the Western intelligence services, so used to lying to the public, should have just said this in the first place instead of saying it was because she “circumvented U.S. sanctions on Iran.”  This was a stupid public excuse, because as Canada’s recently fired Ambassador to China John McCallum noted, “Canada does not sign onto these Iran sanctions.”
In fact, last week Germany, France, and the UK set up a special-purpose vehicle to let companies and countries avoid the sanctions imposed by the government of U.S. President Donald Trump.

This announcement is important because it is the first Western-backed system that goes around the cabal-controlled SWIFT international transactions system.  The SWIFT system is now requiring people to register a personal “tax identification number” (the mark of the beast) in order to send money via its system.
The controllers of the old financial system faced many other defeats last week.  One big one was their failure to steal Venezuela’s oil resources by placing one of their flunkies in charge.  Venezuelans figured this out when so-called “opposition leader” Juan Guaidó revealed his true colors last week by promising to “privatize” (i.e., hand over to the Khazarian mafia) Venezuela’s oil resources, the world’s largest.

A cabal attempt to overthrow the government of Zimbabwe (and steal gold, diamonds, rare metals, and other resources) by jacking up oil prices also failed last week.
In another sign that the old order was panicking over a loss of control, last week the U.S. Senate voted 68 to 23 against U.S. troop withdrawal from Syria and Afghanistan.  The senators were in fact voting against a cabal loss of revenue from stolen Syrian oil and Afghan heroin, note CIA and Pentagon sources.
Both Zimbabwe and Venezuela were targeted because they have been pioneers in issuing a currency based on real-world assets and not illusion, as has been the case with G7 central bank currency, Pentagon sources note.  “The era of asset-backed currencies has begun,” the Pentagon sources say.
The Pentagon sources also are now saying, “The failed coup in Venezuela may have been a gambit to expose Neocons while pressuring China for a trade deal.”
In any case, the sources say, “We can expect more surprises after Trump delivers his State of the Union speech on February 5, which happens to be the Chinese New Year.”
CIA sources are also saying Trump son-in-law “Jared Kushner’s time in the White House may be up.”  Both CIA and MI6 believe Kushner to be compromised both sexually and financially, and is clearly an unregistered agent of a foreign power.  U.S. counterintelligence specialists had denied Kushner any security clearance on this basis, only to be overruled by someone acting “in the name of the President.”  Now Democrats are calling for a special investigation that will probably reveal that Kushner is as much of a criminal as his father was, receiving tens of millions in cash under the table in New York City, and now tens of millions in bribes for representing the Zionist state of Israel in the White House.

President Donald Trump is rightly furious with his so-called intelligence chiefs, particularly the Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, who continues to feed the Russian election interference story with false testimony to Congress.  Robert David Steele, former spy recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017, has dismantled Coats in a new article that points out that China, Iran, and Russia spent at most “1% of 1% of what Zionist pimp Sheldon Adelson and so many others spent.  Israel, not Russia, is the foreign power managing U.S. elections.”

While Steele refers to these people as Zionists, many of them in fact are Satanists.  More and more of these groups are now being flushed out into the open.  In Brazil, for example, the world is now finding out that “spiritual leader John of God” was keeping young girls as sex slaves, selling their children, and then killing them after 10 years of “breeding.”

It would be nice to think that at least the children were adopted into happy homes, but unfortunately many of them were probably murdered in order to harvest blood and “Adrenochrome.”  Vatican sources alerted us last week to a dark website that purports to sell this substance.  Here is part of what it says:
The Adrenochrome (C9H9NO3) compound is synthesised by the oxidation of adrenaline, sourced from the blood of human children.  Adrenochrome is the purest product on the market, harvested under strictly regulated conditions from our international supply chain of child donors.  The blood of children and virgins, in particular, has long been converted for its life-giving properties—both as a sacrificial offering and a substance to be ritually imbibed.  It’s a powerful rejuvenating, psychotropic elixir harvested from the pineal gland of child donors.

Virginia Democratic Governor Ralph Northam’s comments supporting the killing of third-trimester babies after they have left their mothers’ wombs should be seen in this context.  It would not surprise me if Northam, who was a “pediatric neurosurgeon,” made money from selling adrenochrome.

You can rest assured that the White Dragon Society and its allies will continue to hunt down and arrest or kill all of these scum of the earth until not one of them is left either free or alive.  Of course, in order not to become that which we are fighting, the WDS prefers public, evidence-based trials to extrajudicial killing.  To that end, we are pushing for Nuremberg-type trials to start as soon as possible, in order to sort out the true criminals who are beyond truth and reconciliation.  Only then can we start a wonderful new age in which all children, weak creatures, and everybody else can feel safe and loved.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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publicado por achama às 20:05
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

The Extraordinary Diversity of ET Star Souls On and Around the Earth. By Open

The Extraordinary Diversity of ET Star Souls On and Around the Earth.

By Open

Contributing writer for Wake Up World.

February 7th, 2019. 




I still find it somewhat amusing that we’re waiting for “Disclosure” — that some report or particular evidence would hit the mainstream to convince us of what we already know.
Ever felt like you didn’t belong here or didn’t fully fit in? Or that somehow your home was somewhere else? In the work that we do here at Openhand, travelling the world connecting with evolving people, I can tell you it’s a very common story. There are countless ET Star Souls and groups ALREADY on and around the Earth, either incarnated or else influencing the show through the ether.
Understanding the general diversity and what the underlying agendas are can greatly help you find peace with your journey here…

Intervention on Earth

I should begin by saying what I’m sharing is from direct first-hand experience. That said, our experience of reality is subject to our own relativistic perspective, the accuracy of which depends on the degree to which we’ve focused our lens. What’s essential therefore, is that you evolve your own perspective, and so take only that which resonates, but do maintain an open mind and heart so that your truth may continually evolve.
The circumstances are complex, so please excuse me if I abbreviate the diversity of the situation (I’ve given greater insight in my book DIVINICUS, rise of the divine human). Essentially the Earth has suffered an alien intervention that goes back millions of years, where DNA from the constellation Draco found its way here via panspermia (travelling on meteorites). This was the first intervention, which led to the rise of the Reptilian souls on Earth. But they were not the only ones travelling here to exploit the richness of resources and genetics.
The Annunaki, with Greys from Orion in tow, travelled here too, much later, and then eventually formed an alliance with the Reptilians to exploit the Earth, resulting in the engineering of modern day Homo Sapiens DNA, way back during the times of Atlantis around 250,000 years ago. The evidence is clear, from the sudden explosion of the human genetic code to the chromosome count (the mysterious contraction from 48 chromosomes in hominids to the 46 in humanity, engineered to create speciation). Also consider some of the megaliths around the world, such as the great pyramids, which could only have been constructed from advanced technology. For me though, the most compelling evidence is that from past-life-regression therapy that I’ve been involved with, where countless people are now recounting experiences of the Intervention and life times in other constellations, such as the Pleiades, Andromeda and Arcturus.
Indeed it was known that the Intervention would try to engineer the Earth’s environment and life here so as to exploit it. Alien souls have disconnected from the usual cycle of reincarnation within the greater toroidal flow of the Universe in an attempt to control it. Why so?

