A Chama da Ascensão


Terça-feira, 19 / 02 / 19

The Israeli Lobby Is the Deep State ~ Jason Charles.

The Israeli Lobby Is the Deep State.

By Jason Charles.

Posted February 16, 2019 by Edward Morgan. 




This week the Intercept reported on the firestorm created by Rep. Ilhan Omar when she audaciously cited the AIPAC lobby as being behind a political smear campaign against her. The Intercept reported,
“…Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., responded sharply to reports that Republican leader Kevin McCarthy was targeting both Omar and fellow Muslim Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a Democrat from Michigan.
Omar quoted rap lyrics — “It’s all about the Benjamins baby” — to suggest McCarthy’s move was driven by the lobby’s prolific spending. Asked specifically who she was referring to, Omar responded, “AIPAC!” (The Intercept)
In this report they also linked to numerous undercover investigations that produced audio and video tapes of AIPAC political operatives funneling money to Israeli friendly politicians and government insiders as a means to sway national opinion. The report quotes a conversation on the tapes as follows,
“David Ochs, founder of HaLev, which helps send young people to American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s annual conference, described for the reporter how AIPAC and its donors organize fundraisers outside the official umbrella of the organization, so that the money doesn’t show up on disclosures as coming specifically from AIPAC. He describes one group that organizes fundraisers in both Washington and New York. “This is the biggest ad hoc political group, definitely the wealthiest, in D.C.,” Ochs says, adding that it has no official name, but is clearly tied to AIPAC. “It’s the AIPAC group. It makes a difference; it really, really does. It’s the best bang for your buck, and the networking is phenomenal.” (Ochs and AIPAC did not immediately return The Intercept’s requests for comment.)
Without spending money, Ochs argues, the pro-Israel lobby isn’t able to enact its agenda. “Congressmen and senators don’t do anything unless you pressure them. They kick the can down the road, unless you pressure them, and the only way to do that is with money,” he explains.” (The Intercept)
Just so we are clear, an Israeli lobbyist and AIPAC organizer stated on video that AIPAC, through shadow funding has become the biggestwealthiestnetworking group in D.C.
The influence alluded to by AIPAC in these statements should be alarming. Politicians are being bribed to be political attack dogs for Israel.
Trump is Green Like the Swamp Thing
So, I am curious, what AIPAC’s going rate for a congressman is, relative to what the going rate for say…President Trump might be? It was Trump who went further than anyone saying that Rep. Omar should resign for her statements on AIPAC, he was quoted as saying,
“Critics — both Democratic and Republican — said Omar’s tweets evoked anti-Semitic tropes. House Democratic leadership called on her to apologize, and the freshman congresswoman then released a statement where she “unequivocally” apologized.
Omar’s statement reads, “Anti-Semitism is real and I am grateful for Jewish allies and colleagues who are educating me on the painful history of anti-Semitic tropes. My intention is never to offend my constituents or Jewish Americans as a whole. We have to always be willing to step back and think through criticism, just as I expect people to hear me when others attack me for my identity. This is why I unequivocally apologize.”
“At the same time,” Omar continued, “I reaffirm the problematic role of lobbyists in our politics, whether it be AIPAC, the NRA or the fossil fuel industry. It’s gone on too long and we must be willing to address it.”
Trump said at the Cabinet meeting, “What (Omar) said is so deep seated in her heart that her lame apology — and that’s what it was, it was lame and she didn’t mean a word of it — was just not appropriate. I think she should resign from Congress, frankly.” (CNN)
“The Jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that, we’ve all read it: We’ve studied it. They’ve gone through a lot and those seeking their destruction…we will seek their destruction.” (American Thinker)
So, Trump the Destroyer, making good on his promise to Netanyahu jumps right into the fray calling for the resignation of a politician over her complaints of foreign influence in American politics.
Trump, who campaigned on draining the swamp and ending foreign wars abroad, has quite literally done an about face on his promises and inextricably tied himself to Netanyahu and the Zionist war machine that controls American politics.
AIPAC is the swamp.
Everyone and I mean everyone wants to cozy up to the money in D.C., Trump included. As David Ochs, stated above AIPAC is the richest, most influential lobby in Washington.
It is Israeli interests that utilize their vast network of compromised political elite and the Israeli dual-citizen Neocons controlling the Pentagon to drag us into perpetual war on their behalf. It is this Israeli loyal contingent that is the Deep State swamp in U.S. politics who are running the show.
Rep. Omar statements should be applauded. Constitutionally speaking she is more in line with the founders than Trump, who has completely entangled himself with these Zionist foreign operatives.
Didn’t Founder and President George Washington tell us to be wary of foreign entanglements? He wanted us to stay clear of foreign alliances as a national policy,
“It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world.” -Farewell Address to the People of the United States | Monday, September 19, 1796
If Trump was going to sell out to anything, of course it would be to money. Big surprise, the guy that plates his mansions in gold sells out to the vast empire of Zionist wealth. Someone with his kind of money can only be envious of the groups that have more money than him, which for the last 200 years is the Zionist Rothschilds who own Israel. So, when we hear someone like David Ochs talk about the AIPAC funding network, in reality he is talking about the Rothschilds who literally own stakes in the biggest financial institutions on the planet. That is the funding network spoken about, that is why so many want AIPAC money, because it brings them that much closer to those who own the world.
When Baron Edmond De Rothschild set out to establish a Zionist state in Israel back in the late 1800’s that was not some pet project of the family, it was their entire End Game. Israel is the most important thing to this family and they will drag the world into the fires of hell to make sure their vision of a Greater Israel is made manifest.
If you want to find the ancient dragon, then follow the money and that money leads back to Israel, who in turn leads back to the Rothschild’s controlling interest in the region.
AIPAC is the monied Deep State and Trump is one of their many swamp creatures that are playing his blinded Christian Zionist supporters better than Obama, the Bush’s, the Clintons could do combined. He is truly the perfect Zionist operative.
All we get out of this Trump deal is war, cultural division, unyielding debt, more war, a police state, and to be called antisemitic when we point out who is really pulling the strings in the Deep State of Washington Politics.
Trump has proven himself to be the ultimate Judas goat betrayer. Christians need to wake up to the fact that the devil, not God is running the show on this planet and that includes the Rothschild State of Israel. The second Temple was called Herod’s Temple, and Jesus cursed it and predicted its collapse, the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem will undoubtedly be called the Rothschild Temple once built, it doesn’t take a genius to see where all this madness is headed, but it does take the entire blinded Christian Zionist establishment to fall for this ungodly lie and support it for it to play out like Revelation indicates it will. Even the elect will be decieved Jesus told us, well we’re living it right now.
Paul when calling out the Jewish betrayers in his day asked this of the Galatians “So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?” No doubt, Trump and his Zionist handlers will weaponize the antisemitism rhetoric and turn it against all of us that are telling the Truth about Zionist influence in our government, in our day. History repeats itself because the devil is always up to his old tricks.
For additional supporting information from world-renowned  journalist Benjamin Fulford , you may read the the following Special letter sent to him by a member of founding family of the Federal Reserve Board here: 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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publicado por achama às 20:00
Terça-feira, 19 / 02 / 19

Consciousness in Exile: A Shamanic Perspective ~ Sergey Baranov

Consciousness in Exile: 

A Shamanic Perspective.

By Sergey Baranov, Wake Up World.

February 15, 2019. 




