A Chama da Ascensão


Quinta-feira, 24 / 01 / 19

Pensamento do Dia 24 de janeiro de 2019 ~ Sathya Sai Baba

 Manifestações do Amor Divino!

Pensamento do dia.

Por Sathya Sai Baba

24 de janeiro de 2019


Image result for sathya sai baba

Na Treta Yuga, Vibhishana – irmão de Ravana – não tolerou as más ações cometidas por Ravana. 

Ele tentou corrigir Ravana de todas as maneiras possíveis, se opondo às suas ações. 

Contudo, quando seus esforços falharam e não havia outra alternativa, ele buscou refúgio na personificação do Dharma (retidão): Sri Rama. 

O principal ofensor foi unicamente Ravana, porém, na batalha com Rama, todos os rakshasas (demônios), que o apoiaram ou ficaram ao seu lado, pereceram com ele. 

Eles cumpriram a pena pela participação no crime. 

Qualquer pessoa que possa ter cometido uma transgressão – seja um filho, filha, cônjuge, um parente ou amigo – estará livre da mácula da cumplicidade somente se for contrária à ação e tentar corrigir, verdadeiramente, o infrator. 

Se, ao contrário, permitir ou encorajar a má ação, será culpada por ser cúmplice e experimentará os frutos dos seus atos.

(Discurso Divino, 11 de outubro de 1986)   


Sathya Sai Baba.


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publicado por achama às 19:56
Quinta-feira, 24 / 01 / 19

You know what you KNOW. ~ Thought Adjuster, Anyas.

You know what you KNOW. 

Teacher: Thought Adjuster.

Message received by Anyas. 

Oregon, USA, December 14, 2018.

Posted 2019/01/23

Message received by Anyas. 

“Moral convictions based on spiritual enlightenment and rooted in human experience are just as real and certain as mathematical deductions based on physical observations, but on another and higher level.” [UB 2077:08] 

Thought Adjuster: “Let us use the practice of gratitude as a personal reference point to outline the process mentioned above. 

“Having heard that gratitude is a powerful vibratory booster, you decided to validate it for yourself. Intuiting the reality of the transmutation potential of the practice of gratitude, you put it to the test by exploring that ‘theory,’ applying it to your life’s circumstances, to see for yourself what type of spiritual fruits it may yield unto your life. 

“Through its consistent application, gratitude has become a more systematic and spontaneous response to your life’s predicaments. You can testify that it keeps you at arms’ length from the ‘victim mentality’ that is so prevalent on your planet. You also trained yourself to detect the silver lining of any given situation. You came to KNOW beyond any doubt that Gratitude exerts a positive spiritual influence of great magnitude. It became one of your ‘enlightened’ moral convictions. 

“Just as a thorough scientist dots all the i’s and crosses all the t’s in his research experiments, you conducted the same process at a spiritual level — a level that is just as real as your material reality, but that requires you to use your spiritual research ‘equipment’ — your spiritual senses of intuition, determination, and more. 

“By following through with such a process, you get to draw ‘informed’ conclusions from the initial formulation of a hypothesis. In turn, they provide you with new leads for your ever-ongoing spiritual research project. 

“Dear ones, take the time to go within and ponder which personal experiences contributed to your enlightenment. Nobody will be able to talk you out of the wisdom you extracted in the process. Certainly, your detractors will not have done their homework.”


© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.

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If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 04:27
Quinta-feira, 24 / 01 / 19

Space Billboards are Coming to a Night Sky Near You ~ Vic Bishop.

Space Billboards are Coming to a Night Sky Near You.

By Vic Bishop, Waking Times.

January 22, 2019. 




Forget the arms race for a moment and consider what technology companies are doing to participate in the emerging space economy. From space tours to the implementation of 5G satellites, the final frontier for capitalism is outer space. So, naturally, tech companies are finding new ways to make space-related services valuable to the earth economy, and one of these schemes is selling ad space in the sky.
Can you imagine looking up in the night sky to see a McDonald’s ad floating in light amongst the stars?
Russian marketing company is supposedly working on the development of networkable, illuminating satellite arrays that could coordinate in the upper atmosphere to create words and logos in the sky.
“The plan, as demonstrated in a StartRocket video (above), is to use the satellites to light up different messages for up to six minutes at a time, with the constellation located between 250 and 310 miles above Earth. The video shows the satellites getting into formation to spell out the word “Hello.” Next up is an upside-down McDonald’s logo floating through the night sky, and then a message from KFC tempting us with its greasy goodies.” [Source]