The Sirius Shift

Whilst miraculous in its multiplicity of spectacular form, the Universe can also be tremendously calamitous, as the light seeks to break through into all the darkened recesses. Entire star systems come and go within the blink of an eye. Take Sirius for example. There are plenty among us who recall being dispatched there to support the civilisation as the star system destabilised some 120 million years ago in its White Dwarf Ascension. The resultant shift was sudden and catastrophic — the civilisation being literally torn apart and souls ejected into space. It’s taken all this time to connect with, and reclaim, many of the lost souls, who’ve now incarnated here on Earth to continue their journey.
The Annunaki were the ruling elite across the Sirius constellation, originating from the planet Nibiru orbiting around Sirius C. As their home was obliterated they felt “abandoned by God” (their expression shared with me in past life regression journeying), and then sought to apply their tremendous knowledge of energy manipulation (free energy, for example) to reconstruct their home civilisation, but now here on Earth. Hence the dramatic changes to the Earth’s natural environment. So this group, the Annunaki with the Orion Greys together allied with the Reptilians on Earth, are essentially disconnected from the usual cycle of reincarnation, and now acting from different vibrations beyond the visible — they have been in the ether all around us influencing and controlling the energetic environment in which we live. They do this through thought implantation, emotional manipulation, energy implants and genetic modification — essentially addicting human souls to the system in which we live; that which disconnects from the usual cycle of reincarnation. Their purpose is to create a synthetic reality here commensurate with their needs. Which has been largely achieved.
Here’s a Meditation Download on removing implants and entities from your field.
The complexity of their agenda is morphing and shifting all the time. From GeoengineeringGenetic Modification (GMO)Transhumanism and the integration of AI, the system is constantly reshaping but with the same general agenda of exploiting human genetics so as to recreate the civilisation they lost. Even the space program (both overt and covert) is intended to propagate their purpose throughout the solar system.
We might also ask why is it that the vast majority don’t feel this influence? In actual fact they do — the disconnect from the natural flow, the obsessive addiction to consumption, the disregard for the wellbeing of all sentient life. These are frequencies of alien consciousness here that feed into the psyche. It’s only when you truly follow the path of the soul through the deep inner inquiry, that you start to separate out the Intervention Agenda from the natural flow of your own soul and it’s loving interconnection with the whole of life.

The Benevolent Mission on Earth

It was known that this Intervention would likely sweep across the Earth. Benevolent souls from many constellations have seen it happen elsewhere time and again. The benevolent mission here has been to support the emergent human consciousness and encourage the Original Humans to find their authenticity and deeper connection to the natural flow of the Universe. And so benevolence supported the emergence of Original Humans around 6-1 million years ago, before the Intervention from Nibiru and Orion.
The collective human soul was ready for separation into individualised souls. And so by gentle encouragement through the field, during the Lemurian epoch, Pleiadian DNA frequencies were resonated to support this emergence. It’s why the human genome consists of 223 genes that appear nowhere else on Earth’s tree of life. The Pleiadians were tasked to support the emergence of Original Humans from the surrounding field, but also through direct incarnation — hence there are plenty of Pleiadian souls naturally incarnated in human form here and now. Plenty still recall their vibrational connection to the Pleiades star system. For others, they simply know it as a subtle vibration of unconditional love, joy and an innocence with life.
The general idea was to encourage a custodian of the Earth, one whose emergence might help eventually realign the intervening souls by expressing frequencies of compassion, unconditional love, trust in the divine and respect for all sentient life. It was always going to be a tough mission, but so is the challenge where wayward souls have gotten lost within the density of life. Nevertheless, no matter how long it takes, the light always finds a way.

The Complex Dynamic of ET Souls on Earth Right Now

What we have now is a very complex dynamic of ET souls on and around the Earth. In summary there exists these types of configurations…
  1. Original Human souls, who’ve only existed here on Earth
  2. Pleiadian souls existing in human form who’ve had incarnations both here and elsewhere
  3. Arcturian and Andromedan souls also incarnated in human form providing technological expertise and deeper metaphysical understanding of the cosmos
  4. Sirian souls naturally incarnated in Human form who were brought here from the angelic realm after recovery from the Sirius Shift
  5. Realigning Reptilian, Annunaki, Orion and Sirian souls, incarnated in human form, who’ve been lost in the intervention, disconnected from the usual cycle of reincarnation, but are now reconnecting
  6. Reptilian, Annunaki, Orion and Sirian souls still disconnected and acting through the ether around the Earth who are still manipulating society
  7. A wide diversity of other minority soul groups from further afield in the cosmos, come to explore this complex shift of the Earth back to the light.
Clearly it’s a very complex situation. Even the star souls here will have travelled through different constellations and so have different ‘homes’ in the Universe. The field around us is teeming with groups working to resonate Star Soul frequencies that can come alive in people to remind them of who they truly are in terms of their soul resonance. Hence the great value of meditation to expand out into the field and pick up these resonant frequencies that make you feel more whole, complete and aligned.
Even if you don’t know your own star soul origins, it matters not, just feeling the frequencies that bring you alive, simply feel ‘right’ and connect you to that sense of ‘home’ is really all that’s required to support your journey and purpose here. The emergence of these aligned star soul frequencies is greatly helping unravel the Intervention.
One aspect of the Openhand Facilitator Work involves creating portals and fields of consciousness to help people form bridges into their particular soul family frequency. It’s tremendously rewarding watching souls reconnect with their true origins and feel their authentic vibration come alive!
Sample this Openhand Meditation for expanding your multidimensionality, activating Kundalini and bringing you into the Universal Toroidal Flow.

Earth Shift into 5D/6D/7D

What benevolence is working to do now, is to support the realignment of the various groups either into the New Paradigm in higher vibrations on Earth, or else back to constellations that are more commensurate with their vibration. This is being initiated through a comprehensive Earth Shift into the middle realm of the 5D/6D/7D. It will strip off the old karmic construct in the 4D to restore purity of vibration and rejuvenate Earth’s natural eco-systems. It will be populated by an evolved form of Original Humans (what I’m given to call the divine being DIVINICUS), but with a wide and diverse blend of incarnated star souls too — those that can hold the vibration of love, trust, compassion and respect for all sentient life.
Thus over millions of years the Earth will be rejuvenated and restored.
Here is an overview of the general process of the Earth Shift from 3D to 5D.

The Great Realignment

So we’re engaged in a complex realignment of the Earth’s frequencies here, which will strip off the old reality by a breakdown of the 3D biosphere (through abrupt climate changes and the pole shift). Souls that are not ready for the New Paradigm in the higher vibrations will be relocated elsewhere to realities more commensurate with their vibration and journey. Ultimately, it’s about bringing ALL souls back into the natural cycle of reincarnation, where we are interconnected and all working towards a natural flow within the Universal Torus of life.
It’s Alignment with the Torus that restores harmony and brings light throughout the Universe. To be clear, we’re not polarising or demonising those that have become wayward and exploited others, for that only ever perpetuates division. Yes, it’s been a convoluted past, in which many have suffered. And yet each of us is playing out the greater macrocosm of light working its way through all the grey areas in the vast cosmos.
Although at times intensely challenging, personally I’m greatly heartened by humanity’s growing ability to accept diversity of form and expression. We are are each unique, with widely diverse backgrounds from across the cosmos, yet all united by the collective invitation to co-create a way of living and existing here that respects all sentient life and honours their individuality. In these turbulent times, such is the tremendous opportunity for the forging of the soul that exists for us here. It’s a message contained within Openhand’s Paradigm Shift Documentary, “We’ll fill the sky with love!”
If you resonate with my sharing, consider getting involved with the Openhand Work.
In loving support,
Open HeartPraying Emoji
About the author:

Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.
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publicado por achama às 20:04
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

The Link Between Alcohol and Magnesium Deficiency ~ Alex Du Toit

The Link Between Alcohol and Magnesium Deficiency.

By Alex Du Toit ‘Earthie Mama’.

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

February 8th, 2019




Alcohol is the world’s most socially acceptable recreational drug. Grab a glass of wine and unwind from a long day; have a BBQ and invite friends over for some beers; alcohol has its place in many people’s lives — but it doesn’t come without consequences to the body.
One of the major effects of alcohol on the body is it depletes the body’s magnesium levels, which causes all kinds of imbalances and symptoms. In fact, the depletion of magnesium levels from alcohol can contribute to the abuse of alcohol, because the side-effects of drinking such as depression and anxiety can result in drinking becoming habitual or an emotional crutch. As a result, many people find themselves using alcohol to try and navigate through the depression and anxiety that alcohol itself has caused or contributed to in their lives.