Consciousness in Exile: We Need It Back! – A Shamanic Perspective

Humanity has reached a point in history where major decisions have to be made. As we approach an existential crisis as a species, we must rethink and re-evaluate our way of life, and the outcome of this deeply introspective process will determine our future. Just as every individual goes through personal crises during the growth process, we are collectively at such a crisis point now. Adolescent, irresponsible and silly, we seem to think we understand the world and know better than those who came before us, but we have no apparent guardian to rely upon. The teenager can rely on his parents to guide him on his path. We are told that we have such guidance by religious leaders, gurus, babas, self-proclaimed prophets and the luminaries of science but, from personal experience and a lifelong spiritual search, I came to the conclusion that nobody really knows and none of these self-declared mentors possess a cure for personal and collective madness. Their methods, therapies and ideas are only mildly effective in helping with minor issues.
This is what psychology is all about. When it comes to serious problems such as the need for purpose and meaning — why to live or not to live, and if yes then how— mainstream psychology, religion and spirituality can only hook you up to their life-support machines via soothing words or poorly understood pharmaceuticals. You will live, with the aid of these brittle crutches, but your life will have little color. This is, in fact, the message I seek to deliver:  not the message from Orion , the Pleiades, Alpha Centauri or Andromeda — these ‘’messages’’ I’ll leave to the professional ‘’messengers’’ — but the message I hear in my heart, the simple, clear voice reaching to us from mother Earth. This intuitive, yet rational, pure communication would most likely fit psychiatry’s description of schizophrenia, but I assure you that it would not be difficult for me to face anyone from the field and convince them otherwise.
There is nothing crazy about loving and communing with the heart, blood and lungs of the planet. That which makes the planet alive is currently sick, perhaps even dying. There is nothing insane about feeling a bond with nature and finding healing peace in it. There is nothing strange about enjoying the sound of birds, the rivers, the feel of sunshine and warm wind. There is nothing weird about feeling a spiritual bond with animals and plants we share this planet with. And there is nothing wrong about seeking physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing by using sacred plants. Unfortunately, these great teachers are seized and suppressed by those who do not have our best interests at heart. These are the people who have assumed divine right to command others. Of course, their sense of superiority is utterly false and the product of a continuum of illusions: digits on the screen, media attention, fancy banquets and red carpets. But these only signify material wealth which translates into social control.  If, however, such “masters” were to appear in front of a jury, perhaps most of them would be found in contempt of the court. Thus, judging by a moral standard, those who thought to be inferior are actually superior and vice versa.
None of my friends would support a bill to send people to kill other people and get killed themselves. None of my friends would support a corporate fascism gone rampant, destroying our environment and the lives of our children to make more money. None of my friends would bail out banks while letting working families go have their lives ruined via material want. None of my friends would support a life style which helps some to die from obesity while others starve to death. None of my friends would criminalize safe and effective medicines while making experimental and dangerous drugs legal.
But none of my friends are bankers, corporate heads and politicians. Thus, like me, they must obey and live under the iron fist of unjust law.
Unfortunately, this is the true history of our world. Perhaps it was different before the creation of money. People fished and hunted to get fed and no one was in control of their lives. Their natural needs were their motivation. This was also the time when the preacher didn’t exist. No one was stupid enough to endanger their lives hunting a bear just to give a portion of it to someone who would tell him about the glory of a mysterious afterlife of which the preacher could truly know nothing. No one would give a piece of meat in exchange for shallow words. People were pragmatic because life demanded them to be so. No one would leave their family in a cave and follow a weirdo who claims that he is reincarnated Christ or others who tells that enlightenment is just a lifetime ahead.
So why today, being evolved in so many ways, do we retain childish, illogical imaginings, absurd notions and idiotic rants when it comes to the core of our lives, our freedom?  Why today do we stand like drunken people, silently and passively observing their own execution?
Why today are we fed pharmaceutical and spiritual poison while an abundance of consciousness expanding, healing plants are known and available? These plants are accessible and very effective. By rejecting this hand given to us by nature we reject the opportunity to heal, understand ourselves and the world. If our world is made of cognition, then consciousness is the fuel we need most. And if sacred plants can easily seed the fields of our minds and grow consciousness, then this is where we must direct our resources.
Can you imagine the impact on human life if a purchase of just one fighter jet F-35 was cut so that 135 million dollars[1] could be directed to consciousness research? What do you think the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) could do with this funding? Can you imagine the impact on our health if a purchase of just one nuclear submarine was canceled and its $1.7 Billion dollars[2] were given to independent researchers in search of a cure for cancer? Can you fathom the results on our education if the purchase of one aircraft carrier was shelved and 13 billion dollars [3] were given to a group of the brightest individuals and educators of our time to work together and create a better curriculum for our kids? Or if a mere fraction of it could be given to the brightest engineers to fashion the technology we need to power the Earth with alternative, clean sources of energy? Can you imagine our world without hunger and poverty? All it takes is the cancellation of a few wars![4] It seems to me that the evolutionist has missed the point. Instead of arguing over the origin of man and search for the missing link between the monkeys and the human, they should be searching for the missing links between humans. This research can use some help!
I see an urgent need for a collective effort to fund independent consciousness research via psychedelics, attracting the best hearts and minds we have. We need to take our world back and let human potential be realized in a constructive way. Disempowered by the lack of psychedelic experiences, we are floating away from the treasure island which is our planet Earth.
We have a surplus of destructive technologies, but we also have the technology to deal with the problem of consciousness. These are sacred plants and psychedelics, the too-often neglected link between humanity and nature. Psychedelic experience brings people together and lets them see their commonalities as greater than their differences. We even have professional technicians to operate the equipment. All we need is a change in law which holds everything back. In fact, it holds back the survival and evolution of our species, which makes  psychedelic prohibition a crime against humanity.
Psychedelics can open many doors and their greatest gift, at this vital moment, is the realization that our world is worth saving.  Our industrialized culture has many tanks: we have fuel tanks, water tanks, military tanks and even alleged “think-tanks”, but we don’t have a significant “psychedelic tank” that a sane world could lawfully assemble to help us grasp higher consciousness. Such a group of individuals working together, not needing to compete individually just to put food on their plates, would gather momentum to heighten consciousness, to develop a social sanity out of which better ideas would emerge. However, with the pressure of modern life, restrained by time, money and freedom, enormous human potential is being lost. It’s great to have a sensory deprivation tank somewhere in the city, where people can disconnect briefly from their mouse-wheel and relax, but what we need is a greater, psychedelic tank to roll over the insanity and delusion which seems to rise with every single day.
What kind of a society have we created, where people struggle to connect with one another through necessitated misery and pain? It feels hopeless because all you see around you is the same shit you are in. It seems like there is no way out of the vicious circle. When was the last time you used a subway in a New York or a London? If you haven’t, perhaps it is worth the experience. This is how millions of people start and end their every day. A dark, cold, noisy, unfriendly environment, full of people who, just like you, hate to be there. These are your unconscious companions on your life journey. Did you ever ask yourself why you live in the city? Did it ever occur to you that a toxic city life may be the root cause for depression and anxiety? Spiritually deprived and unhappy, you are forced through daily drudgery. Artificial modern culture exacerbates the problem. Out of desperation and loneliness people fall into all kinds of addictions, join bizarre cults and believe in strange, circular ideas, all just to escape their prescribed misery. Others end up being under the train which takes you to work.
Intuitively, we feel the need to restore the inner and outer order.  But this task is impossible without the help of our immeasurably intelligent plant teachers, which have withstood the test of millions of years of evolution and are available for us to heal the self-hating, neurotic egos that have been programmed into us.
We are told by spiritual leaders that we don’t need psychedelics plants, that it’s just enough to cross our legs and breath, but as enlightening as such practices may be, a degree in leg crossing now comes too slowly to solve personal and global problems. These are slow acting technologies and we have run out of time to rely upon them. We are, and have been for millennia, gravitating towards nature and shamanic ecstasy. A symbiosis between us and the natural world is not the stuff of fantasy but a fundamental law of nature and a force as certain as gravity. And just as particles are pulled together by the force of gravity, we are pulled together by the innate desire to connect.
What kind of a world are we living in today when a Law of Nature is illegal to practice? Religion is a child of psychedelic experiences that has denounced his progenitor. Humanity is the prodigal son which must return home. Wretched, lost, fallen into poverty and despair, it crawls back to Nature for help. The spiritual leaders fail us, like our philosophers and political leaders. They are all pursuing their own agenda, while caring less for the rest of us. It is time to embrace life and reclaim our hearts and minds.
This is what I see in the classical painting of The Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt. Besides the clear message of forgiveness and mercy, masterfully represented by the Baroque artist, I see humanity represented by the Prodigal Son, and Mother Nature in the figure of the father. This painting is an archetype for spiritual awakening, an insight that takes it out of religious context.
The plants are real and their dimensions are accessible for us. And that is the truth.
Clear thinking leads to evolution. Confusion leads to extinction. We don’t have scarcity of resources and plants. We only lack guidance and a warm, legal climate in which we can comfortably explore consciousness.
In the absence of psychedelics, our egos grow like cancer, eventually consuming the host. We think we are becoming Gods by being able to split the atom and slice genes, a dangerous technology without humility and spiritual understanding. But in fact, we may be becoming arrogant morons who are on the brink of destroying everything that has been created on Earth by man and the Universe.  There is another way.  We can and must take it.
[1] http://content.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1975139,00.html
[2] https://thediplomat.com/2014/05/us-navy-orders-10-virginia-class-submarines-at-a-record-cost-of-17-6-billion
[3] https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-us-navys-new-13-billion-aircraft-carrier-will-dominate-the-seas-2016-03-09
[4] http://911truth.org/cost-us-wars-since-911-1-6-trillion
Recommended articles by Sergey Baranov:
About the author:
Baranov is the founder of Huachuma Wasi, a healing center in The Sacred Valley of the Incas, Peru. He is the author of Path: Seeking Truth In a World of LiesThe Mescaline Confession: Breaking Through the Walls of Delusion and Write Your Zen in 30 Days. Sergey’s passion for life on Earth and its preservation is the driving force behind his work.
You can contact Sergey at www.shamansworld.org..

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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publicado por achama às 19:58
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Your Life ~ The Creator, Jennifer Farley.

Your Life.

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

February 15, 2019




What do you want from your life?  
Where do you want to go?  
What do you want to accomplish?  
How are you going to get there?  

They may seem challenging but, all these questions can be answered if you choose to converse with The Universe.  

Your life is yours and you can do with it what you will.  

You have a choice to sit in a corner, limit yourself and say things are impossible or you can find what truly inspires you, take action and move forward.  

The only thing hold you back is you! 


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If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 22:46
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

We are originally from a place of Love. ~ Saint Germain, Nancy Tate.

Wake up Call:

We are originally from a place of Love.

Message from Saint Germain 

Through Nancy Tate, 

February 14th, 2019

If we ever go to the place where we are showing our hearts in a wonderful kind of way, it will be as if we have always felt that way, and it is true, we have. We are originally from a place of Love, and when we show that love it is in a grin, a smile, a happy face, a side view of who we are. It is a tremendous way of being who we are being, and showing others that even though we may sometimes feel only to look at them with a stare, or in an upset way, or an unhappy feeling of emptiness, it is always based from Love, or we would not even look at each other. We would not even acknowledge that we are all in the same place and doing the same kind of thing that others have likely done at one time or another, in this lifetime and others.

We would not even see anyone else if we did not know that we are all from the same origin and were each given the opportunity to move forward in any way that we choose. It is the time now for acknowledging that we are on our way back to the realization of who we are and how we are all related. We are all family with each other. As we come to the reality of what that means on a deeper level, then this day of Love with the purity of the heart is what we live more and more as we see each other with a smile on our faces and the feeling of Love in our hearts.
We are all one, and we are living that in the independence of our ability to live our individuality in the way we feel inspired to. So, dear family, go on forth and continue living the way you choose and know that as you do so you are returning to the reality of how we are all expressing ourselves in the ways that we have agreed with each other to do. Based in Love, the more we return to that every moment feeling, the more we will follow and dance with each other in our lives of the day.
Come and dance with me and see the reality come forth and show us the way to keep the Love in expression in every moment. It is creation of every day being Valentine’s Day. We are blessed with the Love of Creation, which has never left us within, and which we are feeling more and more as we bring ourselves to the oneness that we recognize as our own individuality in motion and stillness at the same time. I am St Germain, and I am dancing with you this moment and every other one in my heart and soul, as so are you dancing with me, and all of reality.
Thank you Dear St. Germain,

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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publicado por achama às 22:42
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Matthew Ward via Suzanne Ward, February 14, 2019

Yellow Vest movement in France, Brexit complexities, political upheaval in Venezuela, effects of China’s economic slowdown on the global economy, effects of the United States government shutdown, cyberspace warfare, crisis in Yemen, continuing terrorism around the world, climate change denial, Russia’s intentions, nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea.

Message from Matthew Ward


Channeled by Suzanne Ward

February 14, 2019

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.

Let us begin by addressing your concerns as to how the following situations are affecting the progress of the light: Yellow Vest movement in France, Brexit complexities, political upheaval in Venezuela, effects of China’s economic slowdown on the global economy, effects of the United States government shutdown, cyberspace warfare, crisis in Yemen, continuing terrorism around the world, climate change denial, Russia’s intentions, nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea.
Those situations and all others in one degree of flux or another are the resistance to change clashing with the insistence upon it, and in no way is this deterring the light’s progress. A process as monumental as world transformation doesn’t happen in a straight line—it zigzags in accordance with billions of free will choices made daily.
The Illuminati, now commonly called Deep State, are resisting accepting that their efforts to retain their influence in your world are utterly futile. And, without knowing that the light’s unparalleled power is exposing and banishing darkness, the peoples are responding to light’s high vibrations by insisting upon justness and equality. What you are seeing is a civilization bringing to an end its ages-long trauma so healing can come.
Beloved sisters and brothers, we know your desire for all of Earth’s peoples to live in a peaceful, harmonious, benevolent world—you went there to help them awaken consciously and spiritually so they can manifest it! And, while we know this is happening with swiftness unique in this universe and we see that beautiful wondrous world flourishing in the continuum, we understand your impatience to see this in linear time.
When you volunteered to go to Earth, you knew that your journey would entail experiencing the emotions and hardships inherent in a third density civilization. You also knew that by divine design, all of that would be forgotten when you incarnated and you wouldn’t remember why you are where you are. Therefore, you would follow your intuition, tap into your spiritual strength and persevere with determination and ingenuity to surmount the many obstacles you would encounter—and you have been doing this nobly! Along with honoring your steadfastness in the light and your invaluable service to the peoples of Earth, we want to assure you that evidence of what you have helped them accomplish is on the near horizon.
“Please, ask Matthew how to deal with the need of Ego in the task of learning to serve in light and love.” First we say, ego gets a bad rap when it is limited to denoting egotism or pomposity, and it is more than your dictionary definition, the part of the psyche of which a person is consciously aware.
Ego can be considered a work in progress because it changes as you add to your conscious awareness through academic and religious teachings; observations; ideas; expanded circle of acquaintances; conformance with or rebellion against parental, peer and societal expectations; pursuit of interests; the honing of skills and talents; acquisition of “street smarts”; development of values and standards of conduct; success or failure in personal relationships and professional goals. In short, ego is the composite of everything you have experienced from infancy to date.
So, it is not an issue of the need of ego in learning how to serve in light and love or in any other capacity. Ego simply is. It is your concept of who you are, an intrinsic part of you that functions 24/7 as naturally as breathing. Ego goes to its composite of all the human traits and actions it has experienced or observed—its storage facility of supplies, so to say—and automatically chooses what it wants as you interact with others and react to circumstances.
Everything in the supply line available to ego emits vibrations. The high end of the line includes “godly ways”: kindness, empathy, compassion, humility, gentleness, thoughtfulness, helpfulness, gratitude, generosity, joy, honesty, forgiveness, trustworthiness, loyalty, dependability, hopefulness, and perseverance in times of adversity. The low end includes apathy, immorality and amorality, cruelty, deceptiveness, betrayal, bigotry, arrogance, fear, anger, stinginess, jealousy, envy, pessimism, resentment, guilt, egotism, hubris and vengefulness. That duality in third density humankind comes from the belief that each person is separate from all others and from God.
Now then, choosing traits and actions with high vibrations enables clarity in perceiving self and others and acting with sound judgment, whereas choices in low vibratory ranges produce deluded opinions of self, flawed assessment of others, and rash rather than reasoned behavior. And, what you think of as character, nature or personality are what the ego most frequently chooses from its spectrum of possible selections. In this, conscience—the province of the soul that nudges provisions chosen in the soul contract—is ego’s companion and ally; but if conscience is consistently ignored, it atrophies and becomes nonfunctional, thereby leaving ego out on a limb, in a manner of speaking.
To give an example of ego “in action,” let us say that four strangers have just been seated in the waiting area of a crowded restaurant. Their reactions are in consonance with what automatically comes to each: One thinks about the delicious dinner ahead, one worries about being late for an evening business appointment, one looks around the room and admires its décor, the fourth shows annoyance about having to wait for a table. Those four different perceptions of a shared situation enter the collective consciousness of Earth. As they wait, each person perceives self—self-image—and forms an impression of the other three, so 16 more perceptions exist within the group and those, like all the other thoughts and feelings that come to them, also become part of the collective consciousness.
Let us take this a step further. You see things as solid, but nothing is—everything is energy fluctuating within vastly varying degrees of frequency—and, like vision, everything that your other four senses tell you also is what you perceive it to be—what you perceive is what you believe and that is your reality. Now let us put into that perspective your questioning how various situations are affecting the light—those you mentioned and all others are reflecting the myriad perceptions of reality within the populace at any given moment.
Putting all of those into the context of today’s happenings produces two primary and opposing perceptions—a world ruled by the few who feel entitled to do what they want is one; the other is a peaceful, harmonious world with justness and abundance for everyone. The continuously increasing strength of the latter perception’s energy in the collective consciousness is manifesting that envisioned and desired world. And it doesn’t stop there. The energy of that perception flows into universal mass consciousness and on into cosmic consciousness—everything happening anywhere affects everything everywhere.
We digressed considerably, so let us bring ego back down to Earth and speak about persons who are serving in light and love, or lightworkers. They are acting upon ego’s natural selection from its supply facility the qualities that emit the highest vibrations. The same is true of people who are living in godly ways, but they haven’t heard the term lightworker so don’t think of themselves as such. The difference between you who know you are lightworkers and the many millions who don’t know they are is your knowledge.
You know you are multidimensional immortal souls inseparably connected with each other and God, and all souls are the pure love-light essence of Creator. You know about soul contracts and pre-birth agreements, universal laws and planetary and personal ascension. You know there are countless souls in other civilizations, many of which are highly evolved spiritually, consciously and technologically, and some are your ancestors. And you know that during this unprecedented era of change throughout this universe, love-light, the most powerful force in the cosmos, is vanquishing the vestiges of darkness on Earth.
Rejoice, dear family, in knowing these truths!
“I am a former member of the news media and must say I don’t believe all of the members of the news media are corrupt. Maybe their bosses and some very high-profile talent are. But most of the journalists I worked with in the 80s and 90s were honest, hardworking people. I’m sure this is still true today.” Yes, it is. Most press, radio and TV journalists don’t know that the information they report from wire services and other sources is what media’s dark controllers want the public to believe.
Few journalists know that often information they call “fake” news is, instead, the truth. For instance, when the pedophile ring came to light in the Washington, DC, area that is serving members of the US government and visiting dignitaries—this became known as “Pizzagate”—dark ones quickly labeled it fake news and unwitting reporters echoed that falsehood. A term of longstanding that was devised to hide the truth is conspiracy theory, and the public has been programmed to consign to the trash heap whatever media reports as such.
Although many still do believe that information to which either term is attached is lies or crazy ideas, others are realizing that issues are thusly labeled as cover-ups, and that is due to the efforts of journalists around the globe whose exhaustive research has exposed the pervasive corruption within their own industry; corporations; medical, entertainment and sports fields; governments and financial institutions.
We honor these men and women, whose soul contracts include not only writing talent, perseverance and courage, but the potential of professional discrediting, imprisonment or assassination because of their dedication to uncovering and publishing the truth. It should not be surprising that a large number of them are souls from other civilizations who volunteered to incarnate on Earth to serve in this capacity.
Although the history of St. Valentine has been discarded and the commercialization of February 14 has gone into hyperspace, who can fault celebrating love? There will be a universal celebration when love has permeated every heart in your world!
Beloved family, all light beings throughout this universe are supporting your mission on behalf of Earth with the unequaled power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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publicado por achama às 22:40
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

