Listen closely to your instincts as endings draw near.
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn
January 29, 2019
You are receiving a wakeup call from Spirit, letting you know that things happen in cycles and that the completions you are currently going through are an important part of the bigger picture and to trust in what is unfolding without resistance. It might feel like a huge wave is washing over you, so just let go of the desire to try to control everything and just go with the flow for a bit.
Things are changing in your world. You’ve got this. Trust in yourself and your abilities to know when to just breathe, when to take action, and when to do a little bit of retrospection. Know that you are reaching towards a culmination of many different contracts.
Thought for today: Spirit is showing you that some things are ending so that you can move on to something more meaningful for you and your growth. Just take a moment and breathe, and trust in the Universe.
And so it is.
You are dearly loved and supported always, the angels.
Cabal Venezuelan oil grab fails; U.S. corporation bankruptcy looms.
Benjamin Fulford Report 2019/01/21.
The battle for the planet Earth is intensifying as the satanic ruling Western cabal is cornered, dangerous, and literally fighting for its life. The cabal are now fighting desperately to stay in power by stealing the oil reserves of Venezuela, because they are doomed if they lose control of the financial system and thus their ability to hire protection. More and more whistleblowers are coming out and confirming that they really do torture and murder children, and continue to try to murder the majority of the Earth’s population.
For example, the British newspaperThe Guardianis now confirming what we have long been reporting, which is that HIV/AIDS was deliberately spread in an attempt to depopulate Africa.
Years ago we reported that a Dr. Michael Meiring told us that he, together with polio vaccine pioneer Dr. Jonas Salk, participated in the spreading of HIV by inserting it into polio vaccines given to 2 million Africans. The initial geography of the breakout of HIV/AIDS in Africa corresponds precisely with the geography of the polio vaccination campaign. We will not get into it again here in detail, but we assure you that ebola, SARS, avian influenza, etc. were also deliberately spread as a part of this depopulation agenda.
We are also hearing from more whistleblowers who describe how members of the Western ruling elite sacrifice children as part of their worship of Ba’al, otherwise known as Moloch, Set, Satan, etc. We will discuss a couple of the latest gruesome revelations below, but first let us look at the ongoing global power struggle.
In their latest gambit, the satanic Khazarian mafia is now trying to preserve its control of the petrodollar-based financial system by seizing the oil reserves of Venezuela. Self-described Satanist Leo Zagami is calling on all Freemasons to back “opposition leader Freemason Juan Guaido” as president fighting for “Freemasonry and Christianity,” against the communist Pope Francis and the “communist Jesuits.”
Venezuela has 303 billion barrels worth of oil, the world’s largest oil reserves, and its efforts to remove this oil from the Khazarian mafia’s petrodollar system is the real reason for the attempt to overthrow President Nicolas Maduro.
In fact, the failure to overthrow Maduro is a “fall of the Berlin Wall” type of moment for the Khazarian mafia. As Pentagon sources explain, “the Neocon coup against Maduro failed, as the U.S. military, the Vatican, Mexico …
The remainder of this article is only available to members of
Thank you for all your work. I think the information you share is so valuable and I know it takes courage to do what you are doing. Thank you for saving humanity.
I grew up in Japan and knew crazy stories from people that tried to run for office, and now I know they were all true.
I am writing you because I have a real dilemma. For the last year I have been interested in the Rosicrucian teachings, but I am concerned about the agenda of the AMORC (The Ancient and Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis, also known as the Rosicrucian Order). To me it sounds like they are genuinely trying to make the world better, but I have heard things about mind control as well.
Are the Rosicrucians the “good” branch of the Illuminati? What is their real connection?
I am concerned to go any further with the teaching until I know this. I would like to know your opinion and if I should keep practicing their teachings if I want world peace. I am only interested in their teachings on a spiritual level and to learn some techniques to help others.
I did hear David Wilcock say that the Red Cross workers were protected by some sort of agreement. Can you tell me more about this?
Thank you very much for your assistance.
It is always good to follow knowledge and learn more. I believe the Rosicrucians mean well and are custodians of valuable traditional knowledge. My advice is you follow your heart and learn from them if you feel so compelled. However, if you ever encounter evil, I suggest you back away carefully.
As far as the Red Cross is concerned, it is known as one of the worst charities on earth, in the sense that only about 5% of the money donated to them actually goes to the people it was meant for. Take a look at what they did with all the money they gathered for the victims of the Haiti earthquake as an example.
