Nas nossas experiências diárias, há inumeráveis situações que revelam a existência da Divindade em todas as pessoas. Imagine um cinema, em que na tela vemos rios transbordando e engolindo toda a terra das margens. Embora a cena seja uma inundação, a tela não se molha com nem mesmo uma gota d’água. Em outro momento, na mesma tela, vemos vulcões em erupção com chamas de fogo, mas a tela não se queima. A tela que serve de base para todas essas imagens não é afetada por nenhuma delas. Da mesma forma, na vida de um homem, bom ou mal, alegria ou tristeza, nascimento ou morte vêm e vão, mas não afetam o Atma. No cinema da vida, a tela é o Atma, é Shiva, é Shankara, é a Divindade. Quando uma pessoa compreende esse princípio, será capaz de entender, desfrutar e encontrar contentamento na vida! (Discurso Divino, 17 de fevereiro de 1985)
Dinâmica Espiritual, Crescimento Espiritual, Vitalidade e Bem-Estar
20 de dezembro de 2018
Tradução: Regina Drumond
Vivemos em tempos de crise, caos e oportunidades de crescimento.
Observado de uma maneira diferente, você poderia dizer que vivemos em momentos interessantes. Na verdade, o ritmo de mudança de muitas coisas no mundo hoje acelerou para um grau quase desconcertante.
Até mesmo a maré de eventos há muito estabelecida, que levou a uma nova ordem mundial cuidadosamente controlada, chegou a um impasse, imaginando qual caminho a seguir. Eventualmente haverá uma ordem mundial, mas será uma utopia cooperativa baseada na liberdade de criatividade, beleza e inspiração, e não em uma distopia controlada pelo pensamento como em "Mil Novecentos e Oitenta e Quatro" de George Orwell.
Em meio à pressão dos conflitos contemporâneos, nosso futuro está sendo formado de uma maneira funcionalmente mais democrática do que qualquer sistema político jamais poderia ser. Ele está sendo formada em um espaço em que todos nós compartilhamos, mas a maioria das pessoas não sabe até mesmo de sua existência. Esse lugar é chamado de cinturão da mente.
O cinturão da mente é a atmosfera mental do pensamento e sentimento humano que envolve o planeta. Nossas mentes subconscientes estão imersas nele; nossas mentes superconscientes estão plenamente conscientes disso, mas nossas mentes conscientes raramente vislumbram sua existência. Mesmo assim, nossas mentes compartilham de sua atmosfera e nós as alimentamos com nossos próprios pensamentos e sentimentos, assim como todos os outros.
Vamos parar e pensar por um momento. É melhor alimentar a atmosfera global da mente com pensamentos de raiva, medo e desespero, ou é melhor oferecer algo mais inspirador como nossa doação para o cinturão da mente mundial?
A questão dificilmente precisa ser respondida. Como trabalhadores da luz, sabemos como elevar nossa consciência. Enquanto outros gastam sua energia com a raiva e o ódio, ou em conspirar para ganhar mais poder às custas dos outros, sabemos que o futuro está no próximo degrau da escada da consciência, que é a consciência centrada no coração.
A questão é: Como você deixa de ser arrastado para dentro da lama do conflito humano quando quer criar um estado de harmonia para si e para os outros?
Estou tão feliz por você ter perguntado ...
Aqui está uma técnica que você pode usar para criar um espaço iluminado de consciência para si mesmo e para curar o mundo ao mesmo tempo. Ela é chamada de Técnica do Amor e da Luz.
A Técnica do Amor e da Luz
Várias vezes por dia - sempre que surgir a necessidade - faça uma pausa para refrescar seu estado de consciência. Toda vez que você tiver a chance de entrar em um espaço silencioso por alguns momentos sem distração, você pode começar concentrando-se em sua respiração.
Imagine, a cada inspiração, que o ar que você inspira está cheio de luz brilhante, carregada de energia. Inspire esta energia brilhante na área do coração no centro do seu peito.
Então, em cada expiração, concentre-se mentalmente nas palavras,
"Amor e luz para o mundo."
Inspire a luz e deixe-a entrar no mundo, condicionada com a intenção de amor e luz. Repita pelo menos mais duas vezes ... e muitas mais vezes quando puder.
Faça sua parte para encher o mundo com amor e luz. Isto muda seu próprio estado de consciência e ajuda a curar o mundo nestes tempos desesperados de crise.
Com a crise vem a oportunidade. A oportunidade de se tornar quem você realmente é, para manifestar a verdadeira missão de sua alma na vida.
Isto é o que nós, Trabalhadores da Luz, estamos aqui para fazer. Para mudar o mundo. A Técnica do Amor e da Luz fortalece a sua capacidade de ajudar a humanidade, a inaugurar a Nova Realidade de amor, de luz e de liberdade do espírito.
There is an anticipation, a more than gentle stirring of the soul going on in this moment. The building of the energy seems to be taking on a life of its own; growing and building to a crescendo rarely experienced before. Some may react with excitement and others with trepidation. The reaction will be in direct relation to where you are on your path. Neither is wrong; this just gives you a ‘marker’, a conscious awareness of where you are now! (Smiling) Regardless of your current space know that, moving forward from here will be easier and more comfortable than it has ever been. Allow it to lift and propel you into your new reality. You have worked hard, dear one, are co-creating your beautiful life and are worthy and deserving of the positive growth taking place now!
I envisioned for you a life of love, passion, and joy.
Message from the Angels via Ann Albers.
January 19th, 2019.