You are different from before ~ Brenda Hoffman.

You are different from before.

Brenda Hoffman.

Channeled Message 

February 8th, 2019. 




Dear Ones,
Many of you believe that all is not well in your world. That the fear boogeyman continues to hold the earth in its hands. That you are not in control of your life or your livelihood. That someone outside of you continues to pull strings making you dance to fear.
Even though the Universes have informed you over and over that such is no longer true, you see or sense little information to the contrary. So it is you wait for the earth to change from fear to love so you can understand your role.
What you have neglected to notice is that you are different from before initiating your transition in this lifetime. Likely, you are more self-confident or comfortable with your being than was true previously.
Most of you have attributed those differences to age or your freedoms from certain social interactions such as work, school, or parenting. Your changes are not about a natural relaxing once you no longer need to generate money through paid employment, completing school coursework or relief that your children are now self-sustaining adults.
This channel is about you accepting you without concerns about outside forces. A difficult concept for you to understand because you believe a different job, more money, etc. is all that is required for you to display your full strength.
What you have forgotten is you are evolving from the inside out. Your true being is not attached to your job, financial security, relationships, or parenting skills. You are evolving despite those outside elements.
Hense, you believe little is changing in your world.
Yes, there are many promoting and acting upon 3D fear. But there are more tired of that game but do not yet understand how to unravel the ball of fear they depend upon to tie them to others and more importantly, themselves.
They sense 3D fear is no longer fun or even acceptable, but they do not have the wherewithal to understand what they can do about their new feelings.
It is your role to display your joy of life in whatever form that takes. For that display more than counteracts the fear that is old and tired for the majority of earth beings.
Eons ago at the beginning of this fear phase, finding and displaying fear was fun with thoughts of, “I am a powerful Universal being playing with fear.” Much as many of you watch a scary movie or ski down a steep slope – creating fear playtime if you will.
The difference for most is that fear no longer brings a sense of accomplishment, but instead dread of a continuing soap opera with no end. Even though horror movies continue to be produced and mountains are available for the most adventuresome skier, what most earthlings are starting to crave is a sense of peace and goodwill.
This sense is dormant within most of those with whom you interact waiting to flower given the right soil (allowing them to be) and sunshine (your joy). Your encouragement for all is your ongoing need to be yourself.
So it is you are clamoring for your unique being both in thought and deed.
You are the light beacon of joy as a result of claiming your new being. No matter how diligently you try to hide your power, your being, it squeezes out of every pore of your being. It is that joyful power that others are starting to notice and wish to know more about.
You are not changing earth one person at a time. Instead, you are changing earth by knowing you are powerful and creative.
Accept your power and then allow yourself to display that power. You will not be harmed or scorned as was likely true in past earth lives. For your time has come to be yourself in all your truth – a far more powerful reason to be than any fear of discovery you can imagine or remember.
Come out of your shell for the world is waiting. More importantly, you are waiting for you to become as one in your power and glory.
You are changing the earth and thereby the Universes. You are not a weak entity waiting for the next fear to disturb your being. You are a powerful Universal being who accepted this responsibility to be in all your glory.
Stop pretending you are weak or that you must answer to others. Stop pretending that the rules of past lives or even this life have anything to do with new you. You are a destroyer and creator in one. Destroying the earth of fear and creating a new joyful earth.
Your need to have someone define you is a waste of your time and our time. You define you.
When you discover your joy, you will discover your role. And when others observe that display of joy whether it is a smile or new creation, they too will dare to become. Your role and only role is to follow your joy, and everything else will fall into place.
Most of you believe you must have some grandiose plan of creation to be a viable new you. Which is little different from the old dictate that you are important if you have the right income, job, skin color, sex, etc. All 3D fear control factors that have nothing to do with you.
You are as powerful smiling at a small child as someone who creates a new social environment. The size and weight of your joy has nothing to do with your role or your activities. Such measurements are merely a throwback to 3D better than. Follow your joy, and you will change the world.
If you follow the dictates of fear such as “I’m not good enough or someone might laugh at me,” you are following 3D guidelines in a beyond 3D world. And you are denying the creative skills you have worked eons to hone.
You are not like what you used to be, and neither is the earth. Claim yourself in all your glory through your joys, and you claim your role. Wait for someone to tell you who you are or should be and you return with a thud to 3D being. So be it. Amen.
Brenda Hoffman
LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
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Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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publicado por achama às 22:36
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

You all volunteered to come here ~ Ashtar, James McConnell.

You all volunteered to come here.

Message from Ashtar

Channeled by James McConnell.

January 27th, 2019.


I am Ashtar.
I bring you greetings from the one known now as KaRa.  She will not be with you at this time, but will be with you again shortly.  For she has much to do with all of you, much planning, much preparation to do.
But I now, as this point, continue the process, the process that has begun.  For we can more fully share with you, come closer to you, be more with you, and yes, even to the point of being physically with you.  That is coming.  But it will require that you continue to raise your vibrations higher and higher, and find yourself more and more living in the perfect NOW in the moment, being in that neutral state.  Because it is that neutral state that will allow you to be able to be in the vibrations along with us so that we can make that connection.
We have been preparing you, you have been preparing yourselves, for some time now, knowing that these moments would come some day.  So long ago when you all volunteered to come here, you knew at a time much, much later that you would reach these moments, would reach these end times, and you have reached these end times.  It only takes a bit more of your patience, as well as the manifestations behind the scenes that are occurring now.  For all is coming together, all is being orchestrated and brought forth.
It is time now for each and every one of you to begin to prepare yourselves within.  Prepare yourselves for all that is yet to come.
I am Ashtar.  I leave you now in peace and love, and a continued calmness to come over all of you as these changes continue move forward.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 22:34
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Energies are coming in more and more into the planet. ~ Saint Germain, James McConnell.

Energies are coming in more and more into the planet.

Message from SAINT GERMAIN

Channeled by James McConnell.

January 27th, 2019. 


I am Saint Germain.   As always, it is a pleasure to be with you in this way in these moments, for so much is in flux now.
So much is shifting and changing.  Energies are coming in more and more into the planet.  More and more of you are feeling these energies.  So many of you who have awakened for some time now have been working with these energies more and more, and many, many more are beginning to awaken as a result of these energies coming into the planet as a result of collective consciousness rising.
Though you may not notice it, may not see it in the outward appearances, for in many respects it looks like very little has changed.  But I can assure you now that so much has not only changed, but is changing.
You find yourselves now in the moments, the moments prior, moments prior to the great changeover.  And everything is building toward it.  Celestial stars are moving in directions to bring about this great changeover.  The alignment of the stars, the alignment of the planets:  everything is coming in to be in that perfect instant when the signal is finally given and the changeover, the event, can begin.  These are those times now.
You will look back on your past, your past in this lifetime, and very, very little of it will continue to have meaning for you, because you will have moved beyond the past.
Your past lives, those memories that are necessary, will come back to you.  You will remember who you have been.  Because who you have been makes up the present NOW that you are.  Not that you need to know that now, but you do need to know all is coming back, all is coming back to remembrance.
Those of you, the Lightworkers, the warriors, the sharers, and bearers:  you are here now in these moments for a reason, to either begin or continue on with your missions.  I can assure you, as these times continue to move on and the changeover comes, that you will be in the right place at the right time to be able to begin to access those of us, the Ascended Masters, those of the Galactics and the Agarthans, to assist us in bringing about this incredible changeover to this planet, to this collective consciousness here.
It is time now to sit back, be in that perfect moment, be in the neutral state as much as you can.  Move out of fear.  Move out of judgment.  Move out of hate.  Move out of sadness.  And embrace the joyous reality that is all around you if you but look for it.  For it is trulybelieving is seeing.  It is time now to believe.  Believe in who you are, believe in the connection, the great Source of all.  As you continue to believe in that connection and feel that connection, and be that connection, you will be ready for your ascension.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace and love, and the Violet Flame burning within each and every one of you, so that all of the old can be burned away and the new sprout forth.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 22:32
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

You are pearl inside the oyster ~ Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

You are pearl inside the oyster.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