Deus pertence a todos e não é de domínio exclusivo de ninguém. Existe apenas um Deus, que Se manifesta em muitas formas para satisfazer pessoas diferentes. Apenas sadhana (disciplina espiritual) não é suficiente para entender essa verdade. O espírito de investigação e discernimento também é necessário. Hoje em dia, em busca de interesses mundanos e questões comerciais, o que é essencialmente uno foi divido e considerado como muitos. Nesse processo, a verdadeira Divindade é perdida. As pessoas falham em distinguir o que é verdadeiro do que é falso e são incapazes de compreender a real natureza do Divino. Para consertar essa situação, fé firme é extremamente essencial. Seja firme, verdadeiro e puro. A graça de Deus não pode ser conquistada se você hesitar a cada momento e se seu coração estiver impuro. Deus julga um devoto pela pureza de coração e não pela adoração sofisticada que encena. Se você não fizer nada, mas apenas purificar seu coração, Deus entrará e brilhará! (Discurso Divino, 11 de outubro de 1986)
Americans have been trained by decades of Cold War propaganda to look for any confirmation that ‘socialism means poverty.’ But in the case of Venezuela and other states not governed by the free market, this cliche simply doesn’t ring true.
A pro-government supporter wears a T-Shirt with image of Venezuela’s late President Hugo Chavez, as he waits for results during congressional elections in Caracas, Venezuela, Sunday, Dec. 6, 2015. Some members of the opposition are angry after elections officials ordered polling centers to stay open for an extra hour, even if no one was standing in line to vote. Government opponents mobbed some voting stations demanding that the National Guard stick to the original schedule of closing at 6 p.m. (AP Photo/Alejandro Cegarra)
WASHINGTON — (ANALYSIS) The political and economic crisis facing Venezuela is being endlessly pointed to as proof of the superiority of the free market.
Images and portrayals of Venezuelans rioting in the streets over high food costs, empty grocery stores, medicine shortages, and overflowing garbage bins are the headlines, and the reporting points to socialism as the cause.
Indeed, corporate-owned, mainstream media advises Americans to look at the inflation and food lines in Venezuela, and then repeat to themselves clichés they heard in elementary school about how “Communism just doesn’t work.”
In reality, millions of Venezuelans have seen their living conditions vastly improved through the Bolivarian process. The problems plaguing the Venezuelan economy are not due to some inherent fault in socialism, but to artificially low oil prices and sabotage by forces hostile to the revolution.
Starting in 2014, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia flooded the market with cheap oil. This is not a mere business decision, but a calculated move coordinated with U.S. and Israeli foreign policy goals. Despite not just losing money, but even falling deep into debt, the Saudi monarchy continues to expand its oil production apparatus. The result has been driving the price of oil down from $110 per barrel, to $28 in the early months of this year. The goal is to weaken these opponents of Wall Street, London, and Tel Aviv, whose economies are centered around oil and natural gas exports.
And Venezuela is one of those countries. Saudi efforts to drive down oil prices have drastically reduced Venezuela’s state budget and led to enormous consequences for the Venezuelan economy.
At the same time, private food processing and importing corporations have launched a coordinated campaign of sabotage. This, coupled with the weakening of a vitally important state sector of the economy, has resulted in inflation and food shortages. The artificially low oil prices have left the Venezuelan state cash-starved, prompting a crisis in the funding of the social programs that were key to strengthening the United Socialist Party.
Corruption is a big problem in Venezuela and many third-world countries. This was true prior to the Bolivarian process, as well as after Hugo Chavez launched his massive economic reforms. In situations of extreme poverty, people learn to take care of each other. People who work in government are almost expected to use their position to take care of their friends and family. Corruption is a big problem under any system, but it is much easier to tolerate in conditions of greater abundance. The problem has been magnified in Venezuela due to the drop in state revenue caused by the low oil prices and sabotage from food importers.
The Bolivarian experience in Venezuela
Americans have been trained by decades of Cold War propaganda to look for any confirmation that “socialism means poverty.” A quick, simplistic portrait of the problems currently facing Venezuela, coupled with the fact that President Nicolas Maduro describes himself as a Marxist, can certainly give them such a confirmation. However, the actual, undisputed history of socialist construction around the world, including recent decades in Venezuela, tells a completely different story.
Hugo Chavez was elected president of Venezuela in 1999. His election was viewed as a referendum on the extreme free market policies enacted in Venezuela during the 1990s. In December, when I walked through the neighborhoods of central Caracas, Venezuelans spoke of these times with horror.
Demonstrators gather in Bolivar Square to show their support of Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas, Venezuela. The demonstrators gathered as the Organization of American States is meeting to discuss a report from Secretary General Luis Almagro denouncing violations of the Venezuela’s constitution.
Venezuelans told of how the privatizations mandated by the International Monetary Fund made life in Venezuela almost unlivable during the 1990s. Garbage wouldn’t be collected. Electricity would go off for weeks. Haido Ortega, a member of a local governing body in Venezuela, said: “Under previous governments we had to burn tires and go on strike just to get electricity, have the streets fixed, or get any investment.”
Chavez took office on a platform advocating a path between capitalism and socialism. He restructured the government-owned oil company so that the profits would go into the Venezuelan state, not the pockets of Wall Street corporations. With the proceeds of Venezuela’s oil exports, Chavez funded a huge apparatus of social programs.
After defeating an attempted coup against him in 2002, Chavez announced the goal of bringing Venezuela toward “21st Century Socialism.” Chavez quoted Marx and Lenin in his many TV addresses to the country, and mobilized the country around the goal of creating a prosperous, non-capitalist society.