This week the Presence came through with a powerful heat. Read it and then close your eyes and feel the love pouring through behind the words.
When I created you I envisioned for you a life of love, passion, and joy. I envisioned you being happy. I envisioned your relationships being ones of mutual respect, trust, and upliftment. I envisioned that you would find joyful expression and have all your needs met. Even as I designed universes to work in cooperation with one another I imagined the same for you. Why then, dear embodiments of my Love, do you settle for anything less?
I know the answer of course… you have forgotten that you were birthed from my very heart – the heart of love – and you live within me. You have never lost your connection. You cannot be disconnected from me anymore than a wave can be separate from the ocean.
I am there for you in every moment to guide you towards that which your heart truly desires. I have created angels within me that purely embody aspects of my love – protection, healing, truth, and so much more – so that you can more easily relate to my love, and hear my guidance. The angels, like you, live within me. They were created to assist you in this expansion.
The angels encourage you to dream your dreams, and guide you to take the steps to make them come true.They live to gently steer you away from unpleasant thoughts and beliefs which attract unpleasant realities. They whisper kind thoughts and inspired ideas to you so you can attract that which you truly seek. They love you even when you don’t love yourselves. They are embodiments of my love for you, created to remind you always that you are loved and guided.
Stop for a moment, and ask yourself, “Where am I settling in my life for less than I desire?” Are you in a career you don’t love, in relationships that drain your energy, in a financial situation that does not feel abundant, in a body that does not sing for the joy of being alive…
Dear ones so many of you suffer. In you and through you I feel your suffering, for we exist as one together. I want for you so much more. I want you to express what gives you joy, dance with people who are of like mind with whom you can feel free in spirit, know the abundance of my creation, and feel the aliveness of my love in every cell of your body. I am constantly guiding you towards this reality. I am constantly sending you this love and healing.
The stream of goodness that tries to pour through your hearts, minds, bodies, and lives is constant, ceaseless, and eternal… but you can either open to it through your thoughts of goodness, or disallow the experience through your focus on the conditions you do not enjoy.
Focus dear ones with all the willpower in your minds, and all the love in your hearts on those realities within you that you wish to experience in your outer world. For it is within you that you can find My love at all times.
Do not settle dear ones. Go within your minds and hearts. With willpower and love, focus on what you would love to experience. Feel it. Leave the details up to me, and my angels, and we will guide you up and out of your less-than-loving situations and into an expanded, loving, and passionate existence. Trust.
We join you this day as a collective. We have watched you move through multiple levels of your existence since the very beginning of the game. Planet Earth and the family of E came together and said, “Let’s have a game with no rules whatsoever. We’ll see how it develops and if people can open their eyes and actually re-member who they are.” And so, it began then continued for eons of time going through different levels and junctions of time space. Now, here you are stepping even further into another level of existence. We are so incredibly proud of you!As we mentioned several times, we have been watching these energies of separation which have permeated your planet. Much of the separation has to do with the propagation of fear, and the way that it often easily spreads from one thing to the next.
Fear Only Exists in the Future
Fear and love are complete opposites. Although you think of hate as being the opposite of love it isn’t, because the opposite of love is actually fear. You can only be afraid of things that are in the future. And the easiest way to think of fear is as missing information. We’d like to start filling in some of that information for you, which is why we have been upfront and open about everything that we see coming. Dear ones, you don’t always see how incredibly proud we are of you and the amazing work that you have moved through as humans. The bringing of your spirit here to have this experience in this astounding way is reaching far beyond any plan you could have made. You’ll see it when you come home, we’ll show it to you. You’ll see the effect and how it ripples out and touches everything. On Earth this generally shows as the opposites of love and fear, but in reality, each person spreads a full spectrum wave. Yes, therefore we are encouraging all humans to work in any way possible towards unity. Why? Because expressing Unity attunes the spirit to experience the full spectrum wave.
It is an incredible time for you to be here and your place has been reserved for exactly that reason. So, here you go. You have this opportunity now to take these next steps. And we look forward to the next steps that are in front of humanity right now. Today, we wish to speak about a natural equalization process that exists universally. There is always this back and forth motion, which quite simply is used to balance anything that is out of balance. When the wave changes direction it has completed the process of Equalization. In fact, there are black holes throughout the universe to help provide equalization between dimensions. There are a lot of things that you’ll start to understand as you step forward into this new reality, but one of the most beautiful aspects is that you will have an equalization of love. That is beginning on Earth right now. However, the state of equalization can also close back up abruptly and without warning.There are those who will try to control it, but with a little encouragement that equalization can open and bring a balance that all can enjoy. The timing for that is right now. You see, over the last several years, humanity has moved into a general feeling of fear. It’s not right or wrong, but simply the way things move. Fear is not wrong, dear ones, it’s simply an emotional reaction to a projection. What you do with it is up to you. Of course, fear is one way of motivating yourselves.
You might have setup many things in your contracts throughout life to bring you that example, to push you in a certain direction. When you start to move in a certain direction, sometimes you have to wait for the energy to equalize before the universe brings it to you. Here you are, just taking one step after the next. It’s absolutely incredible for us to watch. Yet we know that during these changes there has been more fear experienced on the planet than love.That has an opportunity to change and it begins right now. Wherever you are in the world and whatever your circumstances, political beliefs or financial status, that is your so-called player, the individual piece that you are moving around your evolving game board.