February 15, 2019


You have an expression that the world is your oyster and it is true, and the pearl inside is you. After so many lives of struggle and a multitude of challenges you stand today on the steps of Ascension. You have held your heads up high and always risen up after the more trying experiences. In some ways it is as well you cannot remember all of your earlier experiences as they would weigh heavy on your mind. Of course they were interspersed with lives that were not so demanding, but the whole time the emphasis was on your evolution. Always the degree of challenge you were given was with your approval, and we never try to advance you too quickly. In fact it is you who are often so keen to push yourselves ahead and we warn you against going for too much, as even with our support it is you who have to perform. There would be no gain for you if we did more than help you along with our advice.
At this time you really do not grasp what a great achievement you have made in passing the marker. We are still rejoicing and full of admiration for your fortitude and intent to keep going regardless of the tasks ahead. You were chosen for the opportunity to prepare yourselves for Ascension, because we rightly believed you had the tenacity and strength of character to be successful. With freewill some souls have not applied themselves to their tasks, and sometimes lacked the determination to succeed, perhaps having tired of the demands upon them. Never mind there is always another opportunity coming your way, there is no urgency but we do try to push you along as you are on the verge of Ascension. We want you to be a success as so much now awaits you that is a total change from what you have been used to experiencing. The good times are soon to begin and the chaos that abounds on Earth right now will end. Follow through the logic of stopping nuclear wars and realise that it is the beginning of the end for violent confrontations. You may rest assured that the weapons of war will be silenced, and it can be easily achieved.
We tell you these things realising that some souls have the expectation of things changing too quickly for the degree of negativity that has to be cleared from Earth. You get help from many sources of which you are unaware. Know that your Galactic family oversee your progress and are never far away. If needed, they could arrive on Earth in an instant so you are perfectly safe from any outside interference. The beautiful Avians watch over you and their presence ensures that no outside interference can take place. They have an extra interest in your wellbeing and help mankind in ways you are never aware of, and very much like the Pleiadians are close to you. You owe much to them for their lasting love for Humanity and the Pleiadians in particular are your family.
Do not limit your visions for the future, as you will be pleasantly surprised at how much happens to you that is uplifting, and place your sights firmly on your path to becoming a Galactic Being. It may be well into the future but is your destiny and you aim high in all you do. As you sometimes say “The best is yet to come” and how true that is so keep your focus strongly on your chosen path, knowing that at every turn you will be getting help and direction from those who have such love for you. Remember that now is the time you can drop your karma as you are in charge and choose the path you wish to take.
As you lift up spare a thought for those souls who volunteered to play the roles of the dark Ones. Just like you they are birthed with all they need that allows the outworking of their life plan. Each has a role to play and they show you the extent to which they can challenge the Light, and they have been quite successful. Your role has been to rise up above such negative energies, and maintain your Light and act accordingly. Stand on the outside and look in and you surely must agree that you have at times been tested to the limit. The old ways and days are all but finished and you will no doubt admit that your experiences have made you all the stronger. Think of plays in the theatre, they finish and when the curtain drops and re-opens the cast line up together, and often link arms as they bow to the audience to take their applause. Of course life on Earth is for real, but bear in mind that each soul’s life plan is organised in such a way that karma is cleared, although sometimes there are dear souls who make sacrifices simply out of their great love for you. The most obvious one was Jesus who willingly gave his life, to help Humans find the love, and understanding that was missing from their lives on Earth.
What a wonderful arrangement exists in Spirit that allows for more experienced and evolved souls to help those following in their footsteps. It follows on as you rise up into even higher vibrations and you can always call upon highly evolved souls for help. The system is well tried and tested because as you may realise it has been operating for a long, long time. The souls that have gone before you have much experience to call upon and can very accurately predict what you will do as you evolve. You must have heard the expression that there is nothing new in the world, and now you can perhaps understand why that is so. All combinations of circumstances have been tried time and time again and of course in the higher dimensions all is in the present and you can experience just as you choose. For example you can go back in time to any period you wish and re-live experiences there again.
Dear Ones, accepting that “all is in the now” is probably too much for you to absorb and recall every detail of your experiences. Yet as your consciousness expands so your memory becomes expansive, so much so you can tune into any experience that you wish to recall. As you move out of the lower vibrations so your recollection of events will improve. Everything that has happened in your current cycle is still recorded in the ethers, and you could go back and put something right that lives in your memory. Fortunately you will progress at a pace that suits you, so you should not be overwhelmed by the responsibilities that you carry.
Let your vision of the future hold fast and as you do so you will be helping it to manifest at the earliest time by raising the vibrations. The Photon Belt is also part of your upliftment and you are well on the way to your goal, and in the not too distant future great Beings will again appear on Earth to guide you.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.


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publicado por achama às 22:28
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Pensamento do Dia 15 de fevereiro de 2019 ~ Sathya Sai Baba

Source: http://achama.biz.ly/cgi-bin/blog/view_post/1120691

Manifestações do Amor Divino!

Pensamento do dia.

Por Sathya Sai Baba

15 de fevereiro de 2019


Image result for sathya sai baba
Em uma das prisões, havia uma alma muito pura, devotada aos ideais espirituais, que estava praticando disciplina espiritual, atentamente. Ele progrediu muito em meditação e concentração. 

No entanto, um dia, quando se sentou para meditar, ele sentiu emoções violentas crescendo nele e ficou chocado ao descobrir que, a despeito de sua tremenda luta, não foi capaz de suprimir os pensamentos assassinos e de ódio, que se apossaram dele. 

Ele ficou estremecido pela agonia e seu guru também ficou aborrecido com o ocorrido.  

O guru investigou a história do discípulo muito profundamente, mas não encontrou qualquer razão válida para a tragédia. 

Por fim, ele descobriu que um certo assassino convicto trabalhou como cozinheiro na cozinha da prisão, um dia antes da catástrofe ter acontecido, e os pensamentos de ódio dele penetraram na comida que ele cozinhou.  

Formas-pensamento sutis e invisíveis podem passar de uma pessoa a outra dessa maneira.

(Discurso Divino, 10 de outubro de 1961)        
Sathya Sai Baba.


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publicado por achama às 19:34
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Wonderous Task ~ The Team, Peggy Black.

Wonderous Task.

The Team via Peggy Black.

February 11th, 2019. 


We are here offering our support and insights from a larger perspective. We acknowledge you in your physical form. We acknowledge the focus you have regarding what is happening in your life and what is occurring on the planet as a whole. Often this focus becomes all that you are able to see or take in. It becomes a bit narrow so to speak. You are too close to the events and some of the events are charged with emotions, attitudes, fears that keep you locked into that narrow focus.
This reality is enticing; it can be rather seductive, especially when all your energy and focus is on the physical dimension. We recognize and acknowledge that there is a certain amount of attention needed to maintain your body and the activities of your life. We are inviting you to soften the focus a bit and allow your awareness to begin to view your life and what is happening on your planet from a higher perspective.
When you practice this often throughout your day, it will become more natural. Your birds that walk on the ground hunting for food see only the limited area they are acting upon, yet these very birds can take flight and soar above the ground and see an entirely different landscape. This is the offering that we are inviting you to practice. Consider your daily activities like the bird on the ground and often allow yourself to consciously soar above those activities and events and view them from this higher perspective.
We acknowledge that the physical body and its activities seem the most important. However, shifting your point of view to a higher perspective will certainly offer you new insights. From your earthly grounded point of view things seem perhaps random or unexpected, yet when you allow your higher consciousness to look at the random or the unexpected event you will be surprised at how these events truly are connected as they unfold.
When you view world events through a limited perspective you miss the true unfolding of these events and how they reveal the bigger picture and the energy that is being offered. We observe that you are viewing world events with a feeling that all is hopeless and that you are powerless to support or assist in the outcome. This could not be farther from the truth. That is a surge of energy that is awakening humanity.
This frequency is in place to support and assist you in your own realization of who you are. You are a divine being of light and energy. You have a physical body and you have a divine body that is pure creative energy. You are meant to recognize this partnership and fully awaken to the power of this awareness.
It is the physical body that walks on the ground and it is the divine body that allows you to soar above what is occurring. It is from your divine perspective that you are able to see and understand what is unfolding in the larger picture on your planet.
We are celebrating what is occurring. The repressed emotions and beliefs are now very visible and being acted out. Because these old negative and misqualified energies are now more obvious, they are now able to be transformed. They are not in the shadows. Because they are not in the shadows, those light workers, those who are awake and aware like yourself, are able to dissipate that negative misqualified energy.
As a divine being of light, you have the birthright and the responsibility to transform all negative or misqualified energy you experience or witness. Remember, in your true essence you are powerful beyond measure. Hold that, anchor that, walk in that truth. This is your strength that comes with that awareness.
You begin to realize this is what you came here for, to be a part of this great and grand shift of the ages, this evolution and awakening that is taking place right here and right now on Earth.
We can only observe until we are invited to join you in the wondrous task. Understand that what is happening on your planet has the attention of your galactic and star families. Realize that not every divine being who wanted to be a part of this was offered a ticket. You were, and you are the most qualified conscious being to be here now.
So beings are encouraging you and supporting you to continue to observe what is happening from the larger perspective. There are a great many things taking place around the world that are astonishing, amazing and life enhancing. Begin to look for these amazing events and occurrences.
There are countless numbers of awakened beings assisting this planet to evolve. There are countless awakened beings who are offering a frequency of love, appreciation, gratitude, acceptance and forgiveness to all they encounter.
Remember to say to yourself often, I am aware that I am aware. This shifts your ground-level point of view to the higher perspective. It is from your higher perspective that answers, solutions and inspirations come. You can also say, here I am, so glad you are. These simple statements will assist you in remembering to look at the bigger picture of what is unfolding.
You can observe that more and more people are taking action to find ways to clear the waters, take care of the less fortunate, and stand up in their power to make a difference by holding and anchoring the truth.
The mis-creations on you planet are being dismantled. Use your power to focus on that, add your thoughts, emotions, visions to the best and brightest outcomes. Watch when you drop into the place of judgments, or pushing against some event; remember, your energy just adds to the energy of that dysfunction. As quickly as possible use your tools, invite non-physical beings of light and love to assist and support the outcome benefiting all.
When you are puzzled by what is going on and you do not or cannot understand, say to yourself, there is more to be revealed.
These are exciting times and you are here to make a difference. Realize your smallest act of kindness can tip the scale to a blessing for all humanity. Your conscious loving action will always ripple out and touch the lives of everyone. Remember that you are an alchemist who transforms all energies into higher frequencies of light and love. You are transmuting the old paradigm into a higher intelligence and order.
You are pure potential. We acknowledge that truth and stand ready to walk beside you as you create a reality that honors all living things. Be in your joy and delight in this awesome opportunity. the ‘team’
©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.

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publicado por achama às 19:33
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Be Your Own… ~ The Creator, Jennifer Farley.

Be Your Own…

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

February 14, 2019




You see it every day; people desperately reaching out for something, anything to fill a void within that only they can fill. 
They are constantly looking outside themselves for the perfect job, life, car, house or partner. 
What they do not realize is that everything exists within! (Smiling)
The Universe wants you to know that once you become your own best friend, true love and intimate counsel, the infinite possibilities of your life begin to show themselves to you! 
In the process of living the way you want and, in your truth, it allows those gifts to arrive in ways you always imagined! 


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publicado por achama às 19:24
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Your Elder Counterpart. ~ Beloved One, Lytske

Your Elder Counterpart.

Teacher: The Beloved One.

Message received by Lytske

Urantia, January 10, 2019.

Posted February 14, 2018


The Beloved One: “Wait before Me in the Silence and listen. Although at times no words may come — only an indescribable feeling of togetherness. The keeping of your daily appointment with Divinity within represents a growing hunger for Me. 

“This insatiable hunger I have placed in you, for it is to entice you back into My presence for further learning. However My child, it is also for you to become satiated with My love. 

“It seems to you that you can never get enough of Me. Your thirst is so great, that you keep coming back for more. In doing this, your capacity to receive becomes greater, and this pleases Me because I have so much to give. And yet, you can digest only miniscule amounts at a time. 

“Let us enjoy each other’s presence. I am happy because you want to spent time with me. This satisfies Me too. 

“It is not only you who benefits, dear child. It is your Elder Counterpart who rejoices in your awakening consciousness of Me. 

“We shall travel Eternal Life together, you and I, as one. And this bears repeating, as I want you to remember this always, in all ways. 