The Effects of Alcohol on the Body

Drinking moderately is equal to one drink (12 oz.) per day for women and two drinks for men. Drinking in moderation can be safe and can cause reduced anxiety, relaxation, sociability and a feeling of being happy. Drinking more than this can put you at risk of all kinds of health problems. Alcohol in higher amounts can cause intoxication, questionable judgement, diminished motor function and lack of awareness. Long term use of alcohol at high doses can lead to alcohol dependence, abuse and sometimes death.
Alcohol is considered a depressant. A depressant is “a drug that lowers neurotransmission levels, which is to depress or reduce arousal or stimulation, in various areas of the brain.” It slows down breathing, heart rate and the parts of the brain that affect thinking and behavior. The depressant part of alcohol is usually what causes the negative effects and consequences from drinking.
Too much alcohol consumption can lead to many health issues in the body. Alcohol prevents the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream leading to a deficiency in all nutrients, including magnesium. Alcohol severely affects the digestion system and can cause harm to the stomach and digestive lining causing an array of health problems.

Magnesium and the Body

Magnesium is the mineral responsible for organ function. Every organ in the body uses magnesium. It regulates 300 enzymes in the body. In general it is difficult for people to get enough magnesium from diet alone. Combining a low magnesium diet with alcohol at any level taps into the magnesium storage. Thus, it is common for people to be deficient in magnesium. It is said about 80% of Americans are not getting enough magnesium.
Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency
  • irritability
  • joint pain
  • muscle aches
  • anxiety
  • insomnia or reduced sleep
  • low energy
  • depression
  • restless leg syndrome
There have been a multitude of studies done linking magnesium to many roles in the overall function of the body. It is responsible for hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body. It contributes to bone health. 60% of magnesium found in the body is in the bone. Magnesium has anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces insulin resistance. It also helps prevent migranes, lowers blood pressure, improves sleep, promotes good muscle strength, aids in weight loss, fights depression and enhances exercise performance.

The Link Between Alcohol and Magnesium

There have been many studies connecting alcohol use to the depletion of magnesium in the body. A study that was carried out in Finland in 1986 concluded that magnesium deficiency was common among alcoholics. Another study also concluded that magnesium deficiency was linked to alcohol abuse and health problems. The studies go on and on connecting alcohol use to magnesium deficiency. Drinking too much alcohol leads to an increase in the excretion of magnesium. Experts have claimed that the kidneys eliminate as much as 260% more magnesium within just a few minutes of consuming alcohol.
The more alcohol one drinks and the duration of time, the more the magnesium supplies in the body are depleted. This is why as you get older if alcohol has been a constant, presumably so will the increase in aches and pains, irritability, anxiety and depression. You will find that for those that alcohol has completely taken over their lives, they have little or no magnesium left in their bodies.

Ways To Get Magnesium in the Body

Supplements: Take a magnesium supplement of 300-450 mg/day.
Soak in Water: Soak in a bath of warm water with Epson Salt and/or Magnesium Flakes. Magnesium will absorb through the skin. Here is how to make a perfect DETOX BATH.
Foods with Magnesium:
  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Seaweed
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Black Beans
  • Halibut
  • Mackerel
  • Salmon
  • Dark Chocolate
Magnesium on the Skin: Lather the skin with magnesium lotion or spray. The skin will absorb the magnesium. You can get Lotion and spray at a store that carries natural products or make it yourself. (Recipes below)

Magnesium Lotion Recipe

  1. Measure magnesium flakes into a mug. Fill another coffee mug. you can bring water to boil on the stove. Measure 3 Tbsp of boiling water into the mug with the flakes. Stir until the flakes are dissolved and set aside.
  2. In the quart mason jar, measure coconut oil, beeswax and shea butter. Place the jar in a small pan filled with 1-2 inches of water. Place it on the stove and turn the heat to medium high.
  3. Allow the solids to melt, swirling the jar now occasionally if necessary.
  4. When everything inside the jar is melted, remove it from the pan and let it cool for about 5 minutes.
  5. Pour the dissolved magnesium into the quarter mason jar. If it solidifies upon contact, that’s ok.
  6. Place the blender at the bottom of the jar and blend everything together really well, moving the blender up and down along the sides of the jar as necessary to incorporate the ingredients.
  • This recipe makes about 8 ounces of lotion.
  • Store at room temperature for up to 2 months.

Magnesium Spray Recipe

  1. Boil the distilled water.
  2. Place the magnesium chloride flakes in the glass bowl or measuring cup and the pour the boiling water over it.
  3. Stir well until completely dissolved.
  4. Let cool completely and store in the spray bottle.
  • Can be stored at room temperature for at least six months.
  • If you don’t want to make it yourself here is a Magnesium Spray that you can buy!

On a personal note:

I have experienced magnesium deficiency associated with drinking too much alcohol that led me to have anxiety and depression. I discovered the link between magnesium and alcohol many years ago and I have been making sure I add magnesium in some form to my life ever since. It really helps me. When I forget, I can really tell the difference.
Have you had any experiences with magnesium deficiency? Have you felt so emotionally down after a night of drinking and wondered why you can’t get out of it? Do you think if your magnesium levels were normal, you wouldn’t have the urge to drink as much?
Let me know in the comments below!
Be well,
Alex (Earthie Mama)
Recommended reading from Alex ‘Earthie Mama’ Du Toit:
About the author:
Alexandra Du ToitAlexandra is a true Earthie Mama, helping others tune into their most natural, thriving state while bringing harmony and balance into all areas of their lives. She hosts a well-known blog, EarthieMama.com, where she writes about health and wellness, conscious parenting, green living, self sustainability and getting off the grid. Alex also has an MA in Psychology, and is a registered Yoga Instructor, environmentalist, conscious mother, green living advocate and natural birthing expert. She also sells all natural products and her ebooks through her website.
Please check out her website at EarthieMama.com, connect with Earthie Mama on Facebook, or sign up to the free EarthieMama e-newsletter!

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publicado por achama às 20:00
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

A Testament for Light and Life. ~ Uteah, Chris Maurus.

The Salvation of Urantia.

Trinity Teacher Uteah (U-tee-ah).

Received by Chris Maurus.

Asheville, NC, USA, January 13, 2019.

Teacher Uteah: “Greetings, my dear students, 

It remains to be seen whether or not a world in rebellion shall ever recover without having to go through some kind of redemption plan to move it through the threshold of its current state of repeatable dysfunction, delinquency, and war-like behavior. There are many of you within the community of spirit-led believers — agondonters and alike, that are firmly on the side of a ‘hands-off’ policy by the planetary managers and celestial administrators of the universe to see that Urantia ‘digs out’ of its problems without intervention by the Universal Father. You rightly believe that intervention is interference in the free-will prerogative in this age of the Supreme. None the less, we administrators and planetary managers have a duty to inform light workers (boots on the ground) and to keep the flow of revelation ongoing even in the face of skepticism and cynical opinions. 

“My presence here is a testament that Light and Life is coming to Urantia, for Trinity Teachers do speak to light workers in an age prior to Light and Life, but they often refrain from making public statements. If Urantia was going to ‘tough it out’ through the generations that would be needed to purge the stain of rebellion from its thinking (people), social systems, and governments, my colleagues and I would be on vacation for centuries more. We find it disturbing how much of your resources are used for the development of new and terrifying weapons systems that could utterly destroy Urantia many times over, yet you still have people uneducated and in want of basic needs — a shameful misuse of unbridled freedom and free-will driven by the profit motive of selfish vested interests — an iron-fist system that has no intention of ever letting go of its stronghold on power. 