Your Player Can Be Changed
You can change so many things, dear ones. You can even change the game board, which you are just starting to become aware of and that is the magic that we wish to talk about. The equalization is actually very simple. You can feel the changes of planet Earth, the intensity of all the energies coming together as it brings humanity into a great period of change. The natural reaction to change is fear. “What if I don’t make it or don’t change? What if this change is not as good as the last one?” Well, what if we tell you that every single change leads to something better, even if it does not always seem like it at the moment that it is happening.
Even when you look back at some of the worst decisions you have made or things that have happened to you in your lifetime, would you really change them if you could? No, it isn’t part of your system. More than an experience in your past, it’s part of what makes you who you truly are. Mastery of this means that it no longer controls you and that’s absolutely beautiful. All of humanity steps up during this period of change, bringing their metamorphic shell around them tightly after falling into a period of fear. But it doesn’t seem out of order because everyone’s walking around with their metamorphic shells pulled very tightly around their body, as if it had become fashionable somehow. It’s now the norm to carry that much fear and to deal with it. Yes, the nice part about fear is that the illusion can be filled.
Fill in the Blanks
So that’s what we’re here to help you with, filling in the missing information. Whatever your belief systems or whatever you’re working with, fill in the blanks first and that’ll open all sorts of doors for you. You won’t even have to worry about the second step, because things will start opening very quickly. You can simply follow the movement of the energy. That is the other piece that’s happening on a global basis, but how deeply that love goes or how well it is shared is entirely up to humanity. With all this fear, you’ve been pulling back and bringing your shell closely around you. As a result, there has been a lack of love, because you simply can’t hold both fear and love at the same time. This is starting to change now because the opening has happened and it’s beginning to equalize. You’re now likely to see more goodness from humanity than you’ve ever seen before, which can be a brief experience or the start of a larger trend.
Does that mean that you’ll turn on the news and everything will have suddenly turned the direction that you wished? No, that’s not what we’re talking about. Everyone’s been so concerned about which way things turn and that has caused even more separation. So, what about just going to love? That’s what’s opening for equalization, it’s the imbalance that now has a chance to change and there is a wave of love that is taking place on planet Earth right now. How deeply will it go, how much will it affect other people or help improve the situations on planet Earth? That’s entirely up to you, dear ones. That’s your job and it’s happening right now.
The Opening
Humans have a need to love and be loved. You cannot live on this planet without love. Because all of humanity has been moving into the fear of uncertainty, the love has been pushed out of the way. And that is the equalization opening now. Although it is only a brief opening, if used it can become wider. How can you step up into the next level where the love is? You can love your way out of the difficulties. That’s what’s taking place. We’d like you to fall back in love with yourselves, which is the hardest part
Whatever your belief systems are, no matter which faith or traditions you follow, these are the times that you can open your heart and make a difference. Keep in mind that being surrounded by this fear makes it more difficult to open your heart,because it may make you feel vulnerable and that can be difficult. When it makes you want to close your metamorphic shell and crawl back into that space, that’s when you tend to hide things and cover them up. But that’s the part where you can stop looking at yourself as a part of God. We love you so dearly as individuals, not just as the collective of light workers. If you can feel even a portion of the great love we have for you, dear ones, you’ll realize there’s only one way to hang on to it and that’s to pass it on to others.
A Time for Falling in Love
Fall in love with someone else, even just for a moment. No, you don’t need to confuse yourself or change your life. You don’t even need to get wrapped up in sexual energy. Just follow the unconditional love ever chance you have. It could be as simple as experiencing the beauty of a rose, as you hold it in your hands. Can you stop long enough to fall in love with the snow, as it falls from the sky landing on the tree tops? Or even that slight interaction that you had with your neighbor, as you were both taking out the trash? Wherever it is look for those opportunities to fall in love, for this is the time more than ever before. You have the opportunity to take this wave of love, which is now prevalent on planet Earth, and stretch it into your own life. Bring it in in some way and express it. Give it a space to grow and move. Dear ones, this is more important than the future. It is more important than what’s taking place on planet Earth, what’s happening in politics or even what is occurring on Wall Street.
You’re closer than you think, dear ones, you’ve opened the door to experience inter dimensional time space. It is now open to you completely because you’re living in the fifth dimension and learning how to work with it. We’re incredibly proud of you. Keep following your heart, dear ones, taking one step at a time. The other day, the Keeper was driving somewhere himself and he came upon one of his old belief systems. As he pulled up to a stop light, there was someone standing in the median with a little sign that read, “Help me.” Well, the Keeper’s belief systems started kicking in and he looked the other way. You see, he was taught that if you give to beggars then you are part of the problem instead of being a part of the solution. He had allthese rationales, because at one point in his life he actually knew people that would go out and make a living of standing on those street corners. That was his problem with his belief systems, until we made him reach into his pocket and give the gentleman some money. That finally released him from the old beliefs. Was it his responsibility what the man does with the money? No, the true gift was given to him the moment he gave the money.
See a Spirit Fall in Love
Find a way to express love, bring it into your life and amplify it. Bring it further into every expression of who you are.There is a wave of love on planet Earth and once you start and continue the momentum, you’ll feel all that incredible energy coming forward to support you and make that connection. What happens when two people open their eyes and truly see each other’s spirit? They fall in love. Oh, yes, there’s a lot of resistance to that. One may look away and say, “Well, I’m not supposed to be doing that.” But what if you just fell in love with no expectations, just for that moment?We appreciate your ability to let us love you during the time that we had been here together. Your path forward is of great importance to all of us. We’re so incredibly proud of everything that you’ve done here on planet Earth, and we can’t wait to see what you do next. Take this wave of love, for you are the beings who can equalize it.