In 1998, Venezuela had only 12 public universities, today it has 32. Cuban doctors were brought to Venezuela to provide free health care in community clinics. The government provides cooking and heating gas to low-income neighborhoods, and it’s launched a literacy campaign for uneducated adults.
During the George W. Bush administration, oil prices were the highest they had ever been. The destruction of Iraq, sanctions on Iran and Russia, strikes and turmoil in Nigeria — these events created a shortage on the international markets, driving prices up.
After the death of Chavez, Nicolas Maduro has continued the Bolivarian program. “Housing Missions” have been built across the country, providing low-income families in Venezuela with places to live. The Venezuelan government reports that over 1 million modern apartment buildings had been constructed by the end of 2015.
The problems currently facing Venezuela started in 2014. The already growing abundance of oil due to hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, was compounded by Saudi Arabia flooding the markets with cheap oil. The result: massive price drops. Despite facing a domestic fiscal crisis, Saudi Arabia continues to expand its oil production apparatus.
The price of oil remains low, as negotiations among OPEC states are taking place in the hopes that prices can be driven back up. While American media insists the low oil prices are just the natural cycle of the market at work, it’s rather convenient for U.S. foreign policy. Russia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and the Islamic Republic of Iran all have economies centered around state-owned oil companies and oil exports, and each of these countries has suffered the sting of low oil prices.
The leftist president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, has already been deposed due to scandal surrounding Petrobras, the state-owned oil company which is experiencing economic problems due to the falling price of oil. Although much of Brazil’s oil is for domestic consumption, it has been revealed that those who deposed her coordinated with the CIA and other forces in Washington and Wall Street, utilizing the economic fallout of low oil prices to bring down the Brazilian president.
The son of President Ronald Reagan has argued that Obama is intentionally driving down oil prices not just to weaken the Venezuelan economy, but also to tamper the influence of Russia and Iran. Writing for Townhall in 2014, Michael Reagan bragged that his father did the same thing to hurt the Soviet Union during the 1980s:
“Since selling oil was the source of the Kremlin’s wealth, my father got the Saudis to flood the market with cheap oil.
Lower oil prices devalued the ruble, causing the USSR to go bankrupt, which led to perestroika and Mikhail Gorbachev and the collapse of the Soviet Empire.”
The history of socialist construction
Prior to the 1917 revolution, Russia was a primitive, agrarian country. By 1936, after the completion of the Five-Year Plan, it was a world industrial power, surpassing every other country on the globe in terms of steel and tractor production. The barren Soviet countryside was lit up with electricity. The children of illiterate peasants across the Soviet Union grew up to be the scientists and engineers who first conquered outer space. The planned economy of the Soviet Union drastically improved the living standards of millions of people, bringing them running water, modern housing, guaranteed employment, and free education.
There is no contradiction between central planning and economic growth. In 1949, China had no steel industry. Today, more than half of all the world’s steel is produced in China’s government-controlled steel industry.
Cuba has wiped out illiteracy, and Cubans enjoy one of the highest life expectancies in Latin America.
People hold up images showing Fidel Castro, second from right, Venezuela’s late President Hugo Chavez, center, and Cuba’s revolutionary hero Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara, bottom left and right, during a May Day march in Revolution Square in Havana, Cuba, Wednesday, May 1, 2013. The image of Chavez carries the words in Spanish “Chavez : Our best friend.” (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)
When the Marxist-Leninist governments of Eastern Europe collapsed in the early 1990s, economists like Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University, who can be counted among capitalism’s “true believers,” predicted rapid economic growth. Since the 1990s, conditions in what George W. Bush called the “New Europe” have become far worse than under socialism. The life expectancy has decreased and infant mortality has risen. Human and drug traffickers have set up shop. In endless polls, the people of Eastern Europe repeatedly say life was better before the defeat of Communism.
Russia’s recovery from the disaster of the 1990s has come about with the reorientation of the economy to one centered around public control of its oil and natural gas resources — much like Venezuela. The Putin government has also waged a crackdown on the small number of “oligarchs” who became wealthy after the demise of the Soviet Union. Once strong state to control the economy was re-established, Russia’s gross domestic product increased by 70 percent during the first eight years of Putin’s administration. From 2000 to 2008, poverty was cut in half, and incomes doubled.
Neoliberal capitalism has failed
It is only because these facts are simply off-limits in the American media and its discussions of socialism and capitalism that the distorted narrative about Venezuela’s current hardships are believed.
American media has perpetuated a cold-war induced false narrative on the nature of socialism.
When discussing the merits of capitalism and socialism, American media usually restricts the conversation to pointing out that socialist countries in the third world have lower living standards than the United States, a country widely identified with capitalism. Without any context or fair comparison, this alone is supposed to prove the inherent superiority of U.S.-style capitalism.
If the kind of neoliberal “free trade” advocated by U.S. corporations was the solution to global poverty, Mexico, a country long ago penetrated with the North American Free Trade Agreement, would be a shining example of development, not a mess of drug cartels and poverty. The same can be said for oil-rich countries like Nigeria, where exports are massive but the population remains in dire conditions.