“We also find that there are ‘blockages’ in Christ Michael’s own receivers to bring through any kind of revelation for fear that the skeptics will devour them with scoffing and a litany of sanctioned references to make certain that their lips are sealed and to corral them into regurgitating the same warm and fuzzy baby food they are used to swallowing. These may sound like harsh words coming from a Trinity Teacher, but let me remind you — we (Trinity Teachers) are here to serve truths that reflect the policies of Christ Michael and the Triumvirate according to the special needs of their respective planet. Nothing about Urantia is ‘normal’ and it does require extraordinary countermeasures to move it past its delusions and inbred destructive self-fulfilling prophecies. Need I remind you what the fate of the prophets of old were and how the final bestowal of Michael turned out? Nothing much has changed in millenniums — the money changers are still in the temple. 

“There are events on the horizon that we want you to be aware of so you can be prepared. In any planet that has been settled in Light and Life — the planetary systems of those worlds have been ‘settled’ and you may look to your reference text and see that this is so. I am not here to frighten you or to be a sensationalizing fortune teller. We shall continue to teach those things that bring peace in a world at war with itself, but we shall also point the way to refuge when it concerns those that are destined to take part in the coming age. We shall not be silenced by fear and you can expect that we will ‘chime-in’ when needed. 

“In the coming weeks and months we (the celestial administration) will attempt to provide some level of coherence from Christ Michael’s receivers to keep revelation from being quelled. It is important that we stay connected to you in these extraordinary times. 

“Peace to you, 
“I AM Uteah.”


© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.


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publicado por achama às 19:58
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

The Next Wave… ~ Creator, Jennifer Farley.

The Next Wave…

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

February 6, 2019




Your Earth is standing on the starting line of yet another huge energy shift.  There have been so many recently that it may feel as if nothing big is about to begin but, oh, there is! (Smiling) In preparation for the next upgrade, it is important that you create a quiet space in which to retreat when you feel things are becoming ‘too much’.  Whether is be in your home or among friends, the solace it will offer will be of great assistance.
It will also be essential to be consciously and keenly aware of where you are focusing your personal energy; are you using it as a form of distraction or as a means of growth and learning?  You are in charge of exactly how you receive this latest influx, you are responsible for how quickly it comes to you.  Let your intentions and intuition be your guide. 


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publicado por achama às 19:56
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

The Time Has Come for the Chosen Ones to Choose ~ Thought Adjuster, Anyas.

The Time Has Come for the Chosen Ones to Choose. 

Teacher: Thought Adjuster.

Message received by Anyas. 

Oregon, USA, December 18, 2018.

Posted 2019/02/05

Thought Adjuster: “I am in it with you for the eternal haul — no hesitation on My part. This should tell you what a glorious future our relationship holds. I know My way through eternity, as it is wherefrom I hail. I know My way through infinity as well, as I am a Fragment of the Infinite Being — the First Source and Center. 
“I enthusiastically elected to be your Inner Guide. This was not a spur-of-the-moment decision, but an informed one, taken after being thoroughly briefed about your lineage, your personality, and anything and everything pertaining to your persona. Can you fathom the extent of such a preparation? This is one of the reasons why you should know that you were loved even before you were conceived as a human being. I fell in love with your ‘immaculate concept’ — the vision of ultimate perfection the Creator holds for each one of the creatures of His vast universe. 
“The Divine gifted each one of you with a lovingly customized personality and the necessary resources to manifest your potentials toward the unfoldment of your glorious destiny. Doesn’t it tell you that you were ‘chosen’? 
“It is now time for the ‘chosen ones’ to make their own free-will choice to foster their relationship with the One and Only, thus ‘sealing the deal.’ I will never trespass in your inner world, but I would be delighted if you wholeheartedly acknowledged my anonymous Presence by granting Me a Permanent Resident Status. By doing so, you will ‘eternalize’ our vows of mutual devotion and loyal service. No telling what we can achieve together!”


© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.

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publicado por achama às 19:54
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

People are feeling the transition from dark to light ~ Andromedan Collective, Galaxygirl.

People are feeling the transition from dark to light.

Andromedan Collective via Galaxygirl.

February 5th, 2019.

Greetings neighbors! We are your friends the Andromedan Collective, here to wish you a joyful new day and happy Chinese New Year! 

Many ships are perusing your skies, your seas, ensuring your safety and a successful transformation / transition from dark to light, 4D to 5D. People are feeling these changes, we can see this, for we do have the technology to observe you lovingly, not intrusively, and we can see your energy signatures, your vibrations from high above and it is beautiful when you are doing your light work, your prayers, when you are working on Gaia’s grid or extending the hands of forgiveness.

We see this as light, as love and we see the physicality of the light that you extend, and it is beautiful. You are beautiful. Society has told you that you are not unless you look like a certain prototype. That is nonsense, and we want to assure you that Source does come in all sizes, shapes, forms, all experiences. And Source is Source, as are you. Therefore you are beautiful because you have that inner spark, that inner light, that angelic hue of greatness that takes our breath away and it is nothing to be dimmed down. And so, today on this new year, embrace your beauty.

Embrace the beauty that is you, in your glorious self, your strongest most assured self. For that is the self that you will need to be tapping into in the following days where it might bet a bit bumpy. And we know that you, the strong ones, are chomping at the bit, ready to ride and we also see that many of the other humans are not, and have no idea what is going to befall them. But in the midst of the chaos is much blessing, is much light, is much love. So no matter how it looks, see the light, the love, see the beauty in the situation. See the beauty, and you are a big part of that beauty. For your fortitude, your strength, your resolve, your love will cross over the barriers, will become with outstretched hands, the rainbow bridge to the others, helping them across with your vibrations of service.

We will help you. Many, many will help you. You do not have to do this all alone, but you do have to try your best, your hardest, and tap into that warrior side of you. The Christed light burning within is enough, more so, than you have ever had the capacity to understand yet. And so we see that you are well fortified, well loved, well protected. Your beauty, your strength, your power is quite real, we assure you. And so we are eager to partner with our friends and family on the ground, our ground team, to effectively employ Operation Ascension Gaia and walk alongside you in the midst of these massive changes. You are ready. It begins.


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publicado por achama às 19:53
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

Oneness – The Council, Ron Head.


The Council via Ron Head.

February 5th, 2019.




Today we want to take a closer look at the concept of oneness, unity. So many of your questions would be resolved if you were to really examine your own thoughts more completely. We choose to include the question below, but once again, it represents many others.
“Does the divine source (all-that-is consciousness) at all concern itself with our human matters or is it entirely detached from our lives given its “no free-will interference” directive? And if this is so, would it imply that the creator does not really give a damn about what we do and what we don’t and how we experience our lives and how reality shapes itself?”
Divine Source does concern Itself with human matters. Divine Source concerns Itself with feline matters. It concerns Itself with arboreal matters, with planetary matters, and with astral matters.
We have said, and we say again, that God, Creator, Source, call It what you will, is in all things. We have said many times that all is energy, all is fields of vibration, there is no separation. We have said each of you is a divine being because of what we just stated.
Does It or He or She concern itself with your matters? It is you! It is us. It is that. It is this. You cannot find anything in the multiverses that it is not.
Do you concern yourself with the matters of your left hand? The matters of your heart? Of your knees? These are silly questions, correct? Why? Because they are you. There is no separation between you and any of your parts.
Now, it is a part of the illusion that you have built that you and Source are separate. We are telling you that it past time for that to end. It is time to begin dispelling that entire illusion and to begin returning to the realization of the oneness.
It is the fear of the ego, that has enjoyed the feeling of being in control, that this return will end its existence. It will not. If you did not need an ego to function there, there would not be one. But dominion over your personal world is not its designed function. This you added as a necessary part of the illusion.
You also added “Fear God!” “I am a God fearing person.” Why? Because you allowed yourselves to be taught that your unconditionally loving God, the God who is love, will damn you to everlasting torment if you do, say, or even think this or that. How unconditional is that?
Now, about the Oneness thing. And this answers a great many other questions that you have asked, as well. It is obvious to all that within the oneness there are many individuals. There are untold billions of life forms on untold billions of planets in untold billions of galaxies. Each and every one of those creations, and we are including those cosmic bodies, are living and conscious. They are not going to cease to exist as consciousness. Nor are you. Nor are various entities that are communicating with you. Nor is your cat.
Each of these viewpoints of experience, if you look at them in that way, have the purpose inherent in all life. Go! Experience! Be!
Yes! God concerns Itself with you. You often ask, “If there is a God, why does He allow this to happen?” And we answer, “Good question. Why do you?”
Search for the unity. Search for the oneness. Search for the knowing. You may consult with others. You may ask us. But ultimately, the answers will be known by you, remembered, as soon as you encounter them. This is ‘within’. This has always been taught. “Seek and ye shall find.” Probably not by tomorrow morning, however, although there is that possibility.
Ron Head.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://ronahead.com/