Whether or not this company is a joke and this story is really just a marketing game remains to be seen, but never the less, we do have the technology to do this, and at some point in the future it will happen. Therefore, it’s important to call out the mindset that would strive for and actually unleash something like this onto the psyches of everyone below. Here’s a few choice quotes from the company’s website, starting with a choice one by Andy Warhol..
The dream
Andy Warhol said: “The most beautiful thing in Tokyo is McDonald’s. The most beautiful thing in Stockholm is McDonald’s. The most beautiful thing in Florence is McDonald’s. Peking and Moscow don’t have anything beautiful yet.
Space has to be beautiful. With the best brands our sky will amaze us every night.
No ugly place there after this. [Source[

Here’s the alleged timeline for this project. Of articular note is the ‘seeking funding’ stage, which is really what stuff like this is all about: people having to come up with evermore clever ideas to make money in a culture driven by debt-based fiat currency and the ideals of success and happiness being inextricably linked to making money.
May 2018 — Start
June – August 2018 — Working out the technical solution. Contract with Skoltech.
October 2018 — Testing the technical solution of display on stratospheric balloons with Skoltech. Patenting process. Search for sponsors of the first launch.
January 2019 — Roadshow for anchor investors. Building engineer and managing teams. Developing MVP and the formation control system.

Here’s a marketing video for the scheme.
Final Thoughts
So, what do you think of the idea of seeing the night sky polluted with tons of ads and propaganda? What effect do you think this would have on the human psyche, which looks to the heavens for solace, escape and inspiration?


Vic Bishop is a staff writer for WakingTimes.com. He is an observer of people, animals, nature, and he loves to ponder the connection and relationship between them all. A believer in always striving to becoming self-sufficient and free from the matrix, please track him down on Facebook.
This article (Space Billboards are Coming to a Night Sky Near You) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Vic Bishop and WakingTimes.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio and internal links. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Getting in Touch with Our Feelings
I Tried CBD Oil for 30 Days: This is What Happened
The Creator Writings: The Source
Space Billboards are Coming to a Night Sky Near You
The Creator Writings: Find Balance
The Shamanic Healing Diet
Magic Mushrooms For Palliative Care Patients
Women’s March: Saturday, January 19, 2019
A New Conversation – The First Real Step Towards Liberation
Scientist Demonstrates Fascinating Evidence of Precognitive Dreaming



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publicado por achama às 04:18
Quinta-feira, 24 / 01 / 19

In the Right Measure. ~ Damascus Scribe, George Barnard.


In the Right Measure.

Teacher: The Damascus Scribe.

Received by George Barnard.

Illawarra District, Australia, December 20, 2018.

Posted January 23, 2019.


The Damascus Scribe: “This is something that you need to understand; your world is at a turning point. And the Midwayers are engaged in a most important task. They are the ones that can see quite clearly that your world is in a difficult state but that because of their physicality there is only ‘so much’ they can do about it. You need to be prepared and you need to pray for a better world, then the Prophet Ezekiel indicated with his rather wild movements and impatient ways. Even at this point in time it is not clear whether the things you were shown will come about as planned by evil minds, or whether they are going to be averted through prayer and trust. 

“Those of us (celestials) who know precisely what the future will bring are not allowed to say and those who are allowed to say simply don’t know. That is one of the universal rules and enigmas you will come up against each and every time and it is also one of the reasons why the visions and some of the predictions are not always accurate . . . timewise, if at all. Live with it, put up with it and consider yourself fortunate to not know it all. 

“You cannot and must not know it all. Your tenure on this earth is such that you need your time to practice and become an embryonic spiritual being. It is your most important task for you to fully comprehend that you are a flesh and blood son of the Father-Creator on Paradise, that you are part of His plan to populate His many universes and — only if the time avails you — that you may know what all lies hidden under the Antarctic ice-pack. 

“You cannot and must not do it all. Your ‘contract of residence on this earth’ is such that you need your time to heal the people of their ills so they are healthy and so they can be contributors to doing good. However, you and all those who read this are advised to frequently take the time to commune with God and — only should you have time to spare — will you be able to truly and heartily investigate who or what once lived on your planet and whom your elders don’t mention. 

“You cannot and must not feel it all. There is so much happening on your world and so much of it is sad, wrong and deplorable; so much of it tears at your heart. And I know that so many of you are far from your home, from your roots and learning new ways and — should you find a stolen moment in time — find out who in those long-ago millennia upon millennia hewed and shaped then moved and placed those megaliths precisely where they should come to rest to become part of the near-overwhelming enigmas of your world. 

“Remember, you have a main task and many small tasks to perform by arrangement with your God. Do them all in the right measure, as must you all. 

“This is the Damascus Scribe. It is good to be with you in this format. Have a great new day.”