The governments of Bangladesh, Honduras, Guatemala, Indonesia, and the Philippines have done everything they can to deregulate the market and accommodate Western ”investment.” Despite the promises of neoliberal theoreticians, their populations have not seen their lives substantially improve.
If one compares the more market-oriented economy of the U.S., not to countries in the global south attempting to develop with a planned economy, but to other Western countries with more social-democratic governments, the inferiority of the “free market” can also be revealed.
Even as the social-democratic welfare states of Europe drift closer to the U.S. economic model with “austerity cuts,” the U.S. still lags behind them in terms of basic societal health. Western European countries with powerful unions, strong socialist and labor parties, and less punitive criminal justice systems tend to have healthier societies.
The American perception that socialism or government intervention automatically create poverty, while a laissez faire approach unleashes limitless prosperity, is simply incorrect. Despite the current hardships, this reality is reflected in the last two decades of Venezuela’s history.
A punishment vote, not a vote for capitalism
The artificially low oil prices have left the Venezuelan state cash-starved, prompting a crisis in the funding of the social programs that were key to strengthening the United Socialist Party.
It is odd that the mainstream press blames “socialism” for the food problems in Venezuela, when the food distributors remain in the hands of private corporations. As Venezuelan political analyst Jesus Silva told me recently: “Most food in Venezuela is imported by private companies, they ask for dollars subsidized by the government oil sales to do that; they rarely produce anything or invest their own money.”
According to Silva, the economic sanctions imposed on Venezuela by the U.S., in addition to the oil crisis, have made it more difficult for the Venezuelan government to pay the private food importing companies in U.S. dollars. In response, the food companies are “running general sabotage.”
“Venezuela’s economy depends on oil sales. Now that oil prices are dropping down, the challenge is to get other sources of economic income,” he explained. “Meanwhile, the opposition is garnering electoral support due to the current economic crisis.”
When the United Socialist Party and its aligned Patriotic Pole lost control of Parliament in December, many predicted the imminent collapse of the Bolivarian government. However, months have passed and this clearly has not taken place.
While a clear majority cast a voto castigo (“punishment vote”) in December, punishing the government for mismanaging the crisis, the Maduro administration has a solid core of socialist activists who remain loyal to the Bolivarian project. Across Venezuela, communes have been established. Leftist activists live together and work in cooperatives. Many of them are armed and organized in “Bolivarian Militias” to defend the revolution.
Even some of the loudest critics of the Venezuelan government admit that it has greatly improved the situation in the country, despite the current hardships.
In December, I spoke to Glen Martinez, a radio host in Caracas who voted for the opposition. He dismissed the notion that free market capitalism would ever return to Venezuela. As he explained, most of the people who voted against the United Socialist Party — himself included — are frustrated with the way the current crisis is being handled, but do not want a return to the neoliberal economic model of the 1999s.
He said the economic reforms established during the Chavez administration would never be reversed. “We are not the same people we were before 1999,” Martinez insisted.
The United Socialist Party is currently engaging in a massive re-orientation, hoping to sharpen its response to economic sabotage and strengthen the socialist direction of the revolution. There is also talk of massive reform in the way the government operates, in order to prevent the extreme examples of corruption and mismanagement that are causing frustration among the population.
The climate is being intensified by a number of recent political assassinations. Tensions continue to exist on Venezuela’s border with the U.S.-aligned government of Colombia. The solid base of socialist activists is not going to let revolution be overturned, and tensions continue to rise. The Maduro and the United Socialist Party’s main task is to hold Venezuela together, and not let the country escalate into a state of civil war.
There was a time when our children stood at attention, put their hand on their heart, and in one UNITED voice, recited the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.
When STRENGTH and HONOR meant something.
When standing for our FLAG meant something.
There was a time when our history was taught with PRIDE and RESPECT.
When respect was given to those who serve(d), bled, and died to protect and defend our freedoms.
There was a time when we were GRATEFUL.
It was when WE, THE PEOPLE, decided our future and had a voice that was heard.
We are all bound by a feeling deep inside.that people in power are exploiting and abusing us, while using the powerful media apparatus to pretend they are not.
All we ever wanted was to do the right thing, but they kept telling us we were wrong.
We started to believe them and let ourselves forget everything that once made us strong.
We became weak.
We elected TRAITORS to govern us.
We allowed EVIL to prey on us.
Those who claimed to represent us gave us false hope, made false promises.
The evil and corruption only grew.
They invented the word ‘Globalism’
to advance on their agenda of tyranny undetected, using fake narratives of social justice to neuter our resolve to fight back, and silence us with shame.
If you lived through a Globalist revolution, you will remember many false promises of prosperity and justice for all, but observing only poverty, violence and death.
One after another, these nations were looted for every resource the land and waters produced.
Citizens who would not surrender their freedoms were threatened, marginalized or even killed, those who did were weaponized.
They blamed us for destroying the environment.
For poverty.
For slavery.
For not going to college.