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publicado por achama às 19:51
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

Unprecedented waves of energy passing through the solar ~ECETI ~ James Gilliland.

There are unprecedented waves of energy passing through the solar system.

ECETI State of The Galaxy Address.

 via James Gilliland.

February 5th, 2019.





ECETI State of The Galaxy Address

If you have not sensed the exponentially increasing changes on every level God help you.
There are unprecedented waves of energy passing through the solar system. These waves of energy are measured, all bands within the electromagnetic light spectrum have increased and this is creating change on all levels. A spiritual awakening, processing wounds and traumas from past experience, “emotional outbursts”, severe weather, and an increase in earthquake and volcanic eruptions are the byproducts of these waves. The Earth is expanding as it absorbs these new energies. Everything that cannot adjust or match the new frequencies will eventually come to an end. There will be no energetic support for institutions and empires which do not adjust to and align with Universal Law. Everything that is based on the old draconian grid will fail but not before it surfaces and rears its ugly head for all to see.
If you want a perfect example look at your political system. Other than a few it is a spiritually and morally bankrupt world of opposites with true agendas being exposed daily. Universal Law is pressing hard in this arena. It is fueling the light workers, “white hats”, to do what is necessary to expose and remove those who have chosen self-service, acting against the higher good. Beware of double speak. A man’s/woman’s character is established by their actions. This applies to all races, religions or cultures.
The base or limited emotions and mental concepts will give way to the higher vibrational consciousness and ways. Universal Law will be the law of the land. Universal Law is written in the heart of hearts of all humanity. It is the core essence buried under layers of wounds, traumas, and false programming. In its simplest form it is Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for all. A Cherokee saying is, “If it isn’t good for everyone, it isn’t good”.
This process is not a purge by a wrathful god it is a healing. It is infinite tough love and the flow is ever increasing. It involves legions of higher evolved beings all the way back to source. Yes this includes the spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders some of which are our ancient ancestors. They are cleaning up the malevolent beings plaguing humanity for thousands of years. Many of the light workers and sensitives are feeling as though they are being attacked. You are! It is directly proportional to how much light you are accessing. Unseen negative influences, lower dimensional entities, black magic, dark sorcery do exist. Do not fall into spiritual ego and think you are above all this. Do not shrink in fear or be a victim either. Your Godself has this. If you are not being attacked you are not doing your work. In other words, you missed the red pill and not a threat. In India there is a saying, “The closer you get to nirvana the more the demons rear their ugly heads”. The more you step out of an unsustainable herd consciousness the more the masses will shun you. This is where love of self, loving detachment is in order. The sustainable path is to align oneself with Universal Law in thought, feeling and action.
There is a solution. Denial is not a solution. Casting out demons is a temporary solution. Aligning with the status quo is also not a solution, it is unsustainable on every level. There are tools and techniques to heal and clear unseen negative influences. Imagine if everyone had access to these tools and used them? Humans have the ability to connect to the ultimate power in the Universe. That power is love and you can connect through the heart to that love and allow the full power of God/Creator/Great Spirit to flow through you into any situation. Your soul sits right next to the heart and your soul is connected to the source itself in every increasing expansion of awareness. Knowing this and making accessing this a part of everyday life will create immense changes in tour live and those around you. Here is the method to heal unseen negative influences and a world and personal healing meditation. It is non-denominational and can be used no matter what faith or culture.
Disease, accidents, mood swings, negative thoughts even thoughts of suicide are often indicators of influence by unseen negative influences. I would look into ascension symptoms as well. Headaches, dizziness, walking sideways, body aches and pains are also side effects to the ascension process. Don’t forget to ground, recalibrate to the new Earth energies, take your shoes off walk on the grass or the beach, get on all fours in your garden. Best advice is to lose the fear.
​Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness. You must have self-authority and maintain control. If you are experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental concepts, psychic bonds or discarnate entities (lost souls) in need of healing. They are bound to the earth vibration due to lower vibration attitudes and emotions. Some are coercive and desire to manipulate and control. Love heals. Casting out only sends them to another place, another person. In all healing, remember that God is love. It is the power of love that heals and lifts.
1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.
2. Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, White Eagle or another one of the Beautiful Many Christed Ones.
3. Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.
4. Tell them they are healed and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love.
5. Ask your chosen representative to take them to their perfect place.
6. Ask that all negative thought forms and limiting mental concepts be dissolved and lifted in the light of truth.
7. Ask that all psychic bonds be severed, and close their auras to all but spirit of the highest vibration.
Repeat this process until you feel clear. There may be more than one healing to do. Remember your word is very powerful, and what is spoken on their level manifests instantly. Many enlightened ones use this process before opening.
It creates a clear and safe environment, and it also lifts the one who is doing the healing. Intent is nine-tenths of the law. If you intend to serve and heal, you will draw to you entities of like mind. If you intend to coerce or manipulate, again you will draw entities of like mind. It is the law of attraction.
At times, discarnate spirits will come to your light like a moth to a flame. Do not judge yourself, simply heal them. They are the ones in trouble, not you. They are seeking your help.
Link to World and Personal Healing Meditation.
These two practices can change the world. Permission granted to copy and share, let it go viral.

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publicado por achama às 19:50
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

The Negativity that you See ~ The Council, Ron Head

The Negativity that you See.

The Council via Ron Head.

February 4th, 2019.




Many of your questions concern the negativity that you see around you. We have chosen one of these questions to include below, but our intent is to address them all.
“If our world is based in duality, how has darkness and negativity run so rampant for thousands upon thousands of years in here? Shouldn’t there have been 50 percent positive entities in the world and 50 percent negative entities?”

Now first we must point out to you that these observations are judgments. And second we say that the viewpoint that you have is relative. Societies that are, and those that have been, of lower vibration see the division between lower and higher much differently than you do. You only need to reflect on the fact that many in Rome considered the Roman games in a positive light. Even today some consider stoning to be an appropriate punishment. While those of a higher vibration would consider the idea of punishment itself to be quite negative. And, yes, we realize that you are not there yet.
Having said all of that, let us answer the question.
Once more we must say that your view of the state of the world has been quite warped by the availability of instant information. Not that this is a bad thing in itself, but that you are being shown the worst of yourselves all day every day.
We want to ask you now to take an honest look at what is around you. We do not mean a television look. We mean what do you see? You see mothers and fathers, you see people at work. They are earning a living by doing for others things that others do not do for themselves. You see people enjoying friendships, enjoying pets, enjoying family. Of course there are exceptions to this. But it is the exceptions that are getting all of the attention.
You wonder why there is not a 50/50 balance. Dear family, there is far better than a 50/50 balance, and there always has been. You are told that humanity is bad in nature. Humanity is divine in nature. You have allowed. You have been tricked. You have been lied to. You have believed the worst. And even so, you have lifted yourselves to this juncture.
Yes, things can look rather awful at the moment. You are facing yourselves quite bravely. And during times of stress, time seems to stand still. But nothing could be more mistaken. You are moving rapidly toward reckoning and renewal.
This is not being done for you. This is not being done to you. You are doing this. You have said, in these higher octaves, “Enough! This has gone too far!” You are restoring yourselves and your world.
Do not deny what has been. But do celebrate what you are creating. You are rising above the negativity. A time will come when many things that you think of as positive might be seen as somewhat negative. But consider, every experience that humanity has been through has brought you to this point. So, was it really negative?
All experience is an opportunity to observe and make choices. The trajectory of humanity will always be one that is rising. You are divine. How could it not be?
There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://ronahead.com/

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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 19:48
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

THE WINDS OF CHANGE ~ Lady Gaia, Adele Arini


Lady Gaia via Adele Arini.