“This is also meant for all the humans on this planet, who are likewise indwelt with an Elder Counterpart, and make the supreme decision to choose eternal life by doing the will of the Universal Creator God by sincerely trying to love one another.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I am the satisfaction of your Soul – The Beloved One.

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If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 19:22
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Oh My Goodness! It’s Time to Be a Light in the Dark ~ Debra Gano

Oh My Goodness! 

It’s Time to Be a Light in the Dark.

Author: Debra Gano.

Posted February 13, 2019 by Megan Edwards. 

Pink graphic: It's time to be a light in the dark!.



Do you believe in goodness? Most people do, for it’s the essence of who we truly are. All you have to do is go in nature or watch a small child to know that goodness exists. Yet finding goodness can sometimes feel challenging, especially when much of what we see daily in today’s society (on TV, in movies, in the news, on social media, etc.) actually seems to promote the opposite of goodness, right?
But the good news is that we have a choice—a choice to see and experience the goodness, rather than the darkness so prevalent in our world. While you may not be able to control events around you, you can control YOU—how you live, how you think, how you act, what you say, and even how you feel. We have choices. We can avoid negative people and turn off TV shows/movies/music with disturbing themes.
We can be kind and generous rather than mean and self-serving. We can change a negative thought into a positive one, or even choose to get ourselves out of a bad mood! We can ALL take a proactive stance to seek out, and then BE… goodness.
graphic: earth surrounded by hearts
There is no doubt that our world needs more love and goodness at this time, and each and every one of us can do our part to shine more light into the world. Love and goodness are our true nature, and within you is a wellspring of both. Many people forget this, however, as our society has done a superb job to twist the concept of love in a way that we are meant to believe that we must look for love outside of ourselves.
This causes us to seek validation from external sources, such as other people or material things, so we can then feel complete, whole, valued, accepted, and loved.
Yet we are already all of these things—and more! When we remind ourselves of the divine being that we truly are—knowing that healthy, true love begins within—our own light shines bright enough so that we can then fully participate in the role we came here to do. And that role is to raise the vibration of our planet by spreading the love and goodness that is within us.

graphic: woman with hands over heart
We can dwell in the heart.

Fortunately, moving forward, we will now be able to fulfill these roles with more ease, as well as create and reach light in our own lives. The success of reaching critical mass during our January 20/21 “Return of Light” lunar eclipse global meditation shifted our reality into a new cosmic cycle, with more light than ever before now anchored irreversibly on our planet. It is important, however, to stay focused on this light. As was stated by Cobra in his Return of Light meditation report update, “Whenever you align with the Light, your life will be easier and easier. Whenever you focus on the old world falling apart, thing get worse again.”
So, the time is NOW for you to tap into the light, love, and goodness within. It’s time to BE a light in the dark. In every thought, word, and action towards yourself and others, ask, “What is the most loving thing I could do, say, or think right now? How can I shine my light?” Choose today to plant seeds of goodness and love in your life and in our world. If we all focus on what is good instead of what is bad or negative, we can steer our world in a positive direction. With enough light, there can be no dark … so shine the true goodness of who you are!
When you decide to shine your inner light, other people are inspired to do same.
graphic: BYOU Girls Empowerment Membership
Source:  Author Debra Gano is CEO and founder of Heartlight Girls Publications and BYOU, “Be Your Own You!”  a self-esteem publication and empowerment membership for teen and tween girls.

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Cobra – Bubbles of Heaven Update – 6th Feb 2019
Get Ready For Upcoming Announcements & For Improvements to the PrepareForChange Website!

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publicado por achama às 19:21
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Much change is afoot human. Many leaders have been removed ~Ascended Dragon Collective, Galaxygirl

Much change is afoot human. 

Many leaders in your realm have been removed.

Message from The Ascended Dragon Collective. 

Through Galaxygirl.

February 12th, 2019.


We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
Much change is afoot human. Many leaders in your realm have been removed, replaced with a more benevolent being. All is not as it seems. Do not be dismayed by the changes rapidly coming forth on your horizon of the Now.
We dragons see with the all-seeing golden eyes of Source light and we see much:
We see many of you expanding nicely into your preordained roles as leaders of Nova Gaia.
We see many of you as the quiet servants – providing the backbone of support for the new.
We see Christed light codes encircling, cascading, bursting forth from within and without.
We see Gaia bathed in this light and subsequently all upon her.
We see much turmoil in many governments of the world with a strong undercurrent of massive change rushing just beneath – like rushing water.
Under a frozen river such change can not be stopped.
We see the light thawing this icy old layer and rushing forth into a glowing spring of change, of heat, of light, for the hearts of humanity are thawing with this light and this pleases us greatly for it is high time for it.
We are all eager to expand into the New with you and to bear witness to these massive changes.
Do not be weary. Be energized by this light of change.

We see unique and new partnerships / alliances forging across this galaxy.
We see unity in the skies to usher in this new time stream.
We dragons happily partner with our awakened ones to bring forth these rushing changes with the aid of our fire of change, of transmutation.
We welcome our awake and aware ones to heartily join with us, for we are one in our common purpose for serving the goddess Gaia in her resplendent transformation.

Be at peace human. Be at peace with these changes within and without and be restful in this knowing that the time you have coveted, prayed for, longed for so here is, is now, is you. And so what are you going to do with these massive upgrades? We suggest you find more ways to serve the Mother of All Things and her children, to serve Gaia in all of her realms and to most importantly cultivate peace. For in so doing, you will anchor peace into the new crystalline grid and into the human collective to bless the others.
Be at peace human. Rest in the Mother and be at peace. Feel the winds of change at your back, pushing you gently forward and skip onward on your path with confidence, with lightness of heart, knowing you are well loved and provided for.
We dragons bless you now ascending ones with our dragon flame of power, of purification.
Feel it burn.
Allow it into you
And be at peace.
Utterly transformed by this experience.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective.


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publicado por achama às 19:20
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Benjamin Fulford Complete Report, 2019/02/11 ~ Secret treaties signal massive world changes as early as March

Secret treaties signal massive world changes as early as March.

Benjamin Fulford.

White Dragon Society

February 11th, 2019. 




Intense negotiations are taking place now at the highest levels of world power both in secret and in public, multiple sources agree. These could result in earth-changing announcements as early as March, they say. The power struggle in Washington, D.C. is also heading for some sort of climax, as can be seen by U.S. President Donald Trump’s threat to declare a national emergency.
One big public move was the announcement of a one-world religion by the Pope, a senior Islamic representative, and representatives from many other religions. This came after Pope Francis became the first pope in history to visit the Arabian Peninsula, the birthplace of Islam. The text of the announcement can be seen here:

CIA sources in Southeast Asia say that moving the UN headquarters from New York to Laos will be a big theme of the February 27-28 summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un.
Asian secret societies, the U.S. military-industrial complex, and European royals are working on creating a world future planning agency, according to sources involved in the negotiations. Several official documents related to this have already been signed, say British royal family sources.
MI6, P2 Freemason, Pentagon, and Asian secret society sources also say there is also a strong push for some sort of world government to be announced. This can now be done in a manner in which there are no losers, only winners, thanks to a rare and nearly perfectly equal balance of world power, they say.
The map at the link below shows the three power groups, with the Western alliance in blue, the Eurasian grouping in red, and the Southern alliance in grey. Each is roughly equal in land mass and population. Superficially, the map shows the groups’ views on the government of Venezuela, but in reality it is a division over control of the world.

The announcement of a unified passport for all African nations last week was one visible sign of the move toward a world government.

In any case, the battle for Venezuela can also be seen as a failed attempt by the neocons (Khazarian mafia) to regain control of the international financial system by seizing the world’s largest oil reserves.
Pentagon sources note that the “U.S. puppet in Venezuela was not recognized by supranational organizations like the European Union, the Organization of American States, the IMF, the World Bank, the African Union, or the UN.”
Also, the UN, the Vatican, and the Red Cross refused to deliver “humanitarian aid” to puppet opposition leader Juan Guaidó because it was a cover for arms shipments, the sources say. As a result, “the Venezuela coup was an epic fail,” they said.
The failure to grab Venezuelan oil may also force Trump to declare a national emergency—or perhaps more accurately, a national bankruptcy, according to CIA sources.
Pentagon and CIA sources say this could lead to the downfall of Trump because he has lost a lot of military support. “The continued presence of Jared Kushner and John Bolton in the White House, combined with the amateur-hour coup in Venezuela and the appointment of Iran-Contra criminal Elliott Abrams as special envoy for the Venezuelan matter, are all leading some to doubt the President,” one Pentagon source noted.
The feud between Trump, Saudi Arabia, and the National Enquirer on the one hand, and the CIA, Turkey, and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos on the other could also prove deadly for Trump. This is a complex business covered extensively by other media, so I will only touch on a few key points here.
First, immediately after the CIA’s top man in Turkey was released from Turkish prison, the murder of (Bezos-owned) Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi took place inside the Saudi Embassy in Turkey. Second, Trump has refused to condemn Saudi clone Prince Mohammed Bin Salman for the murder. Third, the National Enquirer had access to a budget way beyond realistic for a normal news magazine to expose Bezos’ extramarital affair, and Bezos hints that it was Saudi money. Now Bezos, whose business includes handling cloud computing for the CIA, appears to have caught the Enquirerin a sting operation.

There is also a dimension to this whole saga that fails my smell test: the head of the Enquirer is called Pecker, the Bezos investigator is called Becker, and the scandal involves a photo of a pecker. Let’s just leave it at that.
In any case, Trump’s links to Saudi Arabia (Kissinger + Rockefeller) and his failure to get Venezuelan oil could be his downfall, because he will lose control of the petrodollar. In this context, it is interesting to note that the EU has added Saudi Arabia to its list of countries that finance terror, and as such it will be subject to strict financial controls. This is clearly aimed at the neocon controllers of the petrodollar and their fake “war or terror” with their “Al Qaeda” and “ISIS” terrorist fronts.

Pentagon sources say that in Venezuela “the military option is not on the table.” That is because “Russia and China have sent troops and military equipment to Venezuela and are carrying out military exercises along with 15,000 Cuban troops, while Congress and the UN Security Council refuse to authorize the use of force,” the Pentagon sources say. “The losers appear to be neocons, Israel, Chevron [Bush], Halliburton [Cheney], and gold, coltan, and mineral companies in Venezuela,” the sources say.
Corporate (fascist) interests are also losing big in places other than Venezuela. In the U.S., drug companies are being forced to cut prices as arrests of pharmaceutical industry executives have begun, Pentagon sources say. In the EU, an attempted merger between Siemens and Alstom was stopped because it would have led to a high-speed rail monopoly. Also, worldwide, the Bayer/Monsanto corporation continues to pay for its many crimes.
There were Army-Navy special operations from February 4-9 in Los Angeles aimed at “the pedos of Hollywood,” Pentagon sources say. The Department of Justice has also reopened its probe of “Mossad pedo agent Jeff Epstein,” the sources note.
These operations may be why a member of the families that own (or owned?) the Federal Reserve Board sent us a pleading note that read in part:
“As loving humans we must realize that a certain part of our population wasn’t as lucky as them and instead they have been broken and traumatized through satanic brutalization since birth to eventually continue perpetuating the system of evil we are now trying to overcome. The only way to stop for good and for all this madness of insurmountable dark evil is by giving them a chance to find a way out of the only thing they have ever known, which is their current cycle of evil…but there are many who have been irreparably damaged and those are now set in a mode to kill ‘everything and everyone’ that does not comply with their ‘programming.’ Those must be eliminated and shot on sight for the good of humanity.”
We also got a handwritten letter and a trove of documents sent to us by the Russian arms dealer Victor Bout, who is currently in prison in Illinois. It is too late to kill Bout to silence him now. We have his detailed testimony about the nuclear weapons that were stolen from the Russian submarine Kursk in 2000 and used in the Fukushima tsunami and nuclear mass-murder terror attack.
MI6, CIA, and Pentagon sources say the Fukushima investigation is likely to result eventually in the arrest of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, UK Prime Minister Theresa May, and many other so-called world leaders.
On this front, we can say that, according to a U.S. Department of Defense official press release, military tribunals have begun in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

On a final note, we got a letter from a Japanese reader casting doubt on the news reports concerning Brazilian faith healer “John of God” keeping teenage slaves in baby farms.