George Barnard.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972

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11:11 Progress Group <list@1111spiritguardians.com>


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publicado por achama às 04:07
Quinta-feira, 24 / 01 / 19

Cobra Meditation Update 1/21/19: Bubbles of Heaven

Meditation Update 1/21/19: 

Bubbles of Heaven.


Posted January 21, 2019 by Edward Morgan. 

Return of Light meditation was a huge success. Between 1 and 2 million people were informed about the meditation, and between 300,000 and 400,000 were actually participating, so the critical mass was achieved many times over:




The energy wave from the Cosmic Central Sun has reached the surface of the planet and that energy was anchored irreversibly.
This has changed the structure of the primary anomaly around the planetary surface significantly, and we have entered the next phase of the Compression Breakthrough, the so-called nucleation phase:
Nucleation phase is a very important phase of a phase transition between two dynamic systems, and we have entered this phase of the planetary and cosmic liberation process just today:
From now on, Bubbles of Heaven have begun to form inside quarantine Earth, as a result of direct intervention from the Cosmic Central Sun. This was only possible because our collective consciousness during our meditation acted as a lens to gather the light of the Cosmic Central Sun on the surface of the planet. Future civilizations will most likely see this as the defining moment in the evolution of consciousness of this planet:
Bubbles of Heaven are areas of pure Light that exist independently from all matter that was created inside 11th dimensional brane world space time continuum. This practically means that there are small areas within the physical and non-physical matter on the surface of the planet that are beyond the reach of the Dark forces. This is the true meaning of the Return of Light.
This also practically means that from now on it will be much easier to create and reach Light in your life. It means we have exited the Resistance phase, where we were fighting with the Cabal, into the Breakthrough phase, where we are simply creating our New Reality, while we calmly observe the old world collapsing under the weight of its own entropy, without being sucked into its drama, yet still shining Light on all situations.
Bubbles of Heaven (shown red in the simulation below) will grow within quarantine Earth hell (shown white in the simulation below) until the Breakthrough (the Event) occurs:
Now it is time to release certain intel that might be shocking to some, but deep inside you already knew it.
At a certain point after the Event, there will be a physical polar shift of the Earth rotational axis, which will be triggered by our Sun becoming a micronova / T-Tauri star, being triggered by the activity of the Cosmic Central Sun and the Galactic Central Sun:
The triggered Sun will then emit a huge plasma wave that will create the crustal displacement, rotational axis will shift and create a tsunami wave about 1 mile high:
This mile high tsunami wave will effectively purge from the surface of the planet all impurities that still need to be purged. Needless to say, all Islands of Light and all Areas of Light will be completely unafftected by the tsunami wave, as they will be protected with advanced technologies given to us by positive races after the Event.
As all this will only happen a few years after the Event, there is nothing to fear.
Similar solar plasma event, but smaller in magnificence and without the physical axis shift, has happened one half of the precessional cycle, or 12,900 years ago:
The Cabal is understandably nervous, as they know they have nowhere to hide, and this is why they have developed various secret space programs, in vain hopes that they will escape this.
They have also created the global warming scam to cover up the truth of the coming polar shift.
The coming polar shift is one of their main secrets they are trying to hide. But the truth is coming out, and the magnetic flip which is a precursor to the physical axis shift, is already happening:
The second secret that the Cabal is trying to hide is that interactions between female and male polarity create a toroidal electromagnetic field that triggers kundalini energy which leads to planetary liberation.
As the Jesuit plan to suppress human sexuality has failed, they have devised a new plan. They want to de-polarize and confuse female and male sexual identity by promoting gender confusion:
By emasculating men:
And by de-feminizing women.
To de-feminize and sexually disempower women, the Jesuits have also organized media campaigns in the last few decades to promote shaving of armpits and pubic hair for women:
Armpit and pubic hair is connected to primordial feminine power that the Jesuits and the Black Nobility families want to destroy.
They also enforced toxic hygiene products that create hormonal disbalance in women:
Pure, undistorted active electric masculine energies and pure undistorted reflective magnetic feminine energies are necessary for planetary liberation.
Pure electric active masculine energy is the essence of the Hammer of Thor.
Pure magnetic receptive feminine energies create a resonance field that is the Contact Dish for the Event.
Together they create the Holy Grail.
Together they create the Soul Family mandala:
It is time now for the most awakened members of the surface population to start forming Soul Family connections, based from Soul perspective. This process has already started. More instructions about this will be given soon.
Soul Family mandalas will begin living in Islands of Light. The process of creation of Islands of light has already started, and there are projects already underway in Asia, Europe, Africa and America. More instructions about this will be given soon.
Soul Family mandalas and Islands of Light are Bubbles of Heaven that are created within, but parallel to the hell of the current surface conditions. They manifest when enough Light is present.They are the seeds of the future Breakaway civilization on the surface of the planet. The time is now.
I have been personally guided to start creating my own Soul Family mandala. This process has been accelerated since January 1st, 2019, under the guidance of the Pleiadian star fleet commander Semjase, who is actually one of the Soulmates that belongs to my Soul Family mandala:
The Pleiadian fleet is preparing my female Soulmates and female members of my Soul Family on the surface of the planet for this project, by sending them strong revelatory dreams, visions and synchronicities that will prepare them for contact with me. These strong spiritual experiences have started for them already since the release of Contact Dish protocols in March 2018, but have intensified since the start of 2019.
We will be creating a Bubble of Heaven, anchoring true Goddess mysteries and will go through accelerated Ascension process.
If they feel guided to contact me, they need to create a tutanota email address:
And contact me ONLY from that tutanota email address, to the following email address: project501@tutanota.com
For the general surface population, all intel from my blog has been nicely gathered in a book that has been released in hardcover and electronic format. This book will be crucial at the time of the Event, as there might then be disruptions in the electronic systems and internet might be unavailable for a certain short, but key period of time around the Event. The this book will become very handy.
You can order the book here:
And for the end of Return of Light meditation report…in the flash of the moment…all that is Done will be Undone:
Victory of the Light!