Know that you’re on an incredible path. It is with the greatest of love, dear ones, that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another and play well together as you celebrate these beautiful times of love on planet Earth.
The group
The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting : “Thank You for Taking Your Power”.
With blessings from the divine, we the spirits embodying the trees upon the Earth greet you. It is an honour for us as a community and collection of beings to communicate with you personally. We wish to share with you our love and peace to support you in your personal and collective ascension missions upon the Earth. As Tree Spirits, our energy is both linked to the sacred vibrations of the Creator and grounded deep into the earthly vibrations of Mother Earth. We reside within the physical planes and the spiritual planes which allows us to access the larger picture of what is occurring on the Earth and the within Universe of the Creator. Although a single physical tree often houses one spirit, it can house more, we are linked as if wired together, meaning that all trees are connected. This network of energy and light allows us to exist as one Tree Spirit Consciousness, as a source of active vibration and awareness, we are an energetic body of oneness even though we appear as singular. We are in constant communication through our network which is the essence of our existence upon the Earth. When you connect with a single tree, you are connecting with our entire community, consciousness, and source of all that we are and all that is the Creator.
Our Greatest Gift to Humanity
We, the Tree Spirits, exist upon the Earth for numerous reasons, we have many gifts to share with the world and hold specific roles in supporting Mother Earth and maintaining stability within the energetic vibration of the Earth. However, our greatest gift that we wish to share with humanity is a reminder of your unique oneness with all that is the Creator as well as with all aspects of the Earth including humanity. Your unique oneness is a natural part of your being, it is also your relationship with yourself and all manifestations of the Creator. Oneness is the key to existing in peace, love, and truth with fulfilment, whether you are inhabiting the Earth or the inner planes. Oneness is also the aspect of the Creator and your being which has been forgotten and may even feel alien and strange to even contemplate.
We, the Tree Spirits, mentioned that we are individuals embodying a physical tree and yet we are connected to all other Tree Spirits, simultaneously creating a source and well of our purest light and consciousness which we can draw upon and is our truth. In some civilisations upon the Earth, humanity has been able to access and exist in the same way. Can you imagine that you are as you are now, a soul existing within a physical body? Your soul, consciousness and awareness is connected to every other soul in embodiment upon the Earth, so interconnected that you can draw wisdom, healing, strength, love, truth and so much more from the united energy of all souls upon the Earth. This united energy becomes like a powerhouse and a foundation that carries you forth. You are an expression of any aspect of this source that you wish to be. You are never alone and feel familiar with all beings whether you have physically communicated before or not. You also recognise all beings as their highest manifestation of themselves. Do you recognise that this is already your truth? It simply needs to be realised and experienced fully. It is our purpose to support you and all of humanity to realise and experience your unique oneness, the power it holds and shifts it creates to your perception and experience of the Earth.
When you begin to realise your unique oneness with humanity and a good number of humanity does the same, then this will dissolve and heal many issues which are causing suffering and pain on the Earth. Thus, humanity will engage in actions of peace and nurturing to bring forth transitions upon the Earth that many desire and hold dear in their hearts.
Once humanity begins to remember their unique natural ability of connection and oneness then they will discover they can experience oneness with all beings and aspects of the Creator, from the nature world to the animal world, the inner planes beings to the source of the Creator. Once you master and recognise your natural ability of unity and oneness with humanity, a oneness and unity with everything that is the Creator even the core of the Creator opens up fully for you to explore. Thus, you remain as a soul incarnate in a physical body while being connected to the love, active energy and pure consciousness of the Creator; everything is available to you.
Our gift to you is that we, the Tree Spirits invite you to come and sit with us, let us integrate you into our united consciousness so you may know what it feels like to be as one with an aspect of the Creator.
First find a physical tree you feel comfortable with, say to the tree, ‘Greetings, I feel guided to work with you. I would like to ask you to guide me to connect with the oneness and unity you experience with all Tree Spirits, so I may know the sensation and feeling, activating the same within my being. Are you willing to work with me and guide me?’
Wait for a response which may come to you as a vision, thought, words, feelings or an inner knowingness. If the response is agreeable, then enter into the energy field of the tree and sit or stand wherever you feel is most appropriate.
Take time to breathe deeply and connect within your being, focusing upon emanating the truth and light of your soul into your entire being and auric field. Send energy from your heart down to Mother Earth to anchor and ground your being allowing Mother Earth to support you.
Send pure love and acceptance from your heart chakra to the tree you are present with. You can imagine your energy flowing directly into the tree’s trunk, flowing up its roots and into its entire being or entering in through the ends of the branches to flow down into the trunk and roots.
Once you have envisaged this be aware the Tree Spirit will do the same sending its energy into your being. Let yourself be filled with the light and love of the Tree Spirit.
Place your attention into your heart chakra, you are surrounded by the light of the Tree Spirit. Imagine, sense or acknowledge you are existing within the central and core energy of the Tree Spirit. Begin to feel a oneness and synthesis taking place within your being with the Tree Spirit.
Say within, ‘Please demonstrate to me your connection and oneness with all Tree Spirits now and the well of light and source you draw from. Thank you.’
Simply breathe deeply and observe, the Tree Spirit will demonstrate to you its oneness with all Tree Spirits in a way that serves and inspires you.
When you feel the process is complete ask Mother Earth and your guides to ground you back into the Earth, your body and reality.