5 Feb 2019.




Greetings beloved children.
I have happily nominated, or, volunteered myself to give you all with this energy/ascension update today.
It is with great joy for me to reveal to you that February will be a month of massive movements. Each and every one of you will be moving, more rapidly, down the unique ascension path that has been especially prepared for you. Doors will be opened, paths revealed, clarity readily provided – as we need our light-workers to start positioning themselves at the front lines; as leaders and not as followers.
Please do not misunderstand this by thinking that you no longer need the support of your fellow light-workers, or, that it is time to ‘walk the path’ alone. That is not what we are saying here. Staying in the company of like-minded souls strengthens your path, resolution, motivation and of course, it is also fun to do!
Just how people gather together within groups to ‘talk shop’, e.g. doctors with other fellow doctors, writers with other writers, artists with other artists, etc., you staying together with fellow travelers will help you, especially during the times when the going gets tough. The saying ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’ is very true, in many ways. Sometimes you just simply need a listening ear, or two, from people who can deeply understand the things you are going through.
2019 will be the year when we need you more than ever, loved ones.
We need your Light; we need your courage; your willingness and readiness to step up into the roles that you were born to do.All of you are holding unique Ascension ‘Codes of Light’. Ascension ‘Keys’ that will activate different doors/portals to Creation.
Different people will be ‘triggered’ or ‘activated’ by different light-workers – due to the similarities of past lives/current life’s challenges that they, and you, had gone through. And thus, you will be uniquely situated to help these people because of what you had learnt/experienced. The people who will come to you for assistance, will be those who know (instinctively, on a higher level) that you are the best person to help them move forward.
You are all perfectly stationed around the world right now, wherever you are is exactly where you are meant to be, in this NOW moment in time. Each one of you holds different frequencies of God; signature frequencies that cannot be duplicated by any other light-worker, or any other living being. You are each as unique as your DNA, and as such, your contributions to the world and to the entire Ascension process, will be equally as unique. Equally as important & crucial to the whole.
Father Mother God is in the middle of drawing a grand, massive-sized, beautiful, amazing painting titled: ‘Heaven on Earth’. And now, imagine this painting split into many different pieces. The number of pieces will be an exact match to the number of light-workers currently physically embodied on-planet.
Each one of you here is a super precious, important, and extremely valuable ‘jigsaw puzzle piece’ of this painting.
Knowing how precious you are, please start to recognize the value that you bring into the world. You don’t even have to specifically ‘do something’ to be contributing to the whole ascension process. The process is automatic. When your overall LQL (Light Quotient Level) is at a high enough level – coming from a high level of integration of your four bodies: physical, emotional, mental & etheric, with Higher Self – this is when you will be called into greater service. A service like what most of you have been called to do, subconsciously, especially in the last 12 months.
This service to the Light that you have been doing includes the following, but not exclusively just this: your Higher Self has been ‘using’ your physical body as a powerful receiver and transmitter of the Purest, Highest Frequencies of Light. Christ Consciousness Energies. Mahatma Energies. Omega Light Energies. Pure Source Energies the scale that I (your Mother Earth) and you have never experienced before.
Your physical bodies can be compared to a huge, powerful satellite dish; or more accurately, to a crystal-based energy transmitter/receiver. Yes, this means that your body is a living, breathing, vibrating crystalline transmitter and receiver of the highest degree.
A spiritually awakened person who is very close to full integration with Higher Self, is operating as this ‘satellite dish’ at the highest, most powerful capacity. This person – like a sponge dipped in water –  ‘absorbs’ these higher-dimensional energies into his four-body-system;  keeps some of the energies for his own individual transformation into a 5D Light Being, and then proceeds to distribute/disperse the remainder, for myself (Mother Earth) and for all members of the Human Collective. This is automatically done, every single second of every single day, ever since you have reached the required LQL.
If you are wondering why I am sharing all this information with you, my children, the reason is quite simple. As the average LQL of all of you here, have reached 70% and above, you will be called into greater service now, more than ever. And if you are wondering how, dear one, it is also quite simple.
Simply take the time to tune in every morning, before you begin your day, to your Higher Self and to Me, and simply ask us this question:
How may I be of service for us all today?‘ Here, the word ‘us’ refers to yourself, to myself Gaia, and to all within the Kingdom of God, especially those currently on Earth. And we will give you the answers to that question with something that only you can do for us that day. And that something will be unique; it will be related to your soul’s purpose, mission and contribution to the creation of new Earth.
Now let’s go back to the topic at hand.
In February you will all be in the middle of building momentum. Every moment you are creating anew; every day we will be sending you the perfect inspiration and guidance to help you, help us, create new Earth in a way that is perfectly suited to your innate abilities.
For those of you who are energetically sensitive, please be aware that February will be the beginning of The New. We have all passed a marker, at the end of last month.
Your sensitivity will remain the same for some of you, whilst for others, it will be on the rise. And this is all happening by design. The spiritual gifts that some of you have been praying for, will soon be activated.
Spiritual gifts such as clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience, these and many more, are on their way to you right now, as we speak.
And now in terms of Ascension physical symptoms, most of you here will not be as heavily affected as you had been last month. Things are getting better, loved ones. Ascension is getting easier in terms of how the higher energies you have been absorbing, are actually affecting your bodies – the physical vessels of your spirit.
This is now the time for all of you to expand; it is time for all of you to embrace your creativity and actually start creating.
And obviously, for you to be able to start creating, you need to be able to daily function with a high degree of ease and grace. There may still be days, for example closer to the new moon/full moon cycles, when you may be feeling slightly under the weather, however it will not be as physically or emotionally, as demanding/consuming like what had regularly occurred in the last 6 to 7 months.
It is time for you to celebrate loved ones. It is time for you to start your co-creation process with me; with your Higher Self and spirit team; with Father Mother God, to bring about the kind of world that you want to be living in – the kind of world that you want your children to live in.
Anything Is Possible.
You are an unlimited being with unlimited powers.
It is time for you to start discovering what those powers are.
It is time for you to go beyond your normal boundaries, to test your limits, and stretch your wings. You are no longer 5th dimensional newborns. In fact you are no longer 5th dimensional teenagers.
Where you are right now can perhaps be compared to a young adult turning 21; a young adult who has just received the keys to his first car. The young adult who received this birthday gift from his parents to celebrate his adulthood. The car represents his new found freedom in life.
The freedom to do as he pleases with life; the freedom to go wherever he wants to go; the freedom to decide how fast or, how slow, he wants to get to his destination. This freedom is essentially the freedom to create what he wants to create with his life. The freedom to do what he wants to do for a living; the freedom to look after his own finances, and the freedom to have what he wants when he wants it. Without strict parental controls continuously limiting his choices in life.
And this is exactly what is happening to you as well, my beloved.
You have learnt everything that you are meant to learn with your many lifetimes here on planet Earth, dear Old Soul, and you have successfully healed, released and purged many discordant memories/experiences stored in the gigantic warehouse of your DNA. Discordant to your Higher Self’s True Nature.
If we were to compare your clearing and purging process to the removal of the many different layers of an onion, then most of you here have reached the inner core of your onion.
And that inner core is where your Higher Self can be found. This is the powerful aspect of your Self that is God-like in nature.
Now that you have been given the keys to your car, i.e. to Unlimited Freedom, it is time for you to set your GPS with the coordinates of where you wish to go from now on.
The options are endless. For those of you who have ever driven a car with the GPS on, whenever you press ‘start’, you will see that your car’s GPS will automatically create a route to take you to your destination. And when you follow that route,  there is not a single doubt in your mind that you will reach your destination by following the mostly-verbal instructions coming from the GPS of your car.
And in much the same way my beloved, you need to start trusting your higher self, your heart, your spirit team, absolutely. Without any fear or doubt interfering in the process of your creation and manifestation. Trust us, like you would, the GPS of your own car. The more often you do this; the more practice you do, the better you get at doing this.
Your expansion and growth will move along at an exponential rate, especially within the next six months, so much so that by the end of the year when you look back to what has been happening in 2019, you will be filled with so much joy, awe, wonder and gratitude for everything that has come to pass.
This is our promise to you loved ones. However we do need your cooperation; your collaboration in order for us to help you, to turn your life around.
Do not spend a second more staying in the vibrations of fear, no matter what is happening around you. Simply focus, always, on where you wish to go, and have the mindset that you will not fail to get there.
Just like the GPS in your car will not fail to guide your way, whenever you are constantly in tune with with your feelings, with your Higher Self, with God, then the route/way/path to get to your destination will constantly be revealed just at the perfect timing. Always when you are ready for the next lane, the next street, the next road, the next express freeway.
We love you so much, beloved friends. All of us here in the company of Heaven, we thank you for your service to me, Gaia, and to the Human Collective. And we wish to do everything we can, to help you achieve what you want to achieve.
Trusting us, and trusting your Higher Self, also means: to trust your heart, your feelings, your intuition a lot more than what you have been doing so far. Start listening more to the guidance coming from Within.
The answers to all of your questions; to all of your problems; to all your dilemmas/challenges that you are currently facing in life, are all within you.
And the moment you realize that, is the moment when you have become full partners in this Divine Act of Co-Creation.
God is creating Itself anew, through you, and this is exactly how it is meant to be.
Once again we would like to remind you that, you are God and God is you.
The moment you understand and fully believe in the meaning of that statement, without doubts, fears or feelings of unworthiness interfering in this co-creative process, is the moment when you will finally discover how easy it is to create and manifest everything that you hold dear.
It will be the moment, you will know yourself, experientially, As God.
Love is truly the only thing that matters. It is the driving engine of Creation. 
Feel yourself up with so much love; imagine your car is filled up with love as its only fuel.
When you fill up your car with Divine Love energies as its gasoline, you are in fact filling up your car (your life) with THE most powerful driving force; able to propel you into unimaginable heights. Whenever your car runs out of energy/fuel, all you have to do is recharge; do a little TLC, and reconnect with the Bright Flame of Love shining within the inner GPS that is your heart. And when you set the intention to do this often, you will be able to get your car/life to move at greater speed as it will always be in constant alignment with the creative energies of Source.
We are here with you every step of the way,  as you venture out into the world as a fifth dimensional adult who are now ready to be our 5D leaders; creating a new generation.
A generation of super-humans who will no longer behave the way a 3D human behaves.
As you break out of your self-imposed third dimensional prison that you have been living in for so long, you will find that the world out there, outside of that prison, is wondrous beyond your current imaginations.
You are our pioneers, our 3D Rule-Breakers. You are at the front lines of change.
You are those who are bringing, creating and easily riding the Winds of Change.
Staying completely unafraid; unwavering in your faith. Trust that the winds of change will carry you to magnificent places filled with everything that you have ever wanted in life. Never fear change, my beloved. Change is the only constant in life.
Change is the name of God. Change is God, and God is change. And since God is in a constant state of expansion, always creating Itself anew, then Its name is synonymous with Change.
You only need to spend more time outdoors; breathing in fresh air; connecting with Nature – with the trees, flowers and the animals around you – for you to easily reconnect with your Inner, Higher Self. The more often you do this, the better your life gets.
We hope that this message has served to help you in an empowering way; to encourage and reassure you, that all is well.
Things will continue to be well this month and in the many months ahead.
Yes, change is definitely in the air, but it is the type of change of your own choosing; one that will truly be for your higher good and the higher good of ALL.
Call upon me whenever you need my assistance, whenever you are perhaps feeling out of balance. Dizzy, perhaps even fearful with the many changes happening to you and to all around you.
I will hold you tight in my arms and infuse you with the energies of unconditional love, calm and peace; giving you the assurances you need and the tidings of all good things to come.
We are loving you beyond measure.
Your Mother Earth
Channeled by Adele Arini. Copyright 2019.
If you re-post, please retain this channeled message in its entirety, and provide the link below. Much love & gratitude. www.raphaelshealingspace.com.au
Become a Patron and you will receive Daily Angel Cards & Channeled Messages straight in your Inbox. To find out more, please visit: www.patreon.com/adelearini