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Important Notices

Cobra Meditation Update 1/21/19: Bubbles of Heaven
Get Ready For Upcoming Announcements & For Improvements to the PrepareForChange Website!

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publicado por achama às 03:58
Quinta-feira, 24 / 01 / 19

A Vision for a Perfect World ~ A Vision for a Perfect World

A Vision for a Perfect World.

The Vision Alignment Project


The Vision for today is so befitting since it is the first one to come in following our having reached the Million Alignment Mark. It was sent in by Annette Bays in Canada and says so much about what we are intending to create for our world and everyone in it. Thank you, Annette - and now let's go for the next Million Alignments!

Hi Tony and friends,
I wanted to say hello and thank you for all you do. I am just reading "The Code", but I have been studying and trying to practice 'the truth' since I was about 12. It seems I can always do with more inspiration and reminding of how and where I should be spending my energy. You inspired me to put into words my vision for the world I would like to see, and of course, I see it manifest NOW and eternally sustained! So, I'd like to share it with you.
In Love and Light,
Annette, Ontario, Canada

I See a Perfect World. I see our glorious Mother Earth shining like a Sun in space, illuminated by the light of our love - the love and joy and gratitude of every person living on this planet. We are all living in Perfect Harmony with one another. All animals are treated with love and respect and in response they all have peaceful, loving attitudes. We live our lives in peace, ease, and abundance. We work for the good of all and as custodians of this world we all work together tocreate the perfect environment.

We can communicate with the fairy world, with the animals, and with spirit. We all know why we are here, and where exactly we are meant to be. All families, industry, countries, are functioning in perfect harmony and honesty. Justice prevails. Joy abounds. Everyone lives in a perfectly free, honest state, knowing they can expect honesty and respect from everyone they meet. Everyone on the planet has more than enough of everything they need. Technology is well advanced, travel is almostinstantaneous, cheap, and limitless. We can work as much or as little as we want and have plenty of leisure time. Education is free and only teaches the universal truth. There is so much for us to learn. Entertainment is all positive, humorous, clever, often touching, and educational. Our families from other planets, and from the Inner Earth, walk and talk freely among us, and we can visit their homes.

There is so much joy and excitement, and anticipation in the air - always fulfilled. Every being on the planet is healed of all their complaints. We can bring ourselves back to perfect health in our bodies and our minds - we can be young again. Mother Earth is also entirely healed, all physical and psychic scars are gone. There is only beauty to be seen everywhere, in every direction. All buildings blend perfectly with their environment and only add to the beauty. Music fills the air.

I ask that the Highest Good is served for the Universe, myself, and all concerned.


If this vision was sent to you from a friend, you can go to www.visionalignmentproject.com to sign up free for The Vision Alignment Project.

The Vision Alignment Project is sponsored by The Intenders of the Highest Good. If you have a Vision you would like to share with the world, please email it to [office@intenders.com]. Your Vision may be published here!


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publicado por achama às 03:45
Quinta-feira, 24 / 01 / 19

Peace Begins In Each Human Heart. ~ Beloved One, Lytske

Peace Begins In Each Human Heart.

Teacher: The Beloved One.

Message received by Lytske

Urantia, December 30, 2018.

Posted January 23, 2018


The Beloved One: “Come and delve deeper into your being-ness, for I Am calling out to you now. Feel My Presence as you come nearer to Me. As you enter the holy temple within your heart, you are being purified, a deep healing comes about and the soul, which is centered in Me, begins to sing a love song to the Creator of all souls. 