The Interchange of Consciousness
The remembrance of oneness is our constant gift to humanity; however, we wish to share another gift and process of spiritual awakening which is appropriate for this stage of ascension on the Earth. We wish to invite you to share consciousness with us so we may benefit from your spiritual evolution and you may benefit from our wisdom and ascension awareness. You will keep your wisdom and ascension vibrations as will we, they will not be lost, it will act as a boost of awareness, understanding, healing, and growth. It will be as if we are enthusing and activating each other, receiving what is needed now to support further ascension, awakening, and transformation. This process can be practiced and experienced often, acting as an advancement to your ascension.
First find a physical tree you feel comfortable with, say to the tree, ‘Greetings, I feel guided to work with you. I would like to ask you to create an interchange of consciousness with me to support our ascension and spiritual evolution. Are you willing and is it appropriate for us to work together?’
Wait for a response which may come to you as a vision, thought, words, feelings or an inner knowingness. If the response is agreeable, then enter into the energy field of the tree and sit or stand wherever you feel is most appropriate.
Take time to breathe deeply and connect within your being, focusing upon emanating the truth and light of your soul into your entire being and auric field. Send energy from your heart down to Mother Earth to anchor and ground your being allowing Mother Earth to support you.
Send pure love and acceptance from your heart chakra to the tree you are present with. You can imagine your energy flowing directly into the tree’s trunk, flowing up its roots and into its entire being or entering in through the ends of the branches to flow down into the trunk and roots.
Once you have envisaged this be aware the Tree Spirit will do the same sending its energy into your being. Let yourself be filled with the light and love of the Tree Spirit.
Place your attention into your heart chakra, you are surrounded by the light of the Tree Spirit and your own soul light. Imagine, sense or acknowledge you are existing in oneness and complete harmony with the Tree Spirit.
‘I gift to you all that I Am, I share with you my purest energy, consciousness, wisdom, love, and vibration as if I am sharing the template of my spiritual evolution with you and all Tree Spirits. May this be used only in service of the Creator. I invite you to do the same now as well, I am ready and willing to receive. Thank you.’
When you feel the process is complete ask Mother Earth and your guides to ground you back into the Earth, your body and reality.
Time is passing quicker proving that you are well on the way to Ascension.
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.
Channeled by Mike Quinsey.
January 18th, 2019
Time is passing by quicker than ever and that fact alone is proof that you are well on the way to Ascension. Much help is being given to you who have already set your path on ascending, and short of changing your mind you are assured of success. As your Guides can now come closer to you, they will be able to directly influence you thus helping to keep you to your life plan. In the midst of all of the turmoil occurring on Earth, it is necessary if not vital that you keep looking straight ahead never losing sight of your goal. At your level there are still hurdles to overcome, but they should be relatively easy for you to deal with at your advanced stage of evolution. Temptations still abound but you will have successfully handled it so far and there is no reason why you should not continue to do so in the future.
The changes taking place on Earth are necessary to move on those who are unable to lift themselves up, or who are sometimes held back by the dark Ones. As enlightened souls move into positions of power and importance, you shall begin to see the changes have a positive effect. With the authority bestowed upon them and the intent to bring all into the Light, they will make important changes that will be noticed and felt. Many of them are to get the right people into power so that there can be a collective move to bring Humanity out of the dark realms and into the Light. However, many people are of good heart, and seek a way to express their willingness to help other souls looking for a way forward, but find difficulty in locating an outlet for their desires. They need not worry as their Guides will be well aware of their intentions and will lead them forward so that the opportunities come their way.
Understand that your Guides know you better than you know yourself, and are also aware of your life plan and intentions. So if you feel urged to take a certain path give it serious consideration as they may be trying to “push” you in the right direction to serve your needs. Unless you are in a karmic situation where a certain experience is due, you have total freewill but use it wisely. In fact, as so many have moved with the changes you are finding that life is running more smoothly and that is to be expected. Some karma may have been held over but in principle it is now dealt with straight away. In fact, now that you have long passed the marker progress should be exciting and fulfilling. The “pot of gold” at the end of the rainbow may be elusive but you are getting nearer to the peace and calm that awaits you.
Peace is being enforced where possible and necessary because many still harbour visions of “blood and glory” although modern warfare and weaponry is becoming so deadly it is a path to a quick death. The realisation has come to many that wars are pointless and heart breaking, often causing immense trauma for those that survive who suffer mentally for a long time afterwards. Humans are becoming more sensitive to the taking of life of another human Being, and their reluctance to do so is starting to show. These are the beginnings of a great change with regards to how others are viewed, who are in essence exactly the same as you and simply want a good happy life where all can live in complete harmony. It is not a pipe dream and will happen and must come, and bring peace to Mother Earth and all life that lives upon her.
Peace starts with the people who only want to express love for each other, and you could say that it is catching as when others see your calmness and happiness in all circumstances, they want to know your secret. It is happening now but like all major changes takes time to really impose itself upon the people. Does anyone really want to live with the uncertainty of life that war and strife cause, of course not, and in times of war people are conscripted into the services and are given no other choice. Be assured it will change, it has to as there will be no place for such energies in the near future. Those that maintain such urges for war and all connected with it will eventually find themselves with like kind, whilst those who are at peace will ascend.
Many of you have a reasonable idea of the changes that are coming and since they bring peace are eager for them to come into being. On Earth how quickly it happens is largely down to the people themselves, so we encourage you to move yourselves into the higher vibrations and live your life accordingly. Such changes are coming as you enter deeper into a new area of Space. It is all associated with the upliftment that will eventually lead to Ascension. You live in a society where people are at all different levels of evolution and some are totally unprepared for the changes. Nevertheless there is time for them to lift up, but they must have the desire to do so and many literally have no such interest in the future. Their position and desire to stay in their present situation is respected, as when they feel the urge to move on they will seek the knowledge that will enable them to do so.