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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 19:46
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

You are among those we salute ~ Brenda Hoffman

You are among those we salute.

Brenda Hoffman's Channeled Message.

February 5, 2019. 




Dear Ones,
This channel is dedicated to those of you who have completed your transition beyond 3D.
Perhaps you wonder if you are among those we salute. You are if you are reading this piece for not everyone will peak or display their light in the same way. Even though you might believe you have not done enough or jumped through enough hoops, as it were, you are beyond 3D.
Such will become more and more evident as the year continues for you will discover how little interest you have in the 3D trials and tribulations. Much as you felt when your younger siblings or friends could not grasp a concept with which you were quite comfortable.
So it is you will not be as upset with the news of the day because you will know that such are displays of those not as mature as you, even though they will be soon. Just as you once counseled your younger siblings that they would eventually do many of the activities of which you were capable.
Of course, those following you want instant gratification just as you have throughout this transition. Such is part of being human in these rapid gratification times. Those following, just as was true for you, want their transition beyond 3D to be complete almost before they start.
Many will look to you for a quick answer wanting you to fix them instead of fixing themselves.
Such will seem almost overwhelming at times for you cannot change them – only they can do so. Something many followers will not be interested in at first. So it is they will put you on a pedestal of an all-knowing, all-wonderful guru much as you once did to those of us of the Universes.
And just as we informed you during your initial transition phases, you will eventually direct them to look within. An activity that seems counter-intuitive in 3D, but is a beyond 3D learned behavior.
You will likely feel elated initially that others think of you as special, as a wonderful teacher only to discover that such adoration becomes tiresome when they are unwilling to look beyond you.
So it is you will discover such adoration stifling and unproductive for them and for you. You cannot help them other than repeating to look within, just as you were taught to do by the Universes.
This new you is not about looking outside of yourself as you have learned throughout these many months or years of shifting. All of your answers are within. And the same is true for those now awakening.
Their whining or fear antics might initially pressure you into playing big brother or sister guiding them through the rough spots just as you wanted us to do for you. But as you learned through trial and error, we were wise enough to allow you to find your way.
Such is so for you now, and for those, you wish to help. You can only provide broad guidelines of, “if you do this, this will happen” just as we did for you. This transition is from the inside out, instead of the outside in as has been true of the earth lessons for eons.
There are no leaders. There are no followers. There are only unique individuals focussed on their role and by so focusing on creating the greater whole that many label as one.
For even though you seemed to function as one in 3D favoring a country, political party, community, or family, you were doing so because of information gathered outside yourself.
Through your wondrous efforts the past few months or years, your actions now are based on your inner voice, not because you have to but because doing such has created your new you freedom. Those following you have not yet achieved that freedom and so will be frightened to make that leap.
Your role is not to walk with them to the other side or beyond 3D, but instead to inform them that they have the skills to do so on their own.
So it is you have shifted your role from a big brother or sister to a wise woman or man allowing those following you to create their path – which has nothing to do with your path. So be it. Amen.
Brenda Hoffman
LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

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publicado por achama às 19:43
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

Turmeric’s Weight Loss Secret – It Turns Bad Fat Good ~ Sayer Ji.