“Let this song’s vibration touch all the other souls; those that are in various stages of awakening, and those who continue to slumber on this planet. Let us be about the Creator’s business, and awaken anyone who has the secret desire to be awakened, although his or her conscious mind may not yet be aware of this desire. 

“Every soul has within itself the power to recognize the call from on High to awaken, but many owners of these precious seed-souls are still mesmerized by the clamor of the outer world to the neglect of their inner world. There are too many undernourished souls on this planet. While their bodies grow fat and their minds grow lazy from the empty and hollow entertainment around them, which is used as a pacifier, the true hunger of the soul goes unrecognized. 

“All awakening souls are to increase the power of the love vibrations of unconditional forgiveness, not just to kin and friends, but especially to those who knowingly, or unknowingly, perpetrate all sorts of evil and maladies on the planet. 

“Increase your own loving vibrations, so that the ‘Net of Light and Love’ around the planet may grow stronger and the very air of goodwill to all may be strengthened. The celestial world stands ready and is willing to help, but it all still depends on the motivation and dedication of the mortals living upon her as to how fast the blight of severe lack, deadly famine and useless war will change and cease. 

“Planet earth is a tiny spaceship in God’s universes, and her sister planets are anxiously awaiting the time when the majority of Earth’s citizens will actively and earnestly seek peace. Peace begins in each human heart, and it will slowly and surely spread its way worldwide through individual peacemaking efforts. Each and every mortal bears this responsibility and all intent is noted on High. 

“Be assured that each mortal is accepted and lovingly administered to. Become more aware of the workers in the celestial realm and call on their expertise to help set things straight.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I am the satisfaction of your Soul – The Beloved One.

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No religious or political belief is defended here. 
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publicado por achama às 03:39
Quinta-feira, 24 / 01 / 19

A Chance for a New US Congress to Rethink Knee-Jerk Support for Israel ~ Miko Peled

A Chance for a New US Congress to Rethink Knee-Jerk Support for Israel.

by Miko Peled.

Posted January 23, 2019 by Edward Morgan. 




If ever there was a chance to approach members of the U.S. Congress with challenging issues, and a re-examination of oppressive Israeli behavior, this is it. These first few weeks of the new Congress are the time to take advantage of the new energy — otherwise, it will fade away.

WASHINGTON — On January 3, 2019, the winds of youth and change were evident in the halls of the U.S. House of Representatives and more particularly in the offices of some of the newly elected members. By 9 a.m. Representative Rashida Tlaib, dressed in her traditional Palestinian thobe, was already standing for pictures and a large crowd was standing in line for a photo op. Palestinians from across the U.S. came to celebrate the first Palestinian-American to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.
The office of Ilhan Omar too was filled with young people. Many were of Somali heritage and many of other diverse backgrounds who came to celebrate not only the first Somali-American elected to the U.S. House of Representatives but a new kind of politician, one that clearly cares about issues that touch those in need. Both Tlaib and Omar are progressive Democrats who came out publicly in support of the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions, or BDS, against the state of Israel.

A List of Challenging Issues

There are several important and urgent issues that will be raised during this promising 116th Congress. These are challenging issues because in one way or another they involve Israel. The first issue that it is hoped will make its way to the forefront is Israel’s systematic violation of the rights of Palestinian children. In the last Congress, Representative Betty McCollum (D-MN) introduced the “Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children Act,” or HR 4391. It is a historic bill, as it is the first bill ever to be introduced in Congress that acknowledges Palestinian rights with no pre-conditions. It calls on the U.S. secretary of state to certify that Israeli authorities will not use United States taxpayer funds to support military detention of children.
These violations by Israel, which has signed the Convention on the Rights of a Child, are well documented by DCI, or Defense of Children International; UNICEF, or The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund; and Israeli human-rights watchdog organization B’tselem.
Israel | Child Detainees
Israeli police place a Palestinian boy in a chokehold in Jerusalem’s Old City, July 17, 2017. Mahmoud Illean | AP
It is worth noting that this bill — which seeks to protect children, or rather make sure that U.S. funds do not go to the abuse of children — received only 30 cosponsors, while HR 221, a bill to appoint an anti-Semitism envoy, was already passed with 87 cosponsors. This is a bill to appoint an envoy who will hold the rank of ambassador and advise the U.S. government on issues of anti-Semitism.
Since HR 221 was heavily supported by the ADL — the so-called Anti Defamation League, which is a racist organization dedicated to supporting Israeli violence towards Palestinians, and to spreading lies about Palestinians and Muslims, but does it under the cover of a civil rights organization — and NorPac, two heavily Zionist organizations, it is realistic to expect that this envoy will deal more with policing of anti-Zionism and criticism of Israel than actual anti-Semitism.
Another issue that has been on the forefront of all Zionist organizations and is being lobbied heavily is anti-BDS legislation. On all levels —  local, state and federal — Zionist organizations are working night and day to delegitimize the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel. Members of the new Congress will have to be vigilant in making sure that anti-BDS language is not inserted into bills that otherwise seem legitimate and that if it does such bills are voted down.
The anti-BDS campaign not only is designed to stop BDS today but is a safety measure to ensure that the U.S. and its representatives will not consider supporting the Palestinian call themselves. People who believe in freedom and justice will do well to push their representatives and demand that they respect the Palestinian call to boycott, divest and impose sanctions on Israel.