You who we call the “old souls” have been through many cycles to reach this turning point, and you are to be congratulated in having done so. We know that through the experiences you have had you will not fail to reach the ultimate change – that of Ascension. By your example you will attract others and be able to help them on their way. They will ask “what do I have to do to be as successful” and the simple answer is live your life in Universal Love for all life treating them equally regardless of their beliefs. If some are still held by older beliefs they will learn from you and the way you conduct your life. However, you cannot be all things to all people but you can help them to express themselves with a love that knows no boundaries. For example Jesus was one who treated all with love and kindness and showed absolutely no bias at all with anyone. There are of course others, but he is one whose life is recorded in much detail as an example of the power of Unconditional Love.
The Grand Experiment is coming to an end and all participating are due great praise and love for their undying resolve, to prove that souls can rise up even when subjected to the most severe tests. You knew in advance that you were going to be tried in the most extreme circumstances, with the assurance that Spirit would always be on hand to see you through the more difficult times. It has een a most lonely experience far removed from the higher realms where you normally reside, and have enjoyed a most harmonious existence, without the presence of lifeforms of the lower vibrations. Be assured that you have never been given or undertaken responsibilities that have been beyond your capabilities. Your gain has been to grow more experienced so that you can help others that follow in your footsteps.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. It is certainly needed to uplift you in such difficult times.
Tomorrow (Sunday) is the day of the RETURN OF LIGHT ACTIVATION at the Lunar Eclipse.
Calling all Starseeds and Lightworkers ....
We need all hands on deck!
To help everyone prepare to anchor maximum light at the lunar eclipse, PFC Japan and PFC Taiwan are graciously offering a free healing session where you can connect with ascended masters and star beings through Cobra's 13 ascended master and stellar rays.
The healing will take place at 7:00 AM in California...or 10:00 AM in New York or 3:00 PM on Monday in London or 4:00 PM on Monday in Berlin.
Click here for information and instructions about how you can receive this wonderful healing provided by PFC Japan and PFC Taiwan with these beautiful
This is also a very beautiful way to connect with other lightworkers and starseeds around the world....and tune into the amazing unified field created when members of the 144,000 beings of light gather together.
We may not speak the languages....but we are quite capable of doing this energy work and meditating with one heart and one mind!
Additional energy preparation for the
Return of Light Activation at the Lunar Eclipse
****What we are creating is so huge, it has never been done before!***
- Cobra
Plan to spend at least 2 hours this weekend outside in nature...far away from all wifi or other matrix devices (such as cell phones). Go take a walk or sit by a river or go out and look at the stars and look for Sirius and the Pleiades....
And make sure to leave your cell phone behind!
You will be absolutely amazed to discover the higher level communication thatbecomes possible between you and the positive beings of light who are here to help liberate this planet when you disconnect from the grid.
The "grid" is anchored within the electrical grid....which the cell phone grid is an amplified part the further you can get away....the better you will be able to receive these higher level messages.
You are more than just a physical body, you are so much grander than that and it is time to see the ‘real’ you and let all aspects of you merge together and become ‘one’. You are learning to use parts of yourselves that previously were hidden or dormant and as you learn where you begin and what happens next is important for your growth.
This extended, expanded version of you is like a hologram that has been super imposed upon you, but it has truly always been there, it is just you are now learning how to use to it to help you to navigate, tap into your inner wisdom, and learn the power of you as you expand your light.
Thought for today:Use some filters around your energy when you need it, but let your energy out a bit more each time you want to sense what is going on around you.
And so it is.
You are dearly loved and supported always, the angels.
There may be times when you lose your way and, in the process, lose a little of your light. Your Earth plane existence may become overwhelming and downright difficult. These are the times when you need to take a deep breath and a step back. Instead of asking, “What’s the point?” ask yourself, “What am I learning?” Give yourself a moment (or more if needed) to re-calibrate then take that next step. The incoming shift will be providing much needed information for you to move forward safely and comfortably. Remember, when your conscious awareness shifts, so does the outcome.
“This is Ashtar Sheran and this message is an update on the war against the darkside on your planet Shan the light forces have your earth surrounded. Many see our ships, we are overtaking dark bases to liberate hostages there and to claim these bases as future spaceports for the light full-disclosure will unveil them to you. The Fiat monetary system is all but bust, the Cabal are being arrested there are many indictments and preparations are being made at Guantanamo Bay to house them until galactic trial. All of the cabal’s leaders are being arrested, the Clintons, the Bush’s, the Obama’s, and more will soon stand trial for high treason and for many more crimes, not the least of which are human trafficking, narcotics rings, murder the list goes on and on.
These criminals have had their day, we watch as they sweat attempting to murder more of the prosecution’s witnesses, these people are in our care now no more “suiciding,” will be tolerated. This is crunch time as you call it, this is the epicenter of the battle right now in this moment you are living it. We need you to stay strong the dark knows it’s time is up and is fighting to win back its control over your planet. You did expect that, didn’t you? You did expect that they would use the last of their power to create new campaigns to put you back under the ether? If you didn’t then you don’t understand the importance of their control over YOU. How pivotal those on Earth are to their entire regime, the lies the disinformation the false accusations against the light specifically.