According to this reader, “John of God” or Joao de Faria was framed by the pharmaceutical mafia because his vitamin and faith-healing business was eating into their profits. Faria was poisoned after being jailed and was vomiting blood as a result, the reader says.
This reminded me of the fact that the Shipibo shaman I studied under in the Amazon as a youth was himself subsequently framed and murdered by the pharmaceutical mafia because he was unwanted competition.
Furthermore, it turns out the claims of baby farms were made by a single female activist who then “committed suicide,” but her family refuses to show her body to the authorities. We need to make sure the Brazilian justice system gets to the truth behind this case, wherever that may lead.
Whatever the truth may be in Brazil, however, there can be no denying that babies have been, and are being sold for their organs, parts, and “extracts.”

The ruling class has been treating us like farm animals to be killed at will for so long that they still cannot believe their rule is ending. The planet Earth is about to be liberated.


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publicado por achama às 19:17
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Many activations are taking place within you and Gaia ~ Mother Mary and Grandmother Anna, Galaxygirl.

Many activations are currently taking place within you and inside dear Gaia as well.

Message from Mother Mary and Grandmother Anna. 

Through Galaxygirl.

February 12th, 2019.

Dear heart, it is I your Mother Mary here with my mother Anna. 
Today we speak as one, as one voice, just as soon humanity will speak as one voice. 
Many activations are currently taking place within you and inside dear Gaia as well. Together you are morphing into great light, expanding into greatness. Your DNA is changing, morphing rapidly like glittering sunlight on clear water, constantly glimmering, glittering, morphing as we speak. Light language encodements will help at this time and we encourage you to listen to as much light language as you can, as this one has been doing, for it is yet another tool of expansion and a powerful one that that. There are many blessed light workers with this gift, and many more to yet discover it. Ask for this gift to be unveiled to you and it shall be. Many other gifts are also coming online in this Now, this most sacred time of expansion.
Do you remember your lessons learned in the mystery schools? You have learned many lessons, and you have many talents. Ask us to help you to remember and to hone your gifts. We are here to assist you. You have no shortage of love and helpful hands surrounding you, asking for connection with you to assist you further. You were not meant to do this alone, and we are most pleased when you offer your hands outstretched to grasp ours. We are waiting for you. We are listening to your prayers and supplications. We are an extension of you. Your grit, your strength is within you. It is not within us. It is within you. You are strong enough for this, we are here to simply remind you and to help you remember this strength. For your experiences have done the honing part of your faith, and your faith is clear, strong, a solid fortress of perseverance.
Now is the time for such faith. We see tears of pain mixed with tears of joy streaming down Mother Gaia’s face as the births draws near, the final push is always the most painful. The release is almost here. You children, friends, beloved ones, you will be most needed. You are most treasured for your offering of service in this most pregnant now. For your skills, your talents, your fortitude, your strength is most needed in this in-breath and this out-breath of creative expansion. I Anna, had many children, as did Mary. You are all my children. We see you with the glowing look of love of the mothers who have had their dreams fulfilled. You are our dreams, you are the great joys of our hearts, and we see you as holding the chalice of the Christed light, the Christed covenant, fulfilling your light duties with joy and perseverance on Gaia’s surface at this time. Thank you.
I am Mother Mary. I too had many children, I am privileged – we are – to be a part of your family, the matriarchs of the ages who have watched over you, seeded the codes and watched our beautiful garden grow. You are our garden, precious light workers. (Crying). Our tears have watered your expansion. Your own tears have caused your roots to yet deepen deep down further, causing you to become even more steadfast than you once thought possible. But now you know that all things are possible. For you have done it. You have grown a beautiful garden of light on a planetary surface that was once dark and suffering. The time of blood and pain is over. The time of clear water and joy is here.
It is time to plant your own garden of light in your communities and create even further expansion into yet more joy. And so how do you do this dear ones? You create with intention of growing the Christed light within and it will be a natural expansion outward. You find the needs in your communities. You create safe places for the suffering. Some of you may call them safe havens. It is true. But do you see that wherever you go, precious grounded team, YOU are that safe haven with your aura of love and pure acceptance for the others? You are our hands and feet in service, in love, in total surrender to the Almighty’s plan. You are mini-safe havens for the sufferers. And so expand together. Create together. Build together as one, becoming the many becoming the one.
We are the Matriarchs of this project, of the Christed light codes and it is with great joy that we are watching over you dear ones now and sending you our mantle of the Magdalene light to enshroud you in comfort and healing. Accept these codes of the Christed light of the Magdalene, of the Sophia flame, the divine feminine, and alight your many paths with the pure light, with divine intention, with pure love. And you will be lead, step by step, rose petal by rose petal, along your one true path. For you all have your own unique path, of course. Such is the way of expansion, of individuality. But together, this beautiful planet will be covered with the pink roses of the divine feminine, all leading you home.
We see you have the faith for this and it warms our hearts to the point of overflowing with tears of joy. We see you have the love for this and we see eager hands and feet. When the flash comes children, when the cosmic out-breath equals the in-breath of potential – and it is not much longer now – all will make more sense to you. All will be more clear. For the dross will lift. You will be lighter. But there is no need to wait. Be light now, in our love, in our encodements, in our joy and allow the divinity within you to rise up to your full potential now. There is no need to wait any longer. Accept the divine mantle of the Magdalene and be coated in our light, in your own radiant Christed light and let all that you do and say be encoded with light and love. Such is the Magdalene way.
We see that you remember. The divine is within. You are all our children. We welcome you home. This has been a most arduous path, but now look before you! Look at your Christed feet and see the rose petals strewn before you with our love! All you have do to is listen to your heart and follow your heart. Follow one rose petal at a time. The Divine Mother of course will guide you on your unique path for co-creating Nova Gaia. Of course. You have been lead this far. And so we say do not worry. For the opportunities for service will fall in your lap. Where you are is where you will be needed. Otherwise you will be moved to the most perfect place. See your hands and feet? They are ready for service. See your heart? It is open and pure, full of light. And there we are within it, co-creating with joy with you, watching you expand yet even more into the divine masters that you already are.
You are mighty! Many of you will lead and all of you will lead by example of your divine service to the others. There will be confusion. There will be pain. There will be clarity. There will be healing. There will be an expansion of the total divinity codes, of the Christed light divine Sophia codes permeating, radiating, covering, encasing, healing all that are in their path such that ALL WILL BE LIGHT. And there you will be in the midst of it, being the divine mother in form, healing, showing, quietly serving. Such is beautiful to us, to all of us up here on the ships. For the entire universe watches and waits with baited breath to see what you will do next. We know you will do wonderful things.
We are here offering our divine support around the clock for you dear ones. Yes. You need only ask. When you are weary, come, walk with us to the Magdalene sanctuary of the hidden cave that is surprisingly light, lit with a thousand candles so that you can truly study the flame and realize that flame of purest light is within you and has been this whole time. This whole experience of the game, of Gaia’s decension, as been fraught with unimaginable pain. And yet with pain comes tremendous growth. You have all grown – you are growing and expanding hourly. Do you feel it? We see it. We see your expansion, your confidence, your grit. We applaud you and again offer our mantle of service, of healing, of comfort to you dear grounded ones. That is all.
We are Mother Mary and Grandmother Anna. Blessings and tremendous love and support to you this day, and always. We are sending you rose petals of the Christed light, showering over your precious heads now. See them gently falling over you, landing in a pool of light surrounding your precious feet. A perfect circle of roses from the divine mothers encircles you. Now and for always. We love you so.


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publicado por achama às 19:14
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Could a Root Canal Be the Cause of Your Chronic Health Problem? ~ Dr. Joseph Mercola

Could a Root Canal Be the Cause of Your Chronic Health Problem?.

By Dr. Joseph Mercola.

Contributing writer for Wake Up World.

February 15th, 2019 



Infection caused by a root canal has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and cancer, but may play a role in many other conditions as well, including chronic fatigue and chronic pain.
Root canal treated teeth may harbor harmful microbes, the toxic metabolic waste products of which can have systemic health impacts and contribute to a variety of chronic diseases.
The Netflix documentary “Root Cause” investigates these issues, interviewing doctors and dentists around the world, including yours truly (although briefly), who believe many health problems can be traced back to these infected teeth. Interviewed medical professionals include:
Dr. David Minkoff • Dr. Greg Emerson • Dr. Stuart Nunnally DDS • Dr. Gerald H. Smith DDS • Dr. Thomas Rau, medical director of the Paracelsus Academy1 in Switzerland, a leading center for alternative medicine in Europe, including biological dentistry • Dr. Jerry Tennant • Dawn Ewing Ph.D., author of “Let the Tooth Be Known” • Cardiologist Thomas E. Levy, co-author of “The Toxic Tooth: How a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick” • Dr. Lane Freeman DDS • Dr. Bradley Nelson, author of “The Emotion Code” • Dr. Candice Owens DDS • Dr. Mark A. Steiner DDS, who specializes in whole-body dentistry.
The film details the personal experiences of film director Frazer Bailey (played by actor Ben Purser), who spent a decade trying to track down the root cause of his chronic anxiety, fatigue, nausea, dizziness and insomnia. A trailer is included below. The full film is available on Netflix. For those of you who don’t have access to Netflix, you can view my previous video on root canals.
You can download the transcript here.

Root Canals Are a Source of Chronic Infection

As explained in the film, the key problem with a root canal is that the tooth has died but remains in the body. It’s well-known you cannot leave a dead organ in your body or it will cause severe infection.
There’s really no reason to imagine a dead tooth wouldn’t cause the same kind of problem. Teeth are living structures with blood supply flowing through them. Even if the root is cleaned out well, it’s impossible to get the bacteria out of the microtubules, and the waste material from these bacteria is extremely toxic. Tennant says:
“Perhaps one of the world’s leading authorities on biological toxins is Boyd Haley [Ph.D.] at the University of Kentucky.2 What Haley found and published is that toxins from a root canaled tooth are equal in toxicity to the standard by which all biological toxins are measured, namely hydrogen sulfide. He also found that the toxins from a root canaled tooth are equal in toxicity to botulism poisoning.”
(On a side note, I interviewed Haley late last year and should be posting that interview in the near future.) Unfortunately, since the root has been cleaned out and nerve endings have been cut, you can no longer sense pain in that tooth. Hence you may not notice the fact that you have an infection festering under and around the tooth. As a result, a root canaled tooth may serve as a fount of infection-causing bacteria that then get circulated through your body via your bloodstream.
As noted by Smith, a dentist, your teeth are made up of the same tissue as your sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve tissue, so it’s important to realize that your teeth are part of your biology and cannot be separated from it. Any toxins originating in your mouth will be transported via your lymphatic system through your thyroid, thymus, heart and the rest of your body.
The pulp of your tooth is also closely interconnected with your lymph system and autonomic system — more so than any other organ, according to Rau. Your teeth are also energetically connected to and will affect your meridians, used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Toxic Teeth Linked to Heart Disease

The BaleDoneen Method,3 a cardiovascular health strategy provided by the Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention Center, emphasizes the need to avoid root canals, as the bacteria produced are known to affect cardiovascular health. Levy, a cardiologist and author of “The Toxic Tooth” says:
“My pet peeve as a cardiologist right now is that so many family practitioners, internal medicine practitioners, my fellow cardiologists, see a patient who has a heart attack, and they find the cholesterol is OK, lipids are OK, there’s no high blood pressure, there are no risk factors, and they might not use these words with the patient, but they say that person just had bad luck.”
In Levy’s view, the often-overlooked source of these heart attacks are infected root canaled teeth. A Finnish study4 published in 2016 seems to confirm such suspicions, finding that hidden tooth infections may indeed predispose certain individuals to heart disease.
In this case, they did not focus on infected root canals, rather those with apical periodontitis, an infection in the dental pulp at the root of the tooth, typically caused by caries. According to study author Dr. John Liljestrand, “Acute coronary syndrome is 2.7 times more common among patients with untreated teeth in need of root canal treatment than among patients without this issue.”5
However, if a caries-induced infection has the ability to nearly triple your risk of heart disease, it seems reasonable that a chronic infection around a dead tooth would be just as bad, if not worse, since the tooth is necrotic and therefore likely to be even more toxic.
So, while this study suggests the answer is to perform a root canal on the tooth with an infected pulp, the reality is that the root canal will not solve the problem and may actually make it worse. In another, albeit small, study,6 researchers investigated whether root canals and removal of wisdom teeth might indeed contribute to chronic inflammation. According to the authors:
“[C]hemokine overexpression in the jawbone connected to root canaled teeth seems to be a possible danger for immune preservation, which is needed to maintain a balanced system and to prevent different types of systemic diseases.
Improper wound healing in old extraction sites and underneath root canaled teeth might also provoke immune modulation, which hinders the restoration of an already disease-modified immune system.”