Or for just giving up.
What you must learn is that it has always been THEM: a colossal mutated global criminal class who had risen and occupied every level of corporate, legal and political power imaginable.
In 2016, they were preparing for an endgame that was to start with the election of Hillary Clinton,
and within 8 years would have culminated in nothing less than a mass global nuclear holocaust.
Yet somehow, while humanity was taking its last step over the precipice of extinction,
there was a miracle.
You may know it as The Plan.
Brave Patriots set into motion a sophisticated military-grade global sting operation against the overwhelming network of corruption that led all the way to the top.
By the time good people of the world learned of the frightening reality they were living in, and how close we came to the end of it all, we had already been saved.
Raging around us is the final phase of a vast global shadow war
– not between nations – but between the forces of good, and the most unimaginable of evils.
They defend the violent criminal gangs of MS-13?
They openly promote the dismantling of our borders.
They said there would be nuclear war if Trump remained in office?
They encouraged violence against those who spoke out.
They pushed hate, war and economic decline.
They wanted to stop peace talks with North Korea.
They called for Trump to be impeached, not even providing a reason.
They tried to get us to hate America.
And so many obeyed.
But now, each day, more and more, we see they are terrified.
They knew this day would come.
The entire world is watching.
Patriots from around the world know that if AMERICA should fall, so falls the world.
That’s why we have Q.
We the people, patriots everywhere, stand at the ready.
We volunteer our talents willingly.
We fight.
We think for ourselves.
Dark to light.
God Bless America and all patriots of the world.
Look on Twitter for:
@StormIsUponUs (me)
There are many others you can find too. Don’t be a sheep. They want you divided. They have been working to divide us forever.
Americans have been trained by decades of Cold War propaganda to look for any confirmation that ‘socialism means poverty.’ But in the case of Venezuela and other states not governed by the free market, this cliche simply doesn’t ring true.
A pro-government supporter wears a T-Shirt with image of Venezuela’s late President Hugo Chavez, as he waits for results during congressional elections in Caracas, Venezuela, Sunday, Dec. 6, 2015. Some members of the opposition are angry after elections officials ordered polling centers to stay open for an extra hour, even if no one was standing in line to vote. Government opponents mobbed some voting stations demanding that the National Guard stick to the original schedule of closing at 6 p.m. (AP Photo/Alejandro Cegarra)
WASHINGTON — (ANALYSIS) The political and economic crisis facing Venezuela is being endlessly pointed to as proof of the superiority of the free market.
Images and portrayals of Venezuelans rioting in the streets over high food costs, empty grocery stores, medicine shortages, and overflowing garbage bins are the headlines, and the reporting points to socialism as the cause.
Indeed, corporate-owned, mainstream media advises Americans to look at the inflation and food lines in Venezuela, and then repeat to themselves clichés they heard in elementary school about how “Communism just doesn’t work.”
In reality, millions of Venezuelans have seen their living conditions vastly improved through the Bolivarian process. The problems plaguing the Venezuelan economy are not due to some inherent fault in socialism, but to artificially low oil prices and sabotage by forces hostile to the revolution.
Starting in 2014, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia flooded the market with cheap oil. This is not a mere business decision, but a calculated move coordinated with U.S. and Israeli foreign policy goals. Despite not just losing money, but even falling deep into debt, the Saudi monarchy continues to expand its oil production apparatus. The result has been driving the price of oil down from $110 per barrel, to $28 in the early months of this year. The goal is to weaken these opponents of Wall Street, London, and Tel Aviv, whose economies are centered around oil and natural gas exports.
And Venezuela is one of those countries. Saudi efforts to drive down oil prices have drastically reduced Venezuela’s state budget and led to enormous consequences for the Venezuelan economy.
At the same time, private food processing and importing corporations have launched a coordinated campaign of sabotage. This, coupled with the weakening of a vitally important state sector of the economy, has resulted in inflation and food shortages. The artificially low oil prices have left the Venezuelan state cash-starved, prompting a crisis in the funding of the social programs that were key to strengthening the United Socialist Party.
Corruption is a big problem in Venezuela and many third-world countries. This was true prior to the Bolivarian process, as well as after Hugo Chavez launched his massive economic reforms. In situations of extreme poverty, people learn to take care of each other. People who work in government are almost expected to use their position to take care of their friends and family. Corruption is a big problem under any system, but it is much easier to tolerate in conditions of greater abundance. The problem has been magnified in Venezuela due to the drop in state revenue caused by the low oil prices and sabotage from food importers.
The Bolivarian experience in Venezuela
Americans have been trained by decades of Cold War propaganda to look for any confirmation that “socialism means poverty.” A quick, simplistic portrait of the problems currently facing Venezuela, coupled with the fact that President Nicolas Maduro describes himself as a Marxist, can certainly give them such a confirmation. However, the actual, undisputed history of socialist construction around the world, including recent decades in Venezuela, tells a completely different story.