They fear us, the Delta forces have come to your planet and are working in the background to help liberate YOU. Any messages of them disrupting your cities are UNTRUE. Their lies there are rumors circulating that there will be no RV that is nonsense the RV has already begun the decline of the American dollar is part of that. We have a sting operation going to ferret out the last of the Cabal members who think to thwart a new quantum financial system that is why the date is being reset over and over and over again. Each time we capture more of these criminals, why do you think there are so many indictments with more increasing as time progresses?
We are bringing down their control system right in front of the eyes of the aware, but behind the backs of the unaware it is a delicate operation. Become aware, understand and do not panic when you see videos posts blogs articles saying the entire operation has been shelved. Do not listen, do not give these liars your energy, do not worry. When you doubt and begin to worry YOU FEED THE DARK. Do not give them your energy. Enough information has been published to explain the process, we are adhering to this process anyone who says that anything has changed at all is lying. It is disinformation. These dark workers are working overtime to sway your thinking, do not let them, the plan is in place it has been for many of your years. It is a plan that works, it will not fail and we will not fail you, but you must believe in a faith.
Know also that the dark is attempting to reach you through your own MINDS, Sharon has had many reports of dark attempts to separate light workers from each other, be it in creating doubt in their loyalty to Sharon leaving her group or attempting to create quarreling between them. You must know that Sharon works directly under me she is loyal to the light and has the liberation of humanity on earth in her heart, she is unwavering in her commitment to see this through we ask no less of you. Know that doubt is your enemy, the enemy the dark tries to create within you. That doubt is its voice, all is well. The world will go through growing pains as you change but that is to be expected, you will be weaned off your dependency on money via the new quantum financial system.
The plan is to give all on earth enough money to be financially independent, there will be no more suffering and this will allow you to outgrow your need of it. It may seem ironic to you that giving you more will, we knew of your dependency however we know that your lack of money keeps you dependent upon it and in your nefarious financial system, lack creates more lack, greed and suffering. This will end for you and soon, this is the Divine Plan. You are part of the Divine Plan, do not give yourselves over to the dark any longer, the dark is dying, it has lost any last-ditch efforts to keep the illusion alive. Do not support them with your energy, understand that they were attempting to trick you before but the closer we move to final victory, the worse their trickery will become for you. We apologise but it is simply a question of not listening to it stay in your light.
I know you can feel it. Something new is brewing in you. Everything is beginning to change. You can feel that your life will never be the same. And it won't. We are beginning to land into our future. We have moved past ethereal awareness and consciousness raising into the new reality being anchored in the physical world ... and it is tangible!
The past is moving behind us now. Old energy drains and our personal demons have voiced their last roars. Old karmic contracts have been burned in the purifying fire of new energies. Past, unhealthy creations will no longer be supported by the new frequencies. Belief systems including fear, guilt, shame, regret, doubt, etc... will no longer be supported. As a friend Howard said "Belief System = BS". The past will simply fade away like an old shadow in our memory, or like a dream that you forget when you wake up.
Yes... for those reading this, we are the way-showers now, as the out of date, past, miss-created history, and old belief systems lose their tight grip on humanity, and slip away into the cosmic recycle bin. We are being set free. The concept of karma is over. We have finished paying our debts. We will only experience life in instantaneous, real time cause and effect. We are beginning a new life on a much higher wave length, just as we had planned. The global reboot is a success.
We have been in a much needed void, rebooting, recalibration cycle since December 22nd, 2012. This void is all but over, and I hear that we will really feel this by the end of January 2019 ... and be fully free by 2020. So get ready, the passion is coming back. Break free from your inertia that we have become lost in. We have passed a huge pivotal point, and the wave we are surfing is going to be a welcomed rush.
Love Donations for our messages click here.
The void was expected and needed to help our bodies gently adjust to the influx of new energies. I know many of us didn't think it was all that gentle, me included. But looking back at these last few years, I am glad that we had this somewhat frustrating recalibration time, as what is in front of us now might have been too much to physically bear back in 2013. We have grown so much. More outdated layers than we care to remember we have been pealed away from our old self to reveal our bright, new, human space suits. There were many challenges with health, relationship and any outdated creations as our bodies readjusted to new frequencies.
We can feel the new cycle energies awakening in sacred sites now. Energy is returning, but at a much higher bandwidth. We could really feel this new energy in England this last July. The sacred sites, stone circles and Michael and Mary ley lines were pumping very strong and new energy. It was hard to maintain balance as we worked there. We had to clear a lot of old emotions that belonged to us, and much more that was part of the collective consciences.
In Egypt, this past month, it felt completely unreal. We all kept saying, "I don't feel like we are here". It felt surreal and ethereal, almost like we had landed into another reality altogether. We first thought it was jet lag ... then later we realized that we were being bathed in brand new frequencies, unknown to humanity's consciousness. We had no reference point for these new frequencies. I always say that it always happens in Egypt first. The mother country Egypt gives birth to new frequencies, and then they wash across the matrix of ley lines right into your sacred work across the globe.
You can feel the flow returning and new doors opening now. All the work that we have done to break away from the past has worked. You are now setting intentions for the future. Be mindful to what you accept into your energy field. Don't let anything rent space in your soul that is not a good tenant. What you set your intentions on now will set you on a new, and maybe radically different trajectory. Welcome to the beginning. Welcome to your new home.
A suggested I AM Decree... but please feel free to make it personal for you.
Releasing the past and creating a positive future.
I fully except the GIFT of freedom from old karmic contracts.
Thank you Great Creator.
I AM free from feeling responsible for other people's wounds.
Thank you Great Creator.
I AM free from apologizing, defending or justifying my existence.
Thank you Great Creator.
I AM free from past events that drained me of my life force.