Anecdotal Cancer Story — Throat Cancer Cleared by Removing Root Canaled Teeth

Cancer may also be triggered by infected teeth. Rau claims that 97 percent of the breast cancer patients between the ages of 30 and 70 tested at the Paracelsus Academy in Switzerland, where he is medical director, were found to have “a root canal or a toxic situation in their teeth.”
Similarly, Tennant claims 96 percent of the last 60 cancer patients seen in his practice were found to have an infected tooth. Smith, meanwhile, recounts the story of one of his dental patients who came in with Stage 4 throat cancer. Smith observed the cancer was situated near two root canaled teeth.
He removed the two teeth and treated the extraction site with ozone. The patient was also given some homeopathic remedies and ionic silver to take. In three weeks, the cancer had completely resolved, and the remission was confirmed with blood work, PET scans and visual inspection. “This is the impact of toxic root canaled teeth,” Smith says.

All Root Canals Are a Source of Infection to Some Degree

According to Rau, root canals are “sources of infection, without any exception.” To support this claim, the medical experts in the film cite a number of toxicological investigations that found 100 percent of extracted root canaled teeth were in fact laden with hazardous bacteria.
As noted by Levy, “The science shows that root canals are always infected. The only differentiation is some are a little more toxic and infected than other ones.” The reason why not everyone with a root canal suffers in noticeable ways has to do with the fact that the response to toxins vary from person to person. Some are constitutionally “hardier” than others to begin with. Your overall toxic load from other environmental exposures also comes into play.

Removing a Root Canaled Tooth Must Be Done Properly

While removing a root canaled tooth may be the answer in some cases, this must not be done willy-nilly. You need to make sure your dentist understands the implications and is familiar with holistic dental procedures. To locate a biological (holistic) dentist, see the listing below.
Extracting the tooth is just the first step. Next, the area must be drained and cleaned of bacteria. Ozone gas is by many holistic dentists considered indispensable during this step, as the gas is able to permeate the bone and gum tissue, killing the infection. The periodontal ligament also needs to be removed in order to allow for the jawbone to properly regrow and completely seal the hole where the tooth was.
If the extraction site is not meticulously cleaned and disinfected (and this goes for any tooth extraction, not just root canaled teeth), a cavitation — a pocket in the jawbone filled with bacteria — may form. Failure to remove the periodontal ligament also contributes to cavitations by preventing the bone from properly regrowing.
After the root canaled tooth has been extracted, you’ll want to allow your jawbone to heal completely. In most cases, this will take at least three months. Once your dentist has confirmed that there’s no cavitation, you can proceed with dental replacement.
As noted in the film, there are a number of options for how to replace the missing tooth at this point, including the following. To learn more about these options, see “Safer and Healthier Alternatives to Root Canals and Other Common Tooth Restoration Techniques.”

Not replacing the tooth.
A removable bridge.

A traditional bridge, which requires creating crowns for the teeth on each side of the missing tooth. A significant drawback to this is that you’re sacrificing two (in many cases) healthy teeth, and increasing the risk of those teeth needing a root canal later on. What’s more, the average bridge lasts only eight years, with a range of five to 15 years.

A resin-bonded bridge, also known as a Maryland bridge, which holds the pontic (false tooth) in place by bonding a frame to the backside of the adjoining teeth.

This is the preferred option by many holistic dentists as it does not involve damaging the adjacent teeth. A drawback is that the bridge is only as strong as the adhesive, so it may detach and need to be rebonded from time to time. It’s also not suitable for missing molars due to the forces placed on the bridge during chewing.

An implant-supported bridge, which can be a good option in cases where two or more adjacent teeth are missing.

An implant — Traditional implants have used titanium, but today there are also zirconia (a type of ceramic) implants. Titanium can in some cases trigger autoimmune problems. There is a blood test7 to help determine this sensitivity.

Being a metal, titanium can also contribute to galvanic currents in your mouth, and will distort the energy flow in the meridian flowing through that tooth. While most people do not notice galvanic currents, others experience unexplained nerve shocks, ulcerations, a salty or metallic taste or a burning sensation in their mouth. Galvanic currents may also contribute to insomnia, brain fog, ear-ringing, epilepsy and dizziness.

What’s more, if you drink fluoridated water or use fluoridated toothpaste, it is important to know that fluoride severely accelerates the corrosion of titanium. Low pH in your mouth due to acidity or dry mouth further accelerates this effect.8

Your best option for an implant is to use a zirconia implant. Zirconia is considered far more biocompatible and is typically recommended by holistic dentists.

Carefully Consider Your Options

In my video on root canals, posted above, I discuss some of the health effects I suffered from an infected tooth, which were resolved after having the tooth extracted. It’s important to recognize that the reason you get cavities and/or infected teeth in the first place is related to your diet, primarily eating too much sugar. If your diet is inadequate, your immune function will be compromised, and if your immune system is weakened, the bacteria’s ability to wreak havoc is magnified.
Now, should you happen to have one or more root canaled teeth, this does not mean you have to rush to extract them. It does mean, however, that it would be wise to remember this fact should you start to experience a chronic health problem, and to take it into consideration when deciding on a treatment plan for a chronic health issue.
Also, if you’re considering having a root canal done, evaluate the data and your personal situation, such as your health risks, before making your decision. I would also suggest considering ozone therapy before getting a root canal or tooth extraction done.
Ozone therapy is typically administered through a syringe, right into or around to the base of the tooth. Multiple visits are usually needed to address the infection. Ozone is directly toxic to infectious material, and it also stimulates your immune system. I was able to prevent a root canal by using ozone therapy. It took about five treatments. It’s safe, nontoxic, and relatively inexpensive, so it may be worth considering before taking more drastic measures.
That said, if the pulp tissue has completely died due to infection, nothing, including ozone, will bring the tooth back to life, at which point a root canal or extraction are your only options.
Sources and References:
Recommended articles by Dr. Joseph Mercola:
About the author:
Born and raised in the inner city of Chicago, IL, Dr. Joseph Mercola is an osteopathic physician trained in both traditional and natural medicine. Board-certified in family medicine, Dr. Mercola served as the chairman of the family medicine department at St. Alexius Medical Center for five years, and in 2012 was granted fellowship status by the American College of Nutrition (ACN).
While in practice in the late 80s, Dr. Mercola realized the drugs he was prescribing to chronically ill patients were not working. By the early 90s, he began exploring the world of natural medicine, and soon changed the way he practiced medicine.
In 1997 Dr. Mercola founded Mercola.com, which is now routinely among the top 10 health sites on the internet. His passion is to transform the traditional medical paradigm in the United States. “The existing medical establishment is responsible for killing and permanently injuring millions of Americans… You want practical health solutions without the hype, and that’s what I offer.”
Visit Mercola.com for more information, or read Dr. Mercola’s full bio and resumé here..

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
publicado por achama às 15:39
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

We are ready for your questions. ~ One Who Serves, James McConnell - 2019/01/27

We are ready for your questions.

One Who Serves via James McConnell.

January 27th, 2019. 