Turmeric’s Weight Loss Secret.

It Turns Bad Fat Good.

Written By: Sayer Ji.

Contributing writer for Wake Up World.

February 6th, 2019

A groundbreaking study published in Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry reveals that curcumin, a golden-hued compound in turmeric, may provide a unique solution for overweight individuals by altering the composition of fat cells in their bodies in favor of the calorie-burning type. 
Obesity and overweight are global epidemics today, and are largely due to the now virtually universal Western type diet of highly processed, genetically modified, chemical contaminated, and evolutionarily incompatible foods, and which can have severe if not sometimes lethal adverse health effects.
Diet, however, is not the only contributing factor. Like all conditions, the problem is multi-factorial, with exposure to a host of endocrine disrupters, chronic stress, a dramatically altered and/or depleted microbiome, and a lack of sufficient movement and exercise, all playing key roles. Every year, billions of dollars are spent on weight loss gadgets, bariatric surgeries, and both synthetic and natural pills, and yet the problem only appears to be growing worse.
What if we could strike closer to the root causes of serious weight problems using something as familiar, affordable, and safe as a common spice on our spice rack?
Indeed, turmeric contains a golden-hued compound called curcumin which appears to be capable of changing “bad” fat cells into “good” ones, among a whole host of additional beneficial properties.

Know the Difference Between Brown and White — “Good” and “Bad” — Fat

Fat used to be a really bad word. Today, however, a growing number of consumers and health enthusiasts are embracing the concept of incorporating more “good fats” into the diet, i.e. olive oilavocadococonut. That said, many still don’t know that our bodies also contain both “good” (brown) and “bad” fat (white), and depending on our activity levels, environmental conditions, and what we do or do not eat, we’ll have a particular ratio that will significantly affect our level of health as well as risk for an entire gamut of diseases.
Brown fat is colored darkly because of the high density of iron-containing mitochondria it contains. Brown fat cells, unlike white fat cells, are capable of diverting significant quantities of dietary caloric energy into thermal energy or heat. This makes the metabolic role of brown fat cells completely opposite to that of white fat cells whose primary function is to store energy for future use as adipose tissue. To underscore how radically different brown fat cells are from white, they derive from an entirely different stem cell lineage; the same one that skeletal muscle cells differentiate from.
Since the vast majority of fat found within overweight and obese adults is of the white fat variety (we have the most when we are infants at about 5% by weight), and since abdominal obesity (belly fat) has been found to be a greater risk factor for heart attack than smoking, it behooves us to look at belly fat as a concern relevant to far more than vanity, and to find ways to reduce midsection fat naturally, or at least increase the ratio of brown to white fat in the body.
The discovery of radically differing types of fat in the adult body, and a deficiency or much smaller ratio of brown to white fat in those with weight problems, has lead some researchers to hypothesize that increasing the brown fat cell phenotype could provide a novel intervention for obesity. Indeed, preliminary research on using cold temperatures to increase the brown fat in the mammalian body appear to have significant anti-obesity effects, but there is concern that these temperature changes may have unintended adverse effects for cardiovascular health.[1] Also, exposure to the cold is just plain uncomfortable, making it a less than ideal solution for many. A turmeric-based intervention could provide a much more convenient alternative.

Turmeric Extract (Curcumin) May Be an Ideal Weight Loss Supplement

In the study, titled “Curcumin induces brown fat-like phenotype in 3T3-L1 and primary white adipocytes,” Korean researchers established for the first time that curcumin is capable of inducing browning of white fat cells (adipocytes) through at least four different mechanisms:
1. By enhancing the expression of brown fat specific genes. This is a form of nutrigenomic “epigenetic modification,” which means that a nutrient is capable of altering a cell’s patterns of gene expression “from the outside in,” as it were, resulting in significant changes in the structure and function of the cells involved.
2. By stimulating the production of new mitochondria, as evidenced by increased activity of the electron transport chain and increased fatty acid oxidation. Mitochondrial biogenesis can be stimulated with other natural substances and therapeutic modalities and is an intervention that may be of special benefit in age-associated loss of muscle and brain function, enhancing athletic performance, and in improving mitochondrial disorders. [See GreenMedInfo’s database keyword: “Mitochondrial Biogenesis“]
3. By increasing protein levels of hormone-sensitive lipase and p-acyl-CoA carboxylase, two markers that play a role in increasing fat-degrading processes (lipolysis) and the suppression of new fat production (lipogenesis).
4. By increasing the activity AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). AMPK activity is something of a cellular metabolic master switch that improves metabolic homeostasis, which is often out of balance in overweight and obese individuals.
In addition to these four mechanisms of action contributing to curcumin’s brown fat supporting properties, the researchers also noted that because curcumin is a well-established anti-inflammatory agent (view 88 studies on the topic here), and because obesity and its various co-morbid states such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease are conditions that involve upregulated and unremitting inflammatory and/or or dysregulated inflammatory response, curcumin’s anti-obesity effects may be in part due to its inflammation-reducing properties.
One additional relevant mechanism of action not discussed in this study, but recently identified in a study published earlier this year in the journal Molecular Medicine Reports, is curcumin’s ability to induce programmed cell death (apoptosis) in white fat cells. This may contribute permanently to reducing the overall ability of the body to store unhealthy fat.
The study authors concluded,
“Our findings suggest that curcumin plays a dual modulatory role in inhibition of adipogenesis as well as induction of the brown fat-like phenotype and thus may have potential therapeutic implications for treatment of obesity.”

Curcumin’s Benefits Extend to a Wide Range of Health Issues

Given the research discussed above, curcumin should be considered a pleiotrophic anti-obesity agent, as it is capable of “targeting” and ameliorating a variety of metabolic imbalances in the body simultaneously. In fact, curcumin is so diverse in its therapeutic actions as to boggle the imagination. GreenMedInfo’s database project alone has characterized over 790 distinct health conditions that curcumin has been studied to prevent, treat, and in some cases reverse – something that puts every pharmaceutical drug on the planet to shame, especially considering that curcumin is immensely safer and has been time-tested for thousands of years in a wide range of different cultures. Add in the fact that curcumin has been studied in human trials to be at least as effective as Prozac for depression, a cardiovascular tonic as significant as exercise, and capable of preventing the progression of prediabetes to diabetes in an astounding 100% of those tested, it would seem unethical not to use it when the choices are either inaction or a pharmaceutical drug. For more information you can view 17 studies GreenMedInfo has gathered on turmeric and/or curcumin’s anti-obesity properties here.
For additional research on the health benefits of turmeric, as well as on natural interventions for overweight and obesity, use GreenMedInfo’s two resources dedicated to these topics:
Recommended articles by Sayer Ji:



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publicado por achama às 19:41
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

Triggers ~ Creator, Jennifer Farley.


The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

February 5, 2019




On occasion, you will see and hear things that will trigger you.  

Your body may react in unexpected ways, your brain may go into overload in an attempt to deal with it.  

This is a very good time to take a step back and take a breath…or two!  

Allow your brain to move from its learned response to a softer, more understanding space. 

When you consciously recognize triggers for what they are, you will be better able to understand the ‘whys’ and let go.  

Be thankful for yet another learning experience that will help you move further forward than you have ever been before.  


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here. 
(Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 19:40
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Fevereiro 2019


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