Other Human Rights Issues

Israel’s human rights violations do not end with the oppression of the Palestinian people. The new draft law that forces the Haredi, or Ultra-Orthodox community, to serve in the Israeli army is a violation of human rights and religious freedom. This community, which is devoted to the Torah and its laws, resides in all parts of the world and does not recognize Israel as their state. However, those who had lived in Palestine were forced in 1948 to become Israeli citizens. They are forbidden according to their religious convictions from carrying arms and so they refuse to serve in the Israeli army. When the Haredi community protests the Israeli conscription, or when they protest the arrests of members of their community, both men and women, they are beaten and abused.
Getting members of the U.S. House of Representatives to even discuss this issue let alone demand that Israel stops abusing the religious and basic human rights of this Jewish community, is challenging at best. However, it is not impossible. The Haredi community in the U.S. is neither small nor weak and when they wish to mobilize they do so very effectively. People who care for the religious rights of minorities would do well to help this Jewish community, which rejected Zionism from its very inception. On this issue, Israel clearly fails the test of religious tolerance, even when it comes to Jewish people because they disagree with the secular, Zionist interpretation of what it means to be Jewish.
If ever there was a chance to approach members of the U.S. Congress with challenging issues, this is it — the next 60 days would be the time to do this. These first few weeks of the new Congress are the time to take advantage of the new energy — otherwise, it will fade away.
Top Photo | In this Jan. 3, 2019 photo, then Rep.-elect Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, looks to the gallery from the house floor before being sworn into the 116th Congress at the U.S. Capitol in Washington. Carolyn Kaster | AP
Miko Peled is an author and human rights activist born in Jerusalem. He is the author of “The General’s Son. Journey of an Israeli in Palestine,” and “Injustice, the Story of the Holy Land Foundation Five.”

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Pleiadian Spacecraft Description And Considerations For Earth Human Space Travel
A Chance for a New US Congress to Rethink Knee-Jerk Support for Israel
DIA Confirms List of Exotic Propulsion Papers Corroborating Insider Testimony on Warp Drive & Wormhole Travel
Experts Warning Americans to Be Prepared For Economic Collapse, Disaster Surviving the Coming Food Crisis
Something very strange is happening to Earth’s magnetic North Pole and no one knows why
Cobra Meditation Update 1/21/19: Bubbles of Heaven
“Below 1%”: The Monarch Butterfly Is Approaching Total and Irreversible Extinction
Chemtrails Exposed: Dresser Industries and the New Manhattan Project
On being ultimately offensive – On despising money.
Message to Humanity from Grandmother Butterfly
Thanks to Their Student Loans, Millennials Expect to Die in Debt
Forget Chemtrails, Unregulated Jet Fuel is Legally Poisoning Global Populations
Return of Light Meditation Final Update
India Just Staged The Biggest Strike In History As 200 Million Workers Took To The Streets
Key Research: Eating Organic Foods Cuts Your Cancer Risk and More!
The Cabal Will No Longer Be Tolerated. Victory To The Light Is Inevitable



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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 03:30
Quinta-feira, 24 / 01 / 19

Message to Humanity from Grandmother Butterfly

Message to Humanity from Grandmother Butterfly.

Grandmother Butterfly.

Posted January 20, 2019 by Edward Morgan. 