Om, mani, padme, hum;  om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.
Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  You can now unmute your phones.  Anyone out there?
Guests:   Yes.  Love you!  Hello!   (Laughter)
OWS:   There we go.   We always love hearing those happy joyous voices.
We are ready to have questions here.  Shoshanna is standing by also.  But before we do, we have a question that has been sent to this one, James, through the email, and we are going to answer that question rather quickly here.
It is the Rh blood, and what that ramification, what that means to those of the lightworkers here.  What we can tell you is not too much at this point.  Because there is so much more yet to come to understand before you can understand the connection here, more of the alien connection that is here, and those who have that Rh blood.  And it is important to know that as these changes continue to move forward, those ones that have this connection will be awakening more and more to their missions, their understandings of what is to come and what their part to play here is.  That is all we can say at this point.  Because it is coming more and more to understanding of much of this as far as this particular topic, as well as so many other topics have come across your consciousness and wondering.
And as you continue to ask these questions, even within yourself, you will continue to receive the answers, to the point where you will no longer need to ask outside of yourself because the answers are always within you already.  Even this one who has asked this question already has the answer within them.  They just need to look deeply within, ask within, and then wait for the answer.  This is for all of you.  Anything to add, Shoshanna, before we move on?
Shoshanna:   (Channeled by JoAnna McConnel)
OWS:   Very good.  Do we have other questions here from your email questions.
Shoshanna:   Yes, we have a question from this one (I’ll do this as quickly as I can):
My brother has been a quadriplegic for two years after a terrible accident.  Matters became worse when he suffered severe brain damage after spine surgery.  He weighs one-third of his former body mass.  Our mother and siblings have endured a very painful and endless time seeing him slowly deteriorate.  He is fed through a valve to his stomach and breathes through another valve to his trachea.  No mother should have to go through something like this. One of our sisters thinks we should facilitate his transition by helping him die.  She said if he could speak, he would want this.  Truth is, no sibling is capable of doing it.   We feel it is not up to us to make such a decision.  It can only be according to God’s will.
So the question is, are we wrong in thinking like this?  Should we instead help our beloved brother to make the transition peacefully?  Will the Lord see that as an act of mercy from us to him, or the opposite?  This would entail administering him to artificially stop his heart, as he is not on life support where a single button may be switched off.  Please help.  We need your guidance.
OWS:   This is a wonderful question, and many have had these types of questions in the past.  In order to answer this the best way here, we would ask you a question:  you, being everyone here who would wonder about this.  And that is, what would you want.  If you were in that position that this one is in, what would you want?  Would you want to be released from the pain, the suffering, the agony that is there?
And the answer to this would be certainly, you would.  No one would want to continue to be in this state.  But—and this is a big but here—there is that sense of karma that is also involved here, that sense of completion, that sense of moving on beyond what is the seeming reality that is there.  And we would say to you who have asked this question to ask deeply within yourself, go within yourself and ask what this one would want, and you will come to the same answer that we have already given here.  That is what we can say on this.
And we would ask that those who are on the phone please mute your phones if you are not directly asking a question at this point, for there is much commotion there.
Shoshanna:   Shoshanna wishes to share on this matter.
OWS:   Yes please.
Shoshanna:   My dear brothers, it is the one who is laying in the bed who is beyond himself now.  He is beyond the body.  He is beyond all that you see there.  He is truly not suffering, but his body remains behind and is being artificially kept alive.  Even though there is no life support, he is being fed artificially and he is being breathed artificially.
So in some ways, because the living has so much fear of the death process, that he is being kept alive.  It is your FEAR of the process that this one will be gone forever that keeps you wanting him to be alive, even though he is in a deteriorated state.
You must balance your fear with love.  You must balance your fear with compassion and understanding.  This one who is laying in this state cannot communicate with you.  So as you balance your love and let go of your fear, and you let compassion into your heart, you will realize that this one is already gone, and you must, if you choose, allow him to leave.  Allow him to transition, as this is why he is in this state, because he is not there anymore.
Many blessings, and much love to you, and your mother, and your siblings.  And know that God is not judging you—YOU are judging you.   Namaste.
OSWS:   Yes.  Wonderfully, wonderfully well said.   We are ready to move on to next question.
JoAnna:    There is another email.  (I have to shake my head a little bit.)
OWS:   Yes, that is why we gave you a chance to collect yourself, here.
Johanna:  Yes, thank you.  Okay, I’m back.   Here is this question:  As the ascension process has been attempted many times before (and how many times if you could tell us), how can be collectively ensure that this will truly be the last and final time we and Gaia exit the Draconian matrix, never to return and thus creating eternal peace, love, joy, harmony, and oneness forever more?
OWS:   What we can tell you is, the experiment here is over.  It is no longer needed to have this duality process, here.  All that was attempted here has been achieved.
Again, please mute your phones, or we will end this call.  Very good.
This time that you are in now, this ascension process, is for real, and it is for final in terms of this evolution here on this planet and in this solar system, and even in this galaxy at this point.  This is the end.  This is the end, here.  This is the final overcoming.
This is the changeover that has been spoken of.  And the overcoming of the darkness and the overcoming of the duality.  The duality and the darkness within self, not so much outside of self, but within self.  You have been fighting the darkness within yourselves, and this is coming to an end.  As well as that darkness that appears outside of yourself as well.
So, do not be concerned that you will move through this ascension process and then you will find yourself right back here in it again:  it will not happen here.
But, now, that is not to say, and we have said this before:  those of you, the Lightworkers and Warriors especially, you will be called upon again at some point, who knows when, we cannot say in terms of time, because time is irrelevant, here.  But at some point, you may be called upon again to volunteer.  Because that is what you do.  You have done it before many times, and you are here doing it now, and you will come to the point when you will again be called upon to be a “system buster.”  And if you answer that call, you will find yourself in another situation similar to this, taking on the darkness, because that is what you do as a Warrior of Light.  Okay?
Again, we need to ask those of you on the phone to mute your phones or turn off your microphones.
Shoshanna:   Shoshanna wishes to chime in.
OWS:   Yes, please.
Shoshanna:   My dear sister who asked this question, we must be aware in every moment of our lives, in every breath that we take, that love, joy, peace, harmony, order, eternal peace is within our hearts.  It is not external to us.  We must realize that as we become perfectly in balance with our own nature of light and love, that this is all that is necessary to move our consciousness forward to the next thing that would be our experience.  The third dimensional realm is very thick, is very difficult.  So, one must understand that all that is external to you is a drama.  It is not real.  It is of your own making, and that eternal love, light, peace, order, harmony resides within you always.   Namaste.
OWS:   Very good.   Are there other questions here?
Guest:   Yes.  For about two years I was high on life here and in a very high vibration.  I spent most of my time by myself doing meditation and all of that and I was feeling great.  Then, as you know, recently I took on substitute teaching to raise more money for my son’s wedding.  It occurred to me that this is killing me.  I mean literally the physical body is getting sick.  I am getting sick over and over, and I come home and I have the black coming out of myself into the water.  Meanwhile I am putting all these protections around myself.  Every morning I am doing an hour or more worth of protection and light, and all of that.  I cannot understand what is the reason for this, and why does it seem to be sucking into me like a sponge?  And this very dysfunctional district of people seem to be of a lower mentality and very emotionally immature in this whole area here.  Do you have any words for me and for others as to why this is happening so badly all of a sudden, or how to stop it in other ways.
OWS:   Yes, we can tell you here, and this reverberates back to what the JoAnna said earlier about the “sponge.”  Do you remember that?  In this case, you are a sponge.  You are one who is absorbing the energies around you.  You are taking these energies in, and not able to fully deal with them in terms of your physical body.  Yes, you are doing those things to protect yourself, but the energies are stronger at times than you are able to withstand.  This is nothing to be concerned about.  It is just something to know here.  Just something to be aware of.  And it will pass.  You will move through this.
But more and more, utilize that protection which you have, your Merkabah.  Surround yourself with your Merkabah as a force field whenever you go into these situations and you will find that you will not be quite as much of a sponge then, taking these energies into yourself.  Rather, you will be propelling those energies away from you, as if you were a rubber band around you, and those energies would hit and then bounce back off of you.  That is what you need to visualize with your Merkabah, to not absorb the energies, but to bounce them back off of you, you see?  And the more you can visualize this, the more you can begin to believe it, the more you will see that happening.  That is important here.
Shoshanna:   Shoshanna wishes to share with you, dear sister.  Would this be appropriate for you?
Guest:   Yes, definitely, yes.
Shoshanna:   My dear sister, all that One Who Serves has given is the truth.  But there is another perspective here that we must share with you now.  It is your program.  It is, as we find it, maybe two or three programs running that are creating this suffering for you. And we know that when you are not playing this 3-D realm game, you are feeling whole and complete and joyous through your meditations.  But now you have joined the game again, and if you do not mind us sharing this, there is a program of fear and lack that is playing, you may not complete this mission of raising money which is difficult for you.  So we would ask that you find peace in your heart with this, and that whatever you do for your son is enough.  Namaste.
OWS:   Yes, very good, wonderful.
Guest:   Thank you.
Another Guest:   I have a question.  Hello.  In this acceleration time, a few things happening.  If feels to me that they are all connected together, I will say them and you will please help me to get whatever message from them.
So this week at a glance I saw a light green bracelet on my left wrist and, of course, it disappeared in a few seconds.  But it was there, I saw it.  And around my neck I see a circle, I don’t want to say scar, but a I see a circle around the neck one centimeter below my neck, and about one inch another circle, but it is not as clear as the first one.  So this is a physical thing:  anyone who would look at it will see it.  And the other thing is I just had a few things that seem to be connected.  So whenever I hear about a book or information, without me reading the book, I would be just planning to buy it to read it or something, I integrate the information of those things without me reading them or without me watching the whole thing of it.  The other experience is…
OWS:   Hold please.  What is your question first on this first part, here?
Guest:   Yeah.  So those things feel to be connected to one thing for me.  It seems like all those things are giving me one message, one set of information.  So can you help to clarify this for me what it is about?
OWS:   You are correct in terms of there is message coming to you.  This is message that is coming from your past understandings, past lives even, and it is a connection that is happening now at this point.  But for us to give you the exact meaning of this would be meaningless to you.  You must come to understand what these things are about for yourself.  What is the meaning of circular, here?  Why it is coming up in these respects and will continue to come to you in terms of what the meaning is.  It can be many different things.  But we are not at liberty to give you this information directly.  You must go within yourself.  And you have this ability to go within yourself and ask, and come to the understanding that is necessary for you in that moment.  And we would ask that you do that. Okay?
Guest:   Yeah.
Shoshanna:   Shoshanna wishes to share on this.
OWS:   Yes, Shoshanna, yes.
Shoshanna:   My dear sister.  What we find here now is that you must trust yourself.  That you already are aware and understand the message that is being given.  You are looking for others to affirm this message, but you already know.  Just trust yourself, my dear sister.
Guest:   Lovely.  Thank you so much.
OWS:   Yes.   Would there be other questions here, now?
Guest:   Hi.  I have two questions, and these are confirmations of some very, very powerful situations that happened, and I will try to be as brief as possible.
The first one:  I am in the desert.  I’m at Slab City.  Just undenounced to all of us in the encampment, came up a major dust storm.  It was so volatile and so dangerous, and so powerful.  I have been through hurricanes in Florida.  This was of that magnitude, and it came up so hard I thought it would rip my trailer apart.  At that moment I became very calm, I meditated.  I stood up and I could see my past self, Andrew, and I could see Yeshua, and I spread my arms out, and I began communing with them, and with Mother Gaia, Mother Earth, and then Sophia, God Sophia. I was talking to this list and moving my hands outward and asking for calm, for peace.  It took everything in me.  Then it became so brutal that I couldn’t stand anymore, and I thought the trailer would be ripped apart. Then I saw down, then spent a lot of time in the eye of the storm in deep, deep meditation, and then it stopped.  Was there a cocreation that actually happened, or was it just coincidental?
OWS:   My dear Gary, you already know the answer to this.  You are just searching for confirmation within yourself that you have that power within you, and that power is strong within you, the more that you believe in it.  You calmed the elements there by simply calming within yourself.  You calmed the elements first within yourself, and then the outward elements as well.  Just as the Yeshua calmed the elements around him and within him as well also in peace be still, the calming of the storm, the calming of the raging storm all around you.
This is indicative, not only to you who is asking this, but to all of you, now.  Calm the storm around you.  Be in that eye of the storm.  We have said this many, many times.  Be in the eye of the storm and calm the raging storm around you by being calm.  Calming first within yourself, and you would be amazed at how the calming then occurs outside of yourself as well.  Okay?
Guest:   Yes, yes.  Thank you.
The second part of my question is during the eclipse I was in the desert in Quartsite and had a campfire, and I waited for three hours for that eclipse.  When it came about, I went into a deep meditation.  The Air Force had chem-trailed the heck out of the sky.  They were trying to block it out.   Clouds also came in, but it was mostly chem-trails.  A musician friend was there with me.  He is not a Lightworker, but he is starting to wake up a little bit.   I was in deep meditation, not talking, told him I could not speak, and bringing in this lunar eclipse.
What happened was right toward the apex of the eclipse, he looked over at me, my eyes were closed, and he said, “did you do that?”  I said, “what” and I opened my eyes and looked, and there was a clear portal, there was clear sky, and there was a 360-degree circle around where we were which opened the moon up, and everything was clear.
Then two craft came in, coming straight underneath the moon.  They were at 2000 feet.  They looked like airplanes, had the lights of airplanes, but they were not airplanes.  He said to me, and he is not a Lightworker, and not used to these things.  He said, “they are not moving in a linear fashion; what do you think?  I said those are craft, those aren’t regular planes.  Then immediately after that, two ships, a large, large ship appeared over the mountains, and one JoAnna saw all the way in Payson, saw the same ship.  And there was one above that, a smaller ship.  They felt very Pleiadean.  It felt like KaRa was there, and it felt like hey just wanted to reach out and touch me, and it was as close as they could get at the time.  I think I know the answer to this one too!
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publicado por achama às 12:29
Quinta-feira, 14 / 02 / 19

The Dark Have Underestimated You and Your Capabilities ~ Mira, Valerie Donner

The Dark Have Underestimated You and Your Capabilities.

Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council

Through Valerie Donner.

February 7, 2019




Greetings I am Mira:
I am pleased to speak with you. We have much to share. Your days are rolling by quickly. We understand that you have been working diligently to keep the peace within and around you. You have many resources to assist you with this even though the dark forces would like to prevent you from finding the truth.
They will not be successful because you carry powerful light and the mastery with which their advanced technologies cannot interfere. They have underestimated you and your capabilities.
We appreciate all that you are doing for the Ascension of the Earth. You understand that we from the Pleiades work with other planets to assist them with their Ascension. You are the most exceptional beings of light that we have ever seen. We understand how much the Creator has entrusted you in this most important shift of the ages. All of creation is waiting for the Earth’s Ascension so they can evolve also.
The dark forces are lagging behind with their nefarious plans to remain in control. They are beginning to see that they are losing their hold of the Earth. Much still remains to be done yet most of their removal from the planet is complete.
This is when the implementation of the plans for the transfiguration of the Earth and the new way of life begin to occur. The templates are in place. Adjustments have to be made according to variables over which we have no control.
Every day you can ask yourself who is in charge now? What can I do to be even more aligned with the divine plan? What can I do to improve life where I live? How can I participate with other like-minded people to remove the falsities under which I have been living?
Who has benefited the most by some of these laws and decisions that are made that are not for the highest good for life on the Earth? Where does the light need to shine so that justice can prevail? How can more and more light focus on the good so that humanity can live in abundance, health, happiness, safety, joy, love and peace?
You will be given everything you need to accomplish the work that is set before you. Your bodies are changing. Your DNA is being activated. Your brains are morphing into greater intelligence. Your intuitive abilities and awareness are expanding. Your hearts are opening to the utmost intelligence. Your bodies are becoming more sensitive and conscious of what is good for them or not.
You are becoming refined and you will become lighter. The living libraries that you contain within are being activated along with the Earth’s living libraries. There is a boundless unfolding of your magnificence.
We Galactics are excited about meeting you and working together to assist the Earth. We are your family. We surround the planet and are here to assist in bringing the Earth home.
I am Mira sending you love and gratitude.
Valerie Donner


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 19:12
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Fevereiro 2019


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