Hugo Chavez was elected president of Venezuela in 1999. His election was viewed as a referendum on the extreme free market policies enacted in Venezuela during the 1990s. In December, when I walked through the neighborhoods of central Caracas, Venezuelans spoke of these times with horror.
Demonstrators gather in Bolivar Square to show their support of Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas, Venezuela. The demonstrators gathered as the Organization of American States is meeting to discuss a report from Secretary General Luis Almagro denouncing violations of the Venezuela’s constitution.
Venezuelans told of how the privatizations mandated by the International Monetary Fund made life in Venezuela almost unlivable during the 1990s. Garbage wouldn’t be collected. Electricity would go off for weeks. Haido Ortega, a member of a local governing body in Venezuela, said: “Under previous governments we had to burn tires and go on strike just to get electricity, have the streets fixed, or get any investment.”
Chavez took office on a platform advocating a path between capitalism and socialism. He restructured
Has an Alien Signal Been Detected? SETI Research and the First Contact.
By Janey Davies.
January 27th, 2019.
There’s no law that says we have to get on with our siblings. Thankfully, most of us have pretty good family dynamics. But some people have toxic sibling relationships.
So what’s the difference between say typical sibling rivalries to toxic sibling relationships?
Healthy sibling relationships are compassionate, loving, willing to listen and help. They are non-judgemental and caring. They want the best for their brothers and sisters. That’s why they are happy and pleased when their siblings achieve success. They are independent of their siblings but not distant from them.
Toxic sibling relationships are simply the opposite.
Here are 10 other signs of toxic sibling relationships:
1.They are the favourite child
Parents should not have favourite children. But was your sibling always praised and given the best opportunities in your family? Did they get away with murder? Did the rules not apply to them?
Favouritism can lead to narcissistic behaviour. When a child always gets want they want and is never made to feel the consequences of their actions, it gives them a false sense of superiority.
2.They are controlling
Do you feel like you always have to do what your sibling wants to do? If you don’t, they will sulk or get aggressive? In the end, it’s just easier to go with whatever they want?
This is a form of control. Whether it is what friends are suitable for you or the type of college course you should study. If you find that you are not able to make your own decisions without your sibling getting their way, this is a sign of coercive control.
3.You don’t feel you can say ‘no’ to them
This is another form of control, but it also impacts a great deal on your life. Do they get upset if you say no to one of their requests or demands? Do they make you feel guilty for saying no? Finally, do they play on your emotions and try and make you feel bad for not helping them?
People that think and act in a rational and logical way can quite often be deceived and manipulated easily because they just don’t think in that kind of devious way. Someone who is lazy and can’t be bothered to work themselves will use deception to resolve their issues instead.
The problem here is that, of course, families are supposed to help out one another, but not to the point where one person is always benefitting to the detriment of everyone else.
5.They are always right
No one is right all the time. We all have to have an open mind, even if we think we know the truth. But some people that believe that they know what is right and won’t listen to anyone else’s opinion.
This kind of closed mind can be exhausting and inevitably leads to arguments and breakdowns in a relationship. It also invalidates your feelings because you don’t feel as if your opinions and ideas are important or that they matter.
6.They ‘play’ you against your other siblings
Does one sibling constantly gossip or badmouth to you about your other brothers or sisters? Does this undermine your relationships with them? This is one of the worst signs of toxic sibling relationships as this behaviour can cause lasting damage.
They do this to elevate their own position by making their other siblings look bad in your eyes. This is because their own behaviour is not good enough by itself, so they have to trash the reputation of others in order to look better.
7.They dismiss your feelings
We need validation when we are feeling angry, unloved, frightened, anxious or sad. When someone does not take our feelings into account, they are telling us in effect that we don’t matter. We are not important.
Our emotions are what drive us, they are interwoven into every action or behaviour that we take. To have them ignored is extremely detrimental to our psyche.
8.They are constantly criticising you
Not only do toxic siblings like to trash their brothers and sisters to other siblings in the family dynamic, but they also like to make you feel bad about yourself. They do this by constantly criticising you.
They will judge every aspect of your life and find you wanting. Nothing you do will be good enough in their eyes. Their barrage of putdowns will have a cumulative effect until you begin spending less time with them to escape the mental battles.
9.They only ever contact you when they need something
You get friends like this, ones that you only get a phone call or a text when they need money or a shoulder to cry on. And it can be exactly the same with siblings.
Do you go for months without hearing from your sibling and then suddenly out of the blue, you get an email or phone call from them?
It will start off innocently enough, perhaps asking how you are, but then the real reason for the call will soon become apparent. They want something from you.
10.They make threats all the time
Making threats is a toxic behaviour in itself. Well-adjusted people don’t tend to have to make ultimatums in order to get what they want or need in life. If your sibling is constantly making threats, it shows they do not have the mental capacity or the patience to get what they desire in a civilised way.
So how do you deal with toxic sibling relationships? It may be too late to change their behaviour, but you can certainly do something about yours.
How to deal with toxic sibling relationships
Do not engage in bad behaviour, just ignore it. If you engage in it, it may encourage your sibling to carry on.