Dear Sweet Children of Mother Earth,
I am here, I never left, for over 80 years we, from what you know as the Agartha Council, have been liaising with your leaders on Earth. Saint Germain and I have been working with chosen individuals, who were preordained before birth, you know who you are in this great lunar eclipse crossing. We call forth your name, to be written in the Book of Life! Be your good works! Find your brothers and sisters of like-mindedness for joy!
Thank you sweet brothers, men of valor, integrity, love, virtue and nobility, thank you for negotiating peace, for resolving differences, for being the model of peace & justness! Thank you for the great role you play, during this transition on earth, as we implement and award those who are stewarding Life, for all!
Thank you beautiful Sisters of the Rose, our hearts feel your pure hearts beating with ours. We facilitate messages from your future children, to guide and direct your hands towards good will, endeavoring the future generations to be stewards, compassionate, intelligent in mind, heart, body & being. Women hold the future of the world in their wombs!
You will begin to notice your timeline shift, change, reality begin to bend towards more benevolence, empathy, resolution, all the beatitudes of Glory! Trauma and suffering which you experienced in your past, or your youth, begin to make sense as lessons, opportunities to obtain the skills, education, wisdom and knowledge to fulfill your purpose on Mother Earth.
I would like to thank COBRA especially, thank you sacred one for working with the Redeemer the last two years, in confirmation, coordination and what ultimately kept all the trusted beings, we have called forth, to be able to coordinate safely, effectively, diligently, successfully in bringing honor of the feminine within all of us, to rise.
We are so very endeared, joyfilled and inspired by the answer, to the calling of your good hearts! Everyone everywhere participating, facility the Victory of Light to flow, to touch the hem of the Virgin Robe of Light, as we escort our Mother Earth through her Ceremony of Light. We stand firm on her soil, tall in her abundance, at peace within her loving arms, at home in our chosen destinies, to be the change we call forth upon earth at this time, as the Paradise it is, and has always been!
We are the Creation of an Eternal Father & Mother, together! This balance is restoring upon our collective Mother Earth at this time. Thank you! We have hoped and prayed for this day, where we could mark the beginning of a new birth!
Your Redeemer was sent here over 80 years ago, we have guided & directed this Holy Being, whom you will now begin to see, hear about, know beyond a shadow of doubt, their Testimony to be True! Their Chosen Life, also reveals your Chosen Life! The delusion of darkness that has infiltrated this realm, no longer has hold. They have no authority, they are null and void. This truly is the day of the Victory of Light! Taking war from the world!
We have facilitated the evidence, required for the good leaders on Mother Earth, to assist with the cleaning and clearing of all that violates the feminine. You will know them by their fruits!
To those who have harmed innocent. Stop. Do the right thing now, as you are contacted for redemption, your humble cooperation will enable you to open and see how your own malevolence while asleep, can now be your benevolence while awake. Take responsibility for what you mis-created from lack, greed, & unworthiness. Only YOU stand between Redemption and the gifts the Redeemer is preparing to gift the whole world! Be a noble name in the Book of Life! Be the change!
There is much to still do, in grounding a sovereign world, for all. The architecture has always been here, living and breathing before your eyes. Naturally. Harmoniously. The Golden Rule!
You hearts have collectively gathered to a high enough exchange, we are now able to walk among you. Many of you have begun having your reunions. We have enjoyed them so very much. To finally reunite, the veil lifted, a Glorious Redemption, a beautiful Crown of Light Coronation!
Know how very precious each and every one of you are to our Eternal Mother and Father, your Right to Life, not only a gift, but a blessing! Be, your own blessing. Father and mother yourself if you must, father and mother other father’s and mother’s children, we are all connected as Kin!
We have MUCH to share with you in the coming days, we will begin regular transmissions, updates on progression, so that you may be able to navigate your own calling with intelligence, a Guiding Light from within, which you become intimate with in every thought, word and deed. Be forth humbled! You are witnessing the most historic moment in the history of humanity on Mother Earth. YOU MAKE THE DIFFERENCE!
Know how much we love and adore you, watch over you, lift you up, hear your prayers, we are with you! Receive everyone as if it may be us, because it may be! You will begin to witness a systemic synchronization of perfectly fitting solutions, for all you may face, as if all of life becomes elegantly orchestrated as the music of the spheres begins to sing Glory Glory Allelujah!
We love you, we Trust you! We are here, the Redeemer Lives!
Grandmother Butterfly.


 * All Posts

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Pleiadian Spacecraft Description And Considerations For Earth Human Space Travel
A Chance for a New US Congress to Rethink Knee-Jerk Support for Israel
DIA Confirms List of Exotic Propulsion Papers Corroborating Insider Testimony on Warp Drive & Wormhole Travel
Experts Warning Americans to Be Prepared For Economic Collapse, Disaster Surviving the Coming Food Crisis
Something very strange is happening to Earth’s magnetic North Pole and no one knows why
Cobra Meditation Update 1/21/19: Bubbles of Heaven
“Below 1%”: The Monarch Butterfly Is Approaching Total and Irreversible Extinction
Chemtrails Exposed: Dresser Industries and the New Manhattan Project
On being ultimately offensive – On despising money.
Message to Humanity from Grandmother Butterfly
Thanks to Their Student Loans, Millennials Expect to Die in Debt
Forget Chemtrails, Unregulated Jet Fuel is Legally Poisoning Global Populations
Return of Light Meditation Final Update
India Just Staged The Biggest Strike In History As 200 Million Workers Took To The Streets
Key Research: Eating Organic Foods Cuts Your Cancer Risk and More!
The Cabal Will No Longer Be Tolerated. Victory To The Light Is Inevitable

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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


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publicado por achama às 03:18
Quinta-feira, 24 / 01 / 19

10 Questions That Make You Think about a Deeper Meaning of Life ~ Francesca F.

10 Questions That Make You Think about a Deeper Meaning of Life.

By Francesca F.