Thank you Great Creator.
I AM choosing what is right for me without guilt, shame or regret.
Thank you Great Creator.
I AM no longer feeding past creations with my attention.
Thank you Great Creator.
I AM free from anything that does not support my God-ness.
Thank you Great Creator.
I AM filling my future with self respect, peace, love and kindness.
Thank you Great Creator.
I AM focusing on what will fulfill my soul's purpose.
Thank you Great Creator.
When we move beyond our past wounds, and miss-creations in history, we also heal our ancestral lineages and, ultimately, all of humanity! This is part of your path as a way-shower.
(See below for a print out of the Release-Recreate decree)
Support our work wit a Heart Donation OR shop everyday with our unique AMAZON link and support us for free. Thank You
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Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: Facebook: YouTube:
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RE-POSTING SHARING GUIDELINES: We allow SHARING freely, only if shared through Aluna's Public Facebook Page SHARE LINK, or the original WEBSITE LINK and NOT used for self promotion. This way there is no confusion to who the author is for this information, and no confusion to who the author is connected to or who she supports. Thank you everyone for understanding. Just make sure the original LINK to the posts is added to your sharing. Thank you for your great support. We would not be able to continue this work if it were not for you. We send you awesome radiant blessings today and for the beautiful future that we are co-creating together.
We do accept donations if you feel abundant... or you can shop everyday on Amazon through our unique link, and we get a little kickback for everything you purchase. Either way you go, it helps keep us going here. Thank you!
The New Age has arrived! Yes, there appears to be increasing chaos and confusion, with some major catastrophes occurring across the world at present, but that is just a sign that life on earth is changing for humanity. The ongoing changes are enormous,never before, in all of human history, have such major changes happened. This is a First,and it is a VERY GOOD SIGN! Nearly everyone is going through very unsettling emotional and or psychological issues as they make room to fully accept the Love that has been waiting patiently for this moment in order to enter into and completely infuse your hearts.
As I have said before, and quite recently, this is truly a time for CELEBRATION. The old order, which has never really served you at all well, is collapsing as its foundations crumble, because humanity is no longer willing to accept the authoritarian dogma that it has used – in the service of a few powerful but very misguided ones – to control and subdue you. You have become FREE – in truth you have always been free – but you are only just beginning to understand what this means. It is indeed a vast learning curve, as you move from bitterly held resentments for pain and suffering imposed upon you over the eons, to a place where you can understand why it happened, and then lovingly forgive yourselves – remember, there is no separation, You are all One – and the perpetrators who are themselves in intense pain.
Everyone has lived in fear for a very long time, and although you are discarding it very rapidly indeed, the scar tissue, the psychological and emotional damage that you have undergone needs to be healed. And that is what Love is doing right now as you write down this communication that I offer you, and asothers read it, listen to it, or in anyway become aware of it. This is about your awakening, about (figuratively) rubbing the sleepy dust from your eyes, splashing cold water onto your faces, and leaving behind the world of dreams and nightmares.
Fear has, for far too long, been an intensely damaging emotion that has caused humanity to deceive and distrust one another, leading to disagreements, harsh judgments, blaming, and, then, wars. War has been endemic on Earth for eons because so many humans are fear-driven and seek to strike others preemptively before they themselves can be attacked. When this attitude is present in and encouraged by people of prominence in society – politicians, business leaders, religious leaders, and governmental leaders – trust is destroyed, devalued, dismissed, and presented as gullibility, further intensifying the sense of fear with which so many live, who then spend their lives justifying to themselves and to others the validity of their fear, and the dangerous vulnerability to which they expose themselves by trusting others.
The truth is that Love is completely vulnerable, and herein lies Its infinite and eternal strength.
Love can never be defeated, It can only be denied and ignored by people closing their hearts in fear. But doing that changes It not at all, because It is ALL! Love is the life force, the field of consciousness in which all that God has created has its eternal existence. Without Love, which is impossible, there would be nothing. But God is,therefore there is no place, no space, no room for nothing! God, Love, Source IS ALL that exists, and is, therefore, every sentient being, every conscious being ever created.
What Father/Mother/God creates is eternal, exists forever. There is no end point, there is not the slightest possibility of anything Source creates, or has ever or will ever create, being terminated, destroyed, removed, obliterated. Only what is unreal can be terminated, dissolved, and that is purely because it is unreal and has never existed.
All sentient beings, all life forms, all that is in any way conscious, are eternal divine creations, created in Love for eternal joy. Fear is unreal, a figment of unreality that has arisen because you have forgotten who you are, as you apparently live in the dream of separation. If it was possible to be separate from Source there would be reason for fear, but there is absolutely no such possibility. However, as humans in form, this truth escapes you because you are in a state of amnesia, not knowing who or what you are, and that state of seemingly total ignorance of what is real is terrifying.
God, Source, is All. Every life form is lovingly and eternally held in the divine embrace – safe, warm, whole, and joy filled. That state can never and will never change, because Love, Source, supreme Intelligence, divine Wisdom, the Will of God is eternal and unchanging.
Truly, I cannot stress for you sufficiently, make real in your extremely limited human minds, the fact that fear, and all else that, like it, is not in complete alignment with Love, is but a figment of your unreal human minds. When you awaken, as you inevitably will, and far sooner than you can conceive of, all that is unreal will just fall away as you become fully and utterly aware of the overwhelming JOY that is your divine right, that isGod’s Will for you, and that is your permanent state of existence.
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á!
-Só é real o AMOR Incondicional.
-Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix.
-Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!