Surround yourself with positive people
Ignore toxic behaviour
It is easy to doubt yourself when you have a toxic sibling. But if you are with positive well-balanced people, you’ll be able to recognise bad behaviour immediately and not put up with it.
Set clear boundaries
Some toxic behaviour is quite intrusive and can take over a person’s life. By setting clear boundaries, you can regain control.
Sever contact if necessary
Finally, there’s no rule that you have to stay in close contact with your sibling. If the situation is really bad and affecting your health, it is best to sever contact.
Do you have a toxic relationship with your sibling that you would like to talk to us about? Let us know in the comments section.
Janey Davies has been published online for over 8 years. She is the head writer for, she also writes for, and has contributed to She has an Honours Degree in Psychology and her passions include learning about the mind, popular science and politics. When she is relaxing she likes to walk her dog, read science fiction and listen to Muse.
We (all of us) have made more room for light. Light is made available within our own energy fields. Light transmits from the inside, to the out. Light is what we Are.
Light is what we Are.
We Are Light.
Our souls are fully ascended. Our Light cannot be and need not be fully understood, on the mental plane, from within our humanity. Our Light Is. Whether we understand it or not.
We cannot earn our light. It is based on our eternal identity, as Source Creator God. The One.
Our Light is claimed. Not even through fancy ceremony, elaborate programs or via a master/teacher. Our Light is Ours. From Birth, pre-birth, death, post-death. Eternal-ly. Period. If it is not claimed, then it is often not used, not lived, not loved, not enjoyed, not experienced. And even then the Eternal Self is still light. The Eternal Self understands that humanity, particularly in an age like this, is confusing and the Light of Self may not be claimed, lived. Thank goodness, our Eternal identity as Light, is not dependent on what we are or aren't here, yes?
Relief. To Be, our One.
In this week's message, I expect you will find further relief, inspiration, encouragement and wisdom. All for being our Light here.
For those newer to my work, you may be surprised or even shocked at the boldness with which this message was shared.
I was quite surprised at what level of specificity we went to.
I am concerned on some level about upsetting fellow teachers, teachings within the space of well-meaning consciousness. However, we don't see the value in holding back on critical insights, necessary for being our authentic, eternal light. Being polite, quiet, "respectful", positive, if it is asking us to hold back on the truth of matter is a concession we are not willing to make. Our (all of ours) light is too precious. Always. You and everyOne should have much more straightforward, unimpeded access to the eternal light that you are. And so, we speak.
I cannot overlook the unique position that I am in. I have other, wonderful, choices for a career based on my degrees and professional experience. I also am not reliant on my income to support myself. I am free to speak truths, even the unpopular ones. All for Light. Here.
I love how this message came through and I am tremendously grateful for Cari Murphy being there within it, which feels so special. As you listen to it, it may be fun to know that Cari and I don't plan our conversations. We go with the flow. And what was uncovered, feels so radically freeing.
Thank you to all of you as well, for being a part of this.
I'm so honored to be alongside you here, being our Light.
The special offer is here. The message is here. More detailed support for those who want to go deeper on regular basis is here.
The Zion Sacred Truth Codes are proving special, unique and incredibly expansive and I invite you to consider these deeply activating recordings, uncovering and nurturing your Eternal Light. The Private Session package offer is in limited supply.
If you feel led, thank you so much for sharing this message with others. I truly wish everyOne knew the Eternal Light that they are; not through deeds, works or bloodlines, rather by an inherent birthright, of all life.
During the course of your everyday life, you will encounter many wounded people. These are the ones that have chosen to ignore their light, to judge or make fun of others, bully or believe that ‘the best defense is a good offense”. Yes, you have a right to defend yourself but, remember, always remember, they have chosen that path for a reason; whether out of fear or lack, they cannot move past the pain in their lives.
Rather than placing yourself in a position to pity or lash out at them, send them Unconditional Love. They may not know what it is or what it feels like but, they will receive it just the same. You were gifted kindness and compassion for a reason…use them.
We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messagesto provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.
This message from Archangel Gabriel reminds us to pay attention to the deep desires of our hearts and to remember there is always a Benevolent Outcome.
The Gabriel Message Card for this Week
You Would Not have the Desire Without the Means to Fulfill it.
It has been said that inherent in every problem is its solution. It is the same with your desires. Some part of you believes that it is possible or you would not even have the desire.
Your Soul knows that certain desires are necessary for you to fulfill in order to accomplish your learning in this lifetime on Earth. These are not the desires that are stimulated by mass marketing. These desires are the ones that are often buried deep in the heart and are so precious that you may have to give yourself permission to even think about them.
Sometimes it is necessary to expand and stretch into the idea that all things are possible. It's important that we not to allow ourselves to rule anything out when first a creative thought pops into our awareness. That may be only the beginning of a dream or a desire that we truly need to entertain for our life to have meaning and purpose. The dreams that keep coming into my awareness are the ones that I now know I need to pay attention to because my Soul keeps prompting me and the desire won't go away.