January 19th, 2019

questions that make you think.



The meaning of life is one of those questions that make you think.  It is one we all ask ourselves, but one which encompasses so many other questions.

Finding the meaning of life can be almost impossible. It depends on who you are, how old you are, and what is truly important to you. We each value different things at different times, but there are a number of questions that make you think about the little intricacies of life.
Life is so much more than can be boiled down to one question, so here are ten questions that make you think about life as a sum of its parts.
  1. What is more important, progression or preservation?
The human race is pushing for more innovation and the next big invention, but we are doing so at the cost of the world we live in. The environment is suffering at the hands of our progression.
In 2016, half of the Great Barrier Reef was announced be dead due to bleaching. Microplastics have been found within the human digestive system. With so many environmental concerns emerging, it makes you wonder whether the progression of technology is coming at the cost of the preservation of the world we live in and even our own health.

2.Are we getting smarter or lazier?

Technology is one of human kind’s crowning achievements. Technology is deeply integrated into our daily lives and makes life so much easier. It is true that we are able to do so much more with technology than we have in the past, but it may be making us lazy.
With more technology comes less need to think. We can ask our smartphones the answer to any question and we no longer have to do the work ourselves. It can make us lazy, finding shortcuts where possible and reducing our attention span when the internet can’t answer the question for us.

3.Why don’t we have a global language?

Communication is one of the most important skills people enjoy. It is curious, then, that we haven’t evolved some kind of global language spoken by all to enable communication to thrive. The importance of culture and heritage has stunted global integration and highlight the importance of who we are as people.

4.Why do we let money ruin lives when it is something we ourselves created?

One of the most important questions that make you think about the meaning of life is the meaning of money. Money controls literally every aspect of our lives, even though humans created it.
We allow it to ruin the lives of those in poverty and give control to those with more. We allow it to grant status and judge those with less than us.  Philosophically speaking, the conundrum of money as something created by humans but the maker of misery for many of us is troubling.

5.Can we truly have faith in something we can’t prove?

Religion is a curious thing to many. For those who don’t believe, it can be confusing how one can have faith in something we cannot see.
Religion is not the only thing we believe in which we cannot see. We believe in time, probability, and some believe in aliens. We cannot prove that these things exist even though some phenomena are observable, but trust that these things exist even though the things themselves cannot be seen.
It is curious that we have such blind faith in scientific things we cannot see and yet judge others for faith in religion.

6.If fear didn’t exist, what would you do?

Fear is something that holds us all back. Fear of being hurt, fear of rejection, fear of failure. If fear didn’t exist, what would you do? What would you strive for? What would you try to achieve?

7.Are we born who we are or do we become who we are through experience?

The old nature versus nurture debate questions how we become the people we are today. How much of us is made up of genetics and what do we learn as we grow up?
It makes you wonder how much of life is within our control or whether a certain amount of destiny is involved with our future selves.

8.Why do we value some lives more than others?

We tend to care and sympathize with those who suffer close to us rather than those who suffer at a distance. We allow oceans and vast distances to remove us from the suffering of others, even though we are aware that it’s happening.
It seems to make us value the lives of some more than others rather than striving for equality for all.

9.Can time move at different paces?

We all know the phrase time flies when you’re having fun, but is it true? When we’re bored we notice time move slower and when we are enjoying ourselves it seems to speed up.
Although the construct of time never changes its pace, our experience of it does. It makes you realize that we must make the most of the time that we have.

10.Is love truly the answer?

Love is the subject of hundreds of love songs, poetry, and art, but is it really the answer, and, if it is, what is it the answer to? We can find happiness in achievements and in our own personal lives, but do we need love to feel complete?
Questions that make you think about the meaning of life don’t necessarily have an answer but can make you think about the most important aspects of life.  These ten questions may help you realize what is truly important.

About the Author: Francesca F.

Francesca is a freelance writer currently studying a degree in Law and Philosophy. She has written for several blogs in a range of subjects across Lifestyle, Relationships and Health and Fitness. Her main pursuits are learning new innovative ways of keeping fit and healthy, as well as broadening her knowledge in as many areas as possible in order to achieve success.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 02:32
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

mais sobre mim

Janeiro 2019


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