We live in a world of pure potential where we create changes and new life abounds through the focus of our attention. As spirituality and quantum physics come together, the power of this truth has been proven through years of scientific experiments.
In this new and powerful time of awakening, it feels important that we bring the dreams of our hearts into reality by focusing our intentions on what will most empower us, what gives us passion and brings delight and meaning into our lives. Is it a risk? Always, but to me it is more of a risk to not follow the intelligence of my heart and the desires of my Soul.
Divine Presence,
Thank you for the inspiration from my Soul coming in the form of the potent desires of my heart. May I have the discernment to know when a desire is important to focus on and in alignment with my Soul’s highest reality.
May I have the Faith to follow through when I am being inspired by my Highest Self and focus my attention on the desire that seems to not go away. May I have the Fortitude necessary to persevere in respecting the deepest dreams of my heart.
May I remember to give thanks in advance for the Creative Solutions arising that allow me to accomplish my dreams in beautiful ways. And may I learn to receive in a whole new way that allows me to be a clear channel for the Benevolent Outcomes available to me from the Divine Source. Thank you God, and so it is.
You would not have the desire without the means to fulfill it.
Dear One,
All things in life are a part of the Universal Consciousness. This includes the desires of your heart. You have within you all that it takes to fulfill these desires and create the life you want to have. Know that each time you feel a deep longing, the seed of fulfillment is inherent within it.
There is a deep re-awakening within you, showing you a potential for all that you desire. This re-awakening results from your connection to God and the remembrance of the Angels who are guiding you always. As you commune more and more with this energy, your life will begin to take on the magical qualities you desire.
It begins with letting go. When you know in your heart that all your needs will be abundantly met, you can release the part of you that wants acquisition. You will now be free to discover the true desires in your heart. True desires have qualities that are fulfilled when the desires have been manifested. If the desire is for money, there is a quality that your heart seeks to have fulfilled — a sense of safety, an abundant lifestyle, or perhaps, simply freedom from worry.
Becoming aware of these qualities allows you to take action to gain these first, which will then allow the material form to manifest in a form which is in your highest good. The first step after discovering the qualities you seek, is always to ask for what you want, making sure you clearly state the qualities you are seeking to have. The Angelic Dimensions stand ready to assist you in the process of gaining all you desire in your life. Clarity is key.
It is truly God's Plan to have all beings live in a state of abundant joy and freedom from fears: people living with peace, harmony and love in the world as well as within their families. These qualities are not too much to ask for in your prayers because they are the natural state of balance in God's world. Your prayers you offer in order to attain them opens your mind and heart to fulfillment in your personal life.
It is also vital to be in the company of like-minded souls who believe that miracles are not only possible, they are also willing to have them manifest in their own lives. It is clear that in some situations in the world, only a miracle of divine proportions can create a solution. With enough people believing miracles are possible, there is no doubt that creative solutions, which are beyond the mind's ability to understand at this time, will occur.
Begin now to allow miracles to manifest in your world. Be the first one to ask for Divine Intervention, and to share your belief with others, so that all may live in a new level of conscious awareness and abundant joy.
Those desires in your heart are there to remind you that miracles happen, and God provides you the ways to have all the good you desire in your life. Know that you are blessed and profoundly loved.
Call on the Divine Presence and the Angels, then allow the desires of your heart to be fulfilled. Remember,
You would not have the desire without the means to fulfill it.
Shanta Gabriel is an author, teacher and healer,whose life is devoted to Bridging Heaven and Earth. She began her studies with an Indian Shaktipat master of the ancient Science of Sound in 1977. It is the inspired ancient practices she received at the ashram and has used in 40 years of training, that she offers to others in her programs.
Her work with the Archangels began in 1988. She shares this work through alignment, immersion, and transmissions from the Archangels through her classes, membership groups and private sessions. Her mission is to facilitate and invite people into a direct experience of Infinite Intelligence and Divine Love.
For more information about her classes as well as private sessions and products, visit
We see a world where the competitiveness in business is gone and has been replaced by a caring for one another; where no one profits at the expense of another; and where all exchanges of energy and resources are WIN-WIN, equally beneficent to all parties involved. We see selling as an archaic endeavor because there is no need for it in a world of abundance and easy access to goods and services. Accordingly, we see a trust formed among all peoples because conducting business is now a safe, honorable, and loving experience where everyone helps each other and wants only for all parties to be happy. We see employers, everywhere, treating their employees with courtesy, equality, and respect; and we see employees loving the work that they do. We see a four hour work day with lots of free time for leisure, recreation, and creativity. And finally, we see a business climate that takes the Highest Good of everyone concerned into consideration; where the Highest Good is the standard for all transactions and business relationships; and where the Highest Good and welfare of the Earth and her people is the number one priority in every business decision made.
If this vision was sent to you from a friend, you can go to to sign up free for The Vision Alignment Project.
The Vision Alignment Project is sponsored by The Intenders of the Highest Good. If you have a Vision you would like to share with the world, please email it to []. Your Vision may be published here!
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á!
-Só é real o AMOR Incondicional.
-Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix.
